COVID 19 - Truth Resources - Stop The Insanity! Let's Get Back To Work!
Healthful Diet and Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities / Political Letters - May 1, 2020
1. Harvest-ready sheep, cheering humanity's downfall as they embrace a world where a digital mark or "health clearance" embedded in the human body is required to buy, sell, work, and travel and where human connection occurs only via corporate controlled virtual platforms because human beings are not miracles made in God's image but rather pathogens to be feared and, as necessary, exterminated. 2. "World is Closed" Rothschild-connected Economist magazine cover for March 21, 2020, despite the "virus" causing just flu-like symtoms and having a death rate lower than typical influenzas of the past, and where the secondary effects of lockdown (suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, financial ruin, etc.) have caused more deaths than the purported "virus" itself. 3. "Everything's Under Control" Economist magazine cover for March 28, 2020, depicting elite hand holding leash to lowly masked citizen/chattel and masked pet dog. Notice how the elites do not practice social distancing nor do they wear masks during their television conferences. I am thinking of President Trump and Dr. Fauci, among many others. Masks are for the servant class, and are about social conditioning, instilling fear, and control. 4. Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook online social media platform is infamous for silencing criticism of any product or policy that serves government-corporate interests (one and the same these days), such as vaccines, wireless radiation, war, "free" trade, and genetically modified organisms. The caption reads, "Looks Like You've Had A Bit Too Much To Think. Zuckerberg Thought Police. Don't speak out or question. Closed minds stop thought crimes!" 5. Melinda Gates, of the vaccine-and-digital-identification pushing Gates Foundation, wearing a Satanic inverted cross during her "Today Show" interview on May 8, 2020. The "illuminated" communicate their intentions through symbolism. Nearly all important decision makers on Earth are members of secret societies and have sworn an allegiance to Lucifer. Satanists know the Bible better than most Christians do. But they take their understanding and invert it. If God loves innocence, life, and children, then Luciferians show their dedication to Satan by hating, killing, and defiling children. Investigate changes to the childhood immunization schedule over the past 75 years, or the programming embedded into children's media, or the communist indoctrination in public education, and you will see the broader agenda of the "elites" at work. 6. Bill Gates shown with some of his favorite books, including "How To Lie With Statistics" and "Hyperbole and a Half" during a television interview. 7-8. The coronavirus plush doll given to attendees of the October 2019 Event 201 global coronavirus pandemic preparedness exercise put on by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Economic Forum just as the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak began in China. Was this just another government "exercise" that curiously went "live?" There is no such thing as coincidence. 9. "During slavery, slaves were forced to wear masks as a way to symbolically mark them as not having a voice, and also to be owned, while under control by another entity." History may not repeat, but it definitely rhymes. 10. Imperial College's Professor Neil Ferguson has been off by a factor of 100x or more in most all of his computer modelling of public health "crises." Ferguson predicted in 2005 that there would be up to 200 million deaths due to the Bird Flu when only 455 died. In the 2002 Mad Cow "crisis" Ferguson predicted up to 150,000 deaths, but only 178 people actually died. For COVID-19 Ferguson predicted up to 500,000 deaths in England, but to date only 9,000 deaths have been attributed to COVID (if you can trust the death tally, which you cannot). Bullshit in, bullshit out (*), all serving an elite agenda to create fear and justify the assertion of more top-down control of society. 11-12. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, vaccine pushing Director of the World Health Organization, is not a medical doctor, and was previously a board member of GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, that was born with a $750 million grant from Bill Gates, and whose mission it is to develop markets for vaccines worldwide. Tedros during the 1990s was a leading member of a violent Ethiopian communist party backed by the Chinese and listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department [source (*), source (*)]. 13. COVID jab risk benefit analysis for 7 year olds. 14. American Valor, 1944-2020, how far we have slid. 15. Our Unalienable Rights, granted to us by God, all of which are being infringed upon unconstitutionally by the US and other nation state governments at this time. 16. Five countries have refused the jab. Five countries have had their Presidents die unexpectedly (*) (more [*]). 17. Israel's Spiralling Cases Among The Vaccinated (*). 18. Health insurance companies reporting 10x more vaxx "side" effects than government agencies are reporting [more]. 19. Biotech deathcult gains more adherents.
Abbreviated COVID-19 Resource List
Physicians For Informed Consent (*) • SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19: What You Need To Know (*) • COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES - 20 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions (*)
2022.1.5. Global COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies (*)
Unmask Our Keiki (*) • For Our Rights (*)
America's Frontline Doctors Summit - Session 1 - July 27, 2020 (*)
America's Frontline Doctors (*)
Cory Daniel / The Phoenix Enigma: COVID19 Truth Awareness (*)
David Icke: How They Pulled Off The "Pandemic:" An Animated Explanation by David Icke (*)
Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of Ongoing COVID-19 Restrictions (10/26/2020) [with 70+ police officer signatories in New South Wales, Australia; link to PDF at Cops for COVID Truth site) Cops for COVID Truth (*)
How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place? The earthshaking Etienne De Harven interview by Celia Farber, February 18, 2020 by Jon Rappoport (*)
David Icke's Explosive Interview With London Real - The Video That YouTube Doesn't Want You To See (this live interview was pulled by Google mid-stream despite 87,000 viewers watching) (*)
Corbett Report: Who Is Bill Gates (4-part video series) (*)
Jeremy Elliott Talks COVID-19 and "The Agenda" (*) Mercola Article (*)
Max Igan: Are You Ready For The Great Reset? (*) CDC Guidelines for Going Back to School in 2020 (*) What Will It Take for Masks and Face Shields to End? (*)
2021.4.15. Children's Health Defense / Christian Elliot: 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine (*)
Taylor Raine: In Response To The CDC's School Reopening Guidelines - One Parent's Concern (*)
Del Bigtree: Mask Test Proves Toxic For Children - Levels of Carbon Dioxide Inside A Mask, Face Shield, and Cloth (*)
ODD TV: ONE WORLD: Together at Home | Extreme Propaganda (*)
Jon Rappoport: What could they put in the COVID vaccine? (*)
Off Guardian: 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic (*)
Pastor J.D. Farag - Masks and the Mark - Bible Prophesy Update July 26, 2020 (*)
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells - Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents - June 9, 2020 (*). Article coverage and commentary by David Knight of Infowars at Banned.Video (*).
HighImpactTV (*): CDC Admits It Has No Isolate Or Genetic Sequence For The "Virus" (*)
National Vaccine Information Center: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic (*)
Hawaii For Our Rights (*); Employee Mandate Letter (*); COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers (*); iPetition Unmask Children in Hawaii (*); End Mask Mandate - Make Mask Use Voluntary - Petition (*); Solari Report Forms for COVID-19 Injections Available as Downloadable PDFs (*)
2017.10. Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security: SPARS Pandemic Scenario (*); Pandemic Scenario Book (*)
John Jay Singleton: 2022.3.14. Employee Remedies For COVID Discrimination (mp4) • 2022.4.6. Interview at Crrow777Radio Episode 398 (free) (*) (mp3) • TheZunga (COVID Discrimination Advocacy Service) (*)
#StopTheTreaty: Comment on WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (*) • World Health Council (*)
FLCCC Aliance: I-Recover Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol (*) (Summary July 2023)
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass: Wake-up Toolkit Articles Organized by Topic in Chronological Order for Easy Reference & Sharing (*)
Introduction and Summary
I write this on May 1, 2020. I've listed below a number of well-documented resources by which to deprogram yourself from what the corporate and state-owned media has instilled in our minds the past several weeks. Please check them out. They are more persuasive and authoritative than my own ideas on the matter. However, you are here at my site reading this, so perhaps you want my take on the matter first.
The US operates over 400 bioweapons labs across the world. Most pandemic outbreaks -- for example, ebola -- occur in close proximity to a US lab. Wuhan, the site of the most recent purported outbreak, though nominally under Chinese control, had strong financial and staffing ties to the US, Israel, a variety of pharmaceutical companies, and other international partners. Nearly none of these labs employ the required safety protocols to prevent leaks. This is on purpose. It gives plausible deniability. If a disease-causing agent escapes and causes harm to society at large, then surely it must have been a mistake. No one would ever think of doing such a thing on purpose, right? No financial or political interests could be served by governments' responses, could they? Bioweapons labs are infested with private contractors (who swear no oath to the Constitution) working under the veil of National Security that prevents the public (or even Congress) from knowing what exactly it is that they are up to. The US did have a law that forbade the research on the use of bioweapons for offensive purposes. That law was revoked in 2016. Israel, the US, China, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Gates Foundation, and numerous multinational corporations all have funded research into the weaponization of viruses and the production of vaccines for those viruses. There are geopolitical and financial agendas at work here. The overall rates of death are lower this year than they have been in the past several years. Far more people die each year from the common flu than what has been attributed to COVID-19. So why the fuss? There is pressure worldwide at this time to attribute already occurring deaths (due to old age, natural causes, and a plethora of co-morbidities like pneumonia, COPD, and cancer) to COVID-19. The CDC is a private corporation that owns the patents to more than 80 vaccines. It gets the bulk of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry. The CDC has provided unprecedented guidance to doctors in the US to state that the deaths they see are due to COVID-19 even if a variety of preexisting and more serious co-morbidities such as diabetes and compromised immune function are present. Even if four co-morbidities are present, it is required to list COVID-19 as the cause of death for the government statistics that are presented to television viewers worldwide each day. This is the case even if no testing for COVID-19 has occurred of if COVID-19 is merely presumed to be a contributing factor. Per Medicare reimbursement schedules, hospitals receive $4600 for a patient diagnosed with pneumonia and $13,000 for a patient who is reported positive for COVID-19. The amount triples -- going to $39,000 -- for every patient that is placed on a ventilator, with 90% of people who are placed on a ventilator dying due to the trauma of the procedure. These are just some of the financial incentives that skew the data driving tyrannical public policy and the perception of fear being push by corporate media.
Bill Gates is not a medical doctor. Bill Gates did not complete a college education. Bill Gates' father was a eugenicist, believing in a 90% reduction of the human population being a good thing, and was co-founder of Planned Parenthood, the ubiquitous abortion provider in inner city, ghetto areas. Bill Gates stated that with the effective use of vaccines and family planning, that world population can be reduced by 15%. Gates is the largest contributor to WHO, giving $79 million in 2019. Gates' principal "philanthropic" work is the introduction of mass vaccination programs to the people of Africa and Asia. Gates' polio vaccination in India is alleged by the Indian government to have caused nearly 500,000 cases of polio. Gates is not allowed to operate in India now, and his foundation is being sued. The current head of WHO is a former Gates' employee.
Gates owns the corporation ID2020 which is a digital vaccine that is in talks with Ripple, a digital currency, regarding the vaccine's ability to use the bloodstream as the store of financial, medical, and location data for every human being on the planet. The patent for ID2020 includes the number "666" and its principle ingredient is a bioluminescent enzyme called Luciferase. It is this luminescence that will allow cellphone apps to read people's blood to determine whether they must be quarantined or not. In China, citizens have to show a health ID that proves their vaccination status, without which they cannot move from district to district, work, or enter businesses. Gates says that the entire world will get the COVID-19 vaccine; and that until then no large social gatherings will be permitted, nor a return to anything resembling "normal" human behavior. As a part of the ongoing social reengineering program, authorities refer to the current restrictions and lockdowns as the "new normal," a replacement phrase for what is actually meant, "new world order," three words meaning the same thing but having a negative connotation for many in the public.
COVID-19 "deaths" statistics are fraught with controversy. Germany, for example, has counted many deaths twice. Large numbers reported for Italy were later walked back, with statements from the Italian government that 99% of the deaths attributed to COVID were people with an average age of 78 and with multiple co-morbidities such as lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) -- in other words, people who were going to be dying soon anyway. Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Trump's point man for the nation's COVID-19 response: is the single greatest public factor in the national lockdown and destruction of the US economy; has been seen in photographs with Bill Gates' father, the Rothschilds, and other global elite insiders; has not seen a patient in 20 years; stated in early 2017 that there would be a surprise pandemic outbreak during Trump's presidency; and wrote in March 2019 in the New England Journal of Medicine that that the actual death rate due to COVID-19 would be just .1-.3%, or less than one-twentieth the modeling projections that were used to justify the international shutdown of nearly all commerce, recreation, religious, and educational activities. COVID-19 death rates, even at the artificially inflated numbers we are presented with, are less than those of a seasonal flu. There is an extraordinary deceit, hype, and promotion of fear on the corporate "news," including the use of fictitious video footage, crisis actors, mannequins and fraudulent modeling and "data." In two interviews with Gates, he has been shown with a book titled, "How To Lie With Statistics" displayed prominently on his bookshelf. Gates' wife, Melinda, has done television interviews wearing an inverted crucifix necklace. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the Gates are communicating their true intent.
Doctors are coming forward with data from their clinics that support a return to normal life, stating that known secondary effects of the mandatory shut downs are worse than the effects of the diesease itself. Domestic violence, drug abuse, depression, suicide, and other socially destructive behaviors are rising, and will scar families going forward to a far greater degree than anything "virus" related.
Eleven states and numerous police departments are now using drones to surveil citizens and bark orders at them that they need to step away from each other as they are not maintaining six foot social distancing. These drones have been provided free of charge from a Chinese corporation that retains the rights to the drones' proprietary software. Police across the country are fining citizens thousands of dollars and time in jail for surfing, laying on the beach, playing with their kids at the park, making unauthorized visits to relatives, seeing customers at their hair salon, not wearing masks in public, going to church on Sunday, holding private wedding ceremonies in their back yards, and so forth. Such fines and arrests are unconstitutional. Government does not have the authority to do whatever it chooses to keep citizens "safe." Such restrictions are a violation of our God-given rights of freedom of assembly, the pursuit of happiness, and the practice of religion. This is an extraordinary government overreach otherwise known as fascism where the needs of the many -- as determined by unelected bureaucrats -- trumps the rights of the few. China is the model, ever since the CIA backed Mao Zedong's cultural revolution in 1966 that resulted in over 100 million deaths and the Rockefellers went on the record in 1970 praising China for its visionary leadership.
All large corporations are falling into line with the new rules, largely because they are in on the agenda and know that financial bailouts, lucrative contracts and preferential treatment will stop if they buck the system. This signals to the numerous small businesses, that employ 70% of the workforce, to follow suit even as it slits their throat economically to do so. When financial bail outs come, and they are already coming, large businesses are receiving ten times more federal aid money than small businesses who are more efficient and, as already stated, employ the bulk of Americans. The plan is to instill a top down control of society, and having only large megacorporations for the public to engage commerce with, rather than more independent and free-spirited small businesses, serves that aim. The mass bankruptcy of most small business in the US -- and the resulting impoverishment and State-dependence of the public -- is welcomed by these Satanic elite.
Apart from the routine frauds carried out daily by the corporate media, the heart of the matter is virus or germ theory itself. To strike at the root of the fraud, you must strike here. An investigation into this area will reveal that the idea that disease is caused by viruses or other external agents has never been proven and after 100 years remains but a theory. The idea today is that humans are always at war with external germs and viruses. Internal pH, diet, lifestyle choices, and other holistic considerations are anethema to the current paradigm. This view serves the Rockefeller-controlled, materialistic, anti-spirit, drug-based, medical establishment. Streptococcus bacteria, for example, which are said to "cause" a sore throat condition known as "strep throat," occur naturally in the body, as do millions of other bacteria. "Cancer" cells occur naturally, too. It's all about balance within the body's various immune, digestive, hormonal, and other seamlessly interrelated systems. How the body's internal harmony can be thrown out of balance is what a real science of health should be investigating, not various chemicals that, when introduced artificially into the body, can reduce one symptom while contributing to other problems because the whole of the human body was never considered.
The "genetic material" that various COVID-19 test procedures claim to assess is identical to exosomes, a natural product of the cell structure's immune system response that is released or expelled through cell membranes. Stress, heavy metals, wireless radiation, toxic chemicals, lack of sleep, and poor diet all can cause the body to release exosomes as part of their internal house cleaning. The picture the CDC uses to depict the coronavirus is identical to this material commonly excreted from cells. This internal cleansing with the release of exosomes often happens at certain times of the year, hence, "flu" season. Viruses have never been shown to cause disease in another person. That is, a virus has never been isolated, purified, and then exposed to another person, triggering the onset of an identical disease. Viruses are not airborne. You can only acquire viruses, if they even exist as described, via vaccination, i.e., direct to bloodstream. If this is the case, then "social distancing," "mandatory vaccinations," and the shut down of society's many productive functions, causing great harm in the process, are not just frauds, but crimes against humanity.
God fearing, freedom loving people want to know, "What is the real agenda at work here?"
General Summary of Sources
Bakersfield, California Doctors Erickson and Massihi Give COVID-19 Press Briefing to Bakersfield KGET TV17, April 22, 2020 (*)
KCT Comment: I watched this hour long video a couple of times. These are two medical doctors who are part of a medical outfit that operates several urgent care centers in California. Their clinic has been seeing patients of all kinds during the pandemic and as a part of their work has tested nearly 6,000 patients for the presence of the coronavirus. The long and the short of it is that their data point to a twenty-fold reduction in lethality for the virus when compared to the models put forth in Washington D.C. and London, less even than what we see during the annual flu season. Their testing showed that the prevalence of the coronavirus is extensive, with up to 90% of people testing postive having no symptoms whatsoever. The doctors go on to discuss "Immunology 101" and how it is highly counterproductive to have the entire population sheltering at home, disinfecting everything they touch, "social distancing" (what an orwellian term) and wearing masks. They said that only at-risk populations such as the elderly and the immuno-compromised should take these precautionary measures. The healthy should never be quarantined for pandemics. It is by mass exposure to the infectious agent that populations gain herd immunity. Having everyone stay at home suppresses people's immune systems, healthy and sick alike. They also discuss massive secondary effects of the lockdown that include: depression, domestic violence, child abuse, drug abuse, and so forth that are worse than the coronavirus itself. The doctors discuss pressure placed on medical colleagues in hospitals who are being told to report all deaths as COVID deaths. The doctors point to the selective shutdown of businesses, meaning, for example, small restaurants are closed while McDonald's and other large chains remain open, as government policies that are not based on science. They point to Dr. Fauci (a 35-year bureaucrat who has not seen a patient in decades) and others like him as driving these destructive policies. When asked why this is happening, Dr. Erickson states that it is likely aimed at promoting fear and control in the public. I would like to comment that Dr. Erickson, along with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (*) (who also has come out against the lockdown), are both osteopathic doctors. I have found osteopaths to be the most concerned with holistic health among members of the allopathic medical establishment. I called Accelerated Urgent Care for an Erickson contact. I was given an email address. I emailed them to say that I wanted to donate financially to their operation, as people who speak out and whose views are seen millions of times on the Internet, can be met with frivolous lawsuits and other unfortunate events that are by no means random. I haven't heard back, but I wish these courageous doctors well.
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 Anomalously Skyrocket at World's Three Financial Power Centers: New York City, London, and Brussels (pdf) (mp4)
KCT Comment: A series of brainy mathematical exercises that show that the greatest determinant in one's dying of COVID-19 is one's proximity to New York City, London, and Brussels, the world's three major Western financial centers. Compared to the chance of dying of this "virus" elsewhere in the world, the enormous death count cited by the media for New York City has about a 1 in 32 million billion billion chance of being true. You have a better chance of dying from lightning strike in most areas of the world. Do we shelter in place for months on end due to lightning? No. In other words, a huge lie is afoot.
LUCIFERASE Quantum Dot LuciferRACE Transhuman Bioluminescent Illumination Mark (*)
KCT Comments: You have to love the names. Lucifer is the fallen angel that the illuminati worship as the bringer of light to man. These blood sacrifice cult members trace their lineage to fallen angels and believe that God was wrong to cast out Satan. In any event, an enzyme that makes jellyfish and fireflies glow was isolated and named Luciferase. Apparently, this enzyme causes changes to the bloodstream that allow one's vaccine status to be read by a cellphone application. Gate's ID2020 is said to use this enzyme and utilizes a novel RNA material combined with an electric shock upon entry into the blood, that causes a permanent genetic modification to the human being who receives it. Gates says you won't be able to travel, work, sell, or buy without it. This is the Biblical "Mark Of The Beast" on steroids.
Epoch Times's (*) tsunami of advertisements (*) targeting China as the cause of the COVID-19 outbreak.
KCT Comments: There was a barrage of advertisements from this previously unknown newspaper that began in April 2020. From the get-go I was suspicious. Knowing Western governments' complicity in biological weapons development, including the US COVID-19 taskforce director, Dr. Anthony Fauci's directing the payment of several million dollars to the Wuhan bioweapons lab in question, and that CHINA, INC. and USA, INC. are not sovereign nations but corporations chartered in the City of London, I knew there was no way on God's green earth that China acted alone. I was also suspicious of the ad's assumption that so much harm and devestation had been caused by the "virus," when there was so much evidence that the death numbers were exaggerated and that numerous nefarious agendas were being served by the government lockdowns in response to the so-called "threat." I also knew that the elites of the world want additional chaos as an excuse for depopulation and a global financial reset, with war being the preferred method to abrogate the social contracts with citizens worldwide (those contracts being the promise of pensions, healthcare, education, and the like) that had been established over the past 100 years. Lastly, who in the hell had all the money for these nonstop three-minute-long Epoch Times advertisements popping up at the beginning of every video on YouTube? With introductory subscription rates of just $1 per month, that included weekly physical newspaper delivery by US mail, and digitial access to content, Epoch Times clearly operated at a huge deficit. This was not the behavior of a normal media startup. While I have not researched this further, I can assure you that unsavory deep pockets are behind this "Blame China and Ignore Other Damning Information" juggernaut. How convenient for the elites to have China and the USA exhaust themselves on each other? Beware of people who push blame and war so cavalierly.
California Merced County Sheriff Warnke Message to Governor Newsom that Merced County will not enforce COVID-19 lockdown orders, May 16, 2020 (*)
KCT Comments: The County Sheriff is the highest legal authority in his jurisdiction, above any elected leader, such as city mayor, state governor, or US president. His duty is to the people he represents and to uphold the Constitution. All of the medical martial law manuevers going on across the country are unconstitutional and are based on hypotheticals, and not on the actual conditions each locality finds itself in. Sheriff Warnke says that what is going on is a power grab by the governor with an intention to bankrupt small businesses so as to create mass dependence on the state. The sheriff says that the citizens of his county are free to keep their businesses open and to do their own assessment of risk with respect to COVID-19 and any other risk people face as a matter of course in their daily lives.
Sheriff Warnke continues:
"I WILL NOT be taking any enforcement action in this county for any of the COVID-19 'violations'. As the Governor has also directed the Sheriffs to release felons onto our streets and LE [law enforcement] in general to completely disregard the safety of our citizens by not allowing most felons from even being booked but then wants us in LE to arrest people for standing closer than 6 feet or worshiping their religious beliefs in a building. My decision is based on the Constitutional Rights afforded our citizens and I as the Constitutional Law Enforcement Authority in Merced County, I am here to uphold them. The citizens themselves can make informed decisions on how to proceed and protect their lives and livelihood and not the Governor of a state. Remember that the people elected a governor, not an emperor."
National Vital Statistics System: Alert 2 - New ICD Code Introduced for COVID-19 Deaths - March 24, 2020 (*)
Conservative Review: Horowitz - This is the most blatant example of inflated COVID-19 death stats yet - May 14, 2020 (*)
National Vital Statistics Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19) April 2020 (*)
KCT Comments: Read the above articles and government guidance documents. The long and the short of it is that the COVID-19 death count is a fraud. Nearly all naturally occurring, already occurring deaths are now being attributed to COVID-19. This is why the overall death rate, world wide, due to any cause whatsoever, is actually lower this year than last, before the "plandemic" began. Even if COVID-19 testing has not been performed and the death is merely presumed to have been caused by COVID-19, then the death statistics will count it as a COVID-19 death. Even if the doctor thinks that coronavirus only possibly contributed to the death -- and even if there were several other co-morbidities (serious health conditions) that, under normal circumstances would be noted as the cause of death on the death certificate -- it is now a matter of great national importance to list any and every death as a COVID-19 death. You have to ask, "Why?" It couldn't be to inflate the statistics, hype the fear, extend the lockdowns, destroy the economy, and justify the radical, dystopic devolution of society that the elites have had planned for decades, could it? No, of course not. This is all a coincidence.
Arthur Firstenberg's Cell Phone Task Force Newsletter, Choosing Life (*).
KCT Comments: Firstenberg is an indefatiguable researcher. I've known of his work on EMF since 1996 when I first subscribed to his newsletter. Firstenberg's opus, released this year, is The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (*) in which he argues, among many other things, that past pandemics, such as the 1918 Spanish Flu, were -- if not directly caused by -- then at least contributed to by worldwide wireless communications buildouts. Please read Choosing Life (*) yourself. It is a short, eloquent, fact-filled read, deserving of your attention. But here is my summary/plagiarism: The masks, social distancing, sheltering indoors, and reliance on technology for communications that are mandated during the COVID-19 lockdown give people the false impression that our physical connections with each other and with the natural world around us are unnecesary when in fact they are essential. While civilization has been preoccupied with a supposed "virus," the largest ozone hole ever recorded has formed over the Arctic, threatening life as we know it on Earth with its associated spike in ultraviolet radiation. Thousands of satellites are being launched into space to cover the earth with 5G signals, an energy that destroys the ozone layer and causes DNA breaks in all life forms in its path. As we retreat to our cellphones and internet connections, humanity is substituting radiation for life. Microwave or 5G exposure causes many of the symptoms attributed to COVID-19. COVID-19 safety measures that have been put in place, and accepted without question, are ineffective, destructive, and anti-life. This goes for wearing masks, staying at home, and maintaining six feet social distance. Masks do not protect the wearer. Medical masks are ineffective against viruses, and cloth masks provide breeding grounds for them. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal (*) found that healthcare workers caught viruses from their patients 13 times more often if they wore a cloth mask than if they wore a medical mask, and a Chinese study (*) found that a medical mask was no more protective against viruses than wearing no mask at all. The World Health Organization (*) warns that wearing a medical mask “may create a false sense of security” against COVID-19 and that “no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons.” The N95 respirator, recommended for medical workers, requires training to use properly and “without training, the masks could not only expose workers to the virus but also lull them into thinking they are protected,” according to doctors at the Harvard School of Public Health (*). Even the N95 mask has been found to be ineffective in preventing the transmission of viruses. A review of six clinical studies, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (*), found that medical workers caught viruses from their patients just as often when they used N95 respirators as when they used ordinary medical masks.
Masks are harmful to the wearer. COVID-19 kills by causing severe hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in the blood). People wearing masks rebreathe some of their exhaled air, lowering the amount of oxygen they are breathing. “Wearing respirators come[s] with a host of physiological and psychological burdens. These can interfere with task performances and reduce work efficiency. These burdens can even be severe enough to cause life-threatening conditions if not ameliorated,” wrote the author of a 2016 article in The Journal of Biological Engineering. When the N95 respirator was tested in use in 2010, the “dead-space oxygen and carbon dioxide levels did not meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s ambient workplace guidelines.”
Notes to integrate
swine flu, $5billion in vaccine injury payou
germ theory: no evidence that germs or viruses cause illness
genetic material identified in virus tests is identical to "exosomes" that cells excrete in normal healing process
everyone who gets a flu shot will test positive for COVID
Right wing push for war with China
COVID can attack again whenever TPTB want it to; more virulent whatever they want
testing kits are compromised; people test positive after taking a flu shot
big box stores are open and declared essential while, small businesses are shut down that employ 70% of Americans
$2K/month UBI; disincentive to work, reliance on state
Sweden and other countries that did not shut down have comparable death rates to countries that did shut down, but with minimal financial and secondary effects
State propaganda focused on the public via corporate media now legal due to the 2012 Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. The US public now can be lied to as a matter of law if someone in a position of power deems that doing so serves the greater good, however they choose to determine that.
Big Tech and the Intelligence State need this "virus" as an excuse to introduce Chinese-style surveillance that is antithetical to the West's foundation of freedom and enlightenment.
Depopulation. Club of Rome statements. This is the Global Warming fraud 2.0.
There are other ways humanity could be encouraged to reduce numbers, in ways far more truthful and harmony producing. But the elites are taking the approach that most guarantees their place in the pecking order, while introducing mass population control measures to eliminate the fear of a revolution.
People who rise to a certain level of prominence or wealth are generally compromised. Either there is a "control file" on them, or they are made members of the Death Set, any number of closely related secret societies that trace their roots to "Fallen Angels" and the pre-Christian, Babylonian cults that worship Baal, a deity that requires blood sacrifice. The Christian notion of Satan is based on a composite of these ancient deities.
2 ER doctors that operate 7 clinics with over 200 employees come out against quarantine measures for the healthy.
Describe statistically insignificant differences in COVID cases between Norway and Sweden, where one country quarantined and the other didn't; death rates due to COVID being comparable to flu seasons in the past; terrible secondary effects of domestic violence, incest, depression that they are seeing in their clinics that are worse than the flu itself; financial destruction from loss of income; pressure upon doctors to cite COVID as cause of death; and small businesses being shut down (that employ 70% of Americans) while big box stores stay open, citing this as a policy that is not guided by science.
Links worth checking out that Dr. Cowan mentions in this video. Is the 2019 Coronavirus Really a Pandemic? Virus Mania: The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life: The mammalian virome in genetic analysis of health and disease pathogenesis: By the way, take a look at this: Look at the high numbers from respiratory and flu. These numbers can easily be moved over to COVID-19 without the public being aware of the deception. How do we know they allow for this: The CDC says, "Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death." Here is the link: For example, they make a determination (with improper testing) that someone who has this and who has died, therefore died because of it rather than it being merely present. That's like saying that someone who passed away by something else actually died of injuries from stubbing their toe the day before.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman and the Exosomes (Coronavirus Truth) (*)
H.R. 6666 Contact Tracing; Patent #666 for Gate's ID2020. What is in a number?
Lockstep 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Pandemic Best Route To Bring In NWO
ODD TV: ONE WORLD: Together at Home | Extreme Propaganda (*)
"Together At Home" Was An Infomercial for the Global Elite and its Agenda (pdf)
David Icke's Explosive Interview With London Real - The Video That YouTube Doesn't Want You To See (this live interview was pulled by Google mid-stream despite 87,000 viewers watching) (*)
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic (*)
8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic (*)
10 MORE Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic (*)
HUGE! MN Senator and Doctor: Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes on Ventilator (*) VIDEO (*)
New Normal - Pandemic Police State (*)
Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court (*)
2010 Rockefeller paper "Lockstep" where a pandemic is preferred way to assert topdown control of society
COVID deaths worldwide are being counted by the Gates-funded Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
VMAT2 Gene Vaccine to suppress expression of gene DOD believes is responsible for religious extemism. People with strong religious beliefs are less susceptible to propaganda. Leaked 2005 DOD video.
Add article on suicide rates spiking and outpacing COVID deaths.
Tanzania: President Says Faulty ‘Imported’ Test Kit Claimed Goat And Papaya Had Coronavirus (*)
Lockdowns made NO difference to coronavirus but destroyed millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims (*)
California doctors say they have seen 'a years worth of suicides' in the last month because of the impact lockdown is having on mental health (*) (mp4)
Eyebrows are raised as government makes sex in your home with a person from another household ILLEGAL (but it's okay in the garden) (*)
Corbett Report: Who Is Bill Gates (4-part video series) (*)
1. How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (*)
2. Bill Gates' Plan To Vaccinate The World (*)
3. Bill Gates And The Population Control Grid (*)
4. Meet Bill Gates (*)
London Real: David Icke / Brian Rose: We Will Not Be Silenced (June 14, 2020)
WHO Says Asymptomatic COVID-19 Carriers Not Very Infectious (*)
Lies, Damn Lies, and COVID-19 (PDF) (Comments)
London Mayor: Mandatory Masks Will Be The "New Normal" For At Least Another Year (*)
Choosing Life Newsletter by Arthur Firstenberg of the Cellphone Taskforce, May 5, 2020 (*)
2020.5.5. The following is my email to a relative, in response to a New York Times article hyperventilating about increasing infection rate in NYC and the need for continued social distancing and national economic shutdown: "Remember that it was the New York Times that sold us on Iraq's nonexistent weapons of mass destruction, and that the Iraqi military set on fire hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells, both of which are lies. (It was years later that we learned that it was US special forces who sabotaged the oil fields, to cause an international uproar against the "inhumanity" of Saddam Hussein.) So there is a history. Fauci himself stated in the New England Journal of Medicine that the death rate for COVID is likely just .1-.3 % -- a rate consistent with past years flu outbreaks where no shut down or mandatory mask wearing were implemented. The infection rate we are being given is irrelevant because most people will test positive as the genetic material being tested for can be due to flu shots, as well as a wide range of illnesses or internal healing processes that have nothing to do with COVID. As already shared, there are tremendous financial conflicts of interest at play here, e.g., Dr. Fauci and his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funding the Wuhan bio lab with $3.7million to study weaponized coronaviruses; hospitals getting $39K to place patients on ventilators (90% of whom die once intubated there); and the destruction of small businesses across America that places Walmart, Home Depot, Lockheed Martin, Amazon, et. al. in a much more powerful position than they already were. Gates and the think tanks he funds war gamed this whole scenario out in Event 201 back in October 2019. The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is a man that used to be employed by GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), an organization dedicated to growing market demand for vaccines throughout the world, and an organization that Gates founded in 1999 with a grant of $750 million. Gates is the biggest funder of WHO (the World Health Organization) after the United States. In 2017 Gates gave $327 million to WHO (*). Gates, the pharmaceutical industry ($46 million), and other private interests contributed more to WHO's $2billion yearly budget in 2017 than world governments did. So the question must be asked, "Whose interests is WHO advancing?" In sum, sir, my advice is to please get outdoors for sunshine (sun exposure kills pathogens), and do not wear masks any more than absolutely necessary as they breed bacteria and restrict oxygen uptake, both of which weaken your immune system. Be well! Much love, KCT"
1. COVID-19 Facts: The virus lives on all surfaces except Walmart, packages from Amazon, and all food as long as it is ordered to go. And you wonder why the rich have become $450 billion more wealthy during lockdown?
Max Igan: Are You Ready For The Great Reset? (*) (6/26/2020).
additional links and memes from broadcast
World Economic Forum: The Great Reset (YouTube) (*) (6/3/2020) ( ) (*)
ReallyGraceful: When You Weren't Looking, Billionaires Did THIS... (*) (6/26/2020). income and population predictions for 2025 (*)
Jon Rappoport Blog: Dear humans: face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC (*) Masks Likely Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread (*) (need to add mp4's from article) CDC Guidelines for Going Back to School in 2020 (*)
Taylor Raine: In Response To The CDC's School Reopening Guidelines - One Parent's Concern (*)
David Icke: How They Pulled Off The "Pandemic:" An Animated Explanation by David Icke (*)
Del Bigtree: Mask Test Proves Toxic For Children - Levels of Carbon Dioxide Inside A Mask, Face Shield, and Cloth (*)
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells
The Alex Jones Show with David Knight - July 24, 2020 - Dark Agenda of Tyrannical Lockdowns Explained (*) [[3 GB file could not upload using my 5MB/min Internet connection -- try again when I have a faster connection]]
Pastor J.D. Farag - Masks and the Mark - Bible Prophesy Update July 26, 2020 (*)
All Wuhan Roads Lead Back To US Gov, Netherlands Refuses Mask Mandate & Vaccine Company's Immunity - The Last American Vagabond July 31, 2020 (*)
need to rip a Quicktime compatible mp4
America's Frontline Doctors Summit - Session 1 - July 27, 2020 (*) find session 2 that was also deleted from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells - Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents - June 9, 2020 (*). Article coverage and commentary by David Knight of Infowars at Banned.Video (*). This scientific research shows the pathway for the introduction of flu-symptoms in human beings based on the conduction of 5G in skin cells. Of course, it was quickly retracted. Too much is at stake for the globalists to allow the truth to stand unmolested. Meanwhile, 5G rollout in the US is accelerating while 5G's creators, the Israelis, have no plans to install the technology in their own country until after 2025, if ever.
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump- TheRemnantVideo - August 6, 2020 (*). Some good footage of global elites in their own words. I don't share the same view of Trump, however, who is fast tracking 5G and mandatory vaccines. He might be better than his opponents in many ways, but in the end I view Trump as a conscious participant in the divide-and-conquer globalist makeover of the USA. Tyranny remains the destination; just with Trump we are getting there more slowly. The answer lies in local politics and decentralized power, not Washington, D.C.
COVID: is the virus real? by Jon Rappoport, August 10, 2020 (*)
How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place? The earthshaking Etienne De Harven interview by Celia Farber, February 18, 2020 by Jon Rappoport (*)
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless -- Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, Off-Guardian, June 20, 2020 (*)
Biosecurity Theater - James Corbett, August 15, 2020 (*)
This is what coronavirus will do to our offices and homes - BBC News, August 6, 2020 (*)
Police State Australia (Banned by YouTube) - Max Igan / TheCrowhouse, August 11, 2020 (*) (pdf with 500+ comments)
The Mirror Project - Their Plan's MAP - World Economic Forum Coronavirus Agenda, May 1, 2020 (*)
Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman? ( (*)
"Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World (Dr. Carrie Madej) (*)
Docs4OpenDebate: Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media (*)
America's Frontline Doctors Summit (*) Hydroxychloroquine White Paper by Dr. Simone Gold (*) References (*) Medicine Uncensored by James Todaro MD (*)
The COVID "Vaccine" Is The Disease: Dr. Carrie Madej, Doctor of Osteopathy, interviewed by RichieFromBoston, September 15, 2020 (*)
2020.10.5. I saw this post today at Zerohedge by kleptomistic
Odds of surviving Covid-19 Compared to the Common Flu by age groups:
0-19 years: 99.998% - Covid-19
0-17 years: 99.996% - Common Flu in 2018/19 - Common flu is more deadly.
20-49 years: 99.98% - Covid-19
18-49 years: 99.98% - Common Flu in 2018/19
50-69 years: 99.50% - Covid-19 is a 1/2% more deadly!
50-64 years: 99.94% - Common Flu in 2018/19
70+ years: 94.60% - Covid-19
65+ years: 94.17% - Common Flu in 2018/19- Common flu is more deadly. (*) (*)
One more chart from the CDC
COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios (*)
ZeroHedge: Miami Doctor Dies After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine (2021.1.8) (*) (comments)
Note that these injections use novel technology not used before on humans (past animal studies revealed massive side effects) and do not meet the legal definition of vaccine.
Miami Doctor Dies After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine
Heidi Neckelmann, the widow of Dr. Gregory Michael, said her husband was vaccinated on Dec. 18, and died 16 days later. He was 56 years old, according to Sputnik. Patients typically receive a second dose of the vaccine 3 weeks after the first. Neckelmann also shared the news in a Facebook post, cited above. "In my mind his death was 100 percent linked to the vaccine. There is no other explanation," she said. "He was in very good health. He didn’t smoke, he drank alcohol once in a while but only socially. He worked out, we had kayaks, he was a deep sea fisherman," she added.
ZH comments:
wolf pup - He bled out, I’ll bet. And probably had the blood plasma issue of thrombocytopenia. Body can’t make enough plasma to keep blood from thinning to watery liquid. Clotting factor kaput. Little spots. Hands and especially feet. Furthest to push blood to and those iron colored little spots are blood seeping out of cell walls. Take this GateHatesHumanity shot straight into your whole body at your own risk. As always. Feeling lucky, punk?
Joat Hammerfist - The vaccine has a higher morality rate than COVID. LOL.That's a pretty normal statement about vaccines.
TacoNasty - He must have not done well in medical school if he wasn't smart enough not to take an untested vaccine for a disease with 99.994% survivability.
Tomb - What's more damning more than him dying two weeks after the vaccine is that his petechiae symptom happened just 3 days after. He got the vaccine, and 3 days later had zero platelets. Thrombocytopenia is a known complication from vaccines. If the mRNA gets into the bloodstream and then into the platelets, the immune system can't recognize the platelets as foreign and kill them?
Buzz-Kill - Big Pharma’s COVID vaxes contain polyethylene glycol (PEG), which can trigger anaphylactic shock in a person who is pre-sensitized to it. Some sources estimate that 7-15% of people may now be allergic to PEG, which is widely used in drug delivery systems. The COVID vax protocol is to administer the jab not once but twice, guaranteeing the individual’s re-exposure to PEG, thereby increasing the likelihood of anaphylaxis. It hardly seems possible that the vaccine creators were ignorant of the hazards posed by this substance.
Mount Massive - Once again, I and many of my healthcare peers "tested" positive for SARS-CoV-2, and many had zero S&S. Those who did experienced mostly mild to moderate cold-like symptoms and all have returned to work. WHY take an experimental vax that has zero long-term side effect studies that may cause worse symptoms than actual Covid?
Procrastin8 - Earlier vaccine disasters: what they hope won’t happen with COVID-19 vaccines. Not the least reason to doubt the current vaccine are the disappointing results of attempts to develop earlier vaccines against similar animal & human viruses. Of particular concern (to me) is that ADE and VAH (a related set of reactions due to earlier vaccination or infection) occurred in aminals with boths SARS and MERS, two closest viruses related to COVID-19’s (SARS-CoV-2). Perversely, ADE and related mechanisms may cause you to not only catch a disease a second time, but the 2nd time the disease will be much worse, perhaps fatal. This is possible if the first “case” was vaccination, but can also happen with “wild” (normal) infections. While the SARS-type viruses are quite different from Dengue (DENV), this report does mention that monkeys that should have been immune to SARS (vaccinated) contracted the disease a second time.
Give Me Some Truth - Another possibility - which probably doesn't explain this death - is that the flu vaccine somehow/might cause more severe, life-threatening reactions in people who later contract COVID. I imagine this doctor had also had the flu vaccine. I think any "study" that might seek to prove "correlation" or "causation" between the flu vaccine and severe cases of COVID is strictly off limits ... for obvious reasons.
KyttenX - Search Dr. Dolores Cahill. She's a microbiologist, and there is a video out there that talks about mrna vaccines and wild diseases. In 2012, there was an animal study that showed that when some animals got an mrna vaccine, when exposed to the virus in the wild (naturally), their immune systems over reacted and caused a cytokine storm. Several died. BTW... there were NO animals studies on this vaccine. Or tests on people that were not perfectly healthy.
Sigh. - For two weeks, she said, doctors tried to raise Michael’s platelet count. “Experts from all over the country were involved in his care,” she wrote. “No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up.” She wrote that Michael was “conscious and energetic” through the process. But just days before a last resort surgery, he suffered a stroke and died. Also see idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The good doc's platelets were attacked and destroyed by his own immune system, a definite result of the Covid vaccination.
More COVID posts to comment on
AwakenWithJP (*): Why The Lockdown Should Last Longer (*)
AwakenWithJP (*): What It's Like Living in California Now (*)
Pastor J.D. Farag - COVID Masks, Hand Washing, and Six Feet Social Distancing as Satanic Inititiation Rituals - Bible Prophesy Update October 11, 2020 (*)
American Thinker: The Cult Of Covidism Has Invaded The Church by Fay Voshell (*)
Truthstream Media (*): The Characteristics Of An Initiation Ritual (*)
Jon Rappoport: The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available (October 8, 2020) (*)
Jon Rappoport: COVID: The Virus That Isn’t There: The Root Fraud Exposed (October 8, 2020) (*)
The CDC report that states on page 39 that they have no isolated specimens of the "virus" - CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (*) The Global Takeover Is Underway (2020.10.23) (*) What You Need To Know About The Great Reset (2020.10.28) (*) Is It Time for Full-Time Mask Mandates? (2020.11.2.) (*)
Jon Rappoport's Blog: CDC plans COVID concentration camps (2020.11.2.) (*)
Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of "SARS-CoV-2" and "COVID-19" ~ johnblaid (*)
WE-THE-PEOPLE - NOTICE - OF - OBLIGATION - ACCORDING - TO - ENGLISH - CONSTITUTIONAL - LAW Presentation To Chief Constables: 20th October 2020 - 2pm - Local Witnesses - Primary Contact - Secondary - Video Docusign best viewed on Laptop or PC size screen. With Thanks - We The People - Project Elephant (*) Whitney Webb - Operation Warp Speed — A Technocratic Chess Piece? (2020.11.1.) (*) The Truth Behind Operation Warp Speed: A Special Interview With Whitney Webb By Dr. Joseph Mercola (*)
Max Igan: An American Coup D'etat and $10million If You Can Prove COVID-19 is Real (11/5/2020) (*)
Max Igan: Pedo-Joe & The Push for Civil Unrest (11/7/2020) (*)
My Letter to President Trump Regarding Ending COVID Restrictions and Lockdowns (2020.11.17)
Tucker shows photos of California governor flouting pandemic guidelines (2020.11.18) (*)
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests "Unreliable" & Quarantines "Unlawful" (*)
Open Letter to President Donald Trump by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (October 30, 2020) (*)
Celeste Solum Talks With David Icke About DARPA's Hydrogel, the Gates COVID "Vaccine," Magnetic Marker's Being Introduced Via The COVID "Test," the UN's Plan to "Barcode" and Genetically Modify All Life On Earth, and Depopulation (November 19, 2020) (*)
ZeroHedge: The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America (2020.11.28) (*) (comments) Spy Agencies Threaten to 'Take Out' Mercola (2020.12.1.) (*)
Alex Jones: Election Fraud, COVID-19 "Vaccine" Lawsuit, Sterilization Effects (2020.12.4) (*) [COVID fraud discussion begins at 73 minutes]
AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials After Second Volunteer "Develops Neurological Problems" (*) [AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave of rare disclosures by drug companies under pressure to be more transparent about how they are testing products that are the world’s best hope for ending the pandemic.The release comes after a second vaccine test volunteer “Developed neurological problems.” According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, the second volunteer suddenly started saying “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead” after the vaccine. Reportedly, the gene-modifying "vaccine" being rolled out now attacks chromosome 8, a genetic sequence that is responsible for human intelligence and aspiration.]
Entangled Magazine June 2020: The Coalescence - Mark Of The Beast (*)
A Call For An Uprising: DARPA Creates Vaccine To Stop Religious Fanaticism, Beliefs and Experiences (*)
Vaccines To Kill Your Desire To Seek God (2005 CIA Briefing) (*) [This video was reportedly "debunked." I think that was on account of someone saying that it was Bill Gates giving the lecture, which clearly it isn't. I see no reason to disbelieve that the military and pharmaceutical establishment would like to "Kill God." I mean, if they were willing to kill John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., two great visionary leaders, and create a nation of desensitized zombies hooked on anti-depressants like Prozac (whose main ingredient fluoride actually eats holes in the brain), the question should be, "Why wouldn't they kill the God within, if given the chance?" If you look at the rollout of genetically modified organisms to replace God-created organisms worldwide, and the blanketing of the planet with toxic heavy metal and polymer nanoparticulates, you will see an intention to destroy the "God without." In this context, a desire to make humans unable to discern God from Satan would be a high priority for those seeking to blind, bind, and rule us. So it doesn't matter whether the video is "real" or not. It is legitimate. The video is out there for a reason. One way or another, we are being preconditioned to accept a Godless world.]
Principia Scientific: 12 Reasons To Reject Vaccination (*)
1200 Studies: To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate - The Truth Will Prevail (*)
Principia Scientific: Official Year-To-Year Death Rates Prove The Pandemic Is A Fraud (*)
Principia Scientific: Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory (*)
Five Finger Death Punch: Living The Dream (*) [Source: Max Igan - COVID 19 - Fight The Lie]
ZeroHedge: Hospital Workers Turn Down COVID Vaccine: "There's Too Much Mistrust" (*) (comments)
Catherine Austin Fitts: Great Reset, Injection Fraud, and Crypto Currencies are all Integral to Global Control / Enslavement System (12/18/2020) (*) [Did you know that Pfizer is not part of Operation Warp Speed because it refuses to make public it's COVID-19 "vaccine" ingredients?]
ZeroHedge: Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine (12/31/2020) (*) (comments)
Comment from poster twighlight eyes: All - listen to episode 275. A nurse used a form of an affidavit to successfully make her hospital back down over having a mandatory flu shot. I think the letter she wrote is available for you to adapt. I'll be using this if my son's school in the UK goes full retard and requires him to receive this death DNA-modifying Frankenstein BS. The other avenue is to tell his university that he's happy to accept their "offer" (everything is simply an offer) as long as: 1. They can provide the evidence to show it's perfectly safe - they can't; 2. Whoever's in charge and trying to mandate this will take full personal liability that in the event he suffers any sickness or injury they will pay compensation to the tune of (make up a figure) $10M Write this in an affidavit form and they won't sign it. Then if they still try to exclude him, you have grounds to fight in the courts as he's being discriminated against. I am not giving legal advise here and do your own homework first. Gemstone University on YouTube is the starting point - Ken Cousins. As you're in the US you should also consider this lady's efforts: This is how we're going to beat these demons.
Crrow777Radio Episode 275: Statement of Declination for Offer of Influenza Vaccination Product 1 and 2. [State the special way that the nurse signed the statement. Also, note how she rejected the statements of declination provided by the hospital that required her to acknowledge her role in infecting others. She stated that she is not responsible for the immune systems of other people and could not sign anything that implied that she was.]
ZeroHedge: "I'm Choosing The Risk Of Getting COVID": Over Half Of Health Care Workers At California Hospitals Refuse Vaccinations (1/2/2021) (*) (comments) [awesome comments! read all 2000 of them!] [JethroBodine_: If this was a pandemic how is that very few frontline medical people are getting sick to the point they can't work. They're around the so called virus 24/7 and 365 days a year. You would think by now so many of them would have died off or suffered debilitating illness we wouldn't have a functioning medical system. Covid-19 is so deadly you have to get tested to know you have it. What is so extraordinary about this entire hoax is hundred of millions of sheep continue to go along with it and will continue to do so until our culture no longer represents a place we want to live. Complete tyranny and control of every movement and finally dystopia.]
Global Covid Vaccines! Huge Risks, Huge Injuries – Huge Compensations? by Peter Koenig, 12/25/2020 (*) Top 11 COVID-19 Statistics Mainstream News Is Hiding From You (2021.1.2.) (*)
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Injection Fraud - It’s Not a Vaccine (*)
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Plan for a Global System of Slavery (*) (mp4)
Joseph Mercola: How COVID-19 Is Changing the Future of Vaccines (*) (Corbett; pdf; mp4) (Important Vaccine Message)
2021.1.13. Israel National News: This is not a vaccine: The Israeli people haven't been given information required for a sufficient risk-benefit analysis in this extraordinary endeavor (*)
No COVID-19 Deaths At Nursing Home Until 24 Die Suddenly Within Two Weeks Of Receiving "Vaccine" (*)
ZeroHedge: Health Experts Call For Suspension Of Pfizer Vaccination Among Elderly After Norway Deaths (2021.1.16.) (*) (comments)
ZeroHedge: Microsoft, Big-Tech Coalition Developing Rockefeller-Funded COVID Passports (2021.1.15) (*) (comments)
Anthony Fauci, virtue signalling with his double mask. Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective (12/3/2020) (*)
Mercola: How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions (1/31/2021) (*)
Mercola: Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes (2/1/2021) (*) Vaccination and Censorship: The Truth Will Set Us Free (2/6/2021) (*) International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals (2021.2.4.) (*) (source doc)
Andrew Kaufman MD: Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) (*)
The Freedom Articles: SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on 1 Big Fat Assumption (*)
The Freedom Articles: 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops (*)
Final Thoughts on 9/11 COVID Similarities: To understand these 2 massive psychological operations is to understand the way the NWO Agenda advances in our world. There is a distinctive pattern to the darkness/unconsciousness in the way it deceives, betrays, tricks, distracts, obfuscates and manipulates. Ultimately, we know the endgame is to put people into such states of anxiety, stress and fear that they will accept any level of state security, corporatocratic surveillance, invasion of privacy and violation of their sovereign, unalienable, inherent, god-given rights. My hope is that articles such as these shine a light on the darkness and bring it to the surface to be exposed, so that the deception is no longer effective. The power of these false flag events and psy ops lies in their capacity to manipulate perception; once an awakened populace sees through it, their power evaporates. ~Makia Freeman 'Papers, Please': Vaccine Passports Have Officially Arrived (2021.2.24.) (*)
LifeSite: ALERT: Ask your state legislators to support a Vaccine Bill of Rights! (*) Lifesite News (*)
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 6, 2021, #291 (Dane Wigington) (*) (comment)
Carbon Dioxide Levels Inside Mask (mp4)
LifeSite News (3/5/2021): UK: 35 people deaf and 25 blind after taking mRNA vaccine shots (The Yellow Card scheme tracking potential vaccine injuries has flagged a combined 191,832 individual adverse events, or side effects, related to COVID vaccines.) (*)
David Knight Show (3/19/2021) (Walmart Teams Up With DAVOS to give Vax & Vax Passport * Norwegian Doctor on Why AstraZeneca is Causing Blood Disorders * Rand v Fauci: Did he ask the right question? * DeSantis defunds Critical Race Theory, Jesuits give MILLIONS for reparations as California “gay pastor” says Jesus was racist) (*) [KCT comment: David Knight (pic) is the smartest and best whole-systems analyst of the dire predicament facing humanity that I have found on the web. His three-hour daily show is well worth your time to listen to.]
Mercola: Vaccines Are The New Purity Test (2021.4.6.) (*) + Embedded Video: Outcry To The World From Israel with Ilana Rachel Daniel (*) + 2nd Video: Steve Hilton blasts 'unprecedented' Democratic push for 'vaccine passports' (with Naomi Wolf) (*) + Video: Are Vaccine Passports the End of America? with Naomi Wolf and Del Bigtree (*)
2021.4.12. National File: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study (*)
Mercola: Masks Are A Ticking Time Bomb (2021.4.7) (*)
2021.4.27. Steve Bannon Interviews Dr. Richard Fleming on COVID-19 Shots Causing Inflammation, Blood Clots, Infections, and Death (*)
2021.4.28. Government Witholding Treatment, COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doc Peter McCullough (*); "In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, the internationally renowned Dr. Peter McCullough--the doctor with the most citations in the National Library of Medicine on these topics--warned that the COVID shot was already causing thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of hospitalizations that have been recorded. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, he warned. In normal circumstances, 50 deaths reported to VAERS would result in a drug being taken off market immediately. In the case of the COVID shots, thousands have already been reported, and yet the mass vaccination programs continue to be pushed. Dr. McCullough, a professor of medicine who developed a globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol, also emphasized that there have been many unnecessary deaths as a result of policy decisions made at various levels of government."
2021.4.29. Mercola: Kennedy - The Truth About COVID-19 (*)
2021.5.1. Mercola: Dave Asprey - The Truth About COVID-19 (*)
2021.5.4. Mercola: Why I’m Removing All Articles Related to Vitamins D, C, Zinc and COVID-19 (*)
2021.5.23. Stephanie Seneff - COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease ( (*) (mp4)
2021.5.24. Fasting, COVID, and Vaccines: Everything you Need to Know (*)
2021.5.28. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - How COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots and More ( (*)
2021.5.30. Judy Mikovits Ph.D. and Stephanie Seneff Ph.D. Discuss The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health ( (*) (mp4 Bitchute)
2021.5.30. JD Farag Prophecy Update (*). Pastor Farag reviews the 10 Stages of Genocide and the elites' depopulation plans (e.g., Georgia Guidestones) at 12:00. Most importantly, from 28:00 to 60:00, JD reads from over 2000 testimonials he received since his request the week prior for members of his worldwide congregation to share their experiences with COVID "vaccine" adverse effects. Numerous accounts of blood clotting, heart problems, nervous system dysfunction, Bell's Palsy, mood changes, numbness, and menstrual cycle changes, among others.
2021.6.2. Children's Health Defense: Pfizer Vaccine ‘Probably’ Linked to Heart Inflammation, Israeli Panel of Experts Concludes (*)
June 4, 2021: David Icke Dot-Connector Broadcast: "The Real 'First Wave' -- Midazolam -- UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock Must Be Jailed For Life" (*)
New Virginia Plan (*) Petition to Cease and Desist all medical tyranny activities against our people (*) New Virginia Plan Declaration of Dissolution (*) Virginia Freeholders Civics Reading List (*)
2021.6.6. Shocking Case of Academic Censorship Against Professor Mark Crispin Miller ( (*) (mp4)
2021.6.7. Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine? (Mercola) (*)
2021.6.10. Tucker Carlson Interviews Doctors Regarding COVID "Vaccine" and Myocarditis or Heart Inflammation, Especially in Young People (*)
2021.6.11. CDC To Hold "Emergency Meeting" After 100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines (6/11/2021, ZeroHedge) (*) (comments)
2021.6.11. J. Bart Classen MD: COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease (Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) (*)
2021.6.10. Global Pushback Against Tyranny Has Begun (Mercola) (*)
2021.6.14. ZeroHedge: Vast Majority Of Democrats Support Employers Forcing Workers To Get COVID Jab, New Poll Finds (*) (comments)
Vaccine Mandate Employee Letter Example
June 14, 2021 - News With Views: 100% Vaccination is More Important Than Your Individual Freedom (*)
May 31, 2021 - India Today: mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein, Twitter says delete this (*)
2021.6.12. Tony Blair Suggests Unvaccinated Brits Should Remain Under Lockdown Restrictions (ZeroHedge) (*) (comments)
2021.6.10. Does the PCR Test Affect the Pineal Gland? Humans and “Transhumans”. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (*)
2021.6.14. Mercola: Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine (*)
2021.6.11. Vaccine Impact: Censored in the Corporate Media Hundreds of Medical Professionals Speak Out on Medscape Forum Warning about Dangers of COVID Injections (*)
2021.6.7. Now The End Begins: Pharmakeia, the "God Gene," and just what is the real target of the Covid-19 vaccines that were rushed into production and forced on us? (*) - Scientific Articles On Vaccine Myths And Pharma Foibles (*)
2021.6.12. Mercola: How COVID-19 School Guidelines Are Harming Kids (*)
2021.6.13. Mercola: Political Satirist Takes Up the Fight Against Tyranny (*)
2021.6.18. ZeroHedge: "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency Meeting On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth (*) (comments)
2021.6.18. Mercola: Fear Is Contagious and Used to Control You (*)
2021.6.22. Mercola: Media Continue Fake News Campaign Against Mercola (*)
2021.6.22. ZeroHedge: WHO Stealth Edits Page Warning Against Vaccinating Children (*) (comments)
2021.6.23. Mercola: New Delta Virus Variant Escalates Lockdowns (*)
2021.6.26. National File: FDA Adds Warning About Myocarditis, Pericarditis Heart Inflammation To Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines (*)
2021.6.29. Jon Rappoport: FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns (*)
2021.7. Are You Getting The "Vaccine?" (*)
2021.7.2. ZeroHedge: New Study Links "Acute Chest Pain" In Male Soldiers To mRNA Vaccines (*) (comments)
2021.6.25. Matt Taibbi: Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"? A potential Covid-19 treatment has become hostage to a larger global fight between populists and anti-populists (*) (ZeroHedge Comments)
2021.6.26. ZeroHedge: Losing The Plot On COVID (*) (comments)
2021.6.27. Principia-Scientific: Most Mask Wearers Will Be Dead Or Demented In Ten Years (*)
2021.7.2. David Icke: Building a New World with a New Vibration to Thwart the Great Reset (*)
2021. American Journal of Therapeutics, Pierre Kory MD, et. al.: Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 (*)
2021.6.27. Humans Are Free (6/27/2021) (*) (need to download video footage)
2021.7.7. Vaccine Impact: Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them (*)
2021.7.10. Mercola: The Deadly Censorship of Ivermectin (*)
2021.7.15. For Our Rights: NOTICE TO DOH/DOE/BOE (*)
2021.7.21. La Quinta Columa informs on more antioxidants that degrade graphene oxide (*)
2021.6.30. Mercola: The Biggest Crime Committed During Vaccine Heist (*)
2021.7.12. Zerohedge: FDA To Add Warning Over Rare Neurological Side Effects Linked To J&J Jabs (*) (comments)
2021.7.29.GAB: Important: Download COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption Documents Here (*)
2021.8.3. Jon Rappoport: The Vacine War - Who Really Has The Upper Hand? (*)
2021.8.3. Mercola: Coronavirus Spreading Among the Vaccinated in Highly Vaccinated Countries (*)
2021.8.4. Rappoport: Three quarters of new COVID cases are in vaccinated people -- CDC study (*)
2021.8.4. News With Views: CDC has Been Cookin’ the Books (*)
2021.8.4. Mercola: Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours (*)
2021.8.5. Mercola: People Are Rebelling Against Lockdowns, Masks Worldwide (*)
2021.8.6. Rappoport: Pfizer document describes vaccine “shedding” from person to person (*)
2021.8.6. Mercola: Government Wants To Dictate Truth (*)
2021.8.7. Mercola: mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis (*)
2021.8.7. Israeli Doctor - Majority of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients at Hospital in Israel Are Fully Vaccinated (*)
2021.8.8. How Long Do The Vaccinated Have To Live? (*) (graphene oxide deprives body of oxygen and damages blood cells)
2021.8.8. Mercola: How the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind (*)
2021.8.13. A Note To The Hawaii State Teachers Association
2021.8.13. ZeroHedge: Yet Again, The Media's COVID Narrative Doesn't Add Up (*) (comments)
2021.8.13. ZeroHedge: Lawyers Expect Lawsuits As Employers Navigate "Touchy" Subject Of Religious Objections To Vaccines (*) (comments)
2021.8.13. ZeroHedge: India's Ivermectin Blackout (*) (comments)
2021.8.15. Mercola: Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable (*)
2021.8.13. Mercola: Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID (*)
2021.8.13. Mercola: How the Government May Accuse You of Domestic Terrorism (*)
2021.8.15. COVID-19 Injection Campaign Violates Bioethics Laws (*)
2021.8.15. ZeroHedge: DHS Bulletin Says Opposition To COVID Mandates Is Potential "Domestic Terrorism Threat" (*)
2021.8.15. ZeroHedge: Do Masks Work? A Review Of The Evidence (*)
2021.8.17. Jon Rappoport: Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of “safe and effective” (*)
2021.8.19. Mercola: Mass Psychosis — How to Create an Epidemic of Mental Illness (*)
2021.8.20. ZeroHedge: San Francisco Prepares To Suspend Cops And Firefighters Who Refuse To Disclose Vaccination Status (*)
2021.8.20. Mercola: Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells (*)
2021.8.21. ZeroHedge: CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has 'No Statistically Significant Benefit' (*)
2021.8.21. Mercola: Joe Rogan on Breakthrough Cases and Vaccine Passports (*)
2021.8.22. Are Masks Effective?
2021.8.23. ZeroHedge: Pfizer Jab Receives Full Approval From FDA, Pentagon Mandates Vaccinations For All Troops (*)
2021.8.23. Jon Rappoport: Breaking: FDA gives full approval to COVID vaccines; no public hearing; no transparency; no open review of vaccine data (*)
2021.8.25. Jon Rappoport: Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? (*)
2021.8.26. Mercola: Why Do Public Health Agencies Reject Natural Immunity? (*)
2021.8.26. Mercola: The Biopolitical War On Breathing (*)
2021.8.27. Mercola: Immunity Debt — Do COVID Policies Weaken Immune Systems? (*)
2021.8.28. USA Population Predicted To Drop From 361 Million To 61 Million by 2025
2021.8.28. Mercola: Why Vaccine Passports Must Be Rejected (*) ** Tucker Carlson - Vaccine Passports (*)
2021.8.30. Children's Health Defense: 1 in 8 Nurses Haven’t Gotten COVID Vaccine or Don’t Plan to Get One + More (*)
2021.8.30. Mercola: Medical Boards Hunting Down Doctors Over Mask Mandates (*)
2021.8.30. Mercola: 60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed (*)
2021.8.30. Jon Rappoport: California, a COVID police state is coming at you; the legislature is tuning it up now; will you lie down and take it? (*)
2021.8.30. Jon Rapport: Refusing the COVID vaccine; setting the record straight (*)
2021.9.3. ZeroHedge: The Covidian Cult (Part III): There's Reality & There's "Reality" (*)
2021.9.4. ZeroHedge: Top Health Officials Push Back Against Biden's Booster Jabs Plan (*)
2021.9.4. ZeroHedge: Reports Of Rare Body Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccinations Being Investigated By EU Watchdog (*)
2021.9.4. Gothamist: NYC Teachers Union Fights For Medical And Religious Exemptions To COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (*)
2021.9.4. Health Impact News: Crisis in America: Millions of Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates (*) (Rumble) (*)
2021.9.4. Mercola: Doctor Calls Out CDC At School Board Meeting (*)
2021.9.1. Paul Craig Roberts: There are four Russian Vaccines. None use the experimental mRNA technology. (*)
2021.9.2. Paul Craig Roberts: Israel's Spiralling Cases Among The Vaccinated (*)
2021.8.26. Paul Craig Roberts: The Fallacious Covid Narrative Has Completely Fallen Apart But the Corrupt Medical Establishment Steams Ahead On Its Catastrophic Course (*)
2021.9.2. Mercola: Top Misinformation Article Attributed to Chicago Tribune (*)
2021.9.4. Mercola: Why the WHO Is a Corrupt, Unhealthy Organization (*)
2021.9.5. Mercola: Microbiologist Explains COVID Jab Effects (*)
2021.9.6. Mercola: Study: COVID Shot Enhances Delta Infectivity (*)
2021.9.6. Mercola: How to Determine if You Need to Go to the Hospital for COVID (*)
2021.9.7. Mercola: The Great Reset Demands Firing All Unvaccinated Employees (*)
2021.9.7. Mercola: Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots (*)
2021.9.8. Mercola: Judge Removes Child From Mom Over Vaccination Status (*)
2021.9.9. Spiro: You Won't Believe What They Found In The CoV19 Vaccines (*)
2021.9.9. Collen Huber NMD: Ivermectin is safe and effective: The evidence (*)
2021.9.10. Mercola: Perspectives on the Pandemic With Dr. Peter McCullough (*)
2021.9.12. Mercola: Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? (*) Dr. Fleming Religious, Medical, and Constitutional Exemption (*)
2021.9.12. David Seaman: Did Joe Rogan Just Cause the UK To Cancel Its Vaxx Passport Plans?
2021.9.13. Mercola: Massive ‘Horse’ Lies About Nobel Prize Winning Treatment (*)
2021.9.15. Mercola: Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated (*)
2021.9.16. Max Igan: Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows The Whistle On COVID (*)
2021.9.17. Lifeguard terminated for refusing to comply with city’s vaccine mandate (*)
2021.9.18. Mercola: Are These Findings the Death Blow for Vaccine Passports? (*)
2021.9.19. Mercola: Dr. Peter Breggin - COVID-19 and the Global Predators (*)
2021.9.19. Natural News: Explosive! Public health data: 80% of COVID-19 deaths in August were vaccinated people (*)
FDA Testimony Against COVID-19 Booster Shots (*)
2021.9.20. Patriotism Today: What's In The Vaxx? (*)
2020.2.27. State Of The Nation: CDCgate - The ‘Center for Disease Control Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company’, Owns Vaccine Patents, Profits 4.1 Bil Annually (*)
Free Covid Help: Crush COVID-19 with Information (*)
2021.8.13. The Liberty Beacon: COVID-19 & the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative” (*)
2021.9.21. Mercola: Pfizer Admits Israel Is the Great COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment (*)
2021.9.21. Mercola: Study: Pfizer Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Threefold (*)
2021.9.20. Mercola: US Officials Demand Ban on Dr. Mercola’s Book (*)
2021.9.20. Mercola: Pediatricians Remove Info on Mask Risks, Dangers for Kids (*)
2021.9.22. Mercola: What Biden's Vaccine Mandate Means for You (*)
2021.9.22. Mercola: Americans Have No Clue What the True COVID Numbers Are (*)
2021.9.7. Autopsy results of the vaccinated (Dr. Ryan Cole) (*) (sign in to Rumble to see 163 comments)
2021.9.23. Mercola: We Have a Way Bigger Problem Than “Disinformation” (*)
2021.9.23. Mercola: American Medical Association Instructs Doctors to Deceive (*)
2021.9.24. Mercola: What Does It Mean to 'Trust the Science'? (*)
2021.9.24. Mercola: Why Science Is Losing to Authoritarian Mass Murderers (*)
2021.9.25. Mercola: CDC Changes the Definition of Vaccines (*)
2021.9.26. Mercola: Vaccine Awareness Week Update 2021 (*)
2021.9.27. Mercola: CEO Canceled for Calling Out Obesity Impact in COVID Outcomes (*)
2021.9.27. Mercola: COVID Jabs Are Killing Two People for Every Person Saved (*)
2021.9.28. Mercola: Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game (*)
2021.9.28. How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart (*)
2021.9.29. Stew Peters: Dr. Carrie Madej:"Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed (*)
2021.9.30. Mercola: NVIC’s 2021 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation (*)
2021.9.30. Mercola: The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny (*)
2021.9.29. Mercola: My Response to YouTube Banning My Account (*)
2021.10.1. Mercola: Medical Mafia Is Sinking the Health Care System (*)
2021.10.1. Mercola: Will Unvaxxed Get Hit With Higher Insurance Charges? (*)
2021.10.2. Mercola: Vaccines -- Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good? (*)
2021.10.2. Mercola: The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About (*)
2021.9.30. Greg Hunter: Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed in Coming Dark Winter – Karen Kingston (*) (mp4)
2021.9.23. ZeroHedge: Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release "Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins' Into Bat Populations Using 'Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles" (*)
2021.10.1. ZeroHedge: Liberal Justice Sotomayor Rejects NYC Teachers' Pro-Choice Vaccine Plea (*)
2021.9.29. ZeroHedge: Biden's Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000? (*)
2021.9.24. ZeroHedge: CDC Director Overrules Science Advisory Panel, Backs Boosters For 'High-Risk' Workers (*)
2021.10.5. Jon Rappoport: Where is the Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine? Does it exist? (*)
2021.10.6. Jon Rappoport: More on the missing Biden EO and the missing vaccine mandate (*)
2021.10.10. Mercola: Argentinian Doctor Shares His Ivermectin Experience (*)
2021.10.10. Mercola: Vaccine Awareness Week Update 2021 (*)
2021.10.10. ZeroHedge: "So Deeply, Deeply Wrong" - Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny (*)
2021.10.11. David Knight Show: Global Tyranny and Global Pushback (*)
2021.10.11. Mercola: CNN Takes Another Stab at My Best-Seller (*)
2021.10.11. Mercola: How Zinc Can Boost Your Immune Health (*)
2021.10.12. Mercola: Will US Require Shots for Flying? (*)
2021.10.12. Mercola: The Error at the Base of the Nebulized Peroxide Controversy (*)
2021.10.12. Mercola: CNN Demands Amazon Ban My New Book (*)
2021.10.12. ZeroHedge: Southwest Blames Cancellations On Worker Shortage, Union Denies 'Sick-Out' Over Vaccine Mandate (*)
2021.10.13. Mercola: Are the COVID Shots Working? (*)
2021.10.13. Mercola: New Study Shows Disturbing Amounts of Plastic in Baby Poop (*)
2021.10.14. Mike Adams: Situation Update, Oct 14, 2021 - COVID relief funds deployed for communist takeover of America's entire economy and labor pool (*)
2021.10.14. Jon Rappoport: The virus that doesn’t exist: lies and consequences (*)
2021.10.15. Mercola: Vaxxer Regime Has a Real Problem Denying Natural Immunity (*)
2021.10.15. Mercola: Can You Really Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers? (*)
2021.10.16. American Thinker: The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week (*)
2021.10.18. Mercola: Vaccine Mandate Dissenters Smeared (*)
2021.10.19. Mercola: Businesses: $700,000 Fine for Not Complying With Vax Mandate (*)
2021.10.19. Mercola: Health Secretary to Force Fluoridated Water on Entire Country (*)
2021.10.20. Mercola: Moderna: A Company “In Need of a Hail Mary” (*)
2021.10.20. Mercola: The Great New Normal Purge (*)
2021.10.21. Mercola: Are the COVID Jabs Responsible for Rising Mortality Trends? (*)
2021.10.19. Principia-Scientific: Official Govt Reports Show Vaccinated Lost 40% Of Their Immunity (*)
2021.10. Gareth Icke: Right Now: Interviews With David Adelman (People's Lawyer) and Joy Warren (UKFFF) (*)
2021.10.21. Mercola: COVID-19 Unrelated to Jab in 68 Countries, 2,947 US Counties (*)
2021.10.22. Mercola: Warning - The COVID Jabs Are Administered Incorrectly (*)
2021.10.22. Mercola: The Great Reset Brings You The Great Narrative (*)
2021.10.24. Mercola: Why Are More People Dying From Heart Disease? (*)
2021.10.25. Mercola: Ivermectin vs. Merck's New Antiviral, Molnupiravir (*)
2021.10.26. Mercola: The Leaky Vaccine Breakthrough Variant Is Here (*)
2021.10.26. Mercola: All Organ Donors and Recipients Must Be Vaccinated (*)
2021.10.28. Mercola: 1,000 Private Jets Assemble to Execute The Great Reset (*)
2021.10.28. Mercola: Mass Psychosis Is a Real Global Pandemic (*)
2021.10.28. Mercola: Video - The Vaccine Is More Dangerous Than COVID-19 (*)
2021.10.20. Hawaii News Now: Nearly 60 public schools are part of surveillance COVID testing program (*) (mp4)
2021.10.19. The Burning Platform: The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week (*)
2021.10.25. Vaccine Impact: Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse (*)
2021.10.30. Mask and Vaccine Exemption Cards For Sale (*)
2021.10.20. ZeroHedge: White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11 (*)
2021.10.20. Depopulation Brought To You By Pfizer (*)
2021.10.21. ZeroHedge: Pfizer Reports Booster Shots 95.6% Effective, Offer "Favorable" Safety Profile (*)
2021.10.23. Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition (*)
2021.10.23. ZeroHedge: CDC Director Admits "We May Need To Update Our Definition Of 'Fully Vaccinated'" (*)
2021.10.26. ZeroHedge: CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For "Education And Counseling" (*)
2021.10.24. Trial Site News: Undeclared Hazardous Components in Nasopharyngeal Test Swabs Used in COVID-19 PCR Tests (*)
2021.10.24. Big Pharma - Conspiracy Music Guru (mp4)
2021.10.31. Mercola: The Only Choice Left: Slavery or Freedom (*) (mp4)
2021.11.1. Mercola: Pfizer Is Calling the Shots to Jab Kids (*)
2021.11.1. Mercola: How to Mislead People About Misinformation (*)
2021.11.1. Algora Blog: 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Were Caused by Just 5% of the Batches Produced According to Official Government Data (*)
2021.11.1. ZeroHedge: Attorneys General In 10 States Join Fight Against Biden Admin's Vaccine Mandate (*)
2021.11.1. ZeroHedge: Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Shuttered, LA Sheriff Warns Of 'Mass Exodus', Tucson Water District Faces 'Staff Shortage' (*)
2021.11.1. Chris Sky vs Nanaimo Canadian tire with RCMP after fiery protest (*)
2021.11.2. ZeroHedge: Americans Who Received J&J Jab More Likely To Develop Rare Blood Clots, New Study Finds (*)
2021.11.2. ZeroHedge: COVID Propaganda Roundup: …And Then They Came For the Kindergartners (*)
2021.11.2. Mercola: How to Fight Vaccine Mandates and Passports (*)
2021.11.2. Mercola: Colleges Conditioning Students for a Surveillance Bureaucracy (*)
2021.11.3. Mercola: OSHA Changes Rule to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries (*)
2021.11.3. Mercola: The Phthalate Syndrome Is Causing Mass Sterility (*)
2021.11.3. All News Pipeline: The Worldwide Walkout Has Begun: Free People Of The World Need To 'Wrench Back Power' From The Hands Of Tyranny Or Liberty Will Be Gone Forever - It's Time To Replace The Mainstream Media's Covid Propaganda With These Truth-Telling Sites (*)
2021.11.4. Mercola: Fauci Must Be Fired and Arrested (*)
2021.11.4. Mercola: Broken Heart Syndrome Is On The Rise (*)
2021.11.4. ZeroHedge: Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America (*)
2021.11.5. ZeroHedge: Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving That All Socialism Leads To Tyranny (*)
2021.11.7. Mercola: What You Need to Know About Comirnaty (*)
2021.11.6. Mercola: Dr. Robert Malone - International COVID Summit (*)
2021.11.8. Mercola: Dr. Mercola Files Lawsuit Against US Sen. Elizabeth Warren (*)
2021.11.8. The Last American Vagabond: Children/Athletes Are Collapsing & Dying From "Sudden Cardiac Arrest" At Unprecedented Levels (*) (mp4)
2021.11.8. LifeSiteNews: Crazy spike in young athletes dying: Former Pfizer VP sounds the alarm (*) (mp4)
2021.11.9. Max Igan / The Crowhouse: What The Actual Fuck? (*)
2021.11.9. Mercola: CDC May Update Definition of 'Fully Vaccinated' (*)
2021.11.9. Mercola: CDC Hits New Lows With Two Manipulated Studies (*)
2021.11.9. ZeroHedge: Naturally-Acquired Immunity Versus Vaccine-Acquired Immunity (*)
2021.11.11. Mercola: COVID Vaccines Do Not Impact Infection (*)
2021.11.12. The Last American Vagabond: The Pandemic Illusion & The Ongoing Coverup Of Collapsing Athlete Myocarditis / Sudden Cardiac Arrest (*) (mp4)
2021.11.12. Mercola: COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle (*)
2021.11.14. ZeroHedge: Oklahoma National Guard 'Goes Rogue' After New Commander Rejects Vaccine Mandate; Pentagon To Respond 'Appropriately' (*)
2021.11.15. Mercola: Pfizer Whistleblower Sinks Vaccine Trial Integrity (*)
2021.11.15. Mercola: Investigation: Died 'From' or Died 'With' COVID? (*)
2021.11.16. Mercola: COVID Jab Is Far More Dangerous Than Advertised (*)
2021.11.17. Mercola: Your Driver's License Will Become a Vaccine Passport (*)
2021.11.17. Mercola: Vaccination Status Is Temporary, Boosters for Life Required (*)
2021.11.17. Children's Health Defense: ‘Why I’m Not Vaccinated’: Journalist Makes Her Case in Newsweek Op-Ed (*) • Lisa Booth / Newsweek Op-Ed (*)
2021.11.18. ZeroHedge: FDA Wants Until 2076 To Fully Release Pfizer Vaccine Data: Lawsuit (*)
2021.11.18. Jon Rappoport: COVID vaccine: missing key (*)
2021.11.19. Mercola: Diabolical -- How Digital ID Will Control Your Life (*)
2021.11.19. ZeroHedge: Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based On Opinion Polls, Not Science (*)
2021.11.20. Ryan Cristian / The Last American Vagabond: FDA Report Finds All-Cause Mortality Higher In Vaxed & Big Spike In Newborn Baby Deaths Investigated (*) (mp4)
2021.11.20. Mercola: Treating Long-Haul Syndrome (*)
2021.11.20. Algora: Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are, “The Names and Faces” (*) (mp4)
2021.11.21. Mercola: COVID Shots Are the Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ in Medical History (*)
2021.11.21. Mercola: What You Need to Know About Comirnaty (*)
2021.11.22. Mercola: Will You Be Jailed for Protesting Vaccine Mandates? (*)
2021.11.22. Mercola: Global Organization Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide (*)
2021.11.22. ZeroHedge: Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps (*)
2021.11.22. Health Impact News: VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years (*)
2021.11.22. Papers Please: “Freedom to Travel Act of 2021” introduced in Congress (*)
2021.11.23. Mercola: How COVID-19 Jab Benefits Are Exaggerated (*)
2021.11.23. June Mills: Australian Army Removing People Against Their Will (*) (mp4)
2021.11.23. Jon Rappoport: A Pandemic of the Vaccinated (*)
2021.11.24. Jon Rappoport: COVID concentration camps for Australians; it’s happening (*)
2021.11.24. Mercola: The Magical Thinking and Dangers of Masks (*)
2021.11.24. Mercola: The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption (*)
2021.11.25. Mercola: The Profound Health Benefits of Being Grateful (*)
2021.11.26. Mercola: Vaccine Victims Share Adverse Reactions, Loss of Loved Ones (*)
2021.11.26. ZeroHedge: Former Pro Calls For "Investigation" After Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses (*)
2021.11.14. What MSM Will NOT Report - It's A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated, Numbers Of Deaths & Horrific Injuries Keep Increasing (Odysee, 24min) (mp4 [Bitchute, 20 min])
2021.11.27. Mercola: Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom? (*)
2021.9.27. A Doctor's Overview Of COVID Madness and Strategies to Combat (*)
2021.4.19. Kaiser Permanente: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 Vaccine Effectiveness Study - Kaiser Permanente Southern California (*) (note that it includes a statement regarding some patients receiving saline placebos)
2021.11.28. Mercola: Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes (*)
2021.11.29. Mercola: Big Pharma Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors (*)
2021.11.30. mRNA Vaccines Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome (*)
2021.11.30. Mercola: Sudden Surge in Stillbirths and Menstrual Changes (*)
2021.12.1. Mercola: World Record Holder Has Heart Damaged by Vaccine (*)
2021.12.1. Mercola: Will Smallpox Be the Next ‘Lab Leak’? (*)
2021.12.2. Mercola: FDA Wants 55 Years to Release COVID Jab Reaction Data (*)
2021.12.2. Mercola: Pathologized Totalitarianism 101 (*)
2021.12.3. Mercola: Do COVID Injections Compromise Natural Immunity? (*)
2021.12.3. Mercola: The Power to Imprison - Life in Pandemicland (*)
2021.12.4. Mercola: Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past and Present (*)
2021.12.5. Mercola: COVID Shots Are the Deadliest 'Vaccines' in Medical History (*)
2021.12.5. Mercola: Toxicologist Warns Against COVID Jabs (*)
2021.12.7. Mercola: Who’s the Real Anthony Fauci? (*)
2021.12.7. Mercola: Scientists Mystified at How Sub-Saharan Africa Avoids COVID (*)
2021.12.8. Mercola: Miscarriages and Other Tragic Side Effects of the mRNA Shots (*)
2021.12.8. Mercola: Excess Deaths Exploding Despite Mass Vaccination (*)
2021.12.9. Mercola: How China Controls Your COVID Life (*)
2021.12.10. Mercola: Catherine Austin Fitts - Planet Lockdown Part 2 - The Financial Control System (*)
2021.12.11. Mercola: Peter McCullough - The COVID Shots Are Killing People (*)
2021.12.11. Mercola: What Can We Learn From the 1918 Pandemic? (*)
2021.12.11. Mercola: Francis Boyle - Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes (*)
2021.12.12. Mercola: Pierre Kory - Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed (*)
2021.12.13. Mercola: Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID (*)
2021.12.14. Mercola: How Did We Get to the Point of Quarantine Camps? (*)
2021.12.15. Mercola: Panic Mongers Plan to Destroy Lives With Variant Virus (*)
2021.12.16. Mercola: See the Real Evidence Used to Justify the COVID-19 Shots (*)
2021.12.16. Mercola: Scientific Journal Censorship With Dr. Malone (*)
Canadian Covid Care Alliance: The Pfizer Inoculations For Covid-19 - More Harm Than Good (*)
2021.12.17. Mercola: The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci (*)
2021.12.18. Mercola: Robert Malone - Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic (*)
2021.12.18. Mercola: Why Is This Carcinogen in Hand Sanitizers? (*)
2021.12.19. Mercola: What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety (*)
2021.12.19. Mercola: Toxicologist Warns Against COVID Jabs (*)
2021.12.20. Mercola: Unintended Consequences of mRNA Shots (*)
2021.12.21. Mercola: The Most Important Podcast You Can Hear About COVID-19 (*)
2021.12.21. Mercola: More Children Have Died From COVID Shot Than From COVID (*)
2021.12.22. Mercola: World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox (*)
2021.12.22. Mercola: Pervasive Microplastics Are Damaging Your Cells (*)
2021.11. American Heart Association / Steven Gundry: Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning (*)
2021.12.15. ZeroHedge: The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated" (*)
2021.12.23. ZeroHedge: FDA Releases More Data On "Adverse Reactions" To Pfizer Vaccine (*)
2021.12.7. Jon Rappoport: Pfizer smoking-gun secret document: their deadly COVID vaccine (*)
2021.11.26. ZeroHedge: Omicron Is "Extremely Mild" Says Doctor Who First Discovered Strain; Numerous Mutations "Destabilize" The Virus (*)
2021.12.4. ZeroHedge: Nevada Becomes First State To Impose Surcharge On Unvaccinated Workers (*)
2021.12.6. The David Knight Show - Great COVID Commentary (*)
2021.12.9. ZeroHedge: COVID Fact-Check: "ICUs Are Filled With The Unvaccinated" (*)
2021.12.9. ZeroHedge: Explosion In New Heart Conditions Dismissed As "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder" (*)
2021.12.16. David Knight Show: Interview With Alix Mayer of Children's Health Defense - Comirnaty Court Decision Media Doesn’t Want You to See (*)
2021.12.30. Hawaii Free Speech News Network: Shopping Maskless Protest At Honolulu Ross Clothing Store (*)
2021.12.26. Mercola: The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids (*)
2021.12.27. Mercola: This Nutrient Deficiency Is Associated With Depression (*)
2021.12.26. Mercola: Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed (*)
2021.12.28. Mercola: BREAKING - Japan Puts Warning On COVID Jabs (*)
2021.12.28. Mercola: How the Endless Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function (*)
2021.12.29. Mercola: Pharma’s War on Scientists to Mandate Jabs for Life (*)
2021.12.29. Mercola: COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Arm Implants (*)
2021.12.30. Mercola: Is Your Sleep Disorder Linked to a Vitamin Deficiency? (*)
2021.12.30. Mercola: The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps (*)
2021.12.31. Mercola: Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up (*)
2022.1.1. Mercola: In Court, Facebook Admits ‘Fact Checks’ Are Pure Opinion (*)
2021.12. Various Face Mask Studies Prove Their Ineffectiveness (PDF) (*)
2022.1.2. Mercola: How to Break Free of Fear Addiction (*)
2022.1.2. Mercola: What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety (*)
2022.1.3. Jon Rappoport: COVID scam falls apart; it’s over (*)
2022.1.4. ZeroHedge: What If The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History Is A Failure? (*)
2022.1.4. Jon Rappoport: COVID: Everybody will be infected; no exceptions; stop pretending otherwise (*)
2022.1.5. Mercola: Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted (*)
2022.1.5. Mercola: Flu Vaccine Mismatched, but Pharma Shills Say Take It Anyway (*)
2022.1.6. Mercola: Children Are Dying From COVID Lockdowns and Overdoses (*)
2022.1.6. Mercola: How Do Tyrants Make People Act Against Their Own Interests? (*)
2022.1.7. Mercola: Fauci Wants to Mandate the Vax to Fly (*)
2022.1.11. Quote found at a Telegram group: Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox,hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis), I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated. I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination. I had never heard of rewards, discounts, and incentives to get vaccinated. I never saw discrimination for those who didn't. If you haven't been vaccinated no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person. I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school. I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent. After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as this does. And as the social fabric tightens... It's a powerful vaccine! It does all these things except IMMUNIZATION. If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, we will finally come to the realization that "It's time for us to admit that we've been completely deceived."
2022.1.8. Encouraging Angels: Nanofiber swabs processed in environmental toxins were tested with Human Embryonic Kidney cells in a study co-authored by The National Strategic Research Institute, and the Univ. of Nebraska (*)
2022.1.9. Mercola: How to Win the War Against Tyranny (*)
2021.11.2. Natural News: Vaccine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging (*) Source Publication: Viruses 2021 SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei
2022.1.10. Mercola: Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Tells All on Rogan Show (*)
2021.12.31. Banned Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone Interview (*)
2022.1.8. David Collum / Peak Prosperity: 2021 Year in Review: The Rise of Centralized Healthcare (*)
Good pullquote from the Collum piece above: >When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital. But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients. There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn't have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague. So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn't work well. Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, "this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them." In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was. The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible. However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director's son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded "to prevent the spread of evil".< ~ François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pages 395 - 402
2022.1.11. Mercola: Why Is the FDA Hiding the Pfizer Vaccine Data? (*)
2022.1.11. Mercola: Why Did US Deaths Shoot Up 40% Above Normal Last Year? (*)
2022.1.12. Mercola: Media Fakes First Omicron Death Story (*)
2022.1.12. ZeroHedge: Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents (*)
2022.1.14. Mercola: Behavioral Modification: What You Need to Know (*)
2022.1.14. Mercola: Bombshell Admission -- The COVID Tests Don’t Work (*)
2022.1.14. Life insurer refuses to cover vaccine death (*)
2022.1.15. Mercola: What You Need to Know About the COVID Shot, and More (*)
2022.1.16. Mercola: The Plan To Tag Us For The New World Order Slave System (*)
2022.1.16. Mercola: How to Overcome Addiction to Fear (*)
2022.1.17. Mercola: What Is the Key to Japanese Centenarians' Long Lives? (*)
2022.1.17. Mercola: Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus (*)
2022.1.18. Mercola: PayPal Terminates Nonprofits Fighting Vaccine Mandates (*)
2022.1.18. Mercola: Pfizer to Roll Out Omicron Shot in March (*)
2022.1.18. ZeroHedge: Rogue Street Art Appears Overnight In D.C., Mocks Biden & Fauci's COVID Regime (*)
2022.1.19. Mercola: Pandemic Narrative Undergoes Radical U-Turn (*)
2022.1.20. Mercola: How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally (*)
2022.1.20. Mercola: Can Your Bedtime Determine Your Heart Health? (*)
2022.1.20. ZeroHedge: England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions (*)
2022.1.21. Mercola: Dr. Meryl Nass' Testimony Against Vaccine Mandates (*)
2022.1.22. Mercola: You Can Check In, But You Can Never Leave (*)
2022.1.22. Mercola: Will These People Be Charged With Genocide? (*)
2022.1.22. Mercola: The Mind of a Technocrat - What Drives Them? (*)
2022.1.23. Mercola: How To Win The War Against Tyranny (*)
2022.1.24. Mercola: Liars, Propagandists, And The Great Reset (*)
2022.1.25. Mercola: The Spectacular Failure Of COVID Shots (*)
2022.1.25. Mercola: NIH Study Shows COVID Shot Affects Menstrual Cycle (*)
2022.1.25. Jon Rappoport: Is the virus real? Steve Kirsch suggests a debate (*)
2022.1.26. Mercola: The Scientific Misconduct Story Behind Ivermectin (*)
2022.1.26. Jon Rappoport: Plain burger: hold the virus pickles, they don’t exist (*)
2022.1.27. Mercola: Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death From COVID Shots (*)
2022.1.27. Mercola: The Worst Ingredient for Your Immune System (*)
2022.1.28. Mercola: Are We at the End of the Pandemic? (*)
2022.1.29. Mercola: Google Doesn’t Want You to Research Mass Formation Psychosis (*)
2022.1.29. Mercola: Are We Living in a Dystopian Reality? (*)
2022.1.30. Mercola: The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System (*)
2022.1.30. Mercola: What DNA Methylation Testing Can Tell You About Your Health (*)
2022.1.31. Mercola: The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths (*)
2022.1.31. Mercola: Dr. Meryl Nass Under Attack for “Spreading Misinformation” (*)
2022.2.1. Mercola: BMJ Demands Immediate Vaccine Data (*)
2022.2.2. Mercola: The Great COVID Cover-Ups (*)
2022.2.3. Mercola: The Genocidal Ramifications of the Criminal COVID Conspiracy (*)
2022.2.4. Mercola: Sweet Wormwood Again Shows Effectiveness Against COVID-19 (*)
2022.2.4. Mercola: Vaccinators Won't Stop Vaccinating (*)
2021.4.13. Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Johns Hopkins University confirms - You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing (*)
2022.2.5. Mercola: DC March to Defeat the Mandates (*)
2022.2.6. Mercola: How COVID Shots Suppress Your Immune System (*)
2022.2.6. Mercola: Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny? (*)
2022.2.7. Mercola: A New Global Attack to Censor Dr. Mercola (*)
2022.2.1. Natural News: The Die-Off Is Here: Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate (*)
2022.2.8. Mercola: Pfizer Seeks COVID Shot Authorization for Children Under 5 (*)
2022.2.8. Mercola: No One Can Tolerate Permanent Fever, High Antibodies (*)
2022.2.9. Mercola: How Fact Checking Is Controlled and Faked (*)
2022.2.10. Mercola: Global Trucker Convoys Protest Mandates (*)
2022.2.10. Denial of Natural Immunity in Vaccine Mandates Unprecedented (*)
2022.2.11. ZeroHedge: Were Masks A Waste Of Time? (*)
2022.1.29. ZeroHedge: With Trudeau In Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers' Freedom Convoy (*)
2022.2.11. Mercola: Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out (*)
2022.2.11. Mercola: Public Health Child Abuse: Masks, Fear and Harmful Vaccines (*)
2022.1.30. ZeroHedge: Speech Therapist: 364% Surge In Baby And Toddler Referrals Thanks To Mask Wearing (*)
2022.1.29. ZeroHedge: Greenwald: Pressure Campaign To Remove Joe Rogan From Spotify Reveals Liberal Religion Of Censorship (*)
2022.1.31. ZeroHedge: Canadian Official 'Expects Police To Take Appropriate Action' As Truck Convoy Blocks US-Canada Border Crossing (*)
2022.2.5. ZeroHedge: After Enabling Violent, Far-Left Extremists; GoFundMe 'Steals' Millions From Freedom Convoy Fundraisers (*)
2022.2.5. ZeroHedge: Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers Disturbing Trends In Mortality (*)
2022.2.7. ZeroHedge: "This Is A Nationwide Insurrection" - Ottawa Mayor Declares 'State Of Emergency' Amid Trucker Convoy 'Occupation' (*)
2022.2.7. Rappoport: The Truckers vs The Government; We need to get out ahead of all this (*)
2022.2.7. Rappoport: The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA; connecting dots (*)
2022.2.9. Brave Canadian Trucker In Ottawa Gives Swift Powerful Speech! (*) (mp4)
2022.2.12. Mercola: COVID-19 Round Table in DC With Sen. Ron Johnson (*)
2022.2.12. Steven Hirsch -- Explosive: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases have deadly clots caused by the COVID vax (*) (mp4)
2022.2.13. Mercola: Blood Clots May Be the Root Cause of All Heart Disease (*)
2022.2.13. Mercola: What DNA Methylation Testing Can Tell You About Your Health (*)
2022.2.18. Rappoport: Vaccine shedding spreads disaster to unvaccinated pregnant women? (*)
2020.6.25. Brian Stavely: Testing Oxygen Levels Under A Mask With An OSHA Air Quality Monitor (mp4)
2022.2.14. Mercola: New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options (*)
2022.2.14. Mercola: The Plan to Turn You Into a Genetically Edited Human Cyborg (*)
2022.2.15. Mercola: Can Super-Shots and ‘Morality Pills’ End COVID? (*)
2022.2.16. Mercola: How COVID Patients Were Over-Treated to Death (*)
2022.2.17. Mercola: COVID Criminal Network Leads to the Gates of Hell (*)
2022.2.18. Mercola: An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From COVID-19 (*)
2022.2.18. Mercola: Why Are Professional Athletes Collapsing on the Field? (*)
2022.2.19. Mercola: Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots (*)
2022.1.26. Stew Peters Show: Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots (*) (mp4)
2022.1.31. Dr. Jane Ruby Show: Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots (*) (mp4)
2022.2.19. Mercola: Vitamin D and Omega-3 Prevent Autoimmune Disease (*)
2022.2.25. The Highwire: Large German Insurance Company Estimates 2.5-3 Million People In Germany "Under Treatement For Side Effects Of Vaccination After COVID Shot" (*)
2022.2.24. The Highwire: Public Health Scotland Stops Publishing Data After Revealing COVID Case Rates Driven By Vaccinated (*)
2022.2.27. German Health Insurance Company Reports Massive Deaths from COVID-19 Vaccines Concealed from the Public (*)
2022.2.20. Mercola: Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny? (*)
2022.2.21. Mercola: Funeral Home Stocks Surge, Death and Disability Payouts Soar (*)
2022.2.21. Mercola: NIH Director Blames Dr. Mercola for Pandemic Continuation (*)
2022.2.21. Mercola: Sleep -- Why You Need It and 50 Ways to Improve It (*) comments
2022.2.22. Mercola: What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare? (*)
2022.2.22. Mercola: From Corrupted to Trusted: Shifting Perceptions of the FDA (*)
2022.2.23. Mercola: Is Your Tap Water Making You Sick? (*)
2022.2.23. Mercola: How to End Vaccine Mandates - A History Lesson (*)
2022.2.24. Mercola: If Lockdowns and Mandates Failed, Why Are They Still Pushed? (*)
2022.2.25. Mercola: Trudeau Invokes Emergencies Act in Canada (*)
2022.2.26. Mercola: Is Sunbathing More Important Than Vitamin D? (*)
2022.2.26. Mercola: How to Talk to Your Conspiracy Denialist Friends (*)
Project CUNIT-2-112Y6580 Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions In Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines (*)
2022.2.27. Mercola: Blood Clots May Be the Root Cause of All Heart Disease (*)
2022.2.27. Mercola: What You Need to Know About Vax Passports, Digital IDs, CBDCs (*)
2022.2.28. Mercola: The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed (*)
2022.2.24. ZeroHedge: German Health Insurer Reveals 'Alarming' Underreporting Of Vaccine Side-Effects (*)
2022.1.26. The Sun: Urgent warning as 300,000 Brits living with stealth disease that could kill within 5 years (*)
2022.2.15. ZeroHedge: Canadian Civil Liberties Association Condemns Trudeau For Invoking National Emergency Over Truckers (*)
2022.2.21. ZeroHedge: Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent (*)
2022.2.9. Activist Post: DHS Suggests Those Who Spread “Misleading Narratives” That “Undermine Trust in US Gov’t” are Terrorists (*)
2022.2.28. Activist Post: Havana Syndrome In Your Neighborhood? (*)
2022.2.21. Rappoport: The Test for Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (*)
2022.2.23. Rappoport: Another article too hot to handle; even vaccine critics won’t run with it (*)
2022.2.17. Rappoport: Does HIV exist? An explosive interview (*)
2022.2.14. Rappoport: “Freedom FROM”—the forgotten bombshell (*)
2022.2.28. Mercola: The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed (*)
2022.3.1. Mercola: COVID Jab Deadlier Than COVID for Anyone Under 80 (*)
2022.3.1. Mercola: Health Agencies Admit to Hiding COVID Data (*)
2022.3.2. Mercola: The Pandemic Has Proven Democracy Is an Illusion (*)
2022.3.3. Mercola: 2 Million Children Must Be Jabbed to Prevent 1 ICU Admission (*)
2022.3.3. Mercola: US Unprecedented Excess Death Toll Keeps Climbing (*)
2022.3.4. Mercola: Understanding Today’s Hybrid War (*)
2022.3.4. Mercola: Nonstop Ringing: Can COVID-19 Lead to Tinnitus? (*)
2023.3.5. A Midwestern Doctor: Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Came Across During Their First Year on the Market (*) comments
2022.3.12. Mercola: Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed (*)
2022.3.6. Mercola: How to Measure and Optimize Your Mitochondrial Health (*)
2022.3.7. Mercola: Moderna Patented Key COVID Spike Protein Sequence in 2016 (*)
2022.3.7. Mercola: Digital Passport System Has Quietly Rolled Out (*)
2022.3.8. Mercola: The Great Reset’s 5G Cyborg Ecosystem (*)
2022.3.9. Mercola: Does Your At-Home COVID-19 Test Contain This Poison? (*)
2022.3.9. Mercola: Soybean Oil May Cause Irreversible Changes in Your Brain (*)
2022.3.10. Mercola: Humanity Under Attack in NZ: A Conversation With Dr. Garcia (*)
2022.3.10. Mercola: Who Needs the Fake Fact-Checkers? (*)
2022.3.9. Rappoport: CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns (*)
2022.3.11. Mercola: The Best Choices Of My Life (*)
2022.3.12. Mercola: Planet Lockdown: A Documentary (*)
2022.3.12. Mercola: Regenerative Food and Farming: Survival and Revival (*)
2022.3.13. Mercola: What You Need to Know About Vax Passports, Digital IDs, CBDCs (*)
2022.3.14. Mercola: Moderna Plans Three More mRNA Vaccines, Not All for Infection (*)
2022.3.14. Mercola: Massive Conflicts of Interest at the NIH (*)
2022.3.15. Mercola: Nine in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People (*)
2022.3.15. Mercola: Globalists Aim to Take Over Health Systems Worldwide (*)
2022.3.16. Mercola: Get Politics Out Of Health Care (*)
2022.3.16. Mercola: What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda (*)
2022.3.17. Mercola: Ivermectin Decreases Mortality (*)
2022.3.17. Mercola: COVID Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease (*)
2022.3.12. ZeroHedge: Idiocracy: CDC Lowers Expectations For Child Development, Raising New Questions for Parents (*)
2022.3.18. Mercola: Roundtable Discussion on COVID Treatments and Mandates (*)
2022.3.18. Mercola: Muscle Strengthening Linked to Lower Risk of Dying (*)
2022.3.19. Mercola: Robert Malone and Candace Owens Interview (*)
2022.3.19. Mercola: Are Russian Oligarchs 'In This Together' With Klaus Schwab? (*)
2022.3.20. Mercola: What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children (*)
2022.3.21. Mercola: Fact-Checker Falsely Accuses Mercola of Misleading Claims (*)
2022.3.21.Mercola: Clueless CDC Admits They Never Suspected Waning Vaccines (*)
2022.3.21. Naked Emperor: Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation A look at a study from 2020 (*) comments
2022.3.22. Mercola: Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers (*)
2022.3.22. Mercola: No Insurance Payments: The Next COVID Shot 'Mandate'? (*)
2022.3.23. Mercola: Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War (*)
2022.3.24. Mercola: How the COVID Vaccine Altered These People's Lives (*)
2022.3.26. ZeroHedge: CDC Removes 24 Percent Of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames Coding Error (*)
2022.3.25. Mercola: Has the US Funded Bioweapons Research in Ukraine? (*)
2022.3.25. Mercola: US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion to Promote Vaccines (*)
2022.3.26. Mercola: Is the Great Reset for Energy Compatible With Life? (*)
2022.3.26. Mercola: Ukraine on Fire: 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone (*)
2022.3.27. Mercola: The Crucial Role of NAD+ in Optimal Health (*)
2022.3.14. Steve Kirsch: Ed Dowd: "Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality" (*) (comments) (*)
2022.3.27. Steve Kirsch: The blood of COVID-vaccinated people has a strange artifact... mine included! (*) (comments) (*)
2022.3.30. Mercola: The Pandemic Treaty Is a Spreading Plague (*)
2022.3.31. Mercola: Why People Are Rushing for Iodine Amid Nuclear Concerns (*)
2022.3.31. Mercola: Why a Light While You Sleep Can Be Bad for Your Health (*)
2022.3.30. Banned.Video: Hacking the Human Design: Dr. Zelenko Exposes Transhumanist Cult High Priest Yuval Harari in Powerful Interview (*) (mp4) • More On Yuval Harari
2022.4.1. Mercola: United States to Ban Real Meat (*)
2022.4.1. Mercola: Two Weeks to Flatten Freedom and Dignity (*)
2022.4.2. Mercola: Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda (*)
2022.4.2. Mercola: RFK Jr. Discusses Fauci, Vaccines and Big Pharma’s Power (*)
2022.4.3. Mercola: The Most Important Stealth Factor to Improve Your Health (Copper) (*)
2022.4.3. Mercola: The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids (*)
2022.4.4. Mercola: Did NIH Researcher Steal Taxpayer Funds? (*)
2022.4.5. Mercola: Revealed: 7 in 10 ‘Vaccinated’ CDC Employees Got COVID (*)
2022.4.5. Mercola: The End of Mercury for Children and Pregnant Women (*)
2022.4.6. Mercola: Microplastics Found in Human Blood for the First Time (*)
2022.4.6. Mercola: Big Pharma Advertising Dollars Are at an All-Time High (*)
2022.4.7. Mercola: Evidence of Pandemic and Bioweapon Cover-Ups (*)
2022.4.8. Mercola: World Economic Forum Was Created by US Policies (*) • AwakenWithJP: Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? (mp4)
2022.4.9. Mercola: Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About US Biolabs in Ukraine (*)
2022.4.9. Mercola: How to Deal With Tyranny: A Practical Guide (*)
2022.4.10. Mercola: Muscle Mass - The Key to Longevity (*)
2022.4.10. Mercola: The Crucial Role of NAD+ in Optimal Health (*)
2022.4.10. ZeroHedge: Microplastics Found In Lung Tissue Of Living Humans For First Time: Study (*)
2022.4.11. Mercola: Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose COVID Origin Fraud (*)
2022.4.12. Mercola: You Cannot Boost Your Way Through COVID (*)
2022.4.13. Mercola: Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency (*)
2022.4.13. Mercola: Study Links 2 Artificial Sweeteners as Dangerous to the Liver (*)
2022.4.14. Mercola: FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression (*)
2022.4.15. Mercola: The Secret of Zinc's Immunity-Boosting Power Revealed (*)
2022.4.15. Mercola: Dismantling the Transhumanist Agenda (*)
2022.4.16. Mercola: The Global Takeover Hinges on Pandemics and Transhumanism (*)
2022.4.15. Mercola: Is There Deadly Snake Venom in the SARS-CoV-2 Virus? (*)
2022.4.19. Mercola: Human Microchip Implants and the Internet of Bodies (*)
2022.4.19. Mercola: A Staggering Number of Athletes Collapsed This Past Year (*)
2022.4.20. Mercola: Is It True That Salt Is Bad for Your Heart? (*)
2022.4.21. Mercola: Mental Health Crisis Driven by Public Health Policy Trauma (*)
2022.4.21. Mercola: Do You Know the Wide-Ranging Health Benefits of Selenium? (*)
2022.4.22. David Knight: Building A Parallel Health Care System, Interview with Julie Wentz of (mp4); (*) (A private membership healthcare system starting in Arizona, then nationally, focusing on choice and actual health in opposition to the Rockefeller Foundation model that dominates today.)
2022.4.22. Del Bigtree: New Data Shows Troubling Trend In Vaccinated (mp4)
2022.4.22. Mercola: How Does Coffee Affect Your Metabolism? (*)
2022.4.22. Mercola: Why Has Early Puberty Skyrocketed During the Pandemic? (*)
2022.4.22. Hawaii Whistleblower: Masking in Schools is NOT ABOUT HEALTH (*)
2022.4.23. Mercola: What Is COVID Injection Fatality Rate? (*)
2022.4.23. Mercola: The Greatest Asset to Protect Your Freedom and Wealth (*)
2022.4.24. Mercola: Hyperbaric Therapy -- A Vastly Underused Treatment Modality (*)
2022.4.25. Mercola: Omega-3 and Vitamin D May Reduce Heart Failure Complications (*)
2022.4.25. Mercola: Omega-3 and Vitamin D May Reduce Heart Failure Complications (*)
2022.4.26. Mercola: Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You? (*)
2022.4.26. Mercola: Are COVID Vaccines Causing Liver Failure? (*)
2022.4.26. Mindless Mask Mandates Are Over (*)
2022.4.28. Mercola: Could This Spice (tumeric) Help Heal Damaged Blood Vessels? (*)
2022.4.28. Mercola: COVID Persists – What About the Vaccine? (*)
2022.4.10. Dr. Mike Yeadon: The Covid Lies (Working Draft) (*)
Doctors 4 COVID Ethics Blog (*)
2022.4.25. The Expose: Triple Vaccinated now up to 5 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated as Vaccine Effectiveness falls to MINUS-391% (*)
2022.4.29. Mercola: Parents Beware -- They’re After Your Children (*)
2022.4.23. Academy of Ideas: How an Obsession with SAFETY Leads to Mental Illness & Tyranny (mp4)
Academy of Ideas (*) (Rumble)
2022.4.27. Children's Health Defense TV: They’re Coming for Our Kids: Psychological Infiltration + Mind Control Tactics (mp4)
2022.4.29. Mercola: How the World Economic Forum Uses Newspeak to Wage War (*)
No Mask No Service - What To Say To Cops And Clerks Regarding COVID Mitigation Measures (*) • Reopen Arkansas (*)
Physicians For Informed Consent: SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19: What You Need To Know (*) • COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES - 20 Scientific Facts That Challenge the Assumptions (*)
2022.5.1. Mercola: General Principles to Consider When Treating Chronic Illness (*)
2022.5.2. Mercola: 10 Things to Eliminate for Better Health (*)
2022.5.2. Mercola: How China Locks Down Over 1 Billion People (*)
2022.5.3. Mercola: Mainstream Media Remains Dedicated Inside Inferno of Lies (*)
2022.5.3. Mercola: Does the COVID Jab Kill More People Than It Saves? (*)
2022.5.3. The Times Of India: Covid-19 -- No data to show more risk from unvaccinated, says Supreme Court (*)
2022.5.4. Mercola: Why Collagen Is Crucial for Bones and Skin (*)
2022.5.5. Mercola: Leaked Audio Exposes Level of Corruption in DC (*)
2022.5.5. Mercola: Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID (*)
2022.5.6. Children's Health Defense: Exclusive: Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’ (*)
2021.12.20. Brownstone Institute: More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms (*)
2021.9.13. The Financial Guys: Facts, Not Fiction: 30 Studies That Show Face Masks Are Ineffective Against COVID-19 (*) •
2022.5.6. Mercola: Robert Epstein Warns Against Big Tech Manipulation (*)
2022.5.6. Mercola: WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil (*)
2022.5.13. Mercola: Most Americans Don't Want Those Shots (*)
2022.5.13. Mercola: Is a Social Credit System Coming for Us? (*)
2022.5.14. Mercola: Are These Chemicals Part of a Depopulation Agenda? (*)
2022.5.15. Mercola: General Principles to Consider When Treating Chronic Illness (*)
2022.5.15. Mercola: The Exciting Emergence of Regenerative Medicine (*)
2022.5.16. Mercola: 10 Common Nutrient Deficiencies (*)
2022.5.17. Mercola: Food Plants on Fire (*)
2022.5.17. Mercola: Did Pfizer Commit Huge Fraud in Its COVID Vaccine Research? (*)
2022.5.18. Mercola: Court Says Google Analytics Is Illegal (*)
2022.5.18. Mercola: Will a Weaponized Bird Flu Become the Next Pandemic? (*)
2022.5.19. Mercola: New Food System Will Stop at Nothing to Control You (*)
2022.5.19. Mercola: The Cognitive Costs of Virtual Communication (*)
2022.5.20. Mercola: Government Scientists Secretly Paid Off While Hiding Data (*)
2022.5.20. Mercola: Meet the Human Battery, a New Source of "Green" Energy (*)
2022.5.21. Mercola: Thousands of Deaths and Adverse Reactions Deleted From VAERS (*)
2022.4.28. Del Bigtree, The Highwire Episode 265: Food Wars, Inflation, The Death of Mask Compliance, Vaxx Injuries (mp4)
2022.5.21. Mercola: The 10-Year Pandemic Plan (*)
2022.5.22. Mercola: How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries (*)
2022.5.22. Mercola: How to Conquer Fatigue and Low Energy (*)
2022.5.23. Mercola: Will NAC Become a Banned Supplement? (*)
2022.5.23. How to Mitigate the Infant Formula Disaster (*)
2022.5.24. Mercola: Latest Bad News About COVID Vaccines (*)
2022.5.24. Mercola: Why It’s Time to Give Up on Government (*)
2022.5.25. Mercola: Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover (*) (mp4)
2022.5.25. Mercola: Microplastics From Masks Found Deep in Lungs of the Living (*)
2022.5.7. ZeroHedge: CDC Investigating 109 Mysterious Hepatitis Cases In Children, Including 5 Deaths (*)
2022.4.28. The Expose: New Study confirming COVID Vaccine causes Severe Autoimmune-Hepatitis is published days after W.H.O issued ‘Global Alert’ about new Severe Hepatitis among Children (*)
2022.5.4. ZeroHedge: The Top 10 Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum (*)
2022.5.9. The Expose: Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged” (*) (image 1) (image 2)
2022.5.27. The Expose: Canadian Researchers Find Carbon Nanotech and Thulium in Moderna and Pfizer Covid Injections (*)
2022.5.24. Children's Health Defense: Action Alert: It’s Now or Never. We Must #StopTheTreaty (*)
2022.5.2. Children's Health Defense: What Pfizer, J&J COVID Vaccine Animal Trials Reveal About Shots’ Potential Impact on Major Organs (*)
2020.10.10. - Masks are Harmful: 17 Ways That Masks Can Cause Harm (*)
2020.8.15. Vision Launch Media / Arthur Firstenberg: More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals! (*)
2021.7.2. LifeSite: Face masks cause children to inhale six times the safe limit of carbon dioxide, study finds (*)
2021.7.23. LifeSite: 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects (*)
2022.5.26. Mercola: Is This the Worst Excuse for Vaccine Failure Yet? (*)
2022.5.27. Mercola: Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People (*)
2022.5.27. Mercola: 'Landmark Study' Shows Eating This Way Can Add Years to Life (*)
2022.5.28. Mercola: Have Authoritarians Used ‘1984’ as a Handbook? (*)
2022.5.28. Mercola: Billions of GE Mosquitoes Released, Health Risks Ignored (*)
2022.5.28. HealthImpactNews: 44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions (*)
2022.5.29. Mercola: The Exciting Emergence of Regenerative Medicine (*)
2022.5.29. Mercola: Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology (*)
2022.5.30. Mercola: How to Tell if You're Overprescribed Medications (*)
2022.5.30. Mercola: The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda (*) • Jimmy Dore Monkeypox News Cast (mp4)
2022.5.31. Mercola: Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology (*)
2022.5.31. Mercola: FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11 (*)
2022.6.1. Mercola: Antibiotics Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (*)
2022.6.1. Mercola: The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos (*)
2022.6.2. Mercola: Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages (*)
2022.6.2. Mercola: CDC Tracked Americans' Cell Phones During Lockdowns (*)
2022.6.3. Mercola: Is There a Way Out of the Russia-Ukraine War? (*)
2022.6.3. Mercola: Rockefeller Medicine: A Poisonous Illusion? (*)
2022.6.4. Mercola: Benefits of Sunshine on Your Bare Skin (*)
2022.6.5. Mercola: How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries (*)
2022.6.5. Mercola: We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover (*)
2022.6.6. Mercola: The War Against the Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten (*)
2022.6.5. Will Student Athlete Sports Physicals Now Require Electrocardiogram (ECG) to Check for Heart Problems? (*)
2021.8.19. Chritianity Daily: More Have Died From Jabs Than Actual COVID-19, Whistleblower Working In Oahu’s Largest Nursing Facility Reveals (*)
The Expose: How Bad is My Batch Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines (*) •••• Overview Article on Batches (*)
2022.5.31. The Daily Sceptic: Fears of Cover-up as Pathologist Who Said 30-40% of Post-Vaccine Autopsies Died of the Vaccine Went Oddly Silent and Suddenly Stopped Carrying Out Autopsies (*)
2022.6.7. Mercola: The Death of the Ministry of Truth -- What Will They Do Next? (*)
2022.6.7. Mercola: Monkeypox Mania (*)
Navigating the Covid Confusion: 80-90% Miscarriage Rate for Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine–CDC forced to issue major correction (*)
2022.6.8. Daily Mail UK: Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register (*)
2022.6.8. LifeSiteNews: COVID jab side effects are like a ‘nuclear bomb’: US pathologist (*) ••• 2022.5.22. Dr. Ryan Cole Interviewed at Better Way Conference, Bath, England
2022.6.8. LifeSiteNews: Globalist elites beg for ‘trust’ despite an ‘unending stream’ of COVID lies and ‘massive’ censorship (*)
2022.2.6. Sarah Westall: DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries Across the Board (*)
2022.6.11. Mercola: Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Catastrophe? (*)
2022.6.11. Mercola: Do You Know the Difference Between Salt and Sodium? (*)
2022.6.10. David Seaman: Justin Bieber Left Horrifically Disfigured; Vaccine Side Effect or Just More Improbable Bad Luck? (*)
2022.6.10. LifeSiteNews: COVID vaccines linked to new type of incurable, fatal degenerative brain disorder (*)
2022.6.12. Mercola: It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against (*)
2022.6.12. Natural News: EXCLUSIVE - Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures (*)
2022.6.13. Mercola: Preparing for the Reality of Financial Collapse (*)
2022.6.13. Children's Health Defense: FDA Risk-Benefit Analysis Hides ‘Bad Data’ on Moderna Shots for Kids (*)
2022.6.14. Mercola: FDA Making COVID Vax Decision Based on a Study of 10 (*)
2022.6.15. Mercola: Genetically Engineered Hens Made to Kill Their Own Chicks (*)
2022.6.15. Lifesite News: Biden’s vaccine mandate threatens to make military pilot shortage worse, Air Force Academy grad warns (*)
2022.6.15. Mercola: Study Shows Pharmaceutical Ads Make People Want Prescriptions (*)
2022.6.16. Mercola: The Vaccine Stockpile Is Headed to the Dump (*)
2022.6.16. Mercola: Do Psychiatric Meds and War Games Lead to Mass Shootings? (*)
2022.6.17. Mercola: Are Medical Mistakes the Leading Cause of Death in the US? (*)
2022.6.16. Del Bigtree / The Highwire Episode 272: Justin Bieber, Mattias Desmet, Peter McCullough, and Senator Ron Johnson on Mass Formation, Medical Freedom, and Adverse Vaxx Effects (*) (mp4)
2022.6.18. Catherine Austin Fitts / Greg Hunter: It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown (*) (mp4)
2022.6.18. Mercola: FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured (*)
2022.6.19. Mercola: The Psychology of Totalitarianism (*)
2022.6.19. Mercola: We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover (*)
2022.6.20. Mercola: The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (*)
2022.6.21. Mercola: Millions Face New Fluoridation Threats (*)
2022.6.21. Mercola: The Lies Behind Lab-Cultured Fake Meat (*)
2022.6.23. Mercola: Mask Mandates Linked to Increased COVID Death Rates (*)
2022.6.20. Lew Rockwell: More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out as Groups Pressure Airlines, Regulators to End Mandates (*)
2022.6.23. Mercola: How Side-Sleeping May Protect Against Alzheimer's (*)
2022.6.22. Mercola: Google Engineer Claims AI Computer Has Become Sentient (*)
2022.6.22. Tennessee State House Representative Jason Zachary Requests No COVID Shot for Youngest Children (*) ••• Zachary's excellent letter to the Tennessee Governor ••• A shorter letter of the same. •••
2022.6.22. Big League Politics: Aviation Industry Calls Out ‘HOSTILE’ Environment Vaccine-Injured Pilots Must Endure (*)
2022.6.23. The Expose: World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19 (*)
2022.6.23. Mercola: Virtual Children to Help Combat Overpopulation (*)
2022.6.24. Mercola: A Vibrating Pill for Constipation Goes to the FDA (*)
2022.6.24. The Australian: Huge change proposed for school staff and teacher vax mandates (*)
2022.6.25. Mercola: Tell the FDA to Get Their #HandsOffOurChildren (*)
2022.6.25. Mercola: Staying Healthy in the Age of Tyranny and Deceit (*)
2022.6.26. Mercola: It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against (*)
2022.6.26. Mercola: 2022 Fluoride Action Network Update (*)
2022.6.27. Mercola: How Bad Will the Food Shortage Get? (*)
2022.6.27. Mercola: Why Beets Are Good for the Heart (*)
US Freedom Flyers (*) ••• Legal Brief (*)
Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition (*) ••• Commercial Aviation And Pilot Vaccine Injury Statement (*)
2022.6.28. Mercola: The Vaccine Rollout Is Directly Related to Disability (*)
2022.6.28. Mercola: Why Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get COVID Jab Into Babies (*)
2022.6.29. Mercola: Did Rockefeller Foundation Predict the Future? (*)
2022.6.30. Mercola: Did the Department of Defense Fake Data to Hide Injuries? (*)
2022.6.30. Mercola: Why Three COVID Jabs Are Worse Than Two (*)
2022.7.1. Mercola: How Corporations Are Using Environment Concerns to Scam You (*)
2022.7.1. Mercola: Did 'Catastrophic Accident' Start COVID-19? (*)
2022.7.2. Mercola: Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional (*)
2022.7.3. Mercola: Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects (*)
2022.7.3. Mercola: The Psychology of Totalitarianism (*)
2022.7.4. Mercola: Why the Ukraine War Is a Scam (*)
2022.7.5. Mercola: Will Pfizer Be Charged for Mislabeling Vaccine Side Effects? (*)
2022.7.6. Mercola: How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA (*)
2022.7.6. Mercola: Spain Admits Spraying Chemtrails as Part of Secret UN Program (*)
2022.7.7. Mercola: More Evidence Vitamin D Is Effective in Preventing COVID-19 (*)
2022.7.8. Mercola: Barbara Loe Fisher - Defending Truth and Freedom for 40 Years (*)
2022.7.8. Mercola: How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results (*)
2022.7.8. Children's Health Defense: Uruguay Halts COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Under 13, Judge Demands Government Officials Turn Over Pfizer Contracts (*)
2022.7.9. Mercola: Wall Street Is Buying Everyone’s Homes and Driving Up Prices (*)
2022.7.9. Mercola: Infertility - A Diabolical Agenda (*)
2022.7.10. Mercola: The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda (*)
2022.7.11. Mercola: Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Foods (*)
2022.7.12. Mercola: US Gives Pfizer $3.2 Billion for Ineffective COVID Vax (*)
2021.11.15. Kyle A. Beattie, University of Alberta: Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries (*)
2022.7.4. Doctors 4 COVID Ethics: 750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections (*)
2022.7.12. ZeroHedge: 62,000 Unvaxx'd Guards, Reserve Soldiers Facing Loss Of Pay As Army Prepares To Enforce Vaccine Mandate (*)
2022.7.12. Mercola: How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You (*)
2022.7.13. Mercola: Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’ (*)
2022.7.13. Mercola: Fauci Likely to Birth His Own COVID Variant After Paxlovid (*)
2022.7.14. Mercola: Would You Take a Pill to Make You More Loving? (*)
2022.5.29. Dr. Naomi Wolf: Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide (*) (comments)
2022.7.14. Mercola: Economy Expert Explains the Impending ‘Polycrisis of Doom’ (*)
2022.7.15. Mercola: Leading Cause of Knee Replacement, Infertility, Liver Failure (*)
2022.7.15. Mercola: How to Secure Your Water Supply for Emergencies (*)
2022.7.16. Mercola: Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028? (*)
2022.7.16. ZeroHedge: Major Study Confirms COVID Vaccines Alter Women's Periods (*)
2022.7.16. ZeroHedge: The Feds Pile Up Vaccine 'Adverse Event' Reports As They Decry Scaremongering Elsewhere (*)
2022.7.17. Mercola: Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects (*)
2022.7.17. Mercola: How to Prepare for Coming Crises (*)
2022.7.18. Dr. Naomi Wolf: Facing the Beast Can We Really Confront the Biggest Crime in Human History? (*) (comments)
2022.7.18. Mercola: How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic (*)
2022.7.19. Mercola: Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements (*)
2022.7.20. Mercola: Advertising Business Linked to Deaths and Greenwashing (*)
2022.7.21. Mercola: Could Fixing Your Gut Health Help Treat Your Depression? (*)
2022.7.21. Mercola: Why BA.5 Is the King of Coronavirus Variants (*)
2022.7.22. Mercola: Where's the Beef? Ask Bill Gates (*)
2022.2.20. Covid Vaccine Injuries: Compilation of 1000+ Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Of Covid Vaccine Injuries (*)
2022.7.17. ZeroHedge: Watch - As Mask Mandate Looms, LA Hospital Officials Mock COVID "Media Hype" (*)
2022.7.23. Mercola: Hospital Study Shows This Can Prevent COVID-19 Infection (*)
2022.7.3. Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation - Notes for My Corona Investigative Committee Interview (*) (comments)
2022.7.22. Stew Peters and Jane Ruby: Doctor - Graphene Oxide In Patients' Blood, M.D. Sounds Alarm On Jab: Victims Suffer Massive Clotting (*) (mp4)
2022.7.24. Mercola: mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies (*)
2022.7.24. Mercola: Andrew Wakefield - The Alarming Global Depopulation Agenda (*)
2022.7.10. Del Bigtree / The Highwire: The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated (*)
2022.7.9. Carter Heavy Industries: Tell Me Lies - MSM Covering for the Main Effects of the Jab (*)
2022.7.25. Mercola: COVID Jabs Impact Both Male and Female Fertility (*)
2022.7.25. Mercola: Perhaps the Worst Thing to Do if You Can't Sleep (*)
2022.7.26. Mercola: The CDC Is Sacrificing Kids for Big Pharma (*)
2022.7.27. Mercola: Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food (*)
2022.7.28. Mercola: Food Wars - Starvation Creates Cheaper Labor (*)
2022.7.28. Mercola: What Does the ‘Best Evidence’ Say About Antidepressants? (*)
2022.7.28. Mercola: DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide (*)
2022.7.29. Liberty Counsel: Health Care Workers Settle COVID Shot Mandate for $10.3 Million (*)
2022.7.29. Mercola: Difficult Times Ahead - How to Break Free From the System (*)
2022.7.29. Mercola: Top Breathing Techniques for Better Health (*)
2022.7.30. Mercola: Dangerous Pesticides in Your Pee (*)
2022.7.30. Mercola: Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse? (*)
2022.7.31. Mercola: What You Need to Know About Melatonin (*)
2022.7.31. Mercola: Why Glucose Restrictions Are Essential in Treating Cancer (*)
2022.7.31. Mercola: How to Prepare for Coming Crises (*)
2022.8.1. Mercola: Monkeypox Declared a Public Health Emergency (*)
2022.8.1. Mercola: How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression (*)
2022.8.2. Mercola: The Great Vaccine Scare Reaches Fever Pitch (*)
2022.8.2. Mercola: Testimonies From COVID Jab Injured (*) • mRNA Vaccine Genocide 2021-2022 Testimonies From The Victims And Medical Staff (mp4)
2022.8.3. Mercola: Globalist Cabal Promotes Diet of Bugs - and Cannibalism (*)
2022.8.5. Mercola: Why Are COVID Patients Treated With an HIV Pill? (*)
2022.8.6. Mercola: Ukraine War: Biowarfare and the Theft of Billions (*)
2022.8.6. Mercola: The Rise of the New Normal Reich (*)
2022.8.6. Mercola: How Gut Bacteria Influence Your Metabolism (*)
2022.8.7. Mercola: mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies (*)
2022.8.7. Mercola: The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy (*)
2022.8.8. Mercola: Celebrating Health for 25 Years (*)
2022.8.8. Mercola: The Many Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabidiol (CBD) (*)
2022.8.13. The Expose: 1 in every 482 Vaccinated People died within 1 Month of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to the UK Government (*)
2022.8.13. The Expose: German Researchers Examine Covid “Vaccines” and Vaccinated People’s Blood and Say Stop Vaccinations Immediately (*)
2022.5.18. The Expose: How harmful is my COVID-19 Vaccine Batch? – FIND OUT NOW... (*)
2022.8.9. The Expose: Detailed investigation of spike protein action suggests mechanisms for adverse effect generation (*)
2022.6.29. Outdoor Life: Hunters Oppose Plans to Sterilize Wild Hogs in Hawaii (*) KCT: "Spoke with my unvaxxed school custodian yesterday who is an avid pig hunter, and who has done some political demonstrations against the plan to give toxic feed to wild pigs that reportedly causes miscarriages, reduced sperm count and makes the meat inedible as the reproductive toxicity is passed on to whoever eats the tainted pork. And the "HogStop" feed product is taken up by mongoose, birds and other creatures, causing sterility in them, too. Were our mRNA injections a human form of HogStop? Contact Hawaii legislators to oppose." • Petition: (*)
2021.11.23. Long COVID is now a disability. What does that mean for you? (*)
2022.8.8. The Underdog: Assessing 898 COVID-19 Shot Studies: Studies #1 to #11 (*) (comments)
2022.8.12. ZeroHedge: It's Over - CDC Says People Exposed To COVID No Longer Need To Quarantine (*)
2022.8.12. Brownstone Institute: The Demonization of Dissent (*)
2022.8.6. ZeroHedge: Doctors Criticize Fauci For Saying COVID Vaccines Induce 'Only Temporary' Menstrual Irregularities (*)
2022.8.2. ZeroHedge: COVID Vaccine Injuries Quietly Being Compensated Around The World (*)
2022.8.13. Mercola: How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine (*)
2022.8.15. ZeroHedge: "Covid Is Here to Stay," CDC Concedes After Two Years Of Orwellian Hysteria (*)
2022.8.15. Mercola: United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Elitist Takeover (*)
2022.8.16. Mercola: Is the Latest Polio Scare Actually Caused by the Vaccine? (*)
2022.8.17. Mercola: What’s Behind the Sudden Surge in Autism? (*)
2022.8.16. Mercola: Could Glyphosate Be Causing Alzheimer’s Disease? (*)
2022.8.18. Mercola: NYT Smears Me Again With Classic Orwellian Doublespeak (*)
2022.8.18. Mercola: How to Deal With a Life-Changing Diagnosis (*)
2022.8.19. Mercola: Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative? (*)
2022.8.19. Mercola: Astaxanthin: The Super Antioxidant That Comes From the Ocean (*)
2022.8.19. Mercola: Why Standing May Be as Important as Exercise (*)
2022.8.20. Mercola: Documentary - "Uninformed Consent" (*)
2022.8.20. Mercola: The Fake Food Race Is Worth $3 Trillion (*)
2022.8.11. High School Sports Vaccination Refusal Letter (*)
2022.8.21. Mercola: Transcending Fear -- Surgeon General of Florida Speaks Out (*)
2022.8.21. Mercola: Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering (*)
2022.8.23. Mercola: The Latest Updates on the Fight Against Dental Amalgam (*)
2022.8.24. Mercola: FBI Investigates Millions of Americans Without Warrants (*)
2022.8.25. Mercola: Are Medical Errors Still the Third Leading Cause of Death? (*)
2022.8.26. Mercola: CDC Backtracks on COVID Guidance as Damning Studies Mount (*)
2022.8.29. Global, Enrico Trigoso: Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German Scientists (*)
2022.8.14. Brownstone Institute: A Deeper Dive Into The CDC Reversal (*)
2022.8.11 Centers For Disease Control: Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems -- United States, August 2022 (*)
Great Barrington Declaration (*)
2022.8.13. Mark Crispin Miller: Just as the CDC pretends to have backed off, the NHS reveals (to just a few) what's really coming at us in the fall: "The biggest vaccination drive in history" (*)
2022.8.22. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis Post C19 Injection (*) (comments) (mp4)
2022.8.17. Natural News: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots (*)
2022.8.22. Babylon Bee: New Study Shows An Alarming Link Between Being A Conspiracy Theorist And Not Having Myocarditis (*)
2022.8.27. Mercola: The Key to Reversing All Autoimmune Diseases (*)
2022.8.27. Mercola: How to Fight College Mandates With Science (*)
2021.10. Spiro Pantazatos, Columbia University: COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk (*) (pdf) • Generic Letter To School Administration Regarding Vaccination Policy (.docx) (online)
2022.8.28. Mercola: Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias (*)
2022.8.28. Mercola: The Courage to Face COVID-19 (*)
2022.8.18. Mercola: NYT Smears Me Again With Classic Orwellian Doublespeak (*)
2022.8.29. Mercola: Superspreader of Truth (*)
2022.8.28. Mercola: Dr. Mercola’s 2022 Summerfest Presentation (*)
2022.8.30. Mercola: Pharmaceutical Adverse Reactions Are Skyrocketing (*)
2022.8.30. Mercola: Why the COVID Jab Should Be Banned for Pregnant Women (*)
2022.8.29. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna (*) Comments (*)
2022.7.27. Funeral Director John O'Looney Shows Blood Clots From Autopsy (*) (mp4) • More from O'Looney (mp4)
2022.8.31. Steve Kirsch: Here's how the vaccine is causing those weird "blood clots" (*) • Comments (*) [[Great review of treatments in comments.]]
2022.9.4. Margaret Anna Alice: 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot (*) • Comments (*)
2022.8.11. Unacceptable Jessica: Is the spike protein acting as a prion with regard to hemoglobin molecules? And is porphyria being induced? (*) • Comments (*)
2022.8.15. Naomi Wolf: American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims "Hundreds of Thousands" of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, "Millions" of Injuries. Is He Right? (*) Comments (*)
2022.8.29. The Expose: Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children (*)
2022.8.31. Mercola: U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Setback (*)
2022.9.2. Mercola: Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates? (*)
2022.9.2. Mercola: Finance ‘Guru’ Reveals Financial Collapse and COVID Jab Data (*)
2022.9.5. WND: Studies show blood damage in those who got COVID jab (*)
2022.9.6. WND: More embalmers report bizarre blood clots amid COVID vax campaign 'Is something causing people to die prematurely?' (*)
2022.9.6. Mercola: Pfizer to Make $54 Billion Off Treating COVID Over and Over (*)
2022.9.7. WND: COVID shot 100 times likelier to cause severe harm than prevent it (*)
2022.9.7. Mercola: The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating (Smart Meters) (*) • Neil Oliver - It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes (*)
2022.9.7. Mercola: Introducing the Theater for Vaccine Hesitancy Program (*) • Comment: wor9463 ~ "I think all of the people who are against the shots should start adopting the "official" language in the reverse: Like ... truth-denier, evidence-denier, conspiracy-denier, critical-thinking-hesitant, independence-hesitant, health-hesitant, anti-family, anti-health, anti-life, anti-freedom, consequence-denier, coincidence theorist, etc."
2022.9.8. Mercola: What Makes Most Foods so Dangerous (*)
2022.9.8. Mercola: Man Arrested for Facebook Post That ‘Caused Anxiety’ (*)
2022.9.9. Mercola: Is Our World Run Like a Mafia? So What Do We Do? (*)
2022.9.9. Mercola: Ultraprocessed Food — The Worst Choice for Planet and Health (*)
2022.9.11. Mercola: Google — A Dictator Unlike Anything the World Has Ever Known (*)
2022.9.11. Mercola: The Courage to Face COVID-19 (*)
2022.9.11. THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ENG) The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic
2022.9.12. Mercola: Data Leak Reveals Disturbing Facts About mRNA Instability (*)
2022.9.13. Mercola: An Inspirational Tribute to the Unvaccinated (*)
2022.9.14. Mercola: US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline (*)
2022.9.15. Mercola: Illegal Collusion Between Government and Big Tech Exposed (*)
2022.9.16. ZeroHedge: Study Finds Covid Boosters Cause "Net Harm" In Young Adults (*)
2022.9.15. David Knight Show: Rejection of Transplant Organs After COVID Vaccine (*) (mp4) • Study (*) Article (*)
2022.9.19. ZeroHedge: Biden Declares The COVID Pandemic "Is Over" Despite Continued Use In Policies & Programs (*)
2022.1. A Literature Review And Meta-Analysis Of The Effects Of Lockdowns On COVID-19 Mortality (*)
2022.9.18. Dr. John Campbell: Record excess deaths in Europe (*) (mp4)
2022.9.19. ZeroHedge: Why So Many Cling To COVID Panic (*)
2022: Oracle Films: Safe And Effective - Second Opinion (*) (mp4)
2022.9.23. fortiori: Merciless And Relentless Vaccine Propaganda - Brought To You By Pfizer (*) (mp4)
2022.9.23. Dr. Mark Trozzi: What´s Really in the Covid “Vaccines" (*)
2022.9.23. What´s Really in the Covid “Vaccines” Dr Mark Trozzi - More than 60 scientists collaborating between multiple laboratories in several nations reveal what is really in the injections and what is happening to the injection victims´ blood (*)
2022.2.23. fortiori: COVID-19: A Study in Psychological Coercion & Hypnosis (*)
2022.9.23. Jason Watton: The Results of Merciless & Relentless Vaccine Propaganda (*)
2022.6.12. Elmo Giving Medical Advice - Telling Kids To Get The Covid Vaccine (*) (mp4)
2021.11.2. Jason Watton: The Memory Hole (*)
2022.10.2. ZeroHedge: Sweden Stops Recommending COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (*) From commenter Democrycy: "If you require a booster after being fully vaxxed. Require a face mask after being fully vaxxed. Need to be tested after being fully vaxxed, and still can be hospitalised after being fully vaxxed. Its probably time you realised you've been conned." From commenter SuperTrump64: What they told us: "The vaccine is Safe and Effective." What they did not tell us: "Ask your doctor if the Covid-19 vaccine is right for you. Side affects may include: blood clots, myocarditis, stroke and/or sudden death."
2022.9.19. Health Impact News: Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs (*)
2022.9.3. Babylon Bee: CDC Warns Of New 'Stealth' COVID Variant Where You Test Negative And Get No Symptoms (*)
2022.9.21. Steve Kirsch: Evidence Of Harm (*) (comments)
2022.9.21. The Underdog: I Stayed Up Until 3 AM To Refute The CDC (*) (comments)
2022.9.26. Mercola: Original Antigenic Sin — The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots (*) (comments)
2022.9.27. Mercola: Ditch Google and Gmail Before It’s Too Late (*) (comments)
2022.10. ResearchGate / Timothy Richard Winey, University of London: Altered Blood Post Vaccination Can a potential catastrophe be averted? (*)
2022.10.2. Mercola: Mercola Website Shutdown - Why You May Be Next (*) (comments)
2022.10.3. Mercola: More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good (*) (comments)
2022.1.25. The Daily Signal: 10 Times “Experts” LIED About COVID (And We Have RECEIPTS) (*) (mp4)
2022.10.7. ExcessDeathsAU: Australian state government set to inject livestock with mRNA vaccines in 2023 (*)
2022.10.12. ZeroHedge: Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: 'We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission' (*)
2022.10.13. Michael P Senger: A Look Back at the Demonization of the Unvaccinated (*) comments
2022.10.13. ZeroHedge: Lancet Commission Report: 6 Reasons COVID Response "A Massive Global Failure" (*)
2022.10.19. David Seaman / Fulcum News Newsletter: Unprosecuted Pizzagate and Death Jabs Shaving Decades Off Lifespans (*)
2022.10.20. ZeroHedge: CDC Votes To Add COVID-19 Vaccines To Childhood Immunization Schedule (*)
Mama Bears Project (Canada) (*)
2022.10. The Underdog: 755 Studies Proving Harm From COVID Injection - Refuting Health Agencies (mp4)
2022.10.1. LifeSiteNews: ‘Brilliant’ new documentary exposes how Big Pharma and gov’t teamed up to push the COVID vaccines (*)
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (Oracle Films 2022) (mp4)
2022.10.8. Steven Kirsch: How we win this (*) (comments)
2021.10.9. Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable (*)
2022.10.11. Mark Crispin Miller: Pfizer director admits they NEVER TESTED that "vaccine" for prevention of transmission! (*) (comments) • Twitter (mp4)
2022.10.13. Steven Kirsch: Three short "must see" videos (*) • Stop Transmission and Stop the Spread (mp4)
2022.10.15. Steven Kirsch: What The Data Tells Us (*) (comments) The Data (*) • Google Slides (*)
From Kirsch commenter David Pare: Here's a new one for you: traffic fatalities. Check out the usual dates: 2Q 2021, and 1H 2021/2022. Turns out, people die in their cars, and are called "traffic fatalities." My guess. Highest increase in history in 2021 vs 2020/2019/2018. 2022 looks slightly worse. (*)
2021.5.22. 160+ Experts Slam COVID Vaccines as ‘Unnecessary, Ineffective and Unsafe’ in Powerful Letter (*)
2022.10.21. Mercola: Regression of Humanity, How Big Pharma Is Risking Everything (*)
2022.10.24. Mercola: ‘Speed of Science’ — A Scandal Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare (*)
2022.10.25. People Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist (*)
2022.10.28. Mercola: CDC Adds COVID Jab to Childhood Immunization Schedule (*)
2022.10.28. Mercola: ID2020 — Your Digital ID of the Future Has Arrived (*)
2022.10.29. Mercola: COVID Reset: The Day of Reckoning Is Coming (*)
2022.10.31. Mercola: Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud (*)
2022.11.1. Mercola: Pfizer Increases Price of COVID Jab by 400% (*)
2022.11.1. Mercola: Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1 (*) (comments)
2022.11.2. ZeroHedge: "You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians (*) • Y'all Just Tried To Eat Us (mp4)
2022.11.4. Clive de Carle: Want to detox from the jabs? Alphonzo Monzo explains how it can be done in seconds (mp4) • Alphonzo Monzo, ND A ministerial branch of Health Restoration Ministries, PMA (*)
2022.11.6. Peter Halligan: Wayne Allyn Root delivers five minutes of truth bombs – UK rate of all-cause child mortality goes from 6 per 100,000 unvaxxed to 97 for double dosed and 289 for triple dosed kids (*) (Wayne Allen Root, mp4)
2022.11.7. 99Percent: Remember This - These Groups Were Exempted From Getting COVID Shots in 2020 - Never Forget This! (*) (mp4)
2022.11.7. Mercola: Will You Survive the ‘Tripledemic’? (*)
2022.11.8. Mercola: COVID Dictators Plead for Amnesty (*)
2022.11.8. ZeroHedge: The Funeral Business Is Booming (And Not Because Of COVID) (*)
ZeroHedge commenter John Milton: Exempted from getting the vaxxines: • All of Congress • All of the Congressional staff • 6,000 White House employees • 2,500 Pfizer employees • 1,500 Moderna employees • 120,000 Johnson & Johnson employees • 15,000 CDC employees • 14,000 FDA employees • 8,000,000 Chinese students in the US (85%-90% of whom are CCP and/or PLA members) • 2,000,000 illegal invaders • 500,000 homeless people
2022.11.9. Mercola: Will US Imperialism Intentionally Create Another World War? (*)
2022.11.10. Mercola: Paxlovid Is a Fraud, When Will It Be Taken Off the Market? (*)
2022.11.14. Mercola: Is Long-COVID the Elephant in the Room? (*)
2022.11.16. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Is The Answer To The C19 Deceptions In Live Blood? Self Assembly Artificial Intelligence found in almost every unvaccinated blood sample, looking like vaccinated blood (*) (comments)
2022.6.8. Daily Mail UK: Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register (*)
2021.12.2. Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself (*)
2022.11.20. Mercola: The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury (*)
2022.11.21. Stew Peters Network: Died Suddenly (*) (mp4)
2022.11.21. Mercola: Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans (*)
2022.11.22. Mercola: C-19 Injections: Massive Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud (*)
2022.11.22. Mercola: Pfizer’s Financial Supernova and the Art of Really Big Lies (*)
2022.11.23. Mercola: WHO Releases Guide to ‘Combating Misinformation’ (*)
2022.11.23. Mark Crispin Miller: "Died Suddenly" is all about those "vaccines" killing people; and so the BBC is trying to kill "Died Suddenly" (*) (comments)
2022.11.23. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel (*) (mp4)
2022.11.25. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Thoughts and Comments about "Died Suddenly" Documentary (*) (comments)
2022.11.26. Richard Rosenthal: UC Professors Decry Dangerous Booster Mandates for Students, Faculty, and Staff (*) (comments)
2022.11.26. Greg Reese: Canadian Psychiatric Association Targets Anti-Vaxxers (mp4)
2022.11.26. Mark Crispin Miller: Why is the University of California trying to KILL its students, faculty and staff? (*) (comments)
2022.11.27. Vaccine Impact: The Vaccine Cult Wants to Rid the Earth of Anti-Vaxxers by Labeling Them Insane and Dangerous (*)
2022.11.26. The Expose: Confidential Pfizer Documents & New Study confirm COVID ‘Vaccine Shedding’ has been occurring with shocking & dangerous consequences (*)
2022.11.29. Mercola: We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems (*)
2022.11.30. Mercola: G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport (*)
2022.12.1. ZeroHedge: GOP Senators Say They Will Block Military Funding Unless Vaccine Mandate Scrapped (*)
2022.12.1. Mercola: Banking on a Shot in the Dark (*)
2022.12.2. Mercola: Vitamins C and D Finally Adopted as Coronavirus Treatment (*)
2022.12.2. Mercola: New Study on Vitamin D Combating COVID (*)
2022.12.3. Mercola: "Died Suddenly" -- World Premiere (*)
2022.12.3. Mercola: Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat Coronavirus? (*)
Safe and Effective - documentary
Benefits of EDTA Chelation/Detox By Dr. Michael W. Roth (*)
2021.10.17. Pureblood (*): Video Showing The Shifting Narrative in Vaccine Efficacy (*) (mp4)
2022.12.4. Mercola: 'Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming' (*)
2022.12.4. Mercola: Top Lifestyle Changes to Build a Better Heart (*)
2022.12.4. Mercola: The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury (*)
2022.12.5. Mercola: An Invisible Prison Has Been Built Just for You (*)
2022.12.5. Vaccine Impact: Recent Studies Suggest COVID-19 Vaccinated People are Infecting Unvaccinated People (*)
2022.12.6. Mercola: Scientists Struggle to Explain Why COVID Spared Unjabbed (*)
2022.12.6. Mercola: Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective (*)
2022.12.7. Mercola: Isolation Camps in New York State: Tyrants Plan to Appeal (*) (comments)
2022.12.11. Mercola: Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths (*)
2022.2.17. American Greatness: Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies (*)
2022.12.11. Margaret Anna Alice: Dialogue with a Narrative Believer (*) (comments)
React 19: Science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects (*)
2022.12.8. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD: C19 Vials Ribbons are Microchip Connecting Highways That Develop In Days. New Stunning Darkfield Microscopy Images (*) (comments)
2022.12.12. Health Impact News: Banks Freeze Funds of Pro-Free Speech Video Platform Bitchute (*)
2022.12.3. ZeroHedge: Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid (*)
2022.12.14. Mercola: Lead Exposure Still Kills Nearly 1 in 5 (*)
2022.12.15. Mercola: Is Immunity Debt Real, or Should You Keep Kids in a Bubble? (*)
2022.12.19. Mercola: Bill Gates Plans for New Catastrophic Contagion (*)
2022.12.29. Mercola: Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs (*) ••• AU: Seantor Gerard Rennick's Epic Rant Triggers Progressives Who Shut Down Debate About Mandates (*) (mp4)
2021.12.24. Mercola: Another Year Without A Family Christmas? (*)
2022.12.27. Mercola: Pfizer's Shots Aren't Safe and Were Never Shown To Be (*)
2022.12.31. Mercola: Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines (*)
2022.12.30. Mercola: One Nation Under Blackmail (*)
2022.12.30. Mercola: The Right To Be Murdered: Is Euthanasia the New Buzzword? (*)
2023.1.1. Margaret Anna Alice: Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (*) comments • YouTube (mp4)
2023.1.2. Mercola: The Twitter Files (*)
2023.1.2. Peter McCullough: Ivermectin's Mechanism of Action Against SARS-CoV-2 Described (*) comments
2023.1.3. Mercola: COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains (*)
2023.1.4. Mercola: Shingles Activation Associated With COVID Jab (*)
2023.1.5. Mercola: COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis (*)
2023.1.5. Dr. Thomas Levy: Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common (*) includes excellent recap of treatment options for vaxxed and exposure to spike protein
2023.1.6. Mercola: Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021 (*)
2023.1.7. ZeroHedge: Will Universities Ever Admit They Were Wrong About COVID Policy? (*)
2023.1.8. The Expose: US Department of Defence controlled the Covid Vaccine Programme from the start (*) • Pfizer Army Contracting Command $2billion Agreement July 21, 2020 (link)
2023.1.9. ZeroHedge: CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines (*)
2023.1.9. Propaganda Perpetuates the Pandemic and Censorship (*)
2023.1.9. Mercola: COVID-19 Destroys the Weakest and Poorest (*)
2023.1.10. Mercola: The COVID Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Variants (*)
2023.1.11. Mercola: Why Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots? (*)
2023.1.12. Mercola: Why Has COVID Spared Africa? (*)
2023.1.13. DarknessToLight.111: Intent to Harm - Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DOD, HHS, Pharma Cartel (*) mp4
2022.12.20. Anecdotals Movie (A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate) (*) (mp4) Anecdotals Movie Website (*) • Odysee
2022.4.12. #StopTheTreaty: Comment on WHO’s Pandemic Treaty (*) • World Health Council (*)
2023.1.16. The Daily Sceptic: What Countries Can I Go to If I Haven’t Been Vaxxed? January 2023 Update (*)
2023.1.16. Mercola: Are Athletes Dropping Dead From the COVID Jab? (*)
2023.1.23. Mercola: How Aluminum Damages Your Brain (*)
2023.1.19. Mercola: World Economic Forum Plots Misinformation Plan (*)
2023.1.20. Mercola: Is Censorship of Private Communications the “New Normal”? (*)
2023.1.20. ZeroHedge: The Need For COVID Reparations (*)
2023.1.22. Mercola: Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked (*)
2023.1.22. Mark Crispin Miller: Scott Adams admits that he was WRONG about the jab (and does it graciously): "You won. You won completely. I did not end up in the right place." (*) Comments (*) (mp4)
2023.1.23. Summit News: WSJ Shreds Vaccine Makers, Biden Admin Over “Deceptive” Booster Campaign (*)
2023.1.23. Mercola: CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab (*)
2023.1.24. Katherine Watt: In Her Own Words (*) (mp4)
Katherine Watt: Public health has been militarized. Using public health law/language to carry out a military campaign. The goal of global domination and culling is easier with the plausible deniablity and immunity that is granted through vaccine program rather than a typical war. Keeps infrastructure intact. Financial coercion from BIS down. WHO is a military organization. Pfizer and the DOD have stated that the COVID vaccine is not an experimental drug, but rather a "prototype" which means that it does not have to go through clinical trials, FDA authorization, or safety and efficacy trials. The target is every human on earth. Eliminated informed consent by classifying healthy humans as potential bio-hazards and national security threats. State of emergency is war footing. Legal framework protects government harms and corporate actions from investigation or prosecution. Militarized globalization can be thwarted by state constitutions, town charters, neighborhood association charters, statutory laws when laws are passed protecting informed consent, consumer safety. Use Article 10 of the Constitution to reclaim state authority. Watt believes the dam will break. Every litigation effort that ends with the gov claiming "national security" just tells us we are on the right track.
2023.1.24. Mercola: Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination (*)
2023.1.26. Mercola: Loneliness Is An Epidemic (*)
2023.1.26. Mercola: COVID Advances New World Order -- The Empire of Billionaires (*)
2023.1.27. Mercola: Propaganda and Censorship Dominate the Information War (*)
2023.1.27. Mercola: Might Enzymes Help Blood Clotting Associated With COVID-19? (*)
Fasting helps to break down fibrin and other material in the body that does not belong there.
2023.1.27. Bailiwick News / Katherine Watt: Orientation for new readers. Text and video links. [COVID] (*)
Research the many links in the above.
2023.1.29. Mercola: How to Fast for Metabolic Fitness and Hormone Balance (*)
2023.1.27. ZeroHedge: Satire Or Serious: "Why Didn't The Unvaccinated Do More To Warn Us?" (*)
2023.1.29. ZeroHedge: FDA Quietly Changes End Date For Study Of Heart Inflammation After Pfizer COVID Vaccination (*)
2023.1.30. Mercola: The Censorship of Mercola -- A Timeline (*)
2023.1.30. Mercola: Can Intermittent Fasting Change How Your DNA Works? (*)
2023.1.31. A Midwestern Doctor: What Can We Learn From the Pfizer Whistleblowers? (*) Comments (*)
2023.2.1. Mercola: Why Are the EKGs of Pilots No Longer Normal? (*)
2023.2.1. Mercola: How COVID Patients Died for Profit (*)
2023.2.2. ZeroHedge: Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection (*)
2023.2.3. Mercola: The FDA's New Vaccine Strategy (*)
2023.2.3. ZeroHedge: 'The Scandal Would Be Enormous': Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities (*)
2023.2.4. Mercola: New Laws Allow Pharma to Make All Decisions for Patients (*)
2023.2.5. Mercola: The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State (*)
2023.2.6. Mercola / A Midwestern Doctor: A Primer on Medical Gaslighting (*)
2023.2.6. Mercola: Pfizer Admits 'Directing' the Evolution of COVID-19 Virus (*)
McCullough, Kirsch & Carrigan (Includes Project Veritas & Vaccine-Injured Pilots Discussion) (mp4)
Tucker Carlson On Project Veritas, Jordon Walker & Pfizer’s “Directed Evolution” Plans (*) (mp4)
2023.2.8. Mercola: Will Wearing a Mask Protect You Against Coronavirus? (*)
2023.2.10. Mercola: Bill Gates Makes 10x Investment on mRNA Vaccines (*)
2023.2.10. Mercola: Are Enzymes a Key to COVID Endothelial Injury? (*)
2023.2.11. Mercola: What Can I Do to Stop CBDCs? (*) made comment at Substack
2023.2.12. Mercola: Fitness Strategies That Are Creating World-Class Champions (*)
2023.2.12. Mercola: How to Fast for Metabolic Fitness and Hormone Balance (*)
2023.2.12. Mercola: How Molecular Hydrogen Can Help Your Immune System (*)
2023.2.14. Mercola: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated (*)
2023.2.15. ExcessDeathsAU: Hypernormalisation: the Australian social compact is broken (*) comments
2023.2.15. Mercola: Amnesty for an Apology? COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out (*)
2023.2.15. Mercola: Reviewing the Most Recent “Apology” for the COVID-19 Response (*)
2023.2.16. ZeroHedge: Watch: CDC Director Suggests It Will Never Change Child-Masking Policy (*)
2023.2.17. ZeroHedge: Mainstream Media Continues To Push False 'COVID Heart' Narrative To Explain Excess Deaths (*) CBS Story (mp4)
2023.2.17. Mercola: Is the Egg Shortage Another Conspiracy? (*)
2023.2.17. Mercola: The Truth About Sleep (*)
2023.2.19. Mercola: The Truth Will Set You Free (*)
2023.2.19. ZeroHedge: The war upon us all - it's the war we will win (*)
2023.2.20. Mercola: The Growing List of COVID Lies (*)
2023.2.21. Mercola: COVID Jab Gets Permanent Liability Protection as Predicted (*)
2023.2.21. Mercola: "The Trials Should Have Been Halted": Rate Of 'Serious Adverse Events' Closely Tracks Spike In Post-Vax Disabilities (*)
2023.2.21. McCullough: Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase (*) (comments)
2023.2.21. Mercola: HyperNormalisation: A Documentary of a Fake World (*) (mp4)
2023.2.23. Sunfellow On COVID-19: Tucker Carlson Interviews Ed Dowd (Author of "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 And 2022") (Complete, Unedited Interview) (*) (mp4)
2023.2.23. Mercola: Autopsies Confirm COVID Jab Hazards in Youth (*)
2023.2.23. Mercola: Sauna Use as an Exercise Mimetic for Heart Health (*)
2023.2.23. Mercola: How Americans Prevented the COVID Jab Mandate (*)
2023.2.24. Katherine Watte: Notice of War Crimes To Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Providers (*) (comments) NOTICE OF WAR CRIMES TO HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS AND HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATIONS (PDF) (*) (DOCX)
2023.2.26. Mercola: Strategies to Optimize Mitochondrial Health in Long COVID (*)
2023.2.27. New York Post Editorial by Marty Makary: 10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked (*)
2023.3.1. Mercola: 28 More Ways to Have a Heart Attack, According to ‘Science’ (*)
2023.3.4. James Hill MD: Dr. Peter McCullough flip-flops, now says Covid vaccine harms are unintentional, calls for “forgiveness” and “amnesty” (*) comments
2023.3.5. Mercola: Pandemic Bill Mandate Accelerated 5G Rollout (*) 5G Beware (mp4)
2023.3.7. Steve Kirsch: Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation (*) comments
2023.3.7. Naomi Wolf: What's in the Pfizer documents? Speech at Hillsdale College (*) (mp4) Hillsdale College
2023.3.9. Mercola: What Really Happened Inside the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials? (*)
2023.3.9. Mercola: How Pfizer's Trials Were Fraudulent (*)
2023.3.16. Bailiwick News: Contracting for facilitation of crimes: contract killing and biomunitions hitmen (*) comments
2023.3.17. My Telegraph Comment: "My double vaxxed mother is responding very well to the Lumbrokinase (*) and Serrapeptase (*) sold by Mercola. I also just bought her the Nattokinase (*) "Spike Support" (*) sold by Peter McCullough's The Wellness Company (*). These enzymes do a number on the fibrin "misfolded" proteins at the root of prion disease in the brain and the new fibrin blood clots that the body's immune system has such a hard time breaking down. My mom has more energy and is thinking more clearly than she has since getting her first injection."
2023.3.17. Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Death of Culture: How Lies Killed Books A Visit to Hipster Brooklyn (*) Comments (*)
2023.3.18. Mercola: Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News (*) • Dowd - Mercola Interview (mp4) • Sunfellow On COVID-19: Tucker Carlson Interviews Ed Dowd (Author of "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic Of Sudden Deaths In 2021 And 2022") (Complete, Unedited Interview) (*) (mp4)
2023.3.19. Peter McCullough MD: Nattokinase in the Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (*) comments
2023.3.19. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application Of Low Level Electrical Current And Structures Rapidly Grow - Clifford Carnicom's Findings Confirmed (*) comments
2023.3.23. Mercola: Fearmongering Goes Nuclear -- 'We're in Brand-New Pandemic' (*)
2023.3.24. Ana Maria Mihalcea: Literature Review of EDTA Chelation (*) comments
2023.3.24. Mercola: Are These the 20 Most Important Supplements to Take? (*)
2023.3.24. Mercola: Vaccines -- Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good? (*) Bitchute (mp4)
2023.3.24. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Literature Review of EDTA Chelation (*) comments
2023.3.25. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom (*) comments
2023.3.25. Mercola: Researcher: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine (*)
2023.3.26. Michael P. Senger: How Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard Masked America (*) comments
2023.3.26. Mercola: Will We See Another Kennedy in the White House? (*)
2023.3.28. ZeroHedge: Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled (*)
2023.3.28. Ed Dowd / The Vigilant Fox: ‘These Numbers Look Horrific’: Work Absence Rates Are Off the Charts -- And It’s Only Gotten Worse (*) Rumble (mp4)
2023.3.29. Mercola: How the Virality Project Threatens Our Freedom (*)
2023.3.31. Steve Kirsch: Vax death count = COVID death count according to latest Rasmussen Reports poll (*) comments • YouTube (*) mp4
2023.3.31. Mercola: Mask Study Imploding Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle (*)
2023.3.31. Mercola: World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox (*)
2023.4.1. Mercola: Two Studies Test Quercetin And COVID Outcomes (*)
2023.4.2. Mercola: Strategies to Optimize Mitochondrial Health in Long COVID (*)
2023.4.3. SonOfEnos / Laura Jeffrey: Canadian Funeral Director Testifies To Finding Epidemic of Parasite-Like Clots in Deceased Jabbed (*) mp4
2023.4.3. The Vigilant Fox: Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Is Coming to the Food Supply THIS MONTH (*)
2023.4.4. Mercola: Bird Flu Scare Narrative Ramps Up (*)
2023.4.4. Katherine Watt: Government by silent immobility: an effective ruling innovation developed by the globalists, capitalizing on natural human aversion to hard work, conflict and pain. FOIA requests to Department of State re: delegation of authority for treaty negotiation and ratification (*) comments
2023.4.6. Steve Hirsch: Here's what happens when you investigate why young people are dying: You find that the vaccine killed them. But here in the US, we don't want to look. That's how science works: don't ask, don't tell. (*) comments
2023.4.6. Mercola: Massive ‘Horse’ Lies About Nobel Prize Winning Treatment (*)
2023.4.6. Steve Kirsch: Here's what happens when you investigate why young people are dying (*) comments
2023.4.8. James Hill MD: If Defense Department runs the Covid injection operation, who runs them? (*)
2023.4.8. Mercola: Unintended Consequences of mRNA Shots (*)
2023.4.9. Mercola: Will We See Another Kennedy in the White House? (*)
2023.4.10. Mercola: How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork? (*)
2023.4.11. Mercola: How Many Millions Are Disabled or Injured From the Jab? (*)
2023.4.12. Mercola: Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic (*)
2023.4.12. Margaret Anna Alice: Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World (*) comments • YouTube (mp4)
2023.4.14. Mercola: Where Does Courage Come From? (*)
2023.4.15. Mercola: Are Fibrinolytics Key to Preventing Clogged Arteries? (*)
2023.4.15. Michael Lam MD: New Research on Nattokinase for Clot Prevention, Cholesterol, and More (*)
2023.4.18. Mercola: Media Covers Up Tracking of Unvaccinated People (*)
2023.4.20. Mercola: Glycine to Increase Longevity and Decrease Depression (*)
2023.4.25. Mercola: How Are the COVID Shots Affecting Mothers-To-Be? (*)
2023.4.26. Mercola: Many Insomniacs Remain Conscious During Sleep (*)
2023.4.28. Naomi Wolf: The Crime of "Talking to Tucker Carlson" (*) comments
2023.4.28. Mercola: Longevity Strategies That May Be Highly Counterproductive (*) • Is fasting worth it? With Georgi Dinkov and Paul Saladino MD (*) mp4
2023.5.1. Mercola: ‘One Health’ -- The Global Takeover of Everything (*)
2023.5.4. Mercola: Conclusive Evidence Proves Screens Destroy Your Eyes (*)
2023.5.13. Ana Maria Mihalcea: Darkfield Live Blood Analysis 90 Minutes After IV EDTA Chelation In Unvaccinated Patient Affected By C19 Vax Shedding Shows Marked Improvement - A Case Report (*) comments
American College for Advancement in Medicine Certified Chelation Therapy (*) Resources (*)
2023.5.14. ZeroHedge: Never Forget: A Retrospective On The Media Lies Surrounding COVID (*) • Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum (mp4) • Jeff Rense: These Groups Were Exempted From Getting COVID Shots in 2020 (mp4)
2023.5.16. Mercola: Thousands Have Developed Tinnitus After COVID Shots (*)
2023.5.16. How to Improve Zeta Potential and Liquid Crystalline Water Inside the Body Exploring the Wild West of Water Cures and the legitimate options I have come across (*)
2023.6.13. Mercola: WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership With Europe (*)
2023.6.25. Mercola: How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It (*)
2023.6.26. Mercola: Contaminated COVID Products and Green Monkey Virus (*)
2023.6.29. Sunfellow On COVID-19: Health Policy Roundtable (RFK Jr, Mercola, Tenpenny, Kory, Gentempo, McDonnell, Ji, Willis, Bigtree) (*) (mp4) Mercola Subtack article
2023.6.30. Slay News: Unvaxxed Amish Death Rates 90 Times Lower Than Rest of America (*)
2023.7.1. ZeroHedge: Some Pfizer Vaccine Batches In The EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists (*) (comments)
2023.7.4. Mercola: It Is Time to Declare Our Independence From the Vaccinators (*)
2023.7.7. Mercola: Damaged People, Rotten Standards: Anatomy of Decline (*)
2023.7.9. Slay News: Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism (*)
2023.7.12. Mercola: Media Continue to Lie About Gene Therapy Jab (*)
2023.7.18. The Vigilant Fox: Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022 (*)
2023.7.19. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Correlation Of Severity Of Live Blood Contamination Seen On Darkfield Microscopy With Visible Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated Individual (*) comments
2023.7.26. ZeroHedge: Dancing COVID Nurses That Supported Draconian Mandates Switch To Climate Change (*)
2023.7.26. ZeroHedge: "Six-Month Rush-Job": Ice Cube Tells Tucker Why He Refused COVID Vax (*) (mp4)
2023.7.27. ZeroHedge: Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees (*)
2023.7.28. Mercola: The Wide-Ranging Health Benefits of Taurine (*)
2023.7.30. ZeroHedge: Pediatrician Fired After Raising Alarm On COVID Vaccines During US Senate Event (*) Dr. Renata Moon Termination Letter from WSU
Doctors 4 Covid Ethics (*): mRNA Vaccine Toxicity PDF Book (160 pages of text and 40 pages of citations) (pdf)
2023.8. TyTheFisch: Life Next Year (A Future of Jib Jabs) (Bitchute) (mp4)
2023.8.6. Mercola: How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix (*) Bitchute) (mp4)
2023.8.22. ZeroHedge: It's Really Happening: Mask Mandates, Contact-Tracing Re-Implemented At Colleges, Offices (*)
2023.8.26. Naomi Wolf: "The Covenant of Death" The Most Devastating Interview of my Life -- with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies (*) comments • Rumble: Shocking FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Moms About Safety of MRNA-Vaccines (*) mp4 • KCT comment: RE detox: I use lumbrokinase and serrapeptase from Dr. Mercola and nattokinase "spike support" from McCullough's The Wellness Company to handle any spike protein I might get through exposure from vaxxed folks in the workplace. I am also doing EDTA IV chelation to help with eliminating other material that might be gumming up our circulatory system. Spike proteins are associated with the clotting we are seeing. I got an MD exemption letter for the vaxx due to my testing allergic to PEG in a skin "scratch" test that tests for allergic reaction to vaxx ingredients. The CDC approves PEG allergy as a permitted exemption.
2023.9.4. Naomi Wolf: Expressionless Babies, Bored Lovers And Other Changes in the Human Condition (*) comments • KCT comment: "My cue is almost entirely centered around the skin quality. There is talk of "calcified placentas." Well, what does that look like in your face? I am seeing a more crusty, plastic, deadened quality to the vaxxed's skin. The deep, milky, shine and sheen is progressively being lost. The suppleness is turning coarse. I am wondering what happens to these people in 2-5 years? Will their lives be shortened?" Another KCT comment: "RE: detox: I use lumbrokinase and serrapeptase from and nattokinase "spike support" from McCullough's The Wellness Company to handle any spike protein I might get through exposure from vaxxed folks in the workplace. I am also doing EDTA IV chelation to help with eliminating other material that might be gumming up our circulatory system. Spike proteins are associated with the clotting we are seeing. I got an MD exemption letter for the vaxx due to my testing allergic to PEG in a skin "scratch" test that tests for allergic reaction to vaxx ingredients. The CDC approves PEG allergy as a permitted exemption."
2023.9.10. Mercola: Meryl Nass MD - Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom (*) older comments • Bitchute (mp4)
2023.9.12. Mercola: COVID Jab Spike Protein Remains Six Months After Jab (*)
2023.9.13. America Out Loud: Dr. McCullough's Speech at the European Parliament (*) mp4 • Peter Halligan: Dr McCullough’s 17 minute testimony to the EU Parliament yesterday - brilliant and tragic (*) comments • Coffee & Covid: Three Pivots Sept. 16 (*) comments
2023.9.15. Mercola: Meryl Nass - Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages (*) • Rumble - Bio Warfare Expert Meryl Nass Exposes W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Threat (*) mp4 • WHO Treaty Flyer (*)
2023.9.20. Naomi Wolf: Saddest Interview Yet: Mass Death in the UK - Ed Dowd, AKA "Jeremiah', Shares Horrific Update for UK Deaths, US Disabilities (*) comment • Rumble (*) (mp4)
2023.9.22. ZeroHedge: Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch (*)
2023.9.23. A Midwestern Doctor: Why Are Vaccine Injured Patients Silenced? How a decade of propaganda turned us against each other (*) comments
2023.9.24. Katherine Watt / Bailiwick News: 51 Congress members co-sponsoring Rep. Andy Biggs HR-79, WHO Withdrawal Act - To thank them for standing up, contact their offices (*)
2023.9.25. The Vigilant Fox: Hydrogel-Like Substance Found in Vaccine-Injured Nurse’s Blood “This is not healthy blood. This is Nuremberg 2.0.” (*) comments
2023.9.26. Mercola: 10 Mice Used to Test the Newest Pfizer COVID Jab (*)
2023.9.27. Dr. Thomas Levy: Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome: Rapid Resolution with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (*)
2023.9.29. Mercola: Air Vax - The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs (*)
2023.10.1. Mercola: We're in the Middle of a Global Coup - Here's How We Stop It (*)
2023.10.3. Mercola: Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists (*)
2023.10.6. Mercola: Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires (*)
Revealing the Method - Esoteric Symbolism as Mind Control - by Jarrod D. Schneider (mp4)
2023.10.7. Mercola: The Covid Clots (*)
2023.10.10. Mercola: ‘Turbo Cancers’ Linked to COVID Jabs (*)
2023.10.11. Mercola: Information Compliance - Bill Passed to Demolish Free Speech (*)
2023.10.17. Mercola: The Rise of the Global Police State (*)
2023.10.19. Ana Maria Mihalcea. MD, PhD: Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase (*) Comments
2023.10.29. Mercola: Vaccine Awareness Week 2023, an Update (*)
2023.10.31. The Daily Sceptic: What the Covid Inquiry Should Be Examining (And Probably Never Will) (*)
2023.11. Oleg Kuznetsov / 3D Epix Inc.: BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film (mp4)
2023.11.1. Mercola: Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience (*)
2023.11.1. David Icke: Mark Groeneveld, 20, Becomes Fifth Dutch Cyclist to Die or Suffer Serious Heart Problems This Year (*)
2023.11.8. Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA: "Shedding" Part 9 - More and More Clinical Case Descriptions of Shedding Pour In (*) comments
2023.11.9. Ana Maria Mihalcea. MD, PhD: Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work (*) Comments
2023.11.11. Mercola: 'COVID Unmasked' -- How to Take Back Our Nation (*)
2023.11.20. Mercola: Media Ruled by Robust PsyOp Alliance (*)
2023.11.25. Mercola: Are COVID Jab Deaths Being Covered Up? (*)
2023.12.6. Steve Kirsch: Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren't you publishing it? (*) comments
2023.12.7. Margaret Anna Alice: Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders: Why We Will Never Forget - Nor Let You (*) comments
2023.12.9. Mercola: Newly Leaked Data Shows Just How Dangerous the COVID Vaccines Are (*)
2023.12.12. Mercola: Republican Debate: COVID Vaccine Question Blacked Out by Unknown Third Party (*)
2023.12.16. Greg Hunter with Mark Crispin Miller: CV19 Vax was Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda (*) mp4 • Rumble (*)
2023.12.17. Mercola: We're in the Middle of a Global Coup - Here's How We Stop It (*)
2023.12.18. Mercola: Study Proves COVID Shots Can Cause Off-Target Immune Responses (*)
2023.12.22. ZeroHedge: This Silence Is Not Golden (*) [I have a few comments there.] • Brownstone Institute / Jeffrey A. Tucker (*)
2023.12.26. Mark Crispin Miller: Swiss health insurance data shows 73% spike in cancer treatment since 2020; Korean studies show "vaccinated" hit by blood disorders; Australian road deaths have spiked nationwide since "pandemic" (*) comments
2024.1.1. Mark Crispin Miller: Fall "vaccine" uptake an "abysmal" 7%; more US pols pledge BANS on "vaccination"; TX AG Ken Paxton SUING Pfizer; 5G under fire in NYC; Walmart, Costco, Wegmans DROP self-checkout; & more (*) comments
2024.1.3. Robert Malone: Florida Surgeon General calls for a Complete Halt on the use of mod-mRNA COVID-19 "vaccines" (*)
2024.1.12. Mercola: The Government’s Plan to Criminalize Your Thoughts (*) • Whitney Webb / Jimmy Dore Interview (mp4) • Mike Benz - The "Middleware" Plan To Restructure The Censorship Industry (mp4)
2024.1.12. The Vigilant Fox: Dr. McCullough Reveals Disturbing Details About Post-Vaccine Blood Clots and Myocarditis - “Yesterday, I saw patients with 2-foot blood clots in their legs after the vaccine.” (*) comments
2024.1.15. Katherine Watt / Bailiwick News Interview with Peter and Ginger Breggin (*)
2024.1.15. Mark Crispin Miller: Japanese doctors reconfirm what we track here: THOUSANDS of papers have reported crippling and/or deadly side effects of "vaccination"—an "unprecedented" crisis in the history of medicine Also, a new European study of autopsies finds that "unexplained cardiovascular deaths in the vaccinated with no prior antecedent disease are likely caused by vaccination" (*) comments
2024.1.21. Margaret Anna Alice: Memes by Themes #9: Censorship (*) comments
2024.2.3. Merola / A Midwestern Doctor: Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding (*)
2024.2.6. The Dossier: 68 American colleges still have Covid vaccine mandates in place - Harvard is among the many U.S. schools that remain committed to the Safety Regime (*) comments
2024.2.6. Mercola: You've Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer's Pfrankenstein Proteins (*)
2024.2.7. Health Freedom Defense: Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection? (*)
2024.2.10. Epoch Times / Children's Health Defense: Unvaxxed Study: Few Got Sick and ADHD Disappeared (*) mp4
2024.2.13. The Washington Post: CDC plans to drop five-day covid isolation guidelines (*)
2024.2.17. Eugyppius: Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in order to better control the "thought and speech patterns" of its own people (*) comments
2024.2.18. Mercola: Important Legal Wins by the Informed Consent Action Network (*)
2024.2.19. Mercola: Child Injured in COVID Jab Trial Is Ignored (*)
2024.2.19. Epoch Times via ZeroHedge: COVID Vaccine Shedding Is 'Real', FDA & Pfizer Documents Are Proof: Clinicians (*)
2024.2.22. The Highwire: The Clot Thickens (mp4)
2024.2.29. The Dossier / Jordan Schachtel: Dose number NINE: CDC panel green lights yet another Covid mRNA shot For the vax compliant, that's nine doses in only three years (*) comments
2024.3.1. The Wallstreet Journal: It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now. Here’s a Guide. New guidelines from the CDC Friday bring Covid precautions in line with those of other respiratory viruses (*)
2024.3.6. The Dossier / Jordan Schachtel: All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked -- How to lie with statistics (*) comments
2024.3.13. ExcessDeathsAU: Requiem for Australia (*)
2024.3.15. Peter Halligan: A Portuguese appeals court has upheld decision that the PCR test is useless – C19 cases in the US 10 million over 4 years, NOT 112 million – US C19 deaths around 80,000 NOT 1.2 million (*)
2024.3.14. COVIDsteria + Tales from the Great Reset: Best Covid Memes (Happy Lockdown Anniversary!) Remembering COVID parks, dog walking, swimming, shopping, eating out, schooling, haircuts, music, baptisms, holidays, flying, driving and office work memes marking the start of COVID lockdowns! (*) comments
2024.3.17. James Hill MD: Masks shed plastic particles that embed in artery walls and associate with 4.5X risk of heart attack, stroke, or death Are they slowly killing you when forcing you to wear toxic masks that don’t block aerosols or reduce infection rates? (Updated 3/18/24) (*)
2024.3.24. Eugyppius: Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed (*) comments
2024.6.25. Katherine Watt: On confidential settlements and hush money to suppress public understanding of government-directed killing programs. (*)
2024.6.26. Katherine Watt: Vaccine hostility as an alternative to both vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence. A short timeline of Congressional acts and appropriations demonstrating federal government intent to harm and kill with legal impunity using 'vaccines,' and effective execution of programs. (*)
2024.3.30. Mercola: The Tragic Toll Exacted by Medical Errors (*)
2024.3.30. ZeroHedge: The Era Of Informed Consent Is Over (*)
2024.3.30. Mark Crispin Miller: Kate Beckinsdale, Greg Vaughan, Aussie boxing great Jeff Fenech, footy legend Peter Wynn, Italian singer Loredana Bertè "rushed to hospital"; Greg Gumbel, Bill Walton missing games Athletic director Dan Rolfes, FL police sergeant Mike Williams, Canadian soccer coach Travis Rickard, Aussie TV contestant Lauren all suffer "medical emergencies" (*) comments
2024.3.31. Mercola: 'Dissolving Illusions' 10th Anniversary Edition Challenges Vaccine Narratives (*)
2024.4.6. Mark Crispin Miller: Pope Francis misses big event; Anna Paquin walking with a cane; Indian BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi, Taiwanese badminton champ Chou Tien Chen, Aussie TV star Courtney Murphy all have cancer; Spanish journo Helena Resano no longer paralyzed; Filipino sportscaster Bill Velasco getting over heart failure; Indian BSP candidate Gufran Noor has heart attack; AU pol Nick Xenophon's brain tumor (*) comments
2024.4.9. Mercola: Scientists Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 100 Times Worse Than COVID (*)
2024.4.9. Panda Uncut: Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic. (*) comments
2024.4.11. Aussie17: A Message from Japan to the World Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School (*) Bitchute (mp4) Unedited vid
2024.4.14. A Midwestern Doctor: How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? The data that shows the less appreciated forgotten consequences of vaccination. (*)
2024.4.15. Mark Crispin Miller: Why do we track all these "sudden deaths" and crippling injuries? To get others NOT to get the "vax"; and to amass the evidence of this unprecedented crime against humanity This crucial task—though incomplete, to say the least—gets ever harder to perform week after week, SO MANY are now suffering and/or dying; and so we need YOUR help to keep it up (*) comments
2024.4.17. Mercola: WHO Cancer Agency Predicts 77% Rise in Cancers by 2050 (*)
2024.4.18. Dr. Peter McCullough: Nattokinase Dissolves Fibrinaloid Microclots Preclinical Study Shows Dose-Dependent Effect, Offers Hope (*) comments
2024.4.24. James Roguski: Submit Your Public Comment: People from around the world may submit public comment to the United States Office of Global Affairs regarding the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly. Send in your written comment or RSVP to speak. (*) comments
2024.4.27. James Roguski: What the Hell is Going On? The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is engaged in a very evil psychological operation. THESE NEGOTIATIONS MUST BE HALTED IMMEDIATELY (*) comments
2024.4.27. Sasha Latypova: My first mixed tape! "Whole of Government", dedicated to fake warriors everywhere... Operation Warp Speed June 2, 2020 press briefing, summarized in 1 min (*)
2024.4.27. Eugyppius: Leading German politician calls for the state to issue "revocable social media licenses" for the privilege of commenting online If only speech were not a right but a privilege granted selectively by the state, our democratic freedoms would be that much more secure (*) comments
2024.4.27. Mark Crispin Miller: Germany: "Thromboses removed like fat earthworms" from Olympic cycling champion (33), CSU pol Monika Hohlmeier has "massive health problems," Greens leader Mona Fuchs collapses during speech "That scared her": Swiss ski star Nadine Fähndrich talks about heart surgery at 28, marathon runner Adrian Lehmann has heart attack at 34; Roma defender has chest pain, leaves field on stretcher; more (*) comments
2024.4.28. James Roguski: Exit The WHO In order to protect our personal freedoms and our national sovereignty, the time has come for "We the People" to #ExitTheWHO (*) comments
2024.4.29. Mercola: Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases (*)
2024.5.2. A Midwestern Doctor: A New Documentary Exposes the COVID-19 Response Epidemic of Fraud concisely breaks down the scam that was pulled upon the world (*) comments Epidemic of Fraud Documentary (mp4)
2024.5.8. Mercola: How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty (*)
2024.5.8. ZeroHedge: AstraZeneca Pulls COVID Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect (*)
2024.5.13. Saha Latypova: Commissioned by Pentagon - Part 1. Series of articles by a German journalist Beate Taufer. (*) comments
2024.5.16. Sasha Latypova: Commissioned by Pentagon - Part 2 Series of articles forwarded by a German journalist Beate Taufer. (*) comments
2024.5.16. Greg Reese: The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children There are more deaths from vaccines than from the diseases they are said to prevent. (*) mp4
2024.5.17. Katherine Watt - Bailiwick News: Which American federal laws must be repealed by Congress and nullified by states to shut down worldwide public health-emergency preparedness and response-kill box programs? (*)
2024.5.17. Katherine Watt - Bailiwick News: Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act, enacted by Congress and Biden Dec. 2022, codified at 6 USC 821-825. (*)
2024.5.19. ZeroHedge: Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines (*)
2024.5.21. Epoch Times: Infertility After Vaccination? Dr. Kimberly Biss Explains the Data (*)
2024.5.26. ZeroHedge: Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers (*)
2024.5.27. Mercola: Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply (*)
2024.5.28. Katherine Watt / Bailiwick News: On the ugliness of corrupted law as a barrier to seeing it (*)
2024.6.3. Adam Andrzejewski: Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency Through Secret Third Party Royalties During Pandemic Years NIH covered up longtime payment scheme. We sued twice in federal court. We are winning. Here’s their production – so far. (*) comments
2024.6.3. Debbie Lerman: Fauci Was NOT in Charge of Covid Policy. The National Security Council Was. Here's the question they should be asking Fauci, but never will: Who was actually in charge, and why? (*) comments
2024.6.14. Mercola / A Midwestern Doctor: What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? Analysis (*)
2024.6.14. El Gato Malo: shutting down censorship? don't bet on it. "we don't do that stuff no more," they said, as they prepared to do that stuff some more. (*) comments
2024.6.16. Mercola / Humphries: 'Dissolving Illusions' 10th Anniversary Edition Challenges Vaccine Narratives - Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola (*)
2024.6.20. A Midwestern Doctor: We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition Examining the causes and treatments of the common neurological injuries caused by vaccination (*) comments
2024.6.22. Mercola: Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola (*) Documentary
2024.6.23. A Midwestern Doctor: The Century of Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy. How Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation treats many severe Cardiovascular, Infectious, Obstetric, Autoimmune and Neurological Diseases. (*) comments
2024.6.23. Sasha Latypova: All roads lead to Resilience. FDA is removing competitors for the Pentagon & CIA's baby...Moderna. (*) comments
2024.6.24. Naomi Wolf: UK Media Censor OfCom's Painful Argument in Steyn v OfCom (*) comments
2024.6.24. Robert Malone MD: The UN: "We must all work to eradicate (hate speech) completely. The UN's global "plan" to eradicate free speech (*) comments
2024.6.24. Thomas Massie: Politics, Private Interests, and the Biden Administration’s Deviation from Agency Regulations in the COVID-19 Pandemic (*) • Aaron Siri Testimony to Massie Committee (*)
2024.6.26. ZeroHedge: Return of Forced Masking (+Safety Goggles!) Imminent For Bird Flu? (*)
2024.6.29. ZeroHedge: CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans (*) comments
2024.7.2. ZeroHedge: Jury Awards $687,000 To BlueCross BlueShield Scientist Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine (*) comments
2024.7.2. Mercola: Bird Flu -- Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit (*)
2024.7.4. Panda Uncut: Germany Creating Capacity to Produce Over One Billion mRNA Vaccine Doses Per Year (*) comments
2024.7.4. Mark Crispin Miller: If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit Americans who really do believe in INDEPENDENCE ought to crash this party (*) comments
2024.7.10. Ana Mihalcea MD PhD: Interview on SGT Report - Demons of the mRNA Vax (*) comments Bitchute (mp4)
2024.7.24. Katherine Watt / Bailiwick News: Congress, through 18 USC 175, legalized HHS/PHS/military production and use of biological weapons, by classifying them as 'select agents and toxins.' (*)
2024.7. The Hope Accord [Petition, please sign]: We the Undersigned Healthcare Professionals, Scientists and Concerned Members of the Public, Call for: 1. The immediate suspension of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine products. 2. A comprehensive re-evaluation of the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products. 3. The immediate recognition and support for the vaccine-injured. 4. The restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the COVID-19 era. 5. Addressing the root causes of our current predicament. (*) • Infowars (*) •
2024.8.24. EONutrition: Famous influencers are dropping like flies: Why? (mp4)
2024.8.31. Jon Rappoport: The political future of anti-vaxers (*) comments
2024.9.6. Jon Rappoport: Part 2, What is the political future of anti-vaxers? (*) comments
2024.9.8. A Midwestern Doctor: The Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy How Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation treats severe many severe cardiovascular, infectious, obstetric, autoimmune and neurological diseases (*) comments
2024.9.12. Katherine Watt: On vaccination as intentional induction of chronic and acute anaphylaxis. Sept. 6, 2024 discussion by Jane Ruby and Sasha Latypova, condensed transcript (*)
2024.9.14. Meryl Nass: Thomas Massie added a very interesting amendment to HR1425, the bill to require Senate ratification of WHO pandemic preparedness treaties (*) comments
2024.9.17. Pierre Kory MD: Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week. Major Covid mRNA policy reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major U.S health system, a large U.S state, a South American country, and in the UK. The dominoes are starting to fall. (*) comments
2024.9.21. Forbidden News: 'We Cannot Let this Go': House Republicans Rail Against the UN and World Health Organization WILL THE BANKRUPT CORPORATION OF THE US BE HANDED OVER TO THE WEF THIS WEEKEND? (*) comments
2024.9.22. Mark Crispin Miller: Since "vaccination" started, 91 rappers (that we know of) have "died suddenly" worldwide, with another 13 sickened. For this toll, the hip-hop world can thank Kamala Harris, Spike Lee, Tyler Perry, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey and all their peers who joined the push to get black people jabbed. (*) comments
2024.9.25. LawyerLisa: ChatGPT spills the beans on Nanobots, and the Dangers of Self Replicating vaccines. But first I test it with the New World Order (*) comments
2024.10.4. Raphael Lataster PhD: COVID vaccine science catching up with 'conspiracy theorists' (*) comments
2024.10.10. Robert Malone MD, MS: What if they jammed through a new COVID mRNA vax tech And nobody took it? (*) comments
2024.10.16. ZeroHedge / Armageddon Prose: 55 Toxic Chemicals Discovered in Current Shots, ‘Self-Amplifying’ mRNA Shots in Pipeline (*)
2024.11.15. ZeroHedge: Trump Nominates RFK Jr. For HHS Secretary (*)
2024.11.16. Steve Kirsch: New Hampshire legislature special committee issues scathing report that eviscerates the federal and state COVID response (*) comments
2024.11.18. Dr. Trozzi: Covid Crimes Exposed by German RKI Files - A shocking reveal from Christof Plothe, Dr Mark Trozzi, and The World Council for Health (*) (PowerPoint)
2024.11.20.Mercola: The Most Devastating COVID Report So Far (*)
2024.11.26. World Council For Health: Bombshell revelation: Covid-19 injections proven to integrate into human genome - In a stunning development, a new study has uncovered a disturbing truth about the COVID-19 vaccines - they can integrate into the DNA of normal human cells. (*)
2024.11.27. World Council For Health: German lawyer uncovers "death batches" scandal- Tobias Ulbrich has found a shocking number of deaths associated with two specific Covid-19 injection batches. The alarming revelations demand an immediate and urgent investigation. (*)
2024.11.28. Meryl Nas: STOP the mRNA SHOTS--NOW! A new network has formed to push this plan forward: (*) comments
2024.12.8. Meryl Nass: Asked by CHD's Defender to comment on the FDA's failed attempt to bury a million pages on Comirnaty (*) comments
2024.12.8. Robert W. Malone M.D., M.S.: Was DoD the Managing Agency for Operation Warp Speed? Pfizer did not commit fraud, but rather delivered the fraud that the US Government ordered (*) comments
2024.12. Kirillov outlined how the US and Big Pharma “rule the world” by “manufacturing biological crises (*) (mp4) (jpg)
2024.12.15. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D.: How Does Self Assembly Nanotechnology In Human Blood Affect Our Children? Darkfield Live Blood Analysis of A 9 Year Old COVID19 Unvaccinated Girl & Electron Microscopy Of The Blood Of 7 Month Old (*) comments
2024.12.17. ZeroHedge: Key Figures From "Thank You Dr. Fauci" Lead The Quest For COVID-19 Accountability (*)
2024.12.21. Robert Malone MD: Bird Flu, Food Safety and What you Can Do to Protect Yourself Are more mandates coming our way? (*) comments [KCT article comment: I follow Andrew Kaufman, David Knight, Crrow777 Radio and others. I am not convinced that virology is a legitimate science. What people claim to be viruses can be viewed as excretions from cells during routine and often seasonal physiologic cleansing processes. Viruses are not alive in any conventional sense and only exist as particles or excretions in relation to a living process. "Viruses" are not caught or transferred. IMO most of the Wuhan argument is a CIA distraction that folks at Epoch Times, the Republican party, FOX News, The Wellness Company, and other Alt Health practitioners have latched onto to make a living outside of the Big Pharma space. They are allowed to profit from some alternative practices because they support the CIA's bottom line: the viruses are real and the fear and precautions necessary. The Wuhan story gives cover for the promulgation of fear and the justification for Pfizer's and DOD's extraordinary actions. The bioweapon is and always was the injectable product that most of humanity was coerced to take. I am not an expert in any of this, but I am not an idiot either. Best of luck to you in sorting this out.]
2024.12.23. Jon Rappoport: 27 injections in the first 15 months of life for every baby (*) comments
2025.1.21. ZeroHedge: "I Believe In The Rule Of Law, But..." - Biden Pre-Emptively Pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley, & Family Members (*)
2025.1.25. Lawyer Lisa: Breaking News. Alberta Government Report indicates it cannot be concluded that these COVID-19 vaccines are Safe!!! Demands Withdrawal of covid 19 Vaccines. Now systematically share this (*) comments • ALBERTA’S COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force FINAL REPORT (pdf)
2025.1.29. ZeroHedge: Watch: Unhinged Liz Warren Badgers RFK Jr. During Wild Confirmation Hearing (*)
2025.2.3. Margaret Anna Alice: The COVID Dossier A Record of Military & Intelligence Coordination of the Global COVID Event (written by Debbie Lerman & Sasha Latypova) (*) comments
2025.2.4. The Brownstone Institute: The Covid Dossier by Debbier Lerman and Sasha Latypova (*)
2025.2.6. Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Deep State Deconstruction: USAID What is USAID and is it used to bypass HHS for international health "interventions"? (*) comments
2025.2.14. Honolulu Civil Beat: Should Hawai‘i Families Be Allowed To Opt Out Of School Vaccines? Roughly 1 in 5 students in Hawaiʻi were missing required vaccines last year. Doctors say that’s a growing health threat, but efforts to toughen state law are drawing intense criticism from parents opposed to vaccines. By Megan Tagami. (*) HB 1118 Testimony (pdf)
2025.2.13. A Midwestern Doctor: The Year In Review and the Incredible Opportunities Before Us February's Open Thread (*) comments
2025.2.19. A Midwestern Doctor: Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists and Spike Production Persists for Years Inside The Body -- Reviewing the consequences of the reckless steps used to make the vaccines and the immunological damage which followed (*) comments
tyson james vid
hi rez vid
More Notes To Integrate
When flu season ended, shift to counting "cases" rather than "deaths" emerged to keep the fear in the news. People under 70 years old have a 99.9% survival rate if they test positive for covid 19. Many countries and municipalities count covid "cases" multiple times due to many people testing postive having multiple confirmation follow up tests, with all these additional tests counting as separate cases.
Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"
Electrical Sensitivity, Human Health, And Environmental Illness
Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections
Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Heart Chakra Opening - Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - Additional Posts
Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More
Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation And The Spiritual Function Of Sexual Fluids
Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations
Sexual Deviancy And Its Relation To Fear, Control, Power, Vitality, Innocence, Youth, and Death
This page was first uploaded on 5-1-2020, last modified on 3-2-2025.
All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2020-2025