Kundalini And Cell Towers: Political Letters

Emergency Alert: COVID 19 - Truth Resources - Stop The Insanity! Let's Get Back To Work!

1) Mussolini would know: State controlled capitalism is the definition of fascism. Free market economies lead to more freedom. But the rich will conspire to create monopolies. As David Rockefeller said, "Competition is a sin." 2) Reflexively obey false authority. 3) 9/11 Truth for Peace (and 9/11 Truth Ends War) march. As of 2024, there has been no government admission of wrongdoing, and employees who were in a position to stop 9/11, but didn't, have been promoted. I see a bunch of 18-20 year olds in this picture. This is fine. But today, 10 or 20 years later, these same kids are more likely to be seen marching for the rights of minors to become "transgendered," or have drag queens read to preschoolers -- neither of which I support. Meaning that while an 18 year old's enthusiasm and idealism are to be applauded, we must carefully judge the content and impact of their aspirations. People can be and are often misled. Good intentions can be coopted. We must teach discernment. 4) Alex Jones with bullhorn, interrupting a globalists confab. Ask Martin Luther King, Jr. whether letters and phone calls alone are sufficient to force governments to release power back to the people. Now marches in Washington D.C. must be pre-approved by the government, and three-letter agencies ensure your group is peppered with agent provocateurs (or "infested" if your movement is threatening enough to the current power balance). 5) President Obama: Just another teleprompter reading puppet for the New World Order. A discerning person looks beyond a leader's good looks, smooth tones, and the words he uses. 6) The Transportation Security Administration's use of body scanners present a threat to human health and personal privacy. The implementation of this screening occurred after a government-staged "shoe bomber" incident. Ops of this sort are multi-dimensional: the common person has less freedom, and the well-connected become richer, such as former DHS secretary, Michael Chertoff, who owns the primary company that capitalized on this incident to sell body scanners to airports across the USA. Research "problem, reaction, solution." 7) Johnny Cash had it right: Give "The Man" a solid "Fuck You." Not that open rebellion is required at all times, but the greater threat lies with an excessively fearful and obedient populace. There is a saying, "The amount of tyranny you live under is exactly the amount you are willing to tolerate." In a recent trip to Australia I was struck by the low energy, obedient vibe of the people there. Maybe the product of centuries long Royal Rule. Here in the USA, while we may be brash and uncouth at times, I have found more of a vital instinct, more of an innate connection to Source, Self Reliance, and Self Respect. 8) Long before the fake pandemic of 2020 that was "COVID-19" there were vaclib.org (*) and vaccinetruth.net (*) to warn us about the dangers of overriding God's Creation with synthetic, toxic, gene altering injections into our blood stream. 9) The Statue of Liberty, post Abu-Ghraib torture revelations, where under US military supervision, Iraqis were attacked with dogs, strapped naked to one another, hooded and electrocuted (as the statue depicts), among other atrocities in a failed effort to find out who attacked the US on 9/11, even though none of the purported hi-jackers were from Iraq, and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein -- formerly a CIA-installed puppet, gone rogue into nationalism and placing the Iraqi people ahead of US corporate interests -- was a huge fan of Marlon Brando and Hollywood and brought much Western civility and economic and educational opportunities to Muslim women in his country. The only person the US sent to prison for the vast torture program was the whistle blower CIA officer John Kiriakou, who President Trump refused to pardon because Kiriakou did not have the $2 million that was required. 10) "Nope." This is a play on the presidential candidate Obama "Hope" posters created by artist Shepard Fairey. Fairey is an expert at propaganda, creating works that raise leaders to a sublime, God-like stature, reminiscent of the Big Brother telescreen images in "1984," or similar posters made for the dictators MaoTse Tung and Joseph Stalin. Obama never spelled out what "hope and change" meant. It was a meaningless slogan. The aim was mindless adherence, which Obama obtained. "Nope" means placing the individual before the group. It also signifies a rejection of the use of words to subvert critical thinking. 11) A US President spraying the message "We Need To Control You" into the stratosphere using deadly heavy metals, biological contaminants, plastic polymers for loft, and chemicals. For Sadists, death is the ultimate control. For Satanists, death is a sacrament. Propaganda terms like "solar radiation management" are to subvert critical thinking and to give cowards an excuse to accept the growing devitalization and death seen in the biosphere around them. 12) Office of Information Awareness. This US federal government office was shut down, I believe, only to be reconstituted under another name, as happens with many undemocratic projects given US tax funding. The elites, the "initiated," are at the capstone of the pyramid. They have access to, in their view, to God-like awareness. They wield Lucifer's false light, imitating the Sun in this image, using that "light" to bind rather than free. By the way, the earth is not round, and we are not spinning through the vacuum of "space" at 1000s of miles per hour. 13) Big Brother is Watching You. War is Peace. Slavery is Freedom. Ignorance is Strength. The biological sexes are interchangeable. A major focus of Satanism and its offshoot, Cultural Marxism, is the inversion of language. If the meaning of words can be inverted, so too can our understandings of ourselves, thus creating the intellectual and psychological chaos by which an intentional reordering is engineered, e.g., the motto of the 33rd degree Mason, "Order Out Of Chaos." Thus, in recent times we have seen a purposeful toppling of statues of famous US historical figures who were far more intelligent and ethical than the leaders of today. A people that has lost its past can be more easily directed into the slaughterhouse chute of total surveillance, mass censorship, and financial control (via digital currencies enforced by the State). 14) Stop the 9-11 Cover-up. Look at this vibrant scene: young and old, multiple ethnicities hanging out, people happy, healthy, and confident in what I am guessing to be New York City. I am writing this 23 years after the events of 9-11. This scene appears unrecognizable to me, post-COVID lockdowns and injections, preparing for unnecessary wars and a bleak economic future. The sense I get from this picture is that of optimism and emotional openness, qualities that are largely absent today. And look at this activist, comfortable strolling among the happy groups of people, carrying his placard, engaging others in conversation over the traumatic events and false narratives surrounding 9-11, distributing flyers to all who would take them. Good on him. May our nation give birth to 1000s more like him. 15) Advertisement that throws geoengineering in our face, psyop style: "What is a birthday without a few decorative streamers?" billboard ad, depicting lines of chemtrails in the sky above us. The deception works on several levels. Being forced to inhale heavy metals encased in polymer fibers is not something to celebrate. Nor is blocking the healing rays of the sun. The "birthday" itself is a misnomer, being required to create the fictitious, taxed, collateral-on-the-national-debt legal construct at the child's "birth" when the human being's actual day of creation remains eternally free and unknown, as it was the moment that God imparted the Divine Spark on the zygote. 16) Presidential image: half Barack Obama, half George W. Bush. The point is that these men purportedly represent opposite sides of the political spectrum -- republican vs democrat -- but their interests are identical when it comes to war, corporate exploitation, surveilance state, pharmakeia, genetic modifications, and usury. 17) An infographic stating that the cost of WW II was $3.2 trillion while the Wall Street bailout of bankrupt banks and financial institutions that made bad bets was $24 trillion (in 2009 dollars). Over 90% of US citizens were against the bailouts. Insolvent institutions should be allowed to fail, just like so many private home owners were allowed to do, with the epic number of home foreclosures that ensued. The mortgage backed securities reportedly held over one-third outright fraudulent "mortgages" for properties that didn't exist. This is when I realized that reforming the US government was a hopeless goal and I converted my investments to precious metals that the government could never hyperinflate. The parasitic fraud is so great now, in 2024, that it is quite literally killing the host.


18) Osho, or Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, is a well known spiritual teacher. Here he is showing how being informed of current events is consistent with ongoing spiritual practice. It is impossible not to have one's feet in both worlds, for they are in fact one. 19) One must use discernment when taking in the "news," and anything from the human created world. There is no such thing as an "objective" accounting. Agenda, omission, and deceit are to be found in most all human created information. "Truth" lies somewhere within and beyond these things. The fulcrum is your brain, your connection to Source. 20) Remember that death is a sacrament to many of the world's leader. How can blocking the sun and filling the breathable air column with toxic materials lead to anything but mass dis-ease and death? 21) How can innocence, vitality, and spiritual aspiration be maintained under a blanket of surveilance, perpetual war, and chemtrails? Answer: It cannot. 22) A depiction of truthteller and "conspiracy theorist" extraordinaire, Alex Jones, from the animated movie, "Waking Life," demonstrating that righteous anger is both necessary and moral. 23) Don't Tread On Me, Gadsen Flag. The rise of the bureaucratic state, with enormous "regulation without representation" from an unelected class of citizens (currently called the Deep State or Swamp) is antithetical to human freedom and prosperity. The purpose of the Constitution is to constrain federal government trampling of our God given, natural born rights. 24) Investigate 9/11, www.WeAreChange.org (*) banner, Times Square, New York City. It is good to see women activated and bravely sharing information contrary to the military-media-industrial psyop that is the post-9/11 disinformation campaign. 25) "Obey" message from John Carpenter's "They Live." People have been trained to obey "authority," where authority is denoted by expensive clothes, production sets, and cinematography, but not actual moral, intellectual, and spiritual authority. Real authority speaks to the inner truth within (and around) us and resonates with our highest aspirations, while false authority is coerced through psychological warfare tactics and gawdy displays. 26) US military protecting Afghanistan poppy fields for heroin production during US occupation. Heroin production went up ten-fold with the US at the helm. The public rationale was that the crop was a financial necessity for Afghani welfare. The CIA, acting as middleman and drug distributor, would bring the finished product back into the US and other countries, using the profits for additional clandestine off-book, anti-democratic operations, based on the business practices of the British East India Company operations during the Chinese Opium Wars of the early eighteenth century. 27) The heavy metals are held aloft by polymers and are the principal source of "microplastics" found in remote areas such as Antarctica and the Himalayas. These microplastics are small enough to enter directly into our bloodstream during respiration and embed themselves in our brain, heart, and other vital organs. 28) Democide: this is what governments do when they become overindebted or the population no longer serves the immediate interests of the despots in charge. 260 million citizens violently killed by their governments during the 20th century, not including those killed by abortion, pharmaceutical products, vaccines, electromagnetic fields, water fluoridation, GMO foods, chemicals, food additives, preservatives, plastics, chlorine, and thousands more toxic scourages of modernity. As George Washington is reported to have said: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, -- it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” 29) "Dont Trust The Corporate Media." There are compilations of television ad segments, all saying, "Brought to you by Pfizer." Pharmaceutical ad revenue is the single largest source of income for many media outlets. This comes at the price of editorial freedom for the news source in question. This is why the Satanic and tyrannical government response to the alleged threat of the COVID-19 "virus" was met with nearly zero resistance or critical consideration by the corporate misinformation "news" sources across the radio, video, and print mediums.


Political Links - Recommended External Sites & YouTube Channels

(Alex Jones, 9-11, Eugenics, And General Conspiracy Documentaries & Interviews Downloads)


Miscellaneous Political Posts

2024.10.13. Email Rant: The Christian Radicals Are Coming And Why This Is A Good Thing

2023.1.26. (Ballot Tabulation Audits Under Threat In Hawaii)

(Alex Jones Radio Show, Nightly News, And General Conspiracy Theory Downloads)

(Rock Creek Free Press Downloads)

Miscellaneous Images (To be posted with comments at a later date)

Conspiracy Theories by Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule (Preliminary Draft 1/15/2008) (Sunstein is now an advisor to President Obama)

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (think tank paper produced with support from the Rockefeller Foundation)

March 27, 1999 (CounterPunch - Henry Kissinger, Secretary Of State Under Richard Nixon, Alleged To Have Stolen An Imperial Vase During China Visit - Kissinger Threatens To Sue Over This Claim, But Does Not Defend Against Charges Of Mass Murder - To The Sociopathic Elite, Cultural Artifacts Are More Valuable Than Human Life)

February 21, 2010 (Sons Of Liberty)

February 28, (Republic Magazine Downloads)

July 19, 2010 (Top Secret America) [unfinished]

July 23, 2010 (School Chief Dismisses 241 Teachers in Washington) [unfinished]

July 29, 2010 (Posts That Sum It All Up) [unifinished]

September 5, 2010 (Work Until You're Dead? That May Be the Only Option for Many Americans - by Jane White) * Huffington Post * Unfinished

January 17, 2011 (Defend First and Second Amendments! - A Response to Jared Lee Loughner's Shooting Deaths of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John Roll)* Pro Libertate: The Cult of Sanctified Violence (pdf) * Hitler Responds to Tucson Shooting (YouTube) (Infowars article) (mp4)

United Nations Agenda 21 * UN Link * UN pdf * Wikipedia * * *

Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Ad - Big Dog (YouTube) (mp4)

Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control - FULL LENGTH - YouTube * mp4

ILLUMINATI GOES PUBLIC WITH NWO (YouTube) (mp4) : This 1:46 documentary has a lot of good information I haven't found elsewhere. Though I have several disagreements with certain portions of it, especially its Christian perspective, the larger point is that one needs a moral compass to combat the elites, and this video certainly provides it. There are so many things here that people need to be aware of that I think it is worth a complete viewing. At some point I am going to have a break out page for this video and discuss some of the highlights.

September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) * Top Documentary Films * Amazon * check out the comments section for each link

PBS: United States of Secrets * How the NSA Can Get Onto Your Computer * How to Protect Yourself and Your Data Online

December 19, 2015 (San Bernardino Shooting - False Flag - Craft International Mercenaries - Muslim Patsies - Gun Control Agenda)

Political Notes & Commentaries - #1 * #2 * #3


External Links

9-11 Blogger

Analysis of Strategic Threats In the Current Decade (2010-2020) Updated May 2010 By Joel M. Skousen (pdf)

9-11 Essentials (fantastic portal to all things genocidal and new world order)

9-11 Share The Truth (good source for 911 info, bumber stickers, t-shirts, and so forth) * (Nine Years Of War pdf) *

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - Michael Rivero * What Really Happened (pdf) * Michael Rivero's Daily Video Stream @ YouTube



Building What? (advertizing campaign to raise awareness of the controlled demolition collapse of WTC Building 7 in NYC on 9/11)

California Sky Watch

Conspiracy Theory w/Jesse Ventura • Interactive Episode Guide (YouTube) (16 episodes from both seasons are here) * TruTV * () *

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of American Education by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt * (local pdf) * (external pdf) * (Amazon book purchase with reviews) * (AmericanDeception.com) *

The Economic Collapse Blog

The Fall of America and the Western World (9 Disc DVD Survival Guide)

Infowars.com * (pdf 1/16/2011) *

Killer Chemtrails: The Shocking Truth (YouTube Clip by NufffRespect)

Man Plays God I. Chemtrails, Geo-engineering - Profitable “Little Ice Age”

New World Order Survival Guide * *

The Political Art Of David Dees

PrisonPlanet.com * (pdf 1/16/2011) *


Shit Hits The Fan Plan - www.shtfplan.com

Strange Days Strange Skies (chemtrails, mindblowing)

This Is John Connor and You Are The Resistance!

Unilateral Geoengineering, CFR Paper, April 15, 2008 * Paper 2 * CFR Link

What In The World Are They Spraying? (Infowars article 10/8/2010)

What In The World Are They Spraying? * (Reality Zone) * (The Northern Survivalist)


Amerikkka's Nightmare 2: Children of War (rap album by General Steele) (Amazon Link) * Amerikkkan Skemin (album track at YouTube) * Infowars Article

Upside down US flag. A Constitution in Tatters, A Country in Distress or, Why we fly our flag upside down, by Michelle Konieczny. (*)



Small People Against Big Government

2014.8.1. Richard Gage, founder of "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" speaks on CSPAN's "Washington Journal" regarding how Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition on September 11th.



Articles To Comment On

2025.2.16. ZeroHedge: Eruption In "BleachBit," "Wipe Hard Drive," "Offshore Bank" Searches In DC Suggest Deep State Panic Mode (*)

2025.2.12. Naomi Wolf: The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk's Digital Coup Elon Musk and his Engineers, Having Captured Our Data, are Now More Powerful than any President (*) comments [I have 10 or so comments here]

2025.2.10. ZeroHedge: USAID Funded Massive 'News' Platform, Extending 'Censorship Industrial Complex' To Billions Worldwide (*)

2022.8.4. Jon Rappoport: Know these things about Alex Jones (*) comments [KCT comment: I was an evangelist for Jones in 2008 when "9/11 Road to Tyranny" and "Terrorstorm" woke me up to government sponsored terror and false flags, things I knew nothing about previously. Oh, and he awoke me to the fraud that is the Federal Reserve and its debt-based currency. I went on to buy a few thousand of his DVDs, passing them out to people in Ojai, California and elsewhere for the next several years. Thank you, Alex. You set me on the path of revealing the truth in all things.]

2025.1.28. Robert W Malone MD: Defund the CPB - Promises made. (*) comments

2024.11.3. ZeroHedge: The Internet Is Getting Flushed Down Orwell's Memory Hole (*)

2024.11.1. Meryl Nass / Jeffrey A. Tucker / Debbie Lerman: They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now (*) comments

2024.10.31. ZeroHedge: Make Election Day A Federal Holiday, Require In-Person Voting (*)

2024.10.25. ZeroHedge / Truth Over News: Preparing For The Steal (*)

2024.10.17. Helena Glass: US Military Coup Via Directive 5240.01 issued 9/27/24 - Authorizes lethal force against Americans (*) comments

2021.1.14. The Last Refuge: Navarro Report, Volume III – Final Statistical Review (*)

2024.9.29. ZeroHedge: John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: "First Amendment Stands As Major Block" To "Govern" (*)

2024.10.1. Robert Malone MD: Trump Versus Inverted Totalitarianism Round II: Saving the Republic (*) comments

2024.9.8. James Corbett: The (Necessarily Incomplete, Inarguably Ridiculous) List of Things "Caused by Climate Change" (*)

2024.8.28. Independence - The Cure for TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) (mp4)

2024.7.16. ZeroHedge: Snipers Were INSIDE Building Used By Trump Failed Assassin; Reported Him Using Range Finder, Took Pictures, And Command Did Nothing (*) • 2024.7.16. ZeroHedge: Former Snipers Agree: It's A Miracle Trump Is Still Alive (*) • 2024.7.16. Sean Davis: Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications (*) • 2024.6.17. ZeroHedge: Secret Service Explanations For Security Failures Not Adding Up; DHS Inspector General Launches Investigation (*) • 2024.7.20. ZeroHedge: Trump Shooter Flew Drone Over Rally Site Just Hours Before Event (*) • 2024.7.19. ZeroHedge: "MOST Of Trump's Security Detail Were Not Even Secret Service": Whistleblowers (*) • 2024.7.19. Legally Armed America: BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt (Bitchute) (Bitchute Download) (mp4) • 2024.7.22. Chris Martenson: Three Audio Files Align and Agree: There Were Two Shooters - Peak Prosperity (mp4) • Legally Armed American: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt (mirror) (mp4) • 2024.8.16. Peak Prosperity: The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' by The FBI (*) YouTube (mp4) • 2024.8.25. WolvesAndFinance: PROOF of a Second Shooter. Trump's in Trouble! (mp4)

2024.7.3. Naomi Wolf: What Time It Is - The Imprisonment of Stephen K Bannon (*) comments

2024.6.20. Peter Halligan: A two minute warning for the US - the 25 forces at work to destroy the US (*)

2023.1.22. ZeroHedge: California Mass Shooter Fatally Shoots Himself (*)

2022.12.5. The Last Refuge: No Joke, Climate Change Professionals Now Provide Goals and Individual Allowances for Transportation, Food, and Clothing (*) • C40 Cities (*)

ZeroHedge: Food Processing Plant Fires: Conspiracy Or Coincidence? (*) ••• ZeroHedge: Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames (*)

ZeroHedge: Watch: Uvalde ISD Police Chief Breaks Silence (*) (Comments) ••• State Of The Nation: A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting (*)

Peter Dale Scott on Continuity Of Government and the Suspension of the US Constitution

2023.10.14. ZeroHedge: Visualizing All Attempted & Successful Moon Landings (*) check out links in first comment

2023.12.29. James Hill, MD: No planes hit the towers: eyewitnesses, physics They really put one over on us with 9/11, just like Covid, say researchers (Updated 1/2/24) (*) • Ace Baker - 9/11 The Great American Psy-Op (mp4) Bitchute Excerpt (mp4)

2024.2.17. Tucker Carlson Interviews Mike Benz: The End of Democracy - "What I'm Describing is Military Rule - It's the inversion of democracy" (*) commentsmp4Rumble

2024.3.23. Mercola: Shadow Gate Documentary - Millie Weaver 2020 (*) Bitchute (mp4)

2024.4.9. Jon Rappoport: I asked ChatGPT about “we never went to the moon” Here’s what it said (*) comments

2024.4.14. Naomi Wolf: Three-Country US- and UN-Funded Illegal Immigrant Staging Trail (*)

2024.4.21. Jim Quinn / Burning Platform: What Kind Of American Are You? (*)






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This page was first uploaded on 1-3-2010, last modified on 2-16-2025.

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