Kundalini And Cell Towers: Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Emergency Alert: COVID 19 - Truth Resources - Stop The Insanity! Let's Get Back To Work!
1) The modern family is obese, sedentary, and digital-media addicted. They eat genetically modified fast food and inhale air that is poisoned by heavy metal nanoparticulates and other agents. 2) Cell phone radiation and cigarette smoke are proven carcinogens. 3) Vaccines contain toxic ingredients that cause brain damage. Sick, stupid people are easier to control. 4) The sickened, corpulent end result of a diet provided by fast food giant, McDonald's.
June 19, 2021 (Vaccine Mandate Employee Letter Example)
February 26, 2012 (On Dental Root Canals, Bridges, and Implants)
January 29, 2011 (Amazing Display of Youthful Agility @ NaturalNews.com) (mp4) (YouTube Parkour and FreeRunning) *Damien Walters showreel2 (YouTube) * Greg Townley (coached by Damien Walters) (YouTube) *
January 16, 2011 (The USDA’s Organic Deception - FarmWars.info) (*)
September 11, 2010 (50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation | Dr. Paul Connett Professor of Chemistry St. Lawrence University, NY 13617) * Infowars Article
April 17, 2010 (Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health - ISKCON News) external link
April 9, 2010 (The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Michael Holick - pdf) (weblink @ Natural News)
David Belle (YouTube) (mp4)
Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret (11/9/2010) (HQ (1280x720, 1:05, 1.28 GB mp4) * (LQ) (284 MB mp4, 640x480, 512 kbps video, 64 kbps audio) * PrisonPlanet.tv * YouTube * Books by Russell Blaylock at Amazon * Russell L. Blaylock MD (website) * (Swine Flu & Treatment for Toxic Vaccine Exposure pdf from 1/2011) * (Microglial Activation and Neurodegeneration pdf from 1/2011) * (Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders - pdf from 1/2011) * Wikipedia* (Wikipedia pdf from 1/15/2011) *
Jeffrey M. Smith (HQ) * * * (LQ) (247 MB mp4, 640x480, 512 kbps video, 64 kbps audio)
External Links
Cancer: the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary
Waterwise water distillers (I've used these for 25 years)
On The Anatomy Of Thrift: Pork Provender In The Home Kitchen [extraordinary example of smallscale rasing of livestock] * More from the Farm Run Collective
Articles to Comment On
2025.2.16. A Midwestern Doctor: The Hidden Dangers of Hospital Births and How to Protect You and Your Baby -- Unmasking the Business of Being Born (*) comments
DMSO Store (*) source recommended by A Midwestern Doctor
2024.12.29. A Midwestern Doctor: DMSO Transforms The Treatment of Infectious Diseases How DMSO can treat many challenging infections (*) comments
2024.12.8. A Midwestern Doctor: What Moves Water Inside the Body? Untangling the Mysteries of Life, Aging and Spike Protein Injuries (*) comments
2024.11.17. A Midwestern Doctor: How DMSO Protects and Heals the Internal Organs - The evidence behind DMSO's utility for a myriad of challenging diseases (*) comments
2024.10.31. A Midwestern Doctor: How DMSO Cures Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dental Disease (*) comments
2024.10.20. A Midwestern Doctor: How DMSO Treats "Incurable" Autoimmune and Contractile Disorders - The decades of research that could have prevented an immense amount of human suffering (*) comments
2024.10.9. ZeroHedge (Jingduan Yang, M.D. / Epoch Times): Fasting Activates Cell Repair Mechanism, Reverses Disease (*)
2024.9.29. A Midwestern Doctor: DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries - The decades of evidence DMSO revolutionizes the practice of medicine (*) comments
2024.9.15. A Midwestern Doctor: DMSO Could Save Millions From Brain and Spinal Injury - The decades of evidence showing DMSO revolutionizes the care of many "untreatable" circulatory and neurologic conditions. (*) comments
2024.6.2. A Midwestern Doctor: The FDA's War Against Sleep Why There Isn't a Cure for Insomnia (*) comments
2024.1.22. Mercola: The Pervasive Problem of Plastics in Your Food (*)
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2022.11.20. Mercola: The Healing Benefits of Red Meat (*)
2022.11.25. Mercola: Time-Restricted Eating -- A Powerful Way to Prevent Dementia (*)
2021.5.24. Fasting, COVID, and Vaccines: Everything you Need to Know (*)
2023.7.17. Mercola: Linoleic Acid -- The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet (*)
2014.6.6. Medical News Today: Prolonged fasting 're-boots' immune system (*)
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Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
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This page was first uploaded on 4-9-2010, last modified on 3-2-2025.
All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2011-2025