Kundalini and Cell Towers: Sermons
Voice recordings. Sharing the Gospel. Sound files mostly in m4a format.


1) Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering his historic "I Have A Dream" speech. 2) Time spent alone, preferably in the wilderness, is important to establishing a strong connection to God, or to your Inner Voice. 3) John F. Kennedy delivering a rousing speech. 4) Nature should be honored as an integral part
of human existence. Wolves, the sky, and the world's various ecosystems should be allowed to grow and evolve with as little human impact or exposure to human-created pollutants as possible. 5) Jesus of Nazareth delivers his "Sermon on the Mount" speech to followers.
Voice Recordings - Good Introductory Posts
October 12, 2015(a) (50:16) Inspired by Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org to become more than a passive witness to other people's activism and truth-telling. I've been listening to other people's truth for 20 years. It's time to speak my own. The capacity to speak truth to power and to manifest dreams is being systematically destroyed. Some good people need to stand up, take a stand, be willing to assume the burden of other people's dependence, and help people reconnect with a confident and coherent voice.
December 20, 2015a (37:10) Intentionality and its relationship to tapas, sadhana, prana, and spiritual practice. The purpose of sadhana. The use of mountains to generate and ground spiritual heat. Tapas as purification. What is meditation? The frustration of sadhana by heavy metal aerosols and manmade electromagnetic field.
December 20, 2015b (43:58) Shifting the location of my tapas from the artificial, narcissistic environment of an indoor gym in downtown Honolulu to the verdant bamboo forests and pristine air of the Koolau Mountains. The purpose of absorbing prana to heighten my subtle energy level became an overarching focus. How a startling sensitization to a summit microwave cluster frustrated my sadhana and forced me to hike drier, less prana-charged locations that had healthier microwave exposure levels. The flow of subtle energy through the solar plexus and into the pancreas gland where it is transformed into a physical-vehicle-sustaining food and then radiated out through the brachial plexus as divine love. Exposure to toxic manmade EMF has restricted this process by 95-98%. The intention to transcend, the intentionality of becoming more -- the drive to transform this world into a paradise -- in my current state, based on my direct observations, is stopped by artificial EMF and to degrees I am not aware of, this aerial spraying. ---- continue summary at 10:00.
October 19, 2015(b) (36:05) (Peripheral neuropathy is caused, in part, by the nervous system's conduction of manmade electromagnetic energy. My feet and hands burn after a day of high expsosure to manmade EMF. Only exercise and rest in areas of reduced exposure lead to a calming of my nerves and a return to normal peripheral nervous system function. Noninvasive treatments of this condition involving lasers and magnets are showing promise, but do not address the cause of the problem. Turning down a job offer at a high school in Silicon Valley due to a stadium light that had been converted to a powerful cellular tower. Horrific EMF exposures at trailheads along Skyline Blvd in the Santa Cruz moutains. Hiking for me is physiological meditation, or tapas. I seek to reveal a spiritual topography, a sequence to spiritual development. A comparison of rainforests versus mirrors-and-people-filled exercise gyms as settings for spiritual growth. Do we need 4000 satellites to provide Wi-Fi and the omniscient tracking of all human activity available to every square inch of the planet? It is a challenge to find EMF-reduced areas for hiking. The sound of a half-dozen military helicopters flying overhead. So much for unsullied nature. We are lied to and propagandized in order for us to accept and to support a state of perpetual war. Standing armies are the undoing of every nation. How in an empire the machinery of death overtakes all economic activity. It is imperative that that we be physically active. Excessive rest leads to atrophy and strangulation on all levels: gastointestinal constipation/hardening; stagnation of the lymphatic fluids; buildup of toxins in the bloodstream and weakening of the circulatory, respiratory, and muscular systems. Despite these risks, I simply cannot exercise in EMF-exposed areas, as doing so results in pain and pressure throughout my body and an inability to sleep. Doctors and psychologists are idiotic enforcers of "normalcy," of an unquestioning acceptance of the status quo. Continue at 31:00)
July 22, 2016a (50:51) Hiking to the summit of Mount Williamson, one of many 8000+ foot peaks in the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California. Round trip from parking lot off HWY 2 and the summit is 5 miles, 1600 feet elevation gain, and takes 2.5 to 3 hours. I do two repetitions of this for my workout. Commentary on the extraordinary pine-scented breeze up here; the cool, refreshing temperatures (when it is so hot in the valleys below); and how climbing mountains (and engaging other intense physical regimens) strengthens the will.
July 22, 2016c (13:58) When it is safe to embrace your environment. While defensiveness frequently is necessary for survival, it is important to find times and places to let your guard down. Driving my car at 6500-8000 feet with the windows down, alone on the road, wearing just sandals and boxers.
August 20, 2016b (68 minutes) Why I am voting for US Presidential candidate Donald Trump. A discussion of false flag terror, medical fascism, genetic modification of food, weather warfare, global spraying of heavy metal nanoparticles, and the loss of individual and nation-state sovereignty worldwide and how this cynical but accurate worldview informs my desire to break with past political failure -- a "failure" that actually has been a resounding success for the so-called elites bent on forcing upon the world citizenry a dehumanizing global technocracy whether the people want it or not.
November 25, 2016b (16:40) It's been two weeks since I had several shots of dental anesthetic. The throbbing in the spiritual node under my right nipple has stopped.Worse than the loss of symptoms of spiritual functioning is the severance of emotional connectedness or grounding that the anesthetic has caused. I've never experienced anything like this. Since a day or two after the injections I have felt like my subtle body has been torn from me and I am now walking around without oxygen for my spirit. A bitterness and alienation has come to predominate in me, peaking about a week ago and slowly starting to improve. My lack of emotional "knowing" frustrated me a great deal, and it caused my relationships to feel inauthentic and strained. During the hike I felt a connection from the center of my brain to the area of my thymus gland, like a subtle, energetic tether, with a coherence sought that couldn't manifest. I felt something like a triangulation of attention between my pituitary, thymus, and a point about a foot or 15 inches in front of my sternum, where a solidity of feeling and attention was seeking to develop. A great deal of pain and burning in my thymus gland and the brachial plexus tissue around it. These negative developments come on the heels of an extraordinary develpment the night of November 12 where I awoke at 2:00 a.m., worked at my desk for two hours, then went back to bed at 4:00 a.m., feeling much more optimistic and light than usual, and then, on the edge of sleep, my consciousness, centered mainly about my head, begins to free fall to an absolute point, much like it did the evening of July 1994. Let me say this again: I have had NOTHING like this happen to me for the past 22 years. The only difference this time is that it occurred in a sponaneous, non-"questing" mode of activity. I was not seeking anything. I was happy and just about asleep. But in contrast to the July 1994 event, I felt a thread of consciousness connecting the center of my brain to an anchor near the center of my chest. It was faint, but definitely there. This sense of whole body communion PALES in comparison to the descending force plowing through me like a ton of bricks in November 1994. My intuition tells me that this 99% reduction in conductivity and grounding is what Kundalini/Spirit has deemed my compromised vehicle and circumstances can handle. So perhaps this is do-able. As usual, I said "No" to this development, as it was new to me and I am not entirely trusting of this process. But given all the anesthetic and disappointments I've endured, I am amazed that some avenue of Grace might still be available to me. The mechanism has been thrown into disarray again, but I am confident that a similar opportunity to transcend a brain-centered limited self consciousness will present itself in the coming months or years. You should trust this process when it works spontaneously and non-threateningly. * Implosion of conscioness July 1994.
October 30, 2016c (10:01) On the hike today I experienced about 2 1/2 hours of sustained pain in the spiritual node beneath my right nipple. I couldn't take my mind off it. There is a lot of energy and spiritual longing tied up in there. I don't know what is triggering this. I have a lot of pain and frustration in my life: the workplace, my personal life, everything. I haven't written anything powerful regarding kundalini in over ten years. Creatively and personally my life is passing me by. My mission is aborting. I am really beat up. My bodymind is waiting for the right opportunity to cohere -- to realize itself. My ajna chakra -- this wisdom function -- is trying desperately to navigate the massive obstacles in my life. What does it mean to have a heart-centered consciousness? What does it mean to dislodge your limited self-consciousness, perhaps grounding your consciousness in your chest? What IS that? Where in that nexus of heart muscle, thymus gland, and spiritual node on the right side would my consciousness be? I almost cannot take a chance on that state making me more sensitive to electromagnetic field. It could be deadly for me if it increases significantly my vulnerability to this pollution. Rear-ended on Pearblossom Highway tonight.
Voice Recordings - By Date
July 9, 2021 Voice Memo (COVID Long Haul Symptoms and Ivermectin) (16 minutes)
2020.12.27. 46:47. I feel like I am slowly losing the battle here. There are two main points of this discussion. One is how my spiritual path has been one dedicated to serving the body and amplifying the body's physiologic and energetic wellbeing. It is because of this that God made possible the loud "voice" of my sinoatrial node and the descent of Grace into my chest and body. It also makes possible a man's conscious union with a specially created female partner whose purpose is to match and share in just such a physiological manifestation of Spirit. However, having been caught in a spiritual halfway house for the past 26 years, not fully accepting the descent of Spirit into my physical body due to heightened conduction of manmade EMF, a very special woman made an enormous mistake by wedding her spirit to mine. I was forced to choose God or to choose her, due to my immature, incomplete state. By rejecting her, and also rejecting God's subsequent attempts at my material enlightenment, I came to be beset the past two years by the inverse of this feminine astral form. People call this antagonistic and opposite astral manifestation a "succubus." While the astral body seeks absolute union with her chosen man, the succubus seeks absolute destruction. It is just how God, and the karmic wheels He set in motion for life, operate. My physical strength is waning, and it is hard to fast to gain my release as my employment and broader circumstances are challenging, and as the succubus works overtime causing false hunger pangs in my esophagus, as well as heart racing and misfirings in amrit nadi, for hours on end.
upload 10/7/2019; 9/12/2019; upload August 9 and 11, 2019 (3 memos)
March 1, 2019 - psychic
February 28, 2019 psychic 80 minutes; February 22, 2019 (2018?);
February 21, 2019 psychic
February 19, 2019 (3 voice memos RE psychic relationship)
February 11, 2019 - more psychic reflections and enclosure
February 6, 2019 -- left RF enclosure for three reasons
February 4, 2019 - psychic capacity
December 18, 2018 EMF etc.
December 17, 2018 EMF etc:
December 16, 2018ab
two memos RE relationships
December 6, 2018 (kundalini symptoms, Faraday cage) and December 7, 2018
November 23, 2018 (b) ():
November 23, 2018 (c) (23:37): I've felt incoherent and not myself this week. I've felt like my consciousness is just going to shut off. Carrying on with my state of consciousness is laborious. I don't know if it's death I am on the edge of, or a transformation of consciousness. The LED lights used in computers and television monitors burns out your optical nerves. I am certain that the LED lights used by my Apple computer are harming not just my eyes, but deeper areas in my brain. I don't believe the laptop computer I used 15 years ago used LED lights; and I had no comparable eye strain or damage to the glands in my brain. There is a much younger lady who I've been infatuated with the past two years. But I have no interest in pursuing a relationship and a family if I am not of sound mind and body. Given a variety of negative conditions in my life -- workplace stress, chronic cell tower exposure, stress from living with my mother, loss of physical vitality , etc. -- it's hard for me to believe that I am on the edge of transcendence as opposed to breakdown. In the past, during periods where I was much stronger and more optimistic than I am now, periods of dis-ease on the level of consciousness would always be a prelude to a deepened orientation of my consciousness. * I was up on top of the Cottonwoods, doing some nude sunbathing, and I brought my frontal lobes together to project energy/consciousness to this young woman and I felt that my mind was frozen. It felt like rigor mortis had set in to my higher functioning. It was like the frontal lobes repelled each other and there was no way to bring them together to initiate a telepathic connection. The metal enclosure that is my bedroom is blocking this functioning. It's inhibiting it. As well, my overall life is not supportive of a receptive, conductive, amplifying, transmittive state. As it is I just want to shut off. I don't want to deal with these heightened energies and capacities. I think it's this $50K RF enclosure (all costs included) that is driving most of the numbing and interference with my psychic functioning. It's coming up on six months now that I've been living inside it. I should have abandoned it in July, but I've wanted one of these for twenty years, and I have such a huge investment in it, that part of me wanted to stick with living inside the unit for well beyond my tolerance for it in order to see if anything came up that might be positive that I wouldn't have discovered had I just followed my instincts and up and left. I wanted to remain open to the possibility that my body would adapt to it somehow. But still, after six months, I haven't seen it. Quite the contrary. It appears that ALL my psychic capacities are numbing out, shutting down, becoming perverted somehow. Again, I am not sure whether this is on account of the metal itself, or the attenuation of essential EMF -- either that I am generating, or that I am receiving from an external source. * I am sending my bodymind mixed signals, due to this enclosure and the tower exposures combined with long hikes in greatly reduced EMF areas. How will my being adapt to this? Shut down due to the metal, or expand due to wireless reduced hiking? I think given that I spend far more time inside the box, my being is choosing the silencing of my capacities. * A contributing factor in this recent uptick in my feeling weak and discombobulated could also be the insane spraying activity throughout my hike this past Monday. Who is to say what exactly is being sprayed on us? * I used to feel high and supercharged from a long hike. This was certainly the case up until 2009. But then, due to various toxic exposures and the degrading effect they have had on the functioning of my endocrine and nervous systems, I no longer feel intense pleasure within my brain when relaxing after a daylong 14+ mile hike. It doesn't appear that my pituitary gland produces endorphins anymore. Can manmade EMF, LED lighting, and toxic heavy metal exposures damage the pituitary gland to this extent? I would have to say "Yes they can." If humans can no longer find pleasure intrinsically, they will be lost. But maybe that is the plan. With chemists coming out with a synthetic opiod 1000x more powerful than heroin, it will be very hard for spiritual practice, sexual orgasm and endocrine gland secretions to compete for your attention. * Truthstream Media's recent piece "It's Official: We're Living in the Prequel to 'Blade Runner' " shows "advances" in science that are using microwaves and fluoride based drugs to target unwanted emotions like depression and anxiety. There is no recognition of the importance of depression and other complex, challenging emotions that are important existential indicators that we would do better to grapple with than to ignore. * I'll say this again, I really do think that the LED lights in our video screens are damaging the spiritual capacity of our brains. And with these streaming services like Netflix and VUDU, who knows what other damaging technologies are embedded in the signals that our eyes consume? I mean, they don't call it "VOODOO" -- er, VUDU -- for nothing. There is a reason why the pineal gland, deep within our brain, is full of optical nerves. They are for the perception of inner light, among other things. Consider how St. John of the Cross wrote "Dark Night Of The Soul" on how inner awakening to God is often preceded by seemingly interminable suffering, doubt, and depression. Going through depression is WORK, and this WORK must not be avoided, lest you shortchange your spiritual destiny. There are not shortcuts to true, lasting spiritual realization. * To gain wisdom it is imperative that your ideas, your mental constructs, resonate with the deeper wisdom of your emotions, your heart, and your body. That is the only way for the human bodymind to reach and maintain its highest potential. Your intuition must be based on the natural, unforced response of your entire being. If you listen to this, if your life is directed by this, then your path will be blessed. It might not be an easy life, but it will be a life that your soul will be satisfied with. Whatever price you end up paying for your decisions will be a price that your being accepts without remorse or hesitation. * Again, it is most definitely the case that my psychic functioning is under direct attack from this enclosure. First it was my brachial plexus that shut down. Then my testicles. Then my solar plexus and prostate gland areas. Now it is the psychic functioning within my brain that is getting the asphyxiating plastic-bag-over-the-face treatment. It's too bad that the young lady who I care so much about has no idea what I am dealing with and that I believe that this is a temporary rather than permanent condition. I might be losing her because she senses -- but does not fully understand -- an interruption to our psychic relationship. So sad.
October 16, 2018 (39:10) upload:
October 14, 2018 upload (52:59): Recent rains and road closure in Joshua Tree. Metal RF enclosure blocks psychic functioning. Out of 15 movies that I begin to watch, there will only be one that I complete viewing. Most I will stop after 10 or 20 minutes. Most movies lack redeeming value and aren't worth my time. Certainly not worth maintaining a passive, vegetative state for. Plus, who knows what subliminal programming is going on with these various streaming services like "Voodoo" I mean "VUDU." Fifteen years ago I had a heated desire to critique my cultural inputs. But now, given the energetic and physical wreck I've become, I am much more inert and disengaged. It is the case that the majority of what the streaming service giant Netflix has produced over the past few years has been Satanic in nature: evil, dark, accentuating the worst in humanity, promoting division and mistrust in the populace, et cetera. Netflix is trying to alter the moral fabric of society in preparation for a world where the "will to power" and "do as thou wilt" and other Luciferian inversions of Christian values hold sway. You really to have to be careful watching this stuff. The negative programming is embedded everywhere. Netflix is a force of evil, for the most part. A review of Netflix movie, "Hold The Dark." The movie is about how white men and women take on the wolf's "spirit" and go on demented killing sprees. It's about how indigenous people's hatred of white people is irreconciliable and is justification to murder whites en masse. It's about how when you decide to "go wolf," an evil spirit takes hold and nothing is sacred anymore: not marriage, not friendship, not offspring, not native elders, not community leaders, NOTHING. Though the close-up human portraits and footage of remote Alaskan wilderness were stunning, the darkness underlying the movie controlled the narrative and ethos. By the end of the movie, with most of the characters dead, it was clear that hopelessness and needless murder governed the human carnage. Luciferianism traces its root to pre-Christian Babylonian cults of blood sacrifice. The gods Baal, Moloch, et cetera, required blood offerings regularly, the younger and more innocent the victims the better. This practice continues today in secret societies, such as The Order of Death (that the Nazi SS or killing squads were members of) and the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University (a subset of The Order of Death) to which several past US Presidents belonged. The destruction of life and innocence is an ends in itself for these monsters. I am certain that many in Netflix management and production are conscious supporters, if not direct participants, in such bloody occult practices. There is a divide and conquer mentality at work in the film that is evident in the many billboards I see along the highway pitting women against men and Hispanics against whites, et cetera. Billions of dollars are flowing into the #Resist movement that opposes everything President Trump tries to do.The financial interests at the center of the beast system do want a One World Government, and weakening the USA via civil unrest or civil war is essential to that dark project.
September 27, 2018 (11:54): I see chemtrail lines in the sky today, the first time in three weeks, since just a few days before 9/11. It is amazing how clear the air is when they are not spraying -- and how quiet it is in Joshua Tree with nearly no air traffic when spraying is suspended. While it makes me happy to have fresh air, the lack of spraying made me concerned that the "cabal," "deep state," or eugenicists were planning something even more wicked, for example an EMP strike on the USA. That is, if the bastards had stopped what is a very important depopulation campaign for them, then something even worse is afoot. There had been talk of Donald Trump initiating mass arrests of Deep State traitors, as the Department of Justice has some 50,000 sealed indictments for various alleged crimes. Trump has executive orders regarding human traffickers and traitors aiding the enemies of the USA, so that number is probably on the small side. If Trump and the wing of the military that supports him were to move forward on broad arrests, then there is a good chance that the bad guys would go scorched earth, turn the tables over, and carry out something massive and lethal like an EMP as they would have nothing to lose. So it appears with the renewed spraying that the cabal is not being threatened and that the citizens of the USA will continue their slow demise into senility and ill health via heavy metal nanoparticles and the ongoing massive deployment of 5G millimeter waves. I would rather see mass arrests -- and resets for the rule of law and our financial system -- even if it means that 90% of the people in the USA may die due to a breakdown of society that would follow an EMP event. Better to have a healthy, revitalized country -- though much smaller -- than a bloated sick one bound for an ignoble death if nothing significant changes. The Luciferians must be held to account, regardless of the consequences.
September 18, 2018 need to upload
September 3, 2018 (27:20): The all metal radiofrequency enclosure that I've been sleeping in since early June is blocking vital energies from recharging my being. I am not sure if it's the metal content of the enclosure that is problemmatic, or if it's the metal flooring specifically that is blocking electromagnetic frequencies. Whatever the case, my inner "battery" is running dangerously low. Whether it's hiking, or writing, or just being, I lack existential momentum. I lack inner strength. My exhaustion is multidimensional. When I try to assert myself at work, I fizzle out. When I try to make psychic contact with someone for whom this is very important, I have nearly zero mojo. It's a sad state. I am hoping that the non-metal attenuating paints from Geovital that I intend to buy help. If they don't -- if I have the same reaction that I have to the all metal enclosure -- then I will know that I can't satisfactorily adapt to an EMF saturated environment. I will have to go to Plan "C" and look once again for a home that is hopefully 3-4 miles from the nearest tower. This is almost impossible to do these days, especially if you need to live within commuting distance to a public school. All of my endocrine glands feel as though they are suffocating inside the Faraday cage for want of an essential element. I am not sure what that element is, but it is something that the all-metal structure blocks. My spiritual antenna has been mangled by the metal. I know longer sense the subtle energy around me clearly. It's like I am being made spiritually blind. This is not acceptable. I was only able today to hike 3 hours, even though I had budgeted 8 hours for the activity. When I hiked in Joshua Tree last week, I was amazed as I looked up to the top of a mountain that I used to summit routinely in a six hour journey. The existential certainty and force of being that accrue from such activities is awesome. It's an internal quantity that is manufactured by friction of one's will applied to the external world in a physical manner. There is no substitute for it. I hope to feel that kind of confidence and physical well being again some day. Soon.
8/25/2018 two memos
August 6, 2018 (56:17) I am on a high elevation hike. I describe my reactions to EMF in early 1996 where various transmitters were felt as a hot, disorienting wind that blew through me with measurable force and direction. I thought that the mere blocking of manmade EMF would be sufficient to maintain my health, but I was wrong. There is something in the mix that I am missing now that is essential for my wellbeing. I am having adverse reactions to the galvanized metal enclosure I had constructed in June. When I am inside I feel a pressure and a suffocation of my thymus, pineal, pituitary, testicles, thyroid, and vas deferens. There is some energetic capacity in these glands that is absolutely ruined by this all-metal Faraday cage. I don't know if it's on account of my being surrounded by metal, or if its the blocking of naturally occurring EMF that is essential for life. Whatever the case, I am not able to ground or generate energy or stoke a sense of vitality inside this structure. Neither thinking nor exercise are associated with feelings of pleasure or happiness anymore when they occur within this box. I feel that my vitality or "life voltage" is diminishing rapidly. The impact on my health -- and even my sanity -- is worse than the overexposure to pulsed microwaves that its purchase was to protect me from. It's frustrating because I have made such great investments of time and money. Now I want to try the metal-free shielding paints and curtains from the Austrian health institute, Geovital, to see if they help. My fear is that more healthful materials will block the "good EMF," too, and I will feel increasingly devitalized. I really do feel that my health and mental well-being are at a cross-roads. I need to get rid of this structure as soon as possible because it is literally snuffing out my life force. I had no idea I was so critically "plugged into" this battery-like or magnetic capacity of the planet. The enclosure has nearly destroyed my happiness in addition to my psychic functioning. I don't feel the burning or the disorientation that I used to. But the EMF void I spend the bulk of my time in is even worse for my health. There are measures of the electrical charge of a human being and when you fall below a certain parameter disease is likely to set in. I do feel, for the first time in my life, that this inner motor in me is being thwarted and that I stand a good chance of falling ill if I stay in this enclosure much longer. * The activation of kundalini does make special use of the ferrite crystals in the body, which are ubiquitous. (23:00) We are meant to feel frequencies. Visible light is in the 400-800 trillion cycles per second frequency range; while 5G is supposed to use up to 300 billion cycles per second. So commonly used frequencies for communication are approaching the visible spectrum. * I do need to get to the bottom of this, because I need to know whether I must live in a remote area without shielding or that living in a suburban area with non-metal shielding will be okay for me. I would like to determine this before investing $300K in the purchase of a home. At this point I don't know if I can tolerate metal framing of an otherwise conventional home. That would help with fire resistance; but if I am in a rural area and Directed Energy Weapons are being used to start forest fires and raze homes to the ground -- as part of the Agenda 21 rollout to herd the masses into compact, "smart," readily surveiled cities -- the metal will be of no benefit. * I have never been so tired on these high elevation hikes before. The all-metal enclosure is truly wiping me out. My tiredness lasts all day long for days on end regardless of the amount of rest I get. It's because I am cut off from the juice that replenishes me, whatever that juice might be. This is dangerous. I try to do step aerobics inside the box and I last just 15 minutes. I get no energy or sense of rejuvenation from it. My libido and sexual energy have fallen off a cliff, too. This existential tiredness is unprecedented. Regardless of my exposures and reactions in the past, I always had a vital center that kept me going. That "center" is dying. I feel a growing numbness to the world. I've never had this perceptual numbing or deafness. * Comments on my health practices and mantra of "long and slow." How my resting pulse rate when laying in bed was typically in the low 40s during periods of time where I was hiking several hours every day.
July 12, 2018 (a) (18:18) I've been very busy lately with teaching summer school, installing a radio frequency enclosure, and modifying the home's electrical and HVAC system both to cool the interior of the enclosure and to reduce the airborne particulate matter inside the home. I am in an all-out battle with manmade electromagnetic field and heavy metal nanoparticle air pollution. For a middle class guy I've gone whole hog, spending some $45K on the RF enclosure and its setup, and $10K or so on the air filtration. For the air I have a whole house Lennox Pure Air System with a MERV 16 rated better than HEPA (HEPA starts at MERV 15) filter plus two UVA lamps with a titanium dioxide coated catalytic surface. I have an Air Ranger filter that also services the whole house using a polarizing filter media that electrically charges passing particles with 6500 volts of direct current that causes particles to combine with each other, becoming larger and therefore easier to filter. The Lennox system reduces air pollution by 95% down to .3 microns, while the Air Ranger reduces by 97% also down to .3 microns. This is important because 98% of air particles are below 1 micron in size and anything smaller than 6 microns passes directly through the lungs into the bloodstream. A human hair is between 30 and 100 microns in width. A micron is one-millionth of a meter or 0.0000393 of an inch. This is from an informational chart that I will post below: "Ultrafine particles are airborne particles that can cause personal discomfort and health reactions when inhaled by the occupants of a home. The term 'ultrafine particles' refers to particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and are smaller than 30 microns. To give an idea of size of 30 microns, it takes 25,000 microns to make one inch, and the very finest human hair is about 30 microns in diameter. About 99% of the particles suspended in indoor air are too small to see. One cubic foot of air may contain as much as 400 million unseen particles, the majority of which will be much smaller than 30 microns." * For vacuuming the house I am using a Filter Queen that uses a replaceable filter media for the dust cannister that removes 95% of air pollution in its exhaust down to .3 microns.
Air Pollution Particulate Size And Type Chart * Lennox Pure Air HEPA and UV system * MERV Air Filtration Charts 1, 2, and 3
July 12, 2018 (b) (34:07) I chose not to extend my hike here on Mount Williamson on account of the digusting air quality from the last week's constant aerosol spraying. Who wants to breathe hard and sweat while sucking in to her bloodstream submicron nanotech that destroys everything it touches? 115 degree temps in Coachella Valley normally create 30,000 foot tall cumulus clouds that thunder and rain in heavy down pours sporadically across the desert. But with the artificially introduced blankets of nanoparticulate heavy metals that the modern day Pharoahs seek to drown us in, these clouds are dissipated into a uniform gray layer of "cloud" cover that holds the moisture in suspension due to an excess of rain forming nuclei and hence rain droplets are not able to form. Americans would know about this but public schools don't teach about the science of weather, the electromagnetic dimension of biology, civics, the Constitution, the debt free monetary system that the US was founded on (and abandoned in 1913), the divine sovereignty of the human being, ETC. People are clueless, attached as they are to their mobile devices and social media apps. Few look up or contemplate their wider circumstance. They wait for their paid-for compromised "trusted authorities" seen on corporate video services to tell them what to think and what to do. And even if they understand that they are being "slow-killed" they don't believe in their inherent divinity as integral parts of God's creation. The Marxists and atheists (one in the same) running today's US government turn a blind eye (or personally profit from) the ongoing ecocide. See Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org for more information. * With respect to the uniformity of cloud cover due to geoengineering, we no longer have squalls and storm fronts. Everything is a uniform gray with a uniform light (and toxic) rain fall, if any precipitation is formed at all. For a healthy ecosystem, we need a diversity of non-uniform inputs with rainfall and sun exposures variable across the landscape. HAARP causing large high pressure domes that shift the jet steam and prevent storms from coming on shore. * People think this uniform gray blanket of cloud cover is natural for the desert. LISTEN, this is not the "marine layer" common near the coast. How can we have a marine layer when we are separated from the ocean by 100 miles of land and 10,000 foot mountains? You'd have to be an IDIOT to think this was natural, and oblivious to the military/non-commercial air traffic above that is causing this. * How whistleblowers have come forward to say that the greatest threat to our national security is the secrecy of the national security state itself. * The planet needs a diversity of opinions, aspirations, religious beliefs, cultural interests, and so forth. The uniform spraying is like the whole world being forced to listen only to the musician Lil' Wayne or getting all of its social cues from Kim Kardashian media postings. Heavy metal nanoparticles are to the ecosystem what Kardashian and Wayne are to human aspirations. They are stunting and death. * Waking up a sleeping rattlesnake. * Google and YouTube are silencing many voices that provide alternate takes politically, socially, et cetera while promoting points of view consistent with the aims of the power structure they (Alphabet, Inc.) represent. This is unwise because as tragedies and challenges unfold for the US and other countries, the population will be MISINFORMED about what the correct response should be. * The mistletoe parasite is killing many 300+ year old trees. With the spraying and artificial drought, the trees don't stand a chance. * Finally completing an IRS tax audit. Some thoughts on the unconstitutional nature of the private Federal Reserve and its collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service, taxing our labor and charging interest on the debt it creates by fiat or out of thin air to the great detriment of the people of the US. * How I've been sleeping with the RF enclosure's door slightly ajar to allow some EMF in, as my body cannot tolerate the EMF void created by this Faraday cage. There is some healthful EMF that the room blocks.
June 24, 2018 - two short notes on reaction to metal RF enclosure;
May 17, 2018 -- no spraying during bilderberg; May 14, 2018 #2; May 11, 2018;
May 1, 2018
April 22, 2018
April 4, 2018 (38:23): For a year now I have been battling increased electromagnetic exposures at home. For a variety of reasons, it's a bummer living at home. My mother only listens to corporate news. She has a number of obsessive compulsive quirks that I'd rather not be around. I suppose, overall, that I am saving money, but it comes at a cost. There is a cellular tower across the street. RF enclosure manufacturers have been dragging their feet to assist me. My mother has loaned me $40K to throw at this problem. She tires of bailing me out. I am already in monthly repayment on three separate loans from her. * It's not okay, for most people, to discuss masturbation or EMF. A negative staff member who distracts everyone with her personal commentary all day long was absent for two days and a relative peace descended upon my classroom. Though $113K next year would be a great salary, my EMF exposures are basically intolerable, causing massive oxidative stress and aging me rapidly. My physical change over this past year is both sad and pronounced. I can only hope that living inside a metal box will help. As it is my creative and cognitive output has nearly flatlined. I hope I can reverse that with shelter. * I've been dealing with an IRS tax audit since late January and it's been really hard for me to focus on that and complete my response, which includes going through my receipts and drafting explanations for each item I bought for my classroom. * I had a necrotic nerve in one of my teeth. Has this necrosis or death of my nerves spread elsewhere? I have no doubt that some signs of aging or stress -- or even necrosis -- would be visible in my brain and endocrine glands were such evidence to be investigated. * The box: I hope to be able to exercise twice a day and sleep deeply and have extended periods of time where I can think without electromagnetic interference. Do I want to drive an hour or two on dangerous highways to hike in evironments that are saturated with heavy metal aerosols? No. At this point I'd rather exercise indoors where I can control the air quality better with HEPA filtration such as that utilized by our whole house Lennox system and a few portable Winix and IQAir units that arrest air particles down to .003 microns. If I can work out satisfactorily inside a metal enclosure, I will save money (gas and car mainenance) and time (hours!), too. I am not as comfortable in remote areas as I used to be, on account (to the best of my ability to identify the source) of satellite transmissions, which are proliferating and intensifying. So, on account of satellites, I'd rather be in a Faraday cage to work out -- especially if it means saving me 5 hours of drive time and 250 miles of driving along dangerous highways just to get in a cool, EMF reduced hike during the summer months. I'd rather crank up the air conditioner and HEPA filtration systems and work out with zero cell tower and 5G exposure WITHOUT the drive time and expense. I've killed over 150 rattlesnakes since returning to California in 2005. There is a good chance that I will finally step on one, one of these days. So avoiding such a fate would be an added benefit to exercising at home. * Apart from EMF dragging me down, this past Friday I had a tooth extraction, a CEREC onlay, and three or four fillings. I'm scheduled to get two more implants, bringing the total to five Zirconium implants in my mouth. I've probably spent $100K on dental care over the years. It's been a nightmare. * As the anesthetic winds its way throughout my body, a heightened feeling of fire and burning persists throughout my brain and brachial plexus -- on top of the similar sensations caused by microwave exposures -- which has depressed my psychic functioning further yet. Regarding the young lady with whom I'm communicating psychically: The last I felt her was a muted bonding with my solar plexus briefly at 6:00am this past Thursday, the last day before spring break. My psychic dealings with her have opened me up in an unsafe and excessive manner. Although she lives for these subtle communions, I simply cannot tolerate them when they cause me to become more sensitive to manmade electrical transmissions. If she chooses to move on to someone less compromised, I must sadly report that I won't try to stop her. People have to do what they have to do. Her destiny is her own. I don't want her to compromise her aspirations just to satisfy me. Maybe she will find a man better suited to her. If that happens, so be it. My safety, my survival, must come before any love interest. I don't need some precocious young woman initiating all these psychic processes in me if they are unsafe. The ultimate Mother Goddess would have seen to their development in me if it were wise or safe to do so. In my present circumstance they are not. The guru should awaken only those who are ready. A spiritual teacher is unwise to seek to awaken or transmit knowledge to those who don't have adequate preparation. Still, I love this girl. She is the first person in my life who fully understood and recognized me. I will always be grateful for that. Thank you. My life has already broken my heart. The possibility of sharing something incredible with this spiritual prodigy was a miracle. But if it turns out to be a passing (and lost) opportunity, it still won't surpass the greatest loss in my life which is that of whole body enlightenment, which this toxic EMF exposure prevents me from embracing. Overally, I just don't need someone in my life so needy on the subtle level. I just can't do meet her there. If my best is not good enough for her, then "Fuck off." * My mother wants to have the windows open and bond with the environment even if it is toxic and will cause impaired cognitive functioning. It is her generation that sought sex and drugs in the 1960s instead of holding the shadow elements of the government accountable for the murders of JFK and MLK, Jr. Her generation's moral cowardice has led us to the point now where we are being killed off indiscrimately by the planetary omnicide that is aerosol spraying, GMO and 5G. I don't want to live under the same roof as someone who refuses to hold Luciferians accountable. I will only tolerate this until precious metals prices rebound and I can sell enough to place a sizeable downpayment on a home of my own. I've spent about 20 years of my adult life paying rent -- i.e., building equity for a stranger who just wants to extract wealth from me. I hope never to do that again. My emotional needs take a back seat to the priority that is NOT being stupid with my money. Namaste.
March 9, 2018 (15:41): The nearby cellular tower's recent increase in field strength coincides with early March's Indian Wells Tennis Tournament and the upcoming Coachella Music Festival, where there will be a big uptick in broadband users. As expected I have increased feelings of lethargy and cognitive incoherence. At all hours of the night I feel burning in my feet and hands, but especially my feet. Occasionally I will feel distinctly an unpleasant heating or cooking sensation in my solar plexus. It's like being cooked alive. Oddly, beginning yesterday, I had a growing feeling of dissociation. Even on my hike in Joshua Tree, where I am normally able to achieve some kind of ground and calm, I felt "off" and "not me." This off-kilter state of consciousness persisted all day and into the next day. Listening to Deborah Tavares of StopTheCrime.net lay out the horrors of 5G, I wonder whether the Luciferians are intent on destroying our minds in addition to our bodies. I am sure that if they could they would. In more auspicious circumstances, such feelings of being "off" preceded deepened spiritual connections. But in my present state I have a hard time seeing the good in any of this. I am disappointed to report that Trump appears to be doing nothing to slow or reverse the omnicide that is the global spraying of heavy metal nanoparticles, not to mention forcing upon us vaccinations, genetically modified food, and genotoxic infertility-causing wireless exposures. It is hard to be optimistic here. The US was bankrupt in 1933 and went into receivership to the international bankers, with all land and people of the US becoming property of the British Crown and other elite interests, and our state, local, and federal government structures converted to corporations that no longer serve the interests of US citizens. If the Crown wants to kill off the cattle (i.e., us), then they believe it is their perogative to do so.
February 22, 2018 (21:44): How it's taken me three months to recuperate from excessive psychic interactions with a young woman subtle prodigy. Our psyhic connections exacerbate my sensitivity to manmade EMF. For the first time in a while I made a solid attempt to connect with her psychically. I was laying down tonight in Joshua Tree National Park as I placed my attention on her. (I chose this spot due to its relative safety from ground based transmissions.) I felt my frontal lobes contract, almost as a muscle would, pressing down toward the center of my brain, activating what appeared to be my pituitary gland, which began to vibrate with an audible clicking sound. Like a sperm whale uses his brain to send a sonar signal to incapacitate giant squid prey deep in the ocean, so it is that the human mind can in a voluntary, willed fashion send subtle transmissions via an analogous interaction of brain and endocrine gland. In this polluted world, activating this function will make it harder for me to sleep, as well as make me more emotionally irritable. But I wanted to remind her that, "I am here, awaiting you."
January 21, 2018; January 1, 2018; December 27, 2017 #2
December 24, 2017 #2 (14:54): Just completed a 12 mile hike with 1500' of elevation gain. I refuse to make money investing in Google and other data gathering behemoths. My goal of purchasing a home is on hold until my precious metals investments turn around. I am increasingly incapacitated by manmade EMF. I lay about listless, feeling depressed most of the time, unable to be productive in any meaningful way. Today, for the fist time ever, my sweat stained the underarm area of my white tee shirt. I need to sweat and eliminate more. I didn't use deodorant until my early 40s because I ate healthfully and exercised daily. The musician Post Malone reports that he doesn't wear deodorant. Living with my mother is a drag, but I am thankful she is allowing it while I save money and get ready for the next step in my life. I am hoping for some kind of EMF shielding to be installed at the house in the near future, at which point I will be able to do step aerobics, eat more vital foods, and write more. Peace.
November 26, 2017 #2 + #3; November 23, 2017 all;
November 21, 2017 (25:09) Ten mile hike in Joshua Tree. Canopy of aerosolized metals above me. Smoke Tree woody shrubs among the last holdouts before death takes over from the heavy metal bombardment that is causing drought (in conjunction with the artificial high pressure dome and manmade wireless transmissions that can heat and elevate moisture that has attached to the nanoparticles), death to 90% of beneficial soil microbes, death to root systems as they stop taking up water and nutrients in order to avoid heavy metal poisoning, death to 90% of the insect population, spiking Alzheimer's and autism rates due to heavy metal exposures (that the Alzheimer's Association states are no longer contributing factors now that Alcoa, the world's largest aluminum manufacturer, sits on the association's board of directors), off the charts proliferation of airborn allergies, and the destruction of the ozone layer (since the nanoparticles bind with free oxygen, bringing the molecules back to sea level, preventing O2 from rising to the upper atmosphere at 30,000-50,000 feet and higher, where O2 is broken down to form O3, which is ozone), which in turn causes the band of radiation known as UVC to not be filtered out at 100,000 feet as the government claims, and is now hitting the earth's surface in large quantities, contributing to the mass plankton and tree die offs that were already in progress due to heavy metal and other pollution. The plant root systems' response to heavy metals is similar to my own attempts to stop breathing, slouch my posture, overeat, cease aspiring, and otherwise seek insentience in the presence of cell tower radiation. The only form of life that seems to do well in EMF saturated environments are zombies and parasites. * Seven women in a faculty of 40 told me that they were having dreams of me. As you approach higher vibration levels of being, people are automatically attracted to you. * Plans to install 7000 pound galvanized metal radiofrequency enclosure will soon be realized. * Investments in gold and silver to this point have been dogs. The usurious Rothschild-owned central banks of the world continue to dominate humanity. * As towers proliferate there are fewer and fewer schools I am willing to work at. * My hope is that inside the RF enclosure I will be able to resume regular workouts and write more consistently. I hope to lose weight and feel good again if I can sleep and think in an environment free of this subtle pollution. This point for me was coming as well because distant locations free from cellular service are no longer as comfortable for me as they used to. It is my firm belief that in the last ten years 1000s of more low orbit satellites have been sent aloft to provide Wi-Fi and other communication services to every square centimeter of the planet. I feel a knot of tension in my head in areas that used to feel more healing or at least neutral to me. * Rural Hawaii is known for its low vibration people. Cities drive social development, and are more capable of triggering aspirations toward higher consciousness.
October 1, 2017: health update; RF enclosure
September 24, 2017: Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae
September 18, 2017 ?
August 27, 2017 (): all
August 23, 2017 (): all
August 7, 2017 (): July 28, 2017 (a) () :
July 25, 2017 (a) (1:05:11) : A short recounting of my subtle energy system crisis inside an MRI in 1994. It was a year later that I began to feel cellular and microwave towers as not only a general subtle system irritant, but as hot wind blowing through my being with direction and force. Since that time, for the past 23 years, my bodymind has done everything it can to become less conductive of manmade EMF, which is a losing battle, because we are electromagnetic beings and it is impossible to block our reception and conduction of this energy. I went through a period of a year or two where my entire circulatory system had spikes of pain, resulting in ropy, sluggish, enlarged veins that were less conductive of cell tower transmissions. This adaptation allowed me to survive and maintain my sanity, but the price was one of a decrease in my overall vitality. For the past nine years I have not been able to exercise daily, as I have to drive an hour or two to find locations where I can exercise in an EMF-reduced environment. Presently I am moving forward on installing some radiofrequency attenuating materials (special paints and curtains) or a free standing structure (Faraday Cage) in my home to reduce my exposures and improve my health. In areas of greater EMF exposure my intellectual productivity is compromised by 90% or more. Discussion of the energetic dimension of my relationship with women, and how energy is much more important to me, in terms of establishing attractiveness or chemistry, than looks or intelligence. I describe my experience up close with a good witch here in Coachella Valley and a bad witch in Hawaii, both of whom wanted not merely my sex, but my submission to them on a subtle level. The good witch wanted to use me up completely, to extinguish me. But it was as if there was no personal motive involved, it was her existential function, resulting in a complete and pure exhaustion that gave rise to procreation, to new life. Her consumption of my physical and subtle energy did not bind me in any way; it was a portal to a deepening of my being. It was the opposite of the orientation of what is called a "succubus." The bad witch held her mind in a lockbox, and had a grey affect in her face, as if the light were being held back from subterfuge. I broke through to her a few times, with an eruption of light coming through her face, but she was annoyed by that, preferring that I remained on a tight leash in a wholly subservient role. This bad witch wanted to consume me as well, but since she was unwilling to participate fully in the mutual sacrifice, I was made a pawn of her machinations. She was an abuser on a subtle level, despite her being capable of so much more. She was the most powerful woman, in terms of subtle energy conduction, that I have ever met. The process with the bad witch was not pure or thorough, leaving her mate in a partially consumed, barely alive, hollowed out state, wholly under her control. The good witch, in contrast, was a selfless doorway that opened up to a higher dimension and renewal of life, with no drag on the self-determination or subtle vitality of her male consort. The woman in Hawaii could cause incredible sensations of warmth and intensity in your chest, and blasted me with a subtle energetic, whole-body "I want to fuck you" vibration that was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was her mission to substitute herself for God and have her mate revolve around her, blind to a higher dimension. Her last boyfriend became a drug addict, which is a manifestation of her insistence on a dislocation of self. Just a few days ago I placed my attention on the female energetic phenom here in Coachella Valley, and I could sense her happiness that I was thinking about her, and I received a blast to my chest, with a richness and enlivening coursing through my brachial plexus as a result. I had not felt my brachial plexus nerves so distinctly since the descending current opened up in me in 1994. We live in a mechanistic society for which discussions of responsible subtle energetic play can find no place. The good witch is much younger than the bad witch was, and I am hopeful that over the next few years that she doesn't fall victim to the Black Arts. She has much goodness and honesty in her. But her experience with men over time could push her into a mindset of domination instead of liberation. Regular physical contact makes it easier to maintain a subtle connection that is perceived in the chest, solar plexus, and sexual area despite geographic separation. The presence of manmade EMF does frustrate my ability to maintain a subtle connection with someone. The EMF fractures and dilutes the subtle energy. Sometimes I will go hours or days where I feel like I am up against an energetic or emotional wall. Every step is trying. It takes great resolve to persist. But if you do persist, on the other side of this neck-deep swamp is a higher state of consciousness. That is, there is an energetic barrier -- a gasket, if you will -- separating lower states from higher states and it takes considerable will, effort, and persistence to push through to the next level. With experience, you will know the difference between physical illness, external stressors (like relationships or work), and this evolution-oriented inward challenge on the level of consciousness. It was the day after a trying eight-hour hike, where I was pushing through an energetic wall, that I contemplated this girl, and I felt a transmission of shakti from her that lit up my chest. Thirty minutes later, as I laid in bed, I felt a weight and an energetic presence in the entirety of my chest, that is from nipple to nipple extending up through my thymus and into my throat. At the same time there was a feeling of weight and a desire for displacement of my consciousness at the center of my head. My consciousness doesn't belong centered there. It's like a ghost in the shell. It doesn't belong there, yet it's been stuck there for 23 years. I have an epic, historic case of spiritual blue balls. This opportunity for transcendence was persistent for a couple of minutes. But the navigator within me took stock of the situation -- how nearby EMF sources were more troubling to me, and how I had yet to secure an RF enclosure or other means of providing protection for myself -- and told this process "No" as I couldn't guarantee my safety or sanity should an increase in my energetic awareness become problemmatic. Financially and professionally I cannot tolerate being made nomadic by this process. Long vacations, with minimal external responsibilities, provide an excellent opportunity for making spiritual progress, for making those leaps of faith that might lead to some short term bumpiness along your spiritual path. The next time an opportunity for achieving a heart centered consciousness makes itself available, I hope to be able to rise to the challenge, feeling safe and strong enough to handle whatever unforeseen challenges to my bodymind that it might present. Consciousness -- subtle energy -- passes through walls of metal, while manmade EMF does not.
July 25, 2017 (b) () :
May 23, 2017c (35:22) Criticism of a 30-second snippet from National Public Radio, the first time I had listened to this sad propaganda outlet in six weeks. NPR is a Deep State, Democratic party-controlled, "progressive" mouthpiece for globalist, corporatist interests. Thirty seconds was all I could tolerate, and it told me everything I needed to know, triply confirming that I was correct to avoid this disinformation source for so long. NPR was yammering on about the "anonymous" sources within the intelligence agencies that claim that President Trump has been and continues to collude with Russia in an attempt to undermine the USA. This attempt to smear Trump has been going on for over a year, at first to destroy his presidential bid, and now to have him impeached. No real evidence of wongdoing has been shared to date. The media appear to be attempting to distract the masses from a plethora of crimes of far greater significance. Chemtrails, fluoridated water, tainted vaccines, GMOs, mass surveillance, false flag terror, and other ongoing crimes are never discussed on the nightly corporate television "news" feeds. Nor is there coverage of the many demonstrably criminal activities of the Obama, Clinton, and Bush families. Why don't we hear about how the US, under Obama, placed the Saudis on the UN Human Rights Council, despite the Saudis' execution of homosexuals and rampant abuse of women. There is proof that at least 16 states had their voting systems hacked by the US government's Department of Homeland Security, with many votes for Donald Trump flipped for Hillary Clinton. Yet, the media does not concern itself with the illegal activities of our own government, only with the alleged Russian hacking threat. There is no corporate media concern regarding the highly suspicious murder of the Democratic National Party insider -- and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders supporter -- Seth Rich who is reported to have leaked Hillary Clinton's and other operatives' emails to Wikileaks. Seth Rich did this, not the Russians as the media claim. Rich was reportedly alive at the hospital, but medical attention witheld. Nothing was stolen from him, though it was claimed to be a robbery. Why haven't the CCTV street film footage or the body cam footage from the two attending police officers been released? Why was Wikileaks the only group that offered a cash reward ($20,000) for information leading to the arrest of the murderer? Why was there an authenticated leaked email from Clinton Campaign chairman John Podesta, dated just days before the killing, calling for "making an example" of the leaker? [this email was found to be from two years prior, so likely unrelated] Why did DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile call the police to stop a private investigator from looking into the details of the Seth Rich murder? NPR and the rest of the State-propaganda outlets could not care less about any of these facts that cast doubt on the official narrative. The great deceit is that the leaked emails are solely due to Russian hacking and Russian-Trump collusion, though little evidence of this exists, and whatever Russian fingerprints might be found, could actually have been placed there by the CIA given the Vault 7 revelations that describe the nearly unlimited powers the intelligence agencies have these days with respect to compromising computers and routers, making viruses and other attacks look like they originated from places and countries that had nothing to do with them, and the ability to change time stamps and insert material onto computers and servers to implicate whoever they wish to attack. All of these deceptions serve the interests of the transnational multi-$trillion war machine that requires manufactured threats to justify ongoing debt buildup and the death -- which is a sacrament to Baal -- of millions of innocent people. Really, the larger issue is that the major media seeks to steer society by way of not just distortion, which they do continually, but by omission. The "news" is created by what the media chooses to cover; and it is by that very selection process -- of what will be shown to the masses and what will not -- that an artificial reality is created and maintained. What I heard today on NPR insulted my conscience. I can abide by their deceits no longer. * 9:27: The animal, the Beast System, is here in the US. Russia has banned GMOs and promotes organic food production. Russia supports Caucasian heterosexual couples having children, and is not turning to uncontrolled mass imigration from impoverished Muslim and Catholic countries to maintain and grow their population, immigrant populations that are not assimilating and hold values contrary to those that gave rise to Western civilization. Endocrine gland issues, thyroid issues, tremendously harmful 5G wireless exposure. Mandatory vaccinations, constant EMF exposures, these are civil rights, human rights issues. How can we be free and sovereign individuals when we are not safe in our own homes? 5G requires twenty or more times the number of antennas that we currently have, clustered much more closely together, using powerful 16-20 GHz frequencies, in order to achieve the nearly zero lag time required for autonomous vehicles and an "immersive" virtual reality for Internet users. This powerful blanket is required for the advancement of artificial intelligence and the "Internet of Things" where all objects and people can be tracked and traced in real time. State legislators are looking at a bill that would preclude ANY community input over the placement of the likely one million + additional antennas to be added to California's landscape. No thanks! I live less than 1/2 mile from a cellular tower that has seen a massive spike in its transmission intensity in the last couple of months. My endocrine glands, especially my thyroid gland, have just caught fire. It's been BRUTAL. These are the worst symptoms I've had since becoming conscious of this energy 22 years ago. It's as if these frequencies have been modulated specifically to target the human endocrine system. I wouldn't put it past these singularity-seeking Satanists. I had a sore throat and green phlegm for a good month during the music festivals, with the intensity being adjusted downward some soon after, but it's back up to a higher level again. * Black Pigeon Speaks on YouTube has some extraordinary commentary, including a recent post regarding the differences between the Tokyo and San Francisco gay pride parades. The government has an interest in centralizing power. Whatever money the government "gives" you or your community, there are 100 strings attached to it that serve its interests. This is why government must be kept small. Government embraces technology-dependent education that is demeaning to both student and teacher. The military spends more money on controlling the minds of the masses than it does kinetic warfare, because that is where the real battles take place. Read Sun Tzu: It is always more efficient to destroy the enemy from within, so that is what they are doing with the US population. By the 100th lie you've caught a media outlet engaged in, you really should stop using them as a reference. YouTube and Google have delisted and/or demonetized thousands of websites or channels under the guise of combatting "fake news," but which is really an effort to stop the flow of points of view that run counter to the pro-military, pro-globalist, propagandist agenda. Therefore I am now supporting over 20 YouTube channels at $5/month via a website called "Patreon." It's imperative that these voices are kept afloat financially despite the corporate media's attempt to destroy them.
April 20, 2017 (36:00) Looking at properties along Old Woman Springs Road (Highway 237) in Johnson Valley and elsewhere that are 4-5 miles away from the nearest cellular tower. I would love to live at that kind of a distance from transmitting sources. I'd have to be willing to live on a dirt road and off the grid. For phone service I'd probably have to buy a satellite phone or have a tall whip antenna on top of the house that I could turn off and on as necessary. I don't think I'd be paying for 5 miles of telephone poles to be erected just for me. There are also some empty expanses east of Palmdale and Lancaster, but west of Highway 395, that would put me 3 or more miles from the nearest tower. Comments on compensation for teachers as a function of education and experience. * I've been bedridden since the tower 1/4 mile from my house became began transmitting much more powerfully. This began about April 5, or just two weeks ago. Although I haven't done a thorough assessment, it has been my perception that wider areas of Coachella Valley are now transmitting at greater field strengths and with frequencies that have been modified to be particularly injurious to the human endocrine system. I had pain in my thyroid and green phlegm for a whole week. It was unfucking believable. (Even as I write this today on April 22, the pain in the thyroid and other glands has not abated. It is especially bad at night. I feel like my pancreas gland is being cooked. I am really concerned about some kind of cancer developing. Israeli studies have shown a four-fold rate increase in new cancers for people who live a quarter mile or less from a cellular tower.) The absurd recommendations of coworkers that I take Advil and other "fever reducing" pharmaceuticals that are toxic to the liver. I've even had glassy, droopy eyes with thick crust in the morning --- this from a nearby cell tower! My body perceives the EMF as a viral assault. It's a new level of impairment and exposure for me. I haven't been so broadsided -- sensitivity-wise -- since I lived on O'ahu in 1995. There is an adaptation process, and after a week or two these new sources become less problemattic on a level of consciousness, even if they still assault the physical and energetic body. * I am looking into buying some shielding for my house. I remember buying some 4'x8' metal panels while I lived in Volcano on the Big Island, and they were a joke, a bulky, sharp-edged joke. There is a lot of science that goes into building a Faraday cage, and I really had no idea what I was doing. I rememeber hiking some areas where there was a physical barrier between me and the EMF source, then I'd come around a corner and feel a hot wind ripping through me from the nearby antenna array. Now I am looking at either attenuating the EMF that penetrates my bedroom, or buy a special modular room that can be shipped to me and erected in the living room. * 22:43 comment regarding the chemically nucleated snow atop the mountains in Southern California that after six weeks still won't melt despite persistent 90º temperatures here in the valley. We are talking about snow that stays put at the 6000' level and higher despite daytime temperatures in these areas frequently hitting the 50ºs and 60ºs. Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org discusses the same thing. It's a fraud. The chemicals in the snow cause freezing at temperatures in the 50ºs, and then won't melt at normal ice melt temperatures. The snow must be half plastic. I've been increasingly annoyed by the presence of this snow from one engineered storm nearly two months ago, week after week despite heat waves. It's a psyop and I am not buying it. It's hot and dry and the plants are dying, yet zombies looking at the mountains might think that we have had a cold and wet winter, which is hardly the case. This is the same nucleated snow that fells centuries old trees and kills 100,000 strong herds of alpacas in the Andes and cattle in Texas and South Dakota. It is wet and sticky, globbing onto the animal or branch, and then getting colder and heavier as the chemical reaction continues. It's a joke to see the nucleated snow that persists near Wrightwood, but Mountain High, the area's ski resort, has long since shuttered its doors because the snow they manufacture to supplement the ground cover is real snow, and melts in temperatures above freezing. It wold be great to interview some of the employees there to see if in the past few decades it was the case that snow might persist in a nearby mountain, at a similar elevation, but the snow they create for their skiers would melt. I bet that historically, when there was no nucleated snow to contend with, that melt rates would be identical. * My website is being censored / suppressed by Google. In 2005 I would get 500 or more search engine referrals a day. Now I get just two. I have hundreds of photos and scans for a variety of topics, almost none of which come up in websearches anymore. I am going to hire a search engine opitmization company to tell me what's really going on and how I can win back some of the traffic I've lost. Google has mounted a huge campaign to demonetize and delist website and YouTube channels that certain groups have alleged to peddle "hate" and "fake news." So is kundalini awakening "fake news?" Are nervous system fatigue and endocrine gland stress due to cellular radiation "fake news" too? Not if I am around to argue otherwise!
April 17, 2017 (26:50) Heading to Natural Sisters Cafe in Joshua Tree, then taking the back roads to Antelope Valley. I've been at a low ebb the last week or two. The cellular tower near my house, which had a comparatively weak output the past 4 years, was upgraded, based on my RF perceptions, on or about April 5. My sense of being virally attacked, having green phlegm though I am not even sick, constant hacking, constant pain in my thyroid, thymus, pituitary, and pineal glands, and the sense of being cooked alive everywhere but especially in my gastrointestinal area, is unprecedented. The only thing that comes close to my being broadsided like this was when this sensitivity spiked and became overwhelming to me 22 years ago in 1995. Nothing since then has been quite like this. At first I thought that the change was specific only to the nearby cellular tower at the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens, but in the coming weeks I have determined that a frequency and intensity change has occurred over wide sections of Coachella Valley. Given how my endocrine glands and brain stem seemed to be so specifically targeted, I find myself wondering in the middle of the night as I lie there in pain, whether these modulations, frequencies, and other changes are specifically intended to rot out our brains. Given that these changes occurred just a week before Satanic pop icon Lady Gaga's performance at the Coachella Music Festival, I thought the zombification of our higher functioning a most fitting preparation for her dark "ritual" -- performances are always rituals with ulterior motives for them, aren't they? ** Even laying on my side and sleeping does little to diminish the pressure. * A review of my trip to RF shielding manufacturer and the Environmental Health Center at Dallas in 1997. The owner sent me a copper filament mesh one-man RF shielding tent that he had a contract to build for the army. * Overview of my RF attenuating options for my residence in Coachella Valley.
March 19, 2017 Ten minute video taken while laying down near the crest of the Alimony Truck Trail in the San Gabriel Mountains. Highlights of monologue: Heavy metal spraying causing overcast conditions in what used to be known as the Blue Sky Country of the Southern California High Desert. Depressed about Trump's firing National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn, who wanted to arrest the DC pedophiles and make peace with Russia, and has since handed over the nation's foreign policy to ruthless neocons bent on world domination. There is a continuity in Satanic purpose that connects perpetual war, child sacrifice, and the injection of nanoparticulate heavy metals into the breathable air column of our planet. This monstruous disregard of life is a sacrament to Moloch, or Lucifer, the deity that the membership of this occult group worship. This massive, global chemtrails program is a literal salting of the earth -- to what ends I don't know, although depopulation must be front and center. Some comments on an extraordinary episode of the SGTreport (ILLUMINATI NWO SATANIC DEATH CULT EXPOSED) (*). There is a growing chance that nuclear war will occur between the major powers. Should I relocate to the southern hemisphere that will be spared the bulk of the nuclear fallout due to prevailing planetary air currents? Should I join the elites in southern Chile, southern Argentina, and New Zealand, where many are relocating to now? What is with the crazy interest in Antarctica, where there are warm spots capable of supporting life all year around due to volcanic activity, and the rumored remains of an alien extraterrestrial species? Many of the world's leaders, including the Catholic Pope, have made pilgrimmages to Antarctica recently, with the Pope making unusual pronouncements that aliens can receive the sacrament. Antarctica might be the safest place to be if widespread planetary war breaks out, along with economic collapse and mass migrations of the planet's 7 billion people. Civil war and death squads could be visited upon the United States, as they have in most other countries where death cults have risen to power. Should I cut my losses and leave? South America does not have a history of respecting human rights. But if the US is spraying its citizens to death (mortality rates are rising for the first time in over 100 years), what does that say regarding the supposed noble mission of "Pax Americana?" I am not looking foward to a world where autism was nearly non-existent, and now major universities are predicting that half of all children will suffer from this central nervous system disorder within the next 20 years. Sure, as a special education teacher this means job security, but it would not be a world I would inhabit voluntarily.
December 30, 2016 (34:32) For the first time in the six weeks following my brutal dental appointment of mid-November, feeling is returning to the spiritual node on the right side of my chest. All subtle sensations were shut down for a good month, and I was more depressed emotionally than I had ever been before. It was a prolonged dark night of the soul, where I felt completely disconnected from my higher functioning. Even my intuition and capacity to just "be" was seriously undermined. But for the last two weeks I followed my instincts, massaging my head vigorously: pressing down upon my ears and eyes; kneading my scalp; squeezing the flesh of my jaw and pallette; and other areas. I am happy with this development, because it was a month or two of sustained throbbing and activity around this right node area that preceded the first real opportunity for self-transcendence that I've had in 22 years, just two days before the dental visit. Again, the location for this node is about an inch and a half in and down from my right nipple. It was as if the anesthetic unmoored me, a kind of sundering or untethering of my subtle being from my physical body. It was most disconcerting. For a good month my being lacked coherence. It was the most lost I have felt ever. I may have had some extreme sensations in the past, but this kind of detachment and lack of holistic discernment was novel. My subtle being was like a dirigible casting about violently in the wind with 5 of its 6 mooring lines cut. But with time and persistence and grace, the cut tethers are slowly being reattached to give this body-mind-spirit vehicle a greater sense of grounding and coherence. In dark periods, you just have to have faith and persist. Eventually, Grace or Spirit will find traction in your body, and in the broader world around you. So it was that in the past week I began to have sustained irritation and pressure in my heart muscle. Less attuned people might think these were heart attack symptoms, but seeing that I was just chopping vegetables or laying down -- and hence not placing any aerobic strain on my heart -- I knew that it was likely some subtle development at work. I was not sure of that, so I did have some concern. I was resigned to dying if that is where this was heading, but I was hopeful that the symptom would pass. Now that I feel the right spiritual node coming back again, I can see a larger, benevolent process at work here. I just want to feel that shift and not feel that death is a mystery anymore. My hope is to have a modest whole body enlightenment that is survivable in the current modern polluted context. It would be like God saying, "You know, I had much bigger plans for you, but this is the best I can do." It would be like a concession prize for the second place finisher. My mind and body are not doing well. God knows that I am dying, and that it just doesn't look good for me. Some limited spiritual insight, with a greatly reduced energetic capacity, is probably my best option. No chance of spiritual combustion -- going up in light -- and transcending physical death altogether. No. Not me. Not in this world. A message to the future: Stop the use of anesthetics! Shut down the cellular towers! If people had more of these remarkable feelings in them, they would not be turning to drugs or personal debasement for pleasure and distraction. Nothing can compete with the natural high that is God consciousness and this incredible kundalini process.
November 21, 2016a (13:58) Reflections on spiritual event of nine days earlier, November 12. Feeling positive, good, light. Awoke at 2am and worked on website and posted to ZeroHedge for two hours, going back to bed at 4am. I felt strangely energized. Within a half-hour of my lying down, I felt a shift in my consciousness. There was a cord of connection between the center of my head and my chest and lower abdomen. There was an implosion of my consciousness that centered around my head, but involved all of me. There was an actual sense of weight and dropping down toward the source or epicenter of the gravitational pull. Other parts of me are open now. What I find especially hopeful is that this event took place in a context where I am not in an electromagnetically benign place, either where I work or where I live. I am not well, physically. Yet this impulse to transcend persists and seems to have made an important compromise or adaptation. I thank God for that. Thank you. I am hopeful that additional opportunities will present themselves in the future, despite a recent dental appointment with associated injections of anesthetic that has thrown the cohesion and purpose I had felt into disarray again. I hope to spring back and plunge to the bottom of this pull toward Consciousness or Spirit.
November 21, 2016b (22:21) Hiking at 5000' after a rain. The air should be pristine, but it's not on account of the spraying. Drove all the way to Joshua Tree this past Thursday for a hike only to determine that I didn't feel like hiking, which was unprecedented for me. I had had a dental appointment that Monday, and it took quite a long time for me to feel the burning in my brain and thymus gland -- 2 or 3 days after receiving the anesthetic shots. What occured in me was an attack on my consciousness and "being" itself, which had never happened before. The net effect of this was that I didn't feel like "doing" anything because I could no longer "be." It was a diminishment or thwarting of my etheric body. There was an existential apathy that was novel to me. It was brutal. This whole past weekend I just withdrew. The anesthetic functioned as a spiritual toxin, and like a lion in the wild bitten by a king cobra, I had to become inert for a week to allow the lower levels of my being neutralize and excrete it. I felt the aging process in me as my spiritual tethers once again were sundered. This pursuit of godhead, of spiritual realization, is like an Olympic event. For the last couple of months, on extended hikes, I have had an hour or two of persistent pain and throbbing at the right spiritual node, below and beneath the right nipple area. It was a yearning, spiritual pain. It was a good sign. A review of the spiritual event the previous Saturday of my consciousness falling inward upon itself within my brain, with a thin subtle cord connecting the center of my brain to my brachial plexus. This was the first time such an event has occurred in me since July 1994. I view it as highly auspicious, as I was completely calm, even giddy with an implicit happiness, as this event sought to take place. The energies at play here were 95% less intense than those of 1994. But Spirit, presumably, has determined that this is the best I can do -- the most energy I can harness and transmit safely in the morbid environment I find myself in. My whole body is included in this dissolution of my separate self sense at this time, but minimally so. I wonder about this event's timing: Did the omniscient aspect of this determine that I would be deeply impaired (again) by dental work in two days, and thus made available to me an opportunity to transcend just before? I have had a similar suspicion regarding the timing of the descending force event of November 1994 when at 4:00am I was struck by the descending force like a 1000 lb load of bricks, but repelled it due to my concerns regarding my having torn my left knee's ACL earlier that evening hiking at Manoa falls. As they say, "There is no such thing as coincidences." Maybe Spirit knew that my circumstances were not safe for a full realization of God, and hence arranged for me to be injured at the most advantageous moment of my development. I am very encouraged by the knowledge that spiritual progress is afoot in me, and that Spirit is having success in reducing its spiritual goals that are a better match for the toxicity of this world. I hope I am able to overcome this most recent bout with anesthetic, and that this -- or a similar -- opportunity presents itself to me.
November 21, 2016c (23:15) The anesthetic this time caused a dislocation of my consciousness -- a dislocation of my identity that persisted for weeks. Really really brutal. Not feeling connected to yourself is a very disconcerting feeling. Frustrated my seeking coherence. An extreme version of this sense of dislocation can be found in the disassociative states featured in the artwork of a child rape victim featured in the Washington, D.C. pedophilia scandal, where the girl is floating in space, detached from the grounding reality of her physical body. While the sex act is performed on her, the girl's locus of identity is shifted away from her physical form. To see this celebrated in art and in the murals adorning "pizza" shops is disgusting. How contrived and delusional some of the emotionally disturbed children felt to me that I have worked with over the years as a special education teacher. It's like in 1984 where Winston is being tortured because his mere compliance to say that 2+2=5 is wholly inadequate to the Authoritarian's requirement that he BELIEVE that 2+2=5. We see that in modern media today, the expectation that we believe everything the media tells us, not because it makes "sense," but because the Authority said so. Too many Americans have fallen victim to this rotten mindless propaganda. How the Nazi death camp inmates were beaten into muselmanner or walking dead prior to their being sent to the crematorium. The dark sacrament sought by the Nazi SS was the spiritual destruction of the prisoners in its possession, even moreso than the labor they might offer the war effort. How a determination was made each morning at roll call, by the guards' assessment of the vitality in the gaze of each prisoner: If there was fire and a will to live, they were sent to labor; if there was spiritlessness and defeat, they would be sent to their death. For the members of the Death Set, or Skull and Bones, these secret societies, to sever a spirit from the body, while the body is still alive, is a great goal and sacrament. Comments on #pizzagate and its relation to the Satanic ritual abuse and blood letting of children at its core. The Satanic elite's goal is the dominion and absolute control and sexual violation and spiritual dismemberment of every life form on the planet. Although it is not for me to make this judgment, but it appears to me that the transgression is so great with these Satanic "Spirit Cooking" occultists that there can never again be a bridge between them and civilized society. They should be jailed for the rest of their lives. I don't believe that the State has the right to kill someone. But let's go a little medieval on these criminals, in terms of their housing and upkeep. Maybe we can learn something from Sherrif Joe Arpaio's use of tents in the desert to warehouse criminals, with little protection from the scorching heat and freezing cold experienced in the course of the year. This might work with nonviolent offenders, but what about people who are apt to murder? I don't know what the answer is, but I would like to incarcerate criminals for about a third of the cost we pay now. Everyone has the right not to be violated physically. So maybe we'd have tiny stalls for each prisoner, and not allow them to mingle. I cannot think of any trauma worse than that which leads to a dissociative condition.
November 6, 2016a (25:02) Commentary on the 1987 cult film, "The Hidden," where a lack of technology, especially a lack of wireless technology, a lack of GMO foods, and a lack of heavy metal spraying of the skies created a population of healthy, vibrant, human-centered (as opposed to technology-centered) people who weigh on average 10-20% less than the turgid victims of modernity waddling about the United States some thirty years later. There is an innocent, humorous sensibility to the movie, despite the occasional gore. When people die, the camera turns away. The violence does not carry the heavy emotional toll that today's movies have. There were many things that the movie leaves to your imagination; hence, the movie is less "pornographic" -- by which I mean that it does not use its images to stun and numb you. The alien that takes over human beings is a metaphor for the greed and lust for power that take over many "normal" human beings. In that sense, the movie is a commentary on the sociopathic elite ruining our planet today. Earlier this week I rented a Jeep Compass that I returned the next day due to a strong microwave signal that persisted even after I turned off the Blue Tooth / Wi-Fi in-cabin feature via the dashboard console. Perhaps the maddening signal was related to the government's desire to be able to track vehicles and tax mileage in real time as part of a global tax scheme to combat excess carbon emissions, but which is mostly an attempt to establish a funding mechanism for a tyrannical, technocratic global governance. I remember reading about "black boxes" that would be required on all vehicles by 2015 that would emit a constant cellular signal so that the vehicle's movement could be tracked and taxed. Perhaps that was the issue. The 2015 Nissan Frontier truck I exchanged it for had no such signal apart from the Blue Tooth that I had complete control over. The lust for exotic race cars, such as the Ferraris that the alien likes to steal, is not a practical expression of masculinity or power, as driving 50 miles per hour over the speed limit will land you in jail.
November 6, 2016b (47:44) Why do I support Trump? We must stop US and Israeli support of ISIS that sends women's and gay rights backwards 1000 years in Africa and the Middle East. I reject Hillary Clinton's support of the destruction of the stablizing, moderate governments of Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and Ukraine, and her promise to go to war against Iran and, by extension, Russia. I am tired of the hypocrisy of US wars of aggression to secure resources and prop up the petro-dollar, furthering the disastrous neoconservative agenda, while being sold to the American public as wars of peace and morality. Mine will be a vote against the sociopathic Machiavellian mindset of "might makes right" or the "divine right of kings." Check further, Alex Jones' documentary "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" that presents footage of the elites' "Cremation of Care" ceremony where a child (or an effigy of a child) is burned to the Satanic entity, Moloch, in order to cleanse your conscience of the harm and suffering you have caused others. Elites do this ceremony every August at their confab in the redwoods of Northern California. Trump admits that in business he has benefitted from tax loopholes written for billionaires like himself, but that he will seek to change this, giving working Americans a better chance of success. Comments regarding illegal immigration, for example, the cost of housing 22,000 violent illegal alien criminals in federal prison. Why don't we just send them back to their country of origin? Do you not see the hypocrisy of the "tolerant" and "liberal" Hillary Clinton taking 100s of millions of dollars from a countries like Saudi Arabia that execute gays and women who won't cover their face in public? Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Mexican drug cartels, Saudi royalty, Israeli Mossad, and their relation to child sex trafficking. Recorded acts of pedophilia provide control files that ensure the elites that you will stay on message and serve their agenda. If that doesn't work to silence you, then you will be killed, as JFK was. Not one of the top 100 newspapers in the country endorsed Trump. I take that as a badge of honor. It's merely the appearance of diversity, where perhaps just six media conglomerates own all these papers, radio stations, and television stations. Some comments on Trump's "grab'em by the pussy" statement. A push by government toward greater censorship of the Internet. Will the US institute a "Good Citizenship" score, like the Chinese do, based on the websites you visit, the content of the emails you send, the comments you make online, your social media posts, the people you socialize with, and the members of your social network's own Compliant Citizenship scores? I sure as hell hope not. Why we need out of these nation state sovereignty destroying trade agreements. * Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
November 6, 2016c (20:10) Hiking in the San Gabriel Wilderness along the Alimony Truck Trail Forest Service access road. White heavy metal chafe wafting down upon entire region from aerosol spraying above, creating a uniform haze. Spiritual node near right nipple has been throbbing uncomfortably for 2 hours. It's been doing this during the last few long hikes. A discussion of what this node is. How these heavy metals depress the body's physical and spiritual functioning. I weigh 218 pounds, and have purchased a size 40" belt for the first time. I've gained 20 pounds since moving to the Coachella Valley and not being able to hike daily. I should weigh in the mid-190s. I can get back there if I am hiking every day. I hit 177 pounds in November 1994 when the descending force plowed through me while I slept, attempting to ground every cell and neuron in my body to a heightened energy, one result of which was that my bowels emptied completely a few hours later. It was a 1000 pound lightnining bolt of weight coming through me. The world, in general, is not safe for heightened awareness. This is why I tend to reject such phenomena when they arise, seeking to test them and appraise their suitability for my personal, limited circumstance. If there is a systematic developmental nature to these spiritual arisings, then they will present themselves again if first denied. In order to transmit this maddening love, you need to be grounded, bolted to the earth. You need a subtle screw that connects the entirety of your being to the planet's molten, spinning core thousands of miles beneath your feet. Seeking release from my teaching contract so that I can move to a location 4000 feet in elevation in the high desert. A disheartening infestation of parasitic mistletoe that is killing half or more of the woody plants on my hikes. None of this disgusting mistletoe was here eight years ago. The heavy metal spraying and HAARP arrays are preventing rain from falling. The lack of water and the toxic metals in the soil weaken trees' immune systems and help to proliferate these parasites. There is evidence that artificial polymers are in the material raining down on us, and that these polymers are delivery systems for mold, parasites, and genetically modified pathogens. Human beings are suffering from an epidemic of parasite and mold related illnesses. The spraying and these illnesses are linked.
November 6, 2016d (35:57) I took a six hour hike today, plus an hour of laying down on a zero cellphone reception trail. Agree with Michael Moore, that I am supporting Trump as a "fuck you!" to the establishment. The "establishment" is: putting GMOs in the wild; spreading EMF everywhere; spraying nanoparticulate heavy metals in the stratosphere, destroying the ozone and choking off life; endless war and military spending. In terms of liberty, people in the US and across the globe have been losing ground for the last 20 years. Advances in technology have made us even less free. With Trump I hope to promote local control of education and medical freedom (e.g., push back against mandatory vaccinations). I think Trump will make peace with Russia, sparing my having a mushroom cloud over Edwards Airforce Base, which is a nuclear target, and is near my high desert property. A lot of these elites feel they are losing control over the masses, and are likely to start a nuclear war rather than cede this control. The sociopathology of the elites and pedophile priests like Michael O'Grady, who abused over 50 minors, ages 5 on up, some for several years each, featured in the documentary, "Deliver Us From Evil." He suffered from a complete lack of awareness of the suffering he caused in others. You can absolutely see this in his interviews. It is remarkable. You could say that this lack of empathy is the hallmark of Evil. Donald Trump is not a sociopath. He has a heart. He cares. We'll find out if he is a hypocrite, or if he can be blackmailed into serving a darker agenda. But I do think he cares. Getting out of bad trade deals that serve globalist interests, not the US's. Physicians with effective natural cancer treatments are targeted and shut down by the FDA. The three wealthiest counties in the US all touch Washington, DC, because DC is the new Rome, the seat of graft and parasitism. Public schools have become obedience training centers where independent, critical thinking and creativity are subordinated to the State's desire for a compliant, dependent population. The credentialing of teachers is a disaster. Possessing a credential means that you have destroyed your innate ability to learn and inquire, and that you are ready to destroy the innate wisdom of children. Common Core comes from the Bill Gates Foundation and these transhumanist combines that push kids away from God and to a false union with Wi-Fi and mobile devices. In the mind of elites, humans are inferior to machines. To me, this is not only wrong, it is blasphemy. I think Trump is a successful business person, and with that background he is going to try to "drain the swamp" where all human and economic activity is bent toward feeding off taxes sent to Washington, D.C., as opposed to innovating and being competitive. I think Trump is going to encourage more self-reliance in a nation where over 100 million people are now, due to bad trade deals that have gutted our economic base, reliant on government Welfare checks where people can just sit at home and collect money for doing nothing. It's a rotten system that teaches everyone to expect something for nothing. I think Trump will curb this, and empower people to get back on their feet again.
October 26, 2016 (7:26) The fallout of aerosol spraying can be seen readily with a flashlight at night, as swirling, eddying chaffe raining down on you. When I am up in Joshua Tree National Park, hiking at night, there is a stark difference between the crystal clear air that is present after a rain, or after a few days where no spraying occurred, and the typical particle-filled air that is the result of a day or two's spraying campaign. There were some rains recently, with less aerosol injecting jets than usual, which cleared the air of 95% of the pollution that would otherwise have been there. It was fantastic to inhale the pollution-free air. It was so healing. My body could feel the difference. Just inhaling that pristine air made me high. There were still some puddles on the trail, and a slight dampness in the air. I do not like inhaling foreign objects into my lungs. Air is ether. It's life's primary link to subtle consciousness. To have air polluted, as the eugenicist geoengineers are doing, is to pollute our connection to Spirit. It is "noise" or static that impedes the radio signal that is spiritual reception and transmission. Air -- this subtle realm -- should be as free of obstruction as possible.
August 20, 2016a (27:21) (Threats to the environment. Notes on the 50+ square mile Blue Cut Fire that is still burning. Weight loss goals. Comments on hiking strengthening the will.)
August 8, 2016a (20:39) (The intelligent and sustaining quality of Frederick Taylor's writing in "The Downfall of Money: Germany's Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class." An extended discussion of the passive, deadend activity that is television viewing versus the act of creating new worlds as is done through writing, meditation, quilting, child rearing, exercise, gardening, music making, volunteerism, and any number of crafts and hobbies. It is essential that we be authentic and vital; and it is only by being actively engaged that we can remain a free and spiritually-minded people. The capacity for spiritual transcendence is diluted by compulsive external focuses like television watching and reading. Try to accept the moments or periods where your self identity is in flux, as these often presage psychological or spiritual breakthroughs. Sometimes your self-identity needs to shift, and an uncomfortable flux is required for that. The tension between worldly productivity and spiritual growth.) * August 8, 2016b (8:07) (Immersion in artificial realities as spiritual death. The spiritual dead end that is television viewing. The personal and social benefits of participating in a knitting circle. One hundred years ago, before the onslaught of digital, wireless media, 85% of the public was actively engaged, with 15% passively entertained; now that ratio of conscious persons to zombies has reversed. Making a quilt for a cancer victim versus spending 16 hours watching "Game of Thrones" on TV: No comparison as to which is the superior involvement in terms of social uplift.) * August 8, 2016c (26:00) (Find a daily exercise regimen that is enjoyable and sustainable; that gives your circulatory and lymphatic systems a workout, but is not too hard on your joints. Hiking 11 miles with 3200 feet of elevation gain, with a 5-hour, 244 mile roundtrip drive to access the trail, is definitely not my first choice for a meditational-aerobic outlet. If you have a 3-4 hour workout that you can access without driving anywhere, that is best. If walking or running is your preferred mode of exercise, it is ideal to have a gradual incline, as opposed to something much steeper, as it is both harder on your joints and interferes with developing a meditative state of mind as you have to pay closer attention to your footing and you have to brake frequently on the way down. Working out too hard overexcites me and prevents me from sleeping well. Also, a two hour drive after a work out doesn't let the bodymind relax into a harmonious balance: the upright, sedentary mental focusing is anathema to bodymind integration. For a lower energy person, 1-2 hours daily should suffice.)
August 6, 2016b (30:42) (The importance of a stable, regular surface for foot placement, for joint health, the rhythmic motion of arms and legs, and the attainment of a deep meditative state. Decomposed granite rubble: the bane of all leg joints. The less processed sardines I prefer have 1gram calcium that is absent from skinless, de-boned sardines. Prolonged sitting is detrimental to gastrointestinal and intellectual functioning. I attribute the lightening and strengthening of my solar plexus to the regular walking, reduced sitting, and reduced television viewing during my recent vacation in Washington, D.C. Did drinking a lot of well water help, as well as going to bed earlier? Brain waves are at a lower ebb than dreamless sleep when you watch TV. Watching moving images is a passive, zombifying activity. Listening to radio and reading a book cause the brain to generate images and hence, is more active and helpful. Taking four pages of notes watching "Titanic" in 1997. Loosening my bowels when hit with the descending force in 1994, resulting in a weight of 178, the lowest since high school. Cotton mouth from body trying to rid itself of preservatives in prepared foods.)
August 4, 2016a (22:02) (Health and Radiance) * August 4, 2016b (29:17) (Health and Radiance) * August 4, 2016c (8:37) (Health and Radiance)
July 24, 2016 (b) (32:24) (Non-recognition of my suffering. If you can't see it or feel it, why bother about it? Doctor prescribes Zoloft to me, a fluoride-based mood enhancer that eats holes in your brain and destroys empathy.)
June 21, 2016 (12:04) (Turning down a teaching position at a high school due to a cellular tower that doubled as a stadium light. They thought it was because I was racist. Trying to find EMF safety in the 21st century is very much a Kafka-esque challenge.) * June 21, 2016 (6:02) (An hour into a walk in an EMF-reduced location, I felt tightening and strengthening in my solar plexus as well as an improved ability to focus my mind. Trying to overcome the growing alienation, decay, and bodymind dysfunction that attend chronic EMF exposure. Mental energy, when forced through this grid of artificial EMF is like forcing a laser beam through a prism that breaks it into 1000 pieces, utterly destroying its utility and coherence.)
April 12, 2016 (25:30) (Aerosol Spraying and US Presidential candidate Donald Trump)
March 10, 2016 (29:58) Respiratory illnesses spread in Coachella Valley. A dozen people hacking at Walmart. The Satanic Broadcasting Network won't link this to the chemtrails above, so the sheep are dying with their cognitive dissonance intact. My MERV 16, above HEPA home air filtration system is inadequate for removing these microscopic toxins. The frustration of driving an hour away to hike in an EMF-reduced environment only to be just as exposed to toxic aerosol spray fallout as ever. The value of industriousness and goal-orientedness in the workplace, in defiance of slackers who seek to avoid a deeper commitment. The sky covered with toxic haze and two "chembows" above the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens. These are world class athletes, and they, too, must suck in this heavy metal contamination. The relentless onslaught or incursion of wireless technology and nanoparticulates into our beings. Nowhere do I see a reduction of electromagnetic exposure -- only an increase. Staff taking medication to mask symptoms of neuropathy that I attribute primarily to wireless exposures. There is an epidemic of neuropathy with ads for its medication appearing on television and in print -- ads that describe the med's countless adverse side effects such as a ten-fold increase in pancreatic cancer. The energetic dimension of our being is very much under assault from this heavy metal toxicity and wireless assault. The free form aluminum that we are breathing is NOT found in nature, where it is always bound to and thereby neutralized by another element. My own symptoms of neuropathy improve greatly after extended retreats in natural areas with reduced EMF exposure and increased aerobic activity that energizes my being and strengthens my nervous system. The pharmaceutical companies probably do have an understanding about the real source of the neuropathy is, but their profits and the elites' agenda lay elsewhere. Wireless energy is the Breath of the Beast. The predatory system requires the advance of this technology, regardless of the health effects. The 20 reductionistic, transhumanist fallacies promoted by Vernor Vinge and Star Trek such as digital holograms that have the capacity to love; digital synthesizers that can create a tomato or a French Soufflé; the transport of living organisms across space by a computerized modeling of the being down to the atomic, genetic, and molecular levels that is then sent to another location via a digitized EMF signal. This is an extremely powerful meme that is lodged in people's subconsciousnesses. I've been watching this stuff since the 1960s when Star Trek first aired. The transporter technology is a lie. It's a fraud. You cannot reduce life to a binary series of zeros and ones, as the transhumanists intent on uploading their consciousnesses to some mainframe to acheieve immortality. This is a false and very dangerous idea. In a complex, living system, the sum is always greater than the parts. In the computer modeling displayed by Star Trek, Spirit is absent. You cannot have life without Spirit; and man is not capable of creating or giving life to another being, only Spirit is. It is that mysterious, universal spark that breathes life into inanimacy. It's spirit, it's the morphogenetic field, it's some larger universal field that informs everything that arises. You cannot separate a being from that, digitize it, and transport it. I just think you are going to lose a lot in that. I don't think you can transport people that way. Not even a rock. Even with that you will have some problems. What this science fiction fallacy leads you to believe is that you can fuck over the planet; you can create an environment that is absolutely inhospitable...continue at 21:00.
March 9, 2016 (11:00) Tremendous muscle weakness. Powerful cell tower 1 mile away makes me feel like my entire body is on fire. Wiggington's discussion of heavy metal exposures resulting in off-the-charts blood levels for aluminum, barium, and arsenic. Fitt's hypothesizes that the globalists want humanity to resonate with cell towers, hence the metal spraying and massive deployment of artificial EMF transmitters. But life cannot "resonate" with the towers. There will an effect, but it will be one of disease, incoherence, and accelerated aging. Finding employment in the high desert will result in better hiking and a reduction in temperature of 10-20 degrees during the summers, which would be a godsend.
March 8, 2016 (13:50) How I feel after several hours in the presence of a cellular tower, in terms of energy level and coherence. When working or resting in an EMF-reduced environment, my energy level intensifies, and a positive, inner wildness grows that calls for me to leap about and ground the intensity in a physical manner. This is the opposite of the deepening lethergy and apathy that takes root in me the longer I am in the presence of harmful EMF. Recent blood pressure of 148/84 versus 112 over 72 of 12 years ago. Being near a microwave transmitter makes every cell in my body feel like it has a slipped disc. On an energetic and metabolic level EMF causes my being to go out of alignment. All I can do in response to this digitized energetic overload is assume a horizontal, passive state and let it pass on its own, which takes time. I have to become motionless and unresponsive. But how inert can something that is alive become? It is impossible to get a good hike in after a day of poor exposures. I need 12-24 hours of sleep and rest, at least, before I am ready to really exert myself. I can no longer maintain the 10-mile walk regimen week days in Joshua Tree, as I am not getting enough sleep. I need sufficient rest to be balanced and focused at work, which is more important than burning a few extra calories on the trail. So I am hiking six miles or so, and laying down in the shade of some yucca plants for 30 minutes, instead of pushing myself to walk an extra two miles each way. I am doing this just 3 days a week or so. You have to listen to your gut, your inner instincts. There are many times when your brain is telling you one thing, but it's at odds with your gut. You have to listen to your gut. It might not be what your mind had intended, but your gut and your heart always know what to do.
March 8, 2016 (3:01) Body feels languid. It's like every part of me is a water balloon or a wet noodle, such that if I apply any physical pressure or mental focus to it, it just can't respond or sustain it. This is what a day of EMF exposure does to the enlightened human body. You become wobbly, unsteady. You just can't maintain focus and attention, either physically or intellectually. It's like you have been at sea for a week and are trying to walk on solid ground again. My quadriceps and biceps feel limp, unresponsive. It's like I am running on fumes, with my primary energy source completely exhausted. I am not bursting forward into my exercise as had been the norm for me for so many years.
February 7, 2016 (16:29) (Ringing in my ears, pain in my pancreas, and other perceptions.)
January 14, 2016 (49:10) (Must keep up hiking to stay under 220 pounds. Forty pounds heavier than I was 20 years ago. The additional weight is brutal on your joints. The trailess 1000' ascent of the Cottonwood Mountains from the canyon floor in Joshua Tree is not compatible with longterm joint health. The steep, rubble-covered path is hard on your knees, hips, and ankles -- especially so if you are carrying an extra 20+ pounds. For the time being, I am opting for a less aerobically challenging flat walk of 10 miles. We'll see how this goes for me in the summer. Maybe I'll have to hike from 6pm to 10pm to avoid the worst of the heat. The bodymind integration and harmonization fostered by the alternating left-right movement of your arms and legs while walking. Riding a bicycle, while aerobically beneficial, does not stimulate such harmony, and the pressure of the seat suffocates the root chakra and causes erectile dysfunction. Lymphatic and other body fluids need to circulate. Exercise promotes this. I've started eating a large leafy green salad for lunch, with romaine lettuce, celery, red and green cabbage, raw sunflower seeds, roasted sesame seeds, sprouted tofu, fresh chopped garlic, and drenched in organic olive oil and balsamic vineagar. The salads have reduced my stomach bloat, and have increased the vital force of my gastrointestinal tract overall. My complexion has improved, too... continue at 16:00....)
January 10, 2016a (37:53) (Going on a 10-mile hike in the San Gabriel Mountains with 1600' of elevation gain. Everyone must have a physical practice. If I couldn't walk I would be pumping bicycle pedals with my arms -- or anything else that exercised my heart. I had a much higher metabolic rate from ages 13-21 when I ran frequently. It is important to have a stable surface and have your weight under control if you want your knees, hips, and ankles to last 100 years. Feeling a post-hike euphoria at a Mexican restaurant, observing dozens of somber, obese people illuminated by the screens of their cell phones. There is a correlation between obesity and cell phone use. Overview of article at PeakProsperity.com that discusses the rise of diabetes and obesity worldwide. Oddly, some areas, like India, are experiencing a rise in diabetes, but not obesity. Though this may be partly due to increased consumption of GMOs, I attribute the rise of diabetes to increasing cellular radiation exposure which my experience has shown me is a direct attack on the pancreas and its associated regulation of not just blood sugar, but the entire subtle energy system of the human body. Whereas the bodymind receives its nutrition initially through the umbilical cord, in the more advanced stages of spiritual development, prana or subtle energy itself flows through the solar plexus and is directly metabolized by the pancreas into a nutrient source capable of sustaining the bodymind. It is this higher endocrine system function that cellular radiation disrupts. The metabolic dysfunction caused by cellular radiation is evidenced in the obese "smart"-phone-saddled patrons of this Mexican restaurant. When I am in areas of greater EMF exposure, any excitation or concentration of my consciousness leads directly to a burning, deadening, painful sensation in my feet and hands. Americans are becoming lazy and unthinking, which is the exact response demonstrated by monkeys in microwave exposure studies where the animals seek to sleep whenever the exposure is great. After 26 years teaching special education I am ready for retirement. I could go another 19 years of teaching, but I would have to find a more benign workplace, electromagnetically, and I would need the daily strengthening and release that a celltower-free hike provides me. A healthy exercise regimen can reverse premature graying of hair. I need 4 months of this extraordinary excercise program to lose 20 pounds and regain much of the health I've lost the past 2-3 years. Looking at the white particulate matter descending from all the artificial clouds above me, I reflect that this is omnicide. The pathogens and heavy metals we are being seeded with are killing us. I look at the Internet pundits like Chris Martenson, Gerald Celente, and Dr. Edward Group and I can tell you that they look like shit compared to just two years ago. There has been a visible decline in the effulgence of light from their faces and general vitality in the past two years. It's marked. I look around me and I see a bloated, deathly pastiness in everyone that worsens over time, yet no one asks why the sky has a solid blanket of clouds or haze every day when the desert should have blue skies 360 days per year. Are the technocrats attacking the light-creating principle in the human body itself? The "21 Grams" that leave the body upon death: Is the spiritual principle itself under attack? I believe it is. The nano-sized, bioavailable heavy metals are taken up directly into the bloodstream through the lungs and commandeer cellular receptor sites and block the chemical and energetic functioning of the body. Heavy metals block the uptake of nutrients through the roots of trees and other plants. Such plants die even if they live alongside a stream. The diminished transmittive quality of people that I see is NOT due to age. I see the worn faces of Native Americans from 100 or more years ago, and the radiance of their faces and eyes was intact despite their age.)
January 10, 2016b (28:35) (Decreased subtle radiance as a function of toxic exposures. The Luciferian technocrats' specific attack on human spiritual potential. The elites' quest for demonic possession. Some comments on Dr. Shiva Yogi's ajna chakra activation service. The pleasure of a good chakra cleansing or energetic healing. The danger of viewing Adi Da or Ammachi as the source of the shaktipat or grace. The limitations of the personality or physical vehicle of the external guru or teacher. Excessive idealization of the guru leads to demands for sex, money, and time that hinder seekers in their quest for inner guidance. Ammachi's repetitive stress injury from excessive hugging. continue at 9:00)
January 10, 2016c (29:34) (A review of "Cobra Gypsies" by Raphael Treza -- a documentary of the Kalbeliya Gypsies of Rajashtan, India. How a European man travels with this nomadic Indian tribe of casteless "untouchables" for a couple of months. In this remote area of India, the heavy metal aerosols are sprayed there, too. The vital, dynamic, innocent, coherent, spontaneous, glorious quality of these amazing nomads. These people are being destroyed by our modern, Western civilization. The Kalbeliya are being destroyed by Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Brad Pitt, and Barack Obama. These people are being destroyed by Exxon, by Disney, by Chase Bank, by the Rothschilds, by these entities that enslave and devour anything natural or beautiful on this planet. No one had a cell phone and how much happier they seemed for it. Cellular connectivity is the noose drawn around humanity's collective neck. Disheartening to know that this people's openness, naturalness, curiosity, physical health, human-centered (as opposed to technology-centered), and non-materialistic lifestyle was an approach to life that is vanishing from the world. Such slender, lanky people are not found in a world dominated by fast food and smart phones. Clothes no longer hang over lean-limbed people. The modern man literally bursts out of the seams and buttons of his pants and shirts on account of his fleshy excess. When I passed 200 pounds, I could no longer tuck my shirts into my pants. To feel my abdomen press hard against my pant's waist line is a disgusting reminder of my overweight, unhealthy state. You could not pinch an inch on these nomads. Not to romanticize the Kalbeliya's lifestyle, they endure many hardships, are exposed to extreme heat and cold without electicity, sleep on beds of sticks, and labor manually for their meager incomes. Before you belittle this people's practice of arranged marriages, ask yourself this: Is our culture a great success with a third of adults on anti-depressants full of fluoride that eats holes in your brain? Are we to be pround of a country with 100 million people dependent on the government for their welfare check, most of whom are fat, lazy, stupid and demonstrate an obnoxious air of entitlement. Is our culture so great that we would destroy anything different from us, forcing them to adopt similar lifestyles of physical illness and mind control via computer entrainment? The US is bombing eight countries and poisoning the planet through a universal spraying program. Can you really say that the US and the Western world has the moral high ground? Do we really have the right to lecture this tribe as to what is right and what is worth aspiring toward? continue at 18:00) (YouTube)
January 10, 2016e (20:21) (A rare snow in Big Bear. The descending current of kundalini and its awakening activity in my thyroid, thymus, and pancreas glands. The significance of the endocrine glands cannot be overstated. The human body's amplification of subtle energy is made possible by a secretion of the heart muscle that serves also as an endocrine gland.The thymus gland facilitates this function, serving as a repository for the heart muscle fluid. continue at 5:00.)
January 8, 2016a (16:14) (Financial and investment considerations.)
January 8, 2016b (18:32) (San Gabriel Mountains covered in a mist from the day's aerosol spraying. Eighty percent of the trees and woody shrubs are being attacked and killed by parasitic mistletoe. The yucca, joshua trees, and succulents have been spared infestation, as far as my eyes can see; but a white aluminum dust appears to be collecting on them.)
January 6, 2016 (53:25) (Several aerosol spraying tanker jets unloading just above cloud cover during recent rain storm. Probably a different "wetter" chemical material that doesn't aerosolize well at higher elevations and requires the cover of rain to be applied to unwitting life on the ground. A discussion of the ethics of stocks versus precious metals as investments and stores of wealth.)
December 6, 2015 (a) (30:35) (A blanket of chemical aerosols in what should have been pristine blue skies. Like awakening to a sheet of plastic wrap stretched across your face, suffocating you. Most of my family are moral cowards, fearful to challenge the power structure despite its obvious lack of legitimacy. Disheartened by the willfull ignorance of the people closest to me. Makes me feel isolated, unsupported and paranoid. People today do not trust their own eyes or their own logic. Instead, they wait for the 6 o'clock news to TELL them what to think and what to be upset about. Through the chemical layer above me I see five new chemtrails: How can ANYONE think that is normal? I am hiking in this wilderness area and I see and hear NO insect or bird life. The plants around me are dying. How can anyone come to any conclusion other than that something is terribly wrong? But then we live in world where a US president earns the Nobel Peace Prize and then goes on to wage war against eight countries. That such things persist without sufficient public outrage to counter them is a true blow to my hope in our species. Barrie Trower's research on Wi-Fi and cellular radiation. Among other effects, exposure makes one lethargic. Continue at 9:00)
December 6, 2015 (b) (45:01) ()
October 26, 2015a (saving a cormorant sea bird stranded in Joshua Tree National Park; though bird tried to peck me, he followed me around and would sit near me, apparently preferring me over the coyotes he could hear howling in the distance, so I took him home for the night) * October 26, 2015b (God appearing in the form of a cormorant; is this a test?)
October 25, 2015 (38:58) (thick aerosol cover; air smells evil; speaking truth to power leads to homelessness, incarceration, or worse; being disowned by family; the lie is a great comfort to the weak; under the guise of "national security" gag order placed on all employees of the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association; Alex Jones worth $8million, presents truth telling as a spectator sport; Alex Jones' activites do not lead to constructive action and engagement; if we don't have control over the air we beathe, that's checkmate, isn't it?; we all need to be in a place where we have physical, emotional, and financial security; 9/11 and Sandy Hook -- false flag assaults on reason and humanity; the fraudulent beauty of chemtrail pinks at sunset)
October 19, 2015(a) (7:55) (Blue skies for just 30 minutes this morning. After perhaps 150 flyovers of military tanker jets, the sky became completely blanketed by a gray aerosol cover. I feel a depletion of life force -- an ebbing from my solar plexus -- when interacting with depressed, mistrustful people. Shade and oxygen production are what I look for in a garden. I care very little about the aesthetics of order, balance, and control that seem to motivate most people when tending plants near their homes.)
October 18, 2015 (5 lightning storms surrounding me on previous hike, with lightning coming to within 1/2 mile of me; hard to assume the doom-and-gloom, the-end-is-near mindset;)
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This page was first uploaded on 10-14-2015, last modified on 7-16-2021.
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