David Seaman / Fulcrum News: Unposecuted Pizzagate and Death Jabs Shaving Decades Off Lifespans

Political Letters - October 19, 2022


Seaman's newsletter October 19, 2022. Podcast. Fulcrum. Substack.

"Back when I had the TikTok fame - long, long ago... two weeks ago, lol - I asked my mentor (gotta have one of those, but wait until you find the right one) so what do I do with this? There's not much money in TikTok because unlike YouTube they don't share ad earnings with creators. If you can monetize the awareness itself - pushing people onto your books or whatever else you have going on, then you can win at TikTok I suppose. The plan agreed upon was to delete the account and retire from video content forever at 100m views. There's something elegant about leaving at the top, rather than waiting to be canceled all over again. Instead, some statist shitstain boomer or other in pizza land got that TikTok canceled at around 10.1 million views... 10 percent of the way to my goal, close enough I suppose? I suppose we'll have to write it off as close enough for now.

Video doesn't interest me any more. Like Renoir, I almost physically can't do something I'm no longer interested in. Is a voice without a face attached to it, more powerful? And when I get bummed out that I'm now out of the game, probably forever... podcasting doesn't feel right either, long COVID leaves me quieter - I don't feel a need to share my feelings or ideas, and I have less of them. It came out the other day that the last of Durham's targets was acquitted, on all 4 charges against him. Durham is done now - the final nail in the coffin of Q-style "trust the plan" hopium bullshit artists. I had said now years ago that Durham was another dud, and now it's tangible fact.

It's a failed society; a media pundit class composed of people like Candace Owens, Kanye, Dan Bongino, and Pillow - noisy provocateurs without any substance, and zero solutions, parasites engorging on the growing political divide, plundering what's left of the USA every night on the cable TV screens. And a lawyer class composed of people who just never get the fucking job done - careerist investigators like Durham on one side, and on the other side feckless grifter attorneys like Sidney Powell who reportedly took in $16 million after the 2020 election yet never "released the Kraken." 100 percent bullshit artists. Chaucerian scammers and our travels have finally come to an end, so there's no need for their tall tales any more. This civilization is in rapid collapse.

The CDC is reportedly preparing to advise that the mRNA round be made mandatory for children entering school in America. Game over. The pizza heads took our bodily sovereignty; they can poison your kids, or no school, no integration into the society. Even the Church of Satan says you leave the children alone; don't harm children is one of their stated precepts. Lol... American health bureaucracy regime, literally worse than Satan and his followers. And I've got no respect for these bureaucrats any more.

This self-cull of an entire society is the most shameful thing I've ever seen, and will likely ever see, in my lifetime. It doesn't get worse than the last two years. Not to mention, last year's excess mortality for people in my age group and those slightly older is unprecedented. Mass murder of us all, carried out so mundanely by the talking heads on the cable screens and the geriatric pizza heads at the health agencies. Mass murder of us all, and plunder. With Durham's godless wrap-up, even the most pathetic Trump loyalist will begin to lose the taste. They haven't had a victory in so long, they've forgotten what it even tastes like. Pretty soon, the military and law enforcement who were poisoned by Trump's DARPA-guided mRNA nightmare ... these folks will drop the hopium as I and millions of others have - they will realize there is Zero Percent Chance that Trump or Pillow or any of these fucks are coming to save our country. The military has doctors and scientists on payroll; they'll begin to wonder why so many soldiers are experiencing issues. And they'll demand accountability - it certainly seems like civilian bureaucrats at some of these health agencies knowingly poisoned millions of us, including our sacred military frontlines and our law enforcement... most of whom who were forced to take the mRNA series in order to continue working. The military will demand those civilian bureaucrats - especially those found to be trading in vaccine stocks at the same time they were crafting policy - be held accountable.

See, this is where vision matters. I may be down on crypto this year, but I've still done well overall and crypto isn't done - it's one of the only current social mechanisms that will be left standing when the masses truly realize a) how fucked we are and b) that Trump and his merry band of grifters aren't coming to save anyone at all.

It's now coming out in official channels that catching COVID "may" "age the organs" (meaning, it ages you; you are your body's organs) about 3 to 4 years with every infection. That's under ideal circumstances; with pre-existing perfect health etc. So catch COVID twice, and just shy of a decade is shaved off one's life, they claim. People only live for 70 to 80 years on average, so that's quite the haircut. The spike proteins are believed to be the inflammatory antagonist that causes all this damage in the body. With a regular vaccine, the virus itself is theoretically inoculated against, and so downstream of true inoculation is the fact that the virus can't unleash its spike protein repertoire on the host body. But with the mRNA crapshoot, Trump and these deep state duds went with something that floods your body with spike proteins - again, believed to be the inflammatory antagonist - so if you take it 3 different times, as experts push... does that expose you to the same or similar level of damage, 3 different times? How much of a haircut? How much lifespan did they take from us all?

See, from here the NSA and the Pentagon - when the public reaches peak anger, which is coming - they can swoop in as end stage good guy. "If only we could root out all the traitors who took Pfizer and Moderna stock or payouts to poison their own populace," the public will say... well, the NSA can identify those financial paper trails in milliseconds and it can hand all that data to the sacred military. Knocks on the door will come for these vaccine hucksters one day, because the Pentagon doesn't like being poisoned.

Civilian politics are downstream of military need - or else nearly 60 percent of our national budget would not go to the military each year. We're Sparta, albeit an occult Sparta, and the rancorous political class is just there as window dressing to make it all look democratic and voluntary. Manufactured consent, as Chomsky described it decades ago. Pentagon/NSA elite reportedly call the entire elected government the "ceremonial government" - and it's fitting. Elections, Congressional acts, Senate sub-committees - these are all ceremonial and temporary compared to the decades-long career path of many in the military. Think of how much power was extended to the military after 9/11... total carte blanche, for about 15 years. Patriot Act. Iraq. Afghanistan. Etc.

COVID-19 was 9/11, times 300, in terms of loss of life and American wealth. We got hit by something 300 times worse than 9/11, and you don't think there will be a vast military response at some point? It makes sense now why there were rumors more than a decade ago that the NSA was planning for a possibly terrible end stage civil war in America, where Americans would need to be sorted into friendlies (blue list) and nogoodniks (red list). Once public rage really gets going, those in the ceremonial government who mercilessly pushed this poison on us are going to be singled out by the intelligence community - that's my guess. I could be wrong about all this, I am just a humble researcher in the DC metro area, but I could also be right. The dam breaks wide open now that "patriots" no longer believe Trump is coming to save them in any form. Judas goat doesn't save you from the slaughterhouse, lol. That's not his role.

So, these are FULCRUM's views: crypto, still very important - it is the cockroach that will survive the uncertain times ahead. Remember 2022 is still the "good old days." And COVID - worse than most realize; there's a reason why the Chinese are treating COVID as a death sentence lately with their crazy "zero COVID" policies and continued lockdowns... maybe an over-reaction but what do they know about this virus that we seemingly don't? And the vaccines - the singular act of violence against the masses, unprovoked violence against us all, that will require military or intelligence community assistance at some point to unravel. When your elected government has literally poisoned you, knowingly, then the clean-up falls to the national military. I really think the world is going to look radically different by 2024 or 2025. The globalists went for it, COVID was the big one - and now we watch as the dice fall. Poisoning our soldiers, poisoning our cops, and our children?! These pizza heads at the CDC and other civilian agencies will be held accountable one day, the digital "paper trail" has to be out there; influencers who got paid, doctors and boards paid off to promote the vaxx, etc. Who knew humans could be so fucking awful?

Onward, D





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This page was first uploaded on 10-19-2022, last modified on 10-19-2022.

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