Some Comments On Geoengineering, Crypto Currency, Gold and Silver, and the Fake Virus

Personal Minutiae - March 14, 2021


I sent the following email to friends and family. By the following day I had but two responses from the 15 recipients on my list. People are jaded. They are so awash in a sea of lies that their moral compass seems to have been disabled. Unlike popular media "news" anchors, KCT's delivery does not have the $10million production value that causes the sheep to sit up and pay attention. I am not paid the $35million per year that a couple dozen others are to deliver their corporate and pharmaceutical industry sponsors' messages; hence, what I have to say is not noteworthy for the well-conditioned majority in my family.

My brief email:

"Please watch this exceptional documentary by Dane Wigington that features Catherine Austin Fitts and several knowledgeable professionals -- commercial air pilots, Air Force officers, geobiologists, medical doctors, and others -- who are willing to go on the record that operations to dim the skies with heavy metals dispersed in the stratosphere are very much in effect, with horrific impacts on all life that shares the breathable air column."

The Dimming - Climate Engineeering Documentary (2021) (pdf) (YouTube) (mp4)

Climate Engineering Fact And Photo Summary (*)

A blurb from Geoengineering Watch: is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global climate engineering operations. Global climate engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return. The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet's life support systems. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering operations is also inflicting unquantifiable damage to human health. Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed to continue? "The Dimming" documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of "The Dimming" film release.

Responding to one family member (who has already received two doses of the Pfizer shot), I wrote:

The US military and its contractors operate a fleet of as many as 700 KC refueling tankers that carry 150,000 lbs of dispersal material at a time. The Big Island gets blanketed 1-2 times per week, compared to nearly daily in Southern California. So it is better here. Lab tests show that the light scattering aluminum and barium are encased in micro plastic polymers that help keep the material aloft (just as the patents of said material predict). None of this stuff is good for our lungs and other organs. The size of the material is one tenth of a micron and even smaller, while anything 6 microns or smaller in diameter passes directly into the bloodstream. Some of the folks doing this think they are protecting us from the sun and "global warming." Others say they prefer to have direct sunlight on our bodies that is not filtered through a chemical haze. Having said that, please enjoy your clear sunny days in FL when you have them!

Cryptocurrency, Precious Metals, and Geoengineering (2021.3.14.)

Crrow777radio (*) had an interview with Gregory Mannorino about financial planning.


Crrow's introduction: Many men and women have worked their whole life planning for retirement and are now faced with the certainty that our money system is about to change with a so-called “reset”. Will dollars devalue? Will hyper-inflation cause loss of wealth? Is cash about to be a thing of the past? With so many questions and no guaranteed answers, is it time to change dollar-based wealth into something else? In this episode we ask a man who knows about money and he offers what he can with a true concern for men and women. He points out what we know to be true and offers ideas about where money might go in the near future. As has always been true, gold and silver have intrinsic value, which is not true of the dollar. This is finally becoming common knowledge in a worried world entering a new era pushing hard to make everything digital and controllable.

My contribution to the 100-comment thread: Platitudes, yes. A more nuanced approach discusses the need for cash during breakdown, until a system of barter emerges. Metals are mostly unknowns to the public. In periods of crisis, it can be very hard to cash in on them. Generally you will have to convert them to whatever currency is in effect. If there is no rule of law, being able to protect your assets is equally important, hence the notion of lead being a "precious metal," too. Remember that you don’t really own your land if you have to pay property taxes on it. California passed a law claiming that the government has first dibs on foreclosed property. Government could care less whether we can afford to pay the taxes. They would prefer that we were penniless and dependent and, ultimately, dead. How can the "blue" States be in the black now, after all this shut down? It's the $trillions in Federal Reserve notes they have received recently, allowing preferred companies and governments to be operating a “surplus” when the economic landscape has been devastated. It’s all a fraud. The controllers have not lost power during this time, or so it seems to me. I doubt they will allow a grid failure that would undermine their surveillance system. If you look at geoengineering and money printing, you will understand that the entire planet is on board with the madness. How do heirloom seeds and water catchment help when the air, water, and soil are toxic with heavy metals, polymers, and other agents? Plants often don't grow in the soil now; and if they do, their production is compromised. I have been “all in” on precious metals since 2008. While I bought silver in the low teens, I also bought it in the 30s and 40s. Who is to say when they will be revalued against a new currency or otherwise enable me to profit from them relative to the cost of housing and land? Maybe never. Remember Greenspan’s dictum: markets can stay irrational longer than investors can stay solvent. You must have a balanced approach. Land, water, metals, cash, stock, safety, community, physical health, personal freedom, et cetera. But with COVID shutting down so many financial opportunities for people, survival is getting harder, and along with it, our ability to be healthy. Yes, silver and gold are more real than crypto, but as to when they will really shine, I have no clue. I believe the money masters will throw a few hundred billion $$ whenever they need to to subsidize mining or suppress spot prices, or whatever they need to do to keep the nominal valuations in fiat currencies from spiking. They do this to ensure confidence in the debt notes, as well as to give a big “fuck you” to all the people who can discern the real from the unreal, truth from fraud, GMO from organic, gold from crypto and debt, and the like. I agree with Fitts and Crrow: crypto leads to prison and surveillance. All the energy going into bitcoin and ethereum is just to pave the way for a government issued digital system.

Jon Rappoport's Blog (3/18/2021): My original position on the non-existent virus (*)

Two posters' comments:

Jim S Smith: Great reprise of prior articles, but NOTHING will come of it (most unfortunate). The psycho-manipulation “program” has been on-going for far too long, and is far too widespread. What needs to be attacked viciously: The role of the “media” and propaganda. If we can not break this cycle, then no amount of positive or negative evidence is going to break the mental-deadlock! – “Idiots are oblivious to facts!” STILL seeing people masking-up their very young children (even small enough ones to carry in arms)! This “nation” is lost, just as the world is lost.

KCT: Yes, that is why I began to lose hope when all Trump did was complain about “fake media.” The lying media should have been brought to heel, but nothing came of it. Stelter and Anderson and the rest have tons of dirt on them. The corporate media is compromised, but nothing was done. My family is hopelessly ensnared by NYT and CNN and CNBC and WaPo.




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