Kundalini And Cell Towers: Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation And The Spiritual Function Of Sexual Fluids

1) Fukurokuju, with head swollen from sexual abstinence, one of Taoisms Seven Lucky Gods. 2) Tantric lovers through awakened eyes. 3) The Succubus devouring a man's life force. 4) Taoist God of Longevity, Jurōjin. 5) Spiritual energy intensifying during sexual embrace. 6) Jurōjin. 7) Subtle energy circuit connecting sexual partners to higher dimension. 8) Fukurokuju, Taoist God of Wealth, Happiness, and Longevity (note elongated head from the pressure of concentrated sexual fluid). 9) Sexual union shows higher function as chakras align. 10) Shiva and Shakti making love, again.
Good Introductory Posts
November 26, 2002 (Kundalini's Sublimation of Sexual Fluids -- An Ecstatic Dripping into the Thalamus)
July 17, 2003 (The Spiritual Function of the Testicles and Ovaries -- The Heightened Conduction of Subtle Energy)
July 17, 2004 (Orgasm Causing Headaches - Kundalini And Sexual Dysfunction - K Is Immuno-Suppressive - Sensitivity To Herbicide "Round Up" - Dear Abby - Go Ask Alice - Advice Columns - Coital Cephalalgia - Orgasmic Cephalalgia - Orgasmic Headache - National Headache Foundation)
General Posts
October 30, 1994 (Tape #22, beginning) (Pregnancy - Kundalini Process - Gestation Of An Infant - Spiritual Force - Knot - Tight - Pressure - Self Consciousness - Difficulty Sleeping - Masturbation - Relax)
October 31, 1994 (Tape #22, continued) (Self-Consciousness - Limited Separate Knot - Verbal Analysis - Mechanism - Orgasm - Kundalini - Absolute Union)
November 3, 1994 (Tape #22, continued) (Existential Freedom - Experiential Accounts Of Spiritual Liberation - Criticism Of An Experience Of Samadhi - Bodiless Consciousness - Escapist - Meditation - Refined Sugar)
October 8, 1999 (Frequency Of Masturbation As A Function Of Stock Market Volatility - Is Coming Three Times A Day A Healthy Response To A Plunging DOW? - Increased Pressure Of Vital Force Seeks To Set The Spiritual Seeker Free From Financial And Worldly Attachments)
May 22, 2000 (Premature Ejaculation - Utter Loss Of Control - Unable To Prolong Enjoyment - Whole Body Enlightenment The Only Antidote To A Coagulation Of Feeling In The Groin Region - Energy/Sensation Should Flow Upward And Be Sublimated Through The Heart Chakra - Helpless Prisoner To My Baser Perceptions - Premature Ejaculation Is A Withdrawal From Spiritual Reality And An Alienation From Social Connectedness)
August 8, 2001 (b) (Orgasm - Enlightenment - Sexual Energy - Spiritual Growth - Evolution - Human Sexuality - Pornography - Whole Body Enlightenment - Internet Pornography - Interracial Sex)
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