Geoengineering Stratospheric Aerosols - Miscellaneous Photos, PDFs, And Commentary


In the following I present various photos and PDFs on the subject of stratospheric aerosol injection of nanoparticulate heavy metals, polymers, and biological materials into the sky 40,000 feet above us. These are evidence of war crimes.

Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"- October 9, 2020

Briones Regional Park (*), East Bay San Francisco, Orinda, California, Chihuahua and Australian Cattle Dog, Sun Obscuring High Altitutde Chemical Patina With Telltale Lines, September 13, 2015. My father took this picture. Those are his dogs. The cognitive dissonance with him and many others in the population is tremendous. People see changes in the sky, but they refuse to use logic and reason to assess. In this picture the light is dimmer and the sun's light is more "white" rather than yellow. If you see the sky clear of such aerosols one day, and then the next day you see that the sky is dim from a sheen of material high above you, a healthy mind should become engaged. If the next morning while walking you see the sky blue and clear, but then several jets pass by high above leaving long trails behind them that do not dissipate as vapor but spread out across the sky to cause a similar dimming over the course of 2-3 hours, then that should trigger a round of critical thinking. Maybe these jet are traveling along paths that are not typical commercial routes. Maybe as the day progresses you see chaff raining down through the air column as distant mountains and other high vantage points become obscured from what you observe to be a uniform white haze that appeared for no apparent terrestrial reason. Maybe on another day you see a couple of jets that though flying at the same altitude, leave no spreading "contrail" behind them. Maybe you live in a remote area and see you see no air traffic and blue skies, and then the next day there are 15 overflights all leaving material in the sky that spreads out and blocks the sun. All of these things should be taken into consideration by a healthy, self-respecting mind. A non-programmed mind will determine that something intentional is happening in the sky, that the surface of the earth receives less life-giving sunlight, and that all life forms around you, including you, must inhale the falling debris. A healthy mind would ask, "What is debris made of? Why is it being sprayed? Why have I not been consulted on this trespass into my being?"

1. Chemtrails, Aluminum, Barium, Morgellons, Spiked Jet Fuel, Skull in Sky, by artist David Dees. 2. I Want This Sky Again (no geoengineering). 3. DARPA Weather Forecast, with Robot Meteorologist, Geoengineered Sky .


2021.4.17. An eight year old girl came up to me at recess yesterday, pointing to several long thin lines in the sky and other broadening pancake-like layers of particulate matter high up in the stratosphere, asking, with concern in her voice, "Is that supposed to be there?" Looking around the field at the other properly-conditioned and mask-wearing staff and students, who dutifully refrain from looking up or considering the larger context of their artificial COVID-19 enslavement, I replied to the girl, my speech muffled as it pushed through my own mask, "No. That is geoengineering. It is not natural. They say they are trying to protect us from the sun." Her father is no dummy, but the more intelligent you are the more likely it is that you will believe what you are told by the corporate media. I should probably send him a link to articles where the "experts" are declaring that geoengineering is necessary to "save the planet," even as they say in the next breath that you are a lunatic conspiracy theorist if you believe that anything like this is actually operational. God help us.




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This page was first uploaded on 10-9-2020, last modified on 4-17-2021.

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