Kundalini And Cell Towers: Work

Workers burdened by excessive demands feel like Sisyphus. Employment can become a tiresome and hopeless affair. Or approach your responsibilities like this girll here.

February 27, 1991 (Birthday Celebration - False - Obsessive Social Focus - Pestilence To Spontaneity And Joy)

November 1, 1994 (Tape #22, continued) (Coworker - Talking Too Much - Nervous Tension - Indoor Pool - Final Episode Of Death - Relaxing To A Prior Condition - Effortless - Spiritual State)

November 4, 1994 (Tape #22, continued) (Breathing - Buzzing - Ringing Ears - Intense Energy - Kundalini Energy - Heat Pressure - Hike Euphoria - Change Consciousness)

November 18, 1996 (The Struggle - More Dehumanizing Than Instructive - A Lack Of Empathy From Dad - Avoiding Excessive Job Demands - Fuck This! - A Delicate Dance To Keep My Job - Absenteeism As Spiritual Mandate)

October 8, 1997 (Thymus Gland - Spiritual Voice - Peace - Sublime Feelings --- or The Thymus Gland Speaks -- My First Contact with a Transcendent Peace)

October 17, 2003 (Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Great Joy And Privilege To Work With Autistic Children - Intensity Passion Innocence - Nourishes My Heart -- or How To Be Saved By A Child With Autism )

September 23, 2004 (a) (Exhausting Paperwork And Behavioral Management Load As A Special Education Preschool Teacher - Looking Forward To An Easier Position Teaching Older And Perhaps Lower Functioning Students In California - 45 Minutes Of Circle Time Using Fingerplays And Show-And-Tell To Keep Kids Engaged)

October 24, 2004 (Redwood Catchment Tank Sprung Leak In Food Grade Liner - Public Water Spigots In Hookena and Waiohinu - EMF Symptoms - A Burdensome, Inchoate, And Intolerable Consciousness - 5th Laborious IEP Meeting For A Girl With Autism - Pangs In Right Nipple Area)


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Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"

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Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections


Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Heart Chakra Opening - Signs And Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - Additional Posts

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More

Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation And The Spiritual Function Of Sexual Fluids


Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations

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Sexual Deviancy And Its Relation To Fear, Control, Power, Vitality, Innocence, Youth, and Death


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This page was first uploaded on 6-22-2013, last modified on 3-6-2023.

All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2011-2023