Kundalini And Cell Towers: Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More

Images represent kundalini's potential destructive impact on human health. If you don't want to end up like Icarus or Prometheus, then you have to have the strength of an ox and the innocence of a child.
Introductory Posts
Kundalini Complications from Bob Boyd, Puran Bair, El Collie, and Hazrat Inayat Khan.
My response to someone overwhelmed by kundalini symptoms that include: panic attacks, claustrophobia, tachycardia, anxiety, near death experience, fear of death, healing childhood trauma, heat in solar plexus, and radiation from chest.
Symptoms of Energy Shifts
My response to someone suffering from kundalini, orgasmic headaches (coital cephalalgia), suppressed immune system function, and multiple chemical sensitivities.
Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Suffer From EMF Sensitivity?
In the modern era, is kundalini awakening safe or even relevant? Is access to wireless Internet a functional substitute for spiritual awareness? Socially and spiritually, are the two compatible?
March 13, 2016 (Kundalini And Digestive Issues - Stomach Bloating - Dietary And Lifestyle Requirements To Improve Health And To Reduce Kundalini Complications)
General Posts
September 28, 1997 (Kundalini - Manic Depressive - Unable To Sleep - EMF - Overexcitation - Out Of Control - Consciousness Decoupling From Body - Churning, Inflammatory Effect Of EMF - Cold Sweats - Disturbing Thoughts)
October 8, 2004 (Boys Acting Up - Yelling Fuck You And Hitting My Educational Assistant - Need More Parent Volunteers - Stress Causes Pain In Heart And Throat Chakras - Need A Different Population Of Special Needs Kids And A School District With Better Supports)
October 15, 2004 (Focused Intellectual Activity Intensifies My Consciousness, Making Me More Vulnerable To Manmade Electromagnetic Radiation - Sitting Upright, Concentrating Produce Flu-like Symptoms And Pain In Thymus And Thyroid Glands)
October 24, 2004 (Redwood Catchment Tank Sprung Leak In Food Grade Liner - Public Water Spigots In Hookena and Waiohinu - EMF Symptoms - A Burdensome, Inchoate, And Intolerable Consciousness - 5th Laborious IEP Meeting For A Girl With Autism - Pangs In Right Nipple Area)
November 25, 2015 (Hiking Reduces Peripheral Neuropathy - Physical Practices Such As Hiking Provide The Bodymind With Resilience To Workplace Stress And Cellular Tower And Wi-Fi Radiation - The Pancreas Gland's Higher Function Of Providing Subtle Sustenance Is Negatively Impacted By Digital Wireless Exposure)
January 15, 2017 (EMF Exposures And Their Arresting Effect Upon Gastrointestinal Function That Is Exacerbated By Kundalini Awakening And The Spiritual Functioning Of The Stomach and Solar Plexus)
Articles To Review
Overcoming Electrical Sensitivity
Human Connections: Kundalini Energy and Chakras
Energetic Synthesis: Biology of Kundalini
Biology of Kundalini: Electromagnetics of Kundalini
Mantak Chia: The Most Effective Cure for Kundalini Psychosis (*) (Comments)
Main Page
Spiritual Autobiography
Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"
Cultural Criticism
Electrical Sensitivity, Human Health, And Environmental Illness
Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections
Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Heart Chakra Opening - Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - Additional Posts
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More
Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation And The Spiritual Function Of Sexual Fluids
Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations
Personal Minutiae
Political Letters
Sexual Deviancy And Its Relation To Fear, Control, Power, Vitality, Innocence, Youth, and Death
Social Criticism
Spiritual Commentary
Spiritual Dreams
Tape Transcriptions
Website Correspondence
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This page was first uploaded on 7-5-2013, last modified on 6-8-2022.
All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2013-2022