Kundalini And Cell Towers: Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"

1. Geoengineering aerosols above natural clouds at Devil's Punchbowl County Park in Valyermo, California. 2. Only the awakened are brave enough to see the sky for what it is today. 3a & 3b. Cell tower and heavy metal aerosol sprays in Pinon Hills, California 2013-2018. 4. In the 1950's Americans were slender, industrious, non-medicated and shopped at thriving small privately-owned businesses that sold goods made in America; by 2012 Americans had become ill, lazy and morally bankrupt through their exposure to nonstop State propaganda, wireless broadband, chemtrails, and a reliance on cheap prison-labor products from China offered by predatory publicly traded big box stores like Walmart. 5. Dawn chemical aerosol trails greet a suburban neighborhood. 6. Heavy metal aerosols reigning death from above by artist David Dees. 7. Geoengieering means saying "Goodbye" to blue skies. 8. Criminal spraying over Joe's Barber Shop in Indio, California. 9. The truth-denying sadism of the corporate media. You are a masochist and a tool if you take anything the corporate media says at face value. 10. Whole Foods Market veiled in aerosol sprays in Palm Desert, California. Hard to go "organic" when everything you eat -- whether organic or not -- is full of nano-engineered heavy metals and microplastic polymer fibers. Organic certification looks only at the fertilizer and pesticide inputs a farmer employs. There is no assessment of the quality of the air and water the plants are exposed to. 11. Thin layer of aerosols above natural clouds in San Joaquin Valley, blocking perhaps 20% of the sun's rays over the breadbasket of the United States while destroying the ozone layer with heavy metal particulates that don't belong at such high altitudes and that bind with rising O2 to prevent the ozone layer from recharging. 12. ByeByeBlueSky (*) anti-geoengineering meme: Trinary Attack - Exposure (to heavy metals and chemical contaminants), Integration (with genetically modified foods), and Activation (by manmade microwave radiation). 13. Taj Mahal under chemical cloud attack. How is this not a crime against humanity (and the entire biosphere)? 14. FrankenSkies DVD cover art depicting the use of nanoparticle aerosols and cell tower radiation to destroy the human mind. 15-16. Normal cloud cover versus the stringy, indistinct cobweb covering that is the result of stratospheric aerosol injection. 17. Geoengineering above Yosemite National Park. Pic from Climate Engineering Fact And Photo Summary (*).

The Dimming - Climate Engineeering Documentary (2021) (pdf) (YouTube) (mp4) (Email to family 2021.3.14.)

FrankenSkies Geoengineering Documentary by Matt Landman (YouTube) (mp4). Matt Landman's main YouTube page.

GeoengineeringWatch.org. I listen to Dane Wigington's radio address every Saturday.

Criminal Aerosol Geoengineering - Personal Commentary & Notes

Government Weather Manipulation Exposed - 10 Minute Overview of Public Documents by Alex Jones - 2014Article at Geoengineering Watch (*) • Infowars

Aerosol Crimes (first edition) by Clifford CarnicomYouTube

Cloud Cover by Clifford Carnicom (2011) YouTube

Carnicom Institute

What In The World Are They Spraying? • (YouTube) (Official Website)

Why In The World Are They Spraying? (YouTube)

SkyderALERT • YouTube • SkyderALERT.com - Geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management (SRM aka Chemtrails) - Look UP, Get the APP, and Save the WORLDTrailer v. 2:22 (YouTube)

So, How Do We Stop The Spraying? (GeoEngineeringWatch) (*)

Kimberly Gamble: “Chemtrails” - How They Affect You and What You Can Do About It (Air Crap & YouTube)

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up California Skywatch

AirCrap.org | Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity (*) • Chemtrail Footage (YouTubeAirCrap) • Chemtrail Footage from FalseFlagAmerica8675 • (YouTube) • Chemtrail Footage from Spherian7 • (Air Crap & YouTube)

Cloud Cover Documentary (Aerosol Crimes edit, with different narration) * YouTube


Chemically Nucleated Snow, What Is It? (*) • Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington - Snow Burns, Won't Melt! (*) (YouTube)

Coalition Against Geoengineering

Southern California Sky Watch (activist group)

Max Bliss Contacted by Chemtrail Whistle Blower – The Beginning of the End (*)

Nano Chemtrails by William Thomas (*)

The Project Avalon Forum (*); Post - How to detox from chemtrails poisoning and infiltration of nanotechnology (*) (web archive)

Radioactive Zinc-Cadmium Compound Sprayed Over St. Louis and Other U.S. Cities in Secret Military Testing 1940s, 1950, 1960s, and 1970s(YouTube)

Clifford Carnicom on the Morgellons Condition (July 2011)

Clifford Carnicom & Jim Mclure on the Carnicom Institute (January 2013)

2013.4.22. Chemtrails: An Obvious Overhead Pollutant Ignored and Denied (*)

Bio-Engineered Anaerobic Bacteria Fall In Goo-Like Gel Over Oakville, Washington - Residents Become Sick - National Security Declared And Test Samples Destroyed At The Washington State Department Of Health After Chief Microbiologist Mike McDowell Raises Concerns • (YouTube) • (AirCrap)

Chemtrails: The Facts - Overview And Rebuttal To Conspiracy Deniers • (YouTube) • Israeli Truther YouTube Channel - פרויקט אמת אחרת / Emetaheret

U.S. Military Criminal Heavy Metal Aerosol Spraying Experiments Of the 1950s and 1960s • (YouTube) • Sample YouTube Comments: PDPresents: I'm going to vet this further. if it's true, This is Tuskegee and worse all over again. BTW people, This is NEW NEWS. Well worth looking at and getting really pissed about. This is just pure sociopath insanity and a complete disregard for life. For the lives of your own countrymen. This is how wars start. By one too many damn Tuskegee incidents. No wonder they want your guns. What was being done in the dark is coming to light quickly.• thegroove2000: Same here in the UK. Not to worrry as with all the CHEM-TRAILING going on the masses will die of ignorance as they only believe what's on the BBC, etc. It's easy when the masses are under mind control and let their ego dictate their thoughts. • dmize omega: If you don't get it "OVERTHROW YOUR GOVERNMENT" is something that needs to be done. • Shaun Michael: When we can no longer commit to peaceful resolution that time will come, and not a moment too soon my friend. We are much more powerful than them, so they resort to cowardly acts such as this. Instead of DHS, FBI, TSA, etc., what we really need is a big boat full of these pricks on their way to communist CHINA! What's good for the goose is good for the gander! • CHRLPTRSN: It is reaching a point where it is too late for even armed resistance. No matter how many patriots you gather with military-grade weaponry, they cannot stand against drone strikes and sonic wave emitters. You need a million people with loaded rifles surrounding the While House and you need it YESTERDAY. • MysterioEffect: Well, people believe only if they see it on TV because they are programmed from childhood. Only those who are able to wake up from their Trance can see that 2 + 2 = 4! • DesertWarriorBoy: As a former member of the United States army I would like to let you all know that if you trust the government you will find yourself walking funny and pooping pancakes. Don't trust the goddamn government. Ever. Fight for answers. Ask questions. Even if there are no "reported" deaths (because they would so totally report them) doesn't mean no one died. • Jan Neely: You can see these streaks of white all over our skies and has been going on for years. The Elite known as the Illuminati or The Bilderberg Group have a huge investment in depopulating the world and owning all. They want a one world government, a one world bank, and a one world leader. And it has been going on for decades and decades. All in the plan.

Kevin M. Shipp: CIA's War Against Whistleblowers

RichieFromBoston has some of the best geoengineering rants on the web: The Depopulation Process Has Begun (*); We Do Not Consent Time Is Running Out (*); The Earth Is Dying - Order Out Of Chaos (*); and hundreds of others. He has been accused of being a source of disinformation due to his arguments that the earth is flat, that extra-terrestrials are fallen angels, and that intelligence behind artificial intelligence, or AI, is demons breaking through the veil that separates our world from another dimension. I like his commentary on the chemtrails issue so much that I give him a pass on these other matters. We've been lied to about so many things. It is good to be especially alert to the potential harm or evil made possible by "advances" in technology. We should all keep an open mind. For example, there is excellent evidence that the United States did not land astronauts on the moon in 1969 (*), and that the claim was part of an anti-Russian psychological operation. I've read elsewhere that all we've been able to do is get people into low orbit, as the electromagnetically charged Van Allen belt that envelopes the planet kills people and animals if they try to pass through it.

2020.6.11. Plastic Rain Is The New Acid Rain (Wired) (*)

2021.9.7. Mercola: Geoengineering Is No Longer a Secret Conspiracy (*)




November 21, 2017 (#WeDoNotConsent - Geoengineering Heavy Metal Aerosols - Joshua Tree National Park)

November 17, 2010 (Ojai Valley, California - Toxic Skies - Remains of Chemtrails 3 Days Earlier - Representative Kucinich Seeks To Ban Geoengineering With HR 2977)


Chemtrails (center) over Coachella Valley, California, January 10, 2014. Adjoining pictures taken same day in Joshua Tree National Park. See more Joshua Tree chemtrail “fishbones”, solar halos, sun dogs & chembows by SoCal Sky Watch (*) (YouTube) (*).

Here's video footage of SoCalSkyWatch's August 25, 2013 San Diego Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering (*) (YouTube) (*).


Above images courtesy of Dane Wigington's Geoengineering Watch.


A note about air filters capable of reducing in-home exposure to sub-micron-sized heavy metal fallout from this military activity. [Need to link directly to anchor link at Air Filters.]

June 28, 2016 (Disney - The Three Musketeers - Aerosol Spraying - Propaganda - Programming - Conditioning)

Photos - Pictures - Videos - Geoengineering Heavy Metals - Solar Radiation Management - Palm Desert, La Quinta, Thermal, And Other Towns Of Coachella Valley - 2012-2018

Geoengineering Aerosols - Miscellaneous Photos, PDFs And Commentary


Articles To Comment On

2025.2.5. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD: Unbelievable Amounts Of Nano & Microplastics Found In Deceased Human Brains - Concentrations Rose by 50% between 2016-2024. The Rise Of Human Cyborgs: Instead Of Superintelligence We Get Dementia? (*) comments

2025.2.2. Anna Maria Mihalcea PhD, MD: Nanotechnological Poisons From Above - Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering "Spider Filaments" Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals - We Are Inhaling Them (*) comments

2024.5.25. Mercola: 'We're All Plastic People Now': A Groundbreaking Documentary (*)

2024.5.9. Mercola: Nanoplastics Linked to Heart Attacks and Stroke (*)

2023.6.12. Mark Crispin Miller (Substack): How could they be "forest fires" if the forests weren't on fire? (*) [I post a couple of comments here]

2023.5.11. Mercola: Plastic Is Everywhere Now, Including Your Brain (*)




More Links Etc.


What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain (*)

ToxicSky.org (*)

2021.6.24. Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple US States? (*) (comments)

2022.8.11. Mercola: The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity (*)




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This page was first uploaded on 12-16-2012, last modified on 2-17-2025.

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