Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations
On this page are links to observations and commentaries regarding two women I was blessed to have met who transmitted phenomenal energy. These women, though beautiful in their own right, had a spectacular energetic presence that was capable of binding men to them. I would say that the intellectual interest and existential force that I applied to my interactions with these women was second only to that attending my own internal wrestling with Mother Shakti Herself who has dwelled in me for the past 34 years. Kundalini awakening is said often to trigger cravings if its unfoldment becomes stuck in one developmental area or another. In these cases your weaknesses and imperfections rather than clarifying or dissolving can become amplified. While I don't think this has been the case with me, it's definitely true that I am an "energy junkie" in terms of who it is that I seek to be around or to share my body with. For me -- if we can put compassion and ethical conduct aside -- it's all about energy. I received an embrace from the reportedly enlightened hugging saint, Amachi. She hugs thousands of people per day when she is on a darshan tour. Amachi's transmission was less than 1/10th the force transmitted by the two incredible women I describe. It's the difference between a weak tea and a double cappuccino. The first woman I met was a 22 year old mother of two in Hawaii. The second was just 12 years old, but was an energetic prodigy in her own right. I will include posts here and there on other psychic and endocrine system related incidents involving other women who might have shown me more had we had more time. The two I focus on the most are those who I spent more time with and who pursued me with great determination. My hope some day is to have a child with a Shakti-transmitting woman. That's the only kind of woman I am interested in passing my genetic lineage through. I'd feel bored and underutilized with anyone else. I have my doubts that this will ever happen, however. There is a tremendous tendency toward darkness, lack of intellectual honesty, and psychic control of the male partner in most women of this sort. As I am constitutionally incapable of living under anyone's thumb but God's, I don't know if I'll ever be with such a woman. My hope is that I'll find a subtle energy channeling girl with more of a trusting, transparent nature -- though still holding on to the various mysteries in her manner of being that make her who she is -- and that we will somehow be able to bend enough to make it work. That's my dream at least, and I will take that over a compromised reality. I don't need to have offspring of my own. There are enough human beings on the planet as it is; I touch many lives already as a teacher; and this website is testimony enough, in terms of radical social propagation, of how I view the world.
1) Transmission of Shakti from guru to initiate to open the third eye and increase reception of spiritual knowledge. 2) Spiritual energy can be seen in the human iris. 3) Female form in a vortex of energy with particularly intense zones at the ovaries, the hands, and above the head. 4-5) Hindu goddess, Lakshmi, a representation of shakti or life force, also referred to as Divine Mother, with four arms and a halo of light behind her. 6) Kali, Hindu goddess of death, time, and sexuality. Kali represents motherly love as well as sexual fulfillment. With the false or limited self held as a decapitated head in one of her four hands, Kali stands or dances on her consort, the Hindu god Shiva, who lies calm and prostrate beneath her. 7) Nikolas Tesla quote: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." 8) Artist Alex Gray's rendering of spiritual communion in the act of lovemaking, with energetic intensity noted in the chest, sexual region, and brain. 9) The sacred geometry of human coitus in the form of a sexual hexagram, the bringing together of above and below, of man and woman -- of opposites -- to form a perfect union. 10-11) Artistic representations of lovemaking, with an emphasis on light, color, merging, and the consumption of the male principle by the female principle in the transcendent act of creating new life. 12) Rays of light emanating from the energetically elevated human form, merging the isolated consciousness with the cosmos around (and within) him or her.
Introductory Posts
November 19, 2017 (Light Shining In The Face - A Selfless Stare - Spiritual Identification - Sexual Idealization - Male Archetype - Aspirational Recognition) [Correction: left middle finger; left thumb.]
June 4, 2020 (Succubus Facts, Behaviors, and Intentions)
October 22, 2019 (On The Life And Death Of A Succubus - OR - How To Survive Your Demonic Possession)
2022.12.4. Succubus Investigations - 2022-2025
November 26, 2021 (Succubus Essays)
2023.9.24.b Voice Memo (Inverted Kundalini symptoms, etc.)
General Posts
2025.3.1. Voice Memo (Esophagus - Brachial Plexus - Vomit Symptoms)
2025.2.15. Voice Memo (Succubus Causing Significant Inflammation to Knees and Ankles) • [Definition: Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection, involving immune cells that help protect and heal damaged tissues. It can be acute, lasting a few days, or chronic, persisting for months or years, and while it is essential for healing, chronic inflammation can lead to various health issues.]
2025.1.11. Voice Memo (Another Attempt to Kill Me - Rescued by Kundalini Again - Still Trapped) [Correction: left middle finger; left thumb.]
2024.11.9. Voice Memo (Succubus and Special Education Woes - The Latest!)
2023.10.13. Voice Memo (77:41) (Frontal Line vs Gastrointestinal Tract)
2022.12.27. Voice Memo, 60 minutes, succubus thoughts.
2022.11.13. Voice Memo, 37 minutes, more succubus considerations.
June 29, 2021 Voice Memo (Temporary Abatement of Brain Fog and Etheric Attack)
June 26, 2021 Voice Memo (Latest Succubus and COVID Commentary, 33 minutes)
June 14, 2021 (Voice Memo: I Will Never Be Safe Or Free While The Succubus Dwells Within Me)
January 23, 2021: On Succubi and Spiritual Contests with the Holy Spirit (Voice Memo 1, Voice Memo 2)
April, 2020: Comment on Kundalini as Lucifer energy (*). I am tired of wrestling with this "demon" that has plagued me for the past year. I find myself increasingly disillusioned by my inner torment. I can't break free without God's help, and He has been, basically, AWOL for quite some time, the largely absent keymaster of the prison cell or "intermediate zone" that the succubus and me are trapped in. I can see how some Christians may reject all of this energy movement. But then, isn't it the case that numerous Christian renunciates over the ages have had visions and energetic experiences, with canonization of people deemed to have been saints not occurring for hundreds of years after death because no one is sure really whether it was demons or God they were in contact with? What I am saying is that becoming a Christian doesn't always protect you or give you a more clear interpretive lens.
November 7, 2019 (Voice Memo RE: Succubus, 41 minutes)
External Articles to Comment On
Biblical Holy Spirit vs Unholy Spirit of Fire (*)
Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"
Electrical Sensitivity, Human Health, And Environmental Illness
Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections
Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Heart Chakra Opening - Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - Additional Posts
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More
Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation And The Spiritual Function Of Sexual Fluids
Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations
Sexual Deviancy And Its Relation To Fear, Control, Power, Vitality, Innocence, Youth, and Death
This page was first uploaded on 10-22-2019, last modified on 3-18-2025.
All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2019-2025