My Letter to President Trump Regarding Ending COVID-19 Restrictions and Lockdowns


I should have written this letter several months ago. But I figured all the decision makers were so entirely compromised that it was pointless. But here, nine months into this, and with the Biden steal of the presidential election in progress, I've decided to throw this Hail Mary pass. I sent letters to the offices of the President, federal senators and representatives, state governor, state representative, and my town's mayor. Even if all this does is put me on a list of noncompliant agitators slated for "reeducation" or worse, I wanted them to know that I know. One thing I really need to be doing more of is posting flyers with web addresses for COVID truth information. Internet gate keepers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter block these resources from being found. So I really should be doing this. But I've been so involved with an internal "psychic struggle" the past year and a half that I haven't had the time or energy to do much more than survive. Heck, I am seven months late on my 2019 tax return as it is. In any event, I am proud that I finally got something off my desk. Hoping that it will have more impact than an email or phone call, I actually printed the letter and mailed it the old fashioned way. David Knight (*) at Banned.Video recommended letter writing recently, so here is my contribution.

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Political Letters / Healthful Diet and Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities - November 17, 2020


DATE: November 15, 2020

TO: President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C., 20510

Email: X

SUBJECT: Ending COVID Restrictions and Lockdown

Dear President Trump,

As a taxpayer and citizen of this great country, I beg you to end the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions.

The death rate from COVID-19 infection stands at about 2%. This is not enough to justify the great harm caused by the economic shutdown of small businesses, social distancing and masks in schools, the isolation of loved ones in nursing homes, and the like. If you separate out the elderly (aged 70 and above) from the statistics, the survival rate approaches 99.7%. Adding to the confusion is that people who die with several co-morbidities such as diabetes or cancer, but who have tested positive for COVID, are listed as COVID deaths for government statistics. There are many other complicating factors that cast doubt on the whole endeavor, for example, hospitals being paid by Medicaid $13,000 for COVID diagnosis (just clinical judgments; no test required) and $39,000 for placement on a ventilator. The ventilators themselves cause significant deaths and have been abandoned by many hospitals for treatment of COVID.

If you research the Rockefeller Foundation's 2010 pandemic "Lockstep" plan; the "Event 201" pandemic exercise put on by the Gates Foundation in October 2019; the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" plan announced in May 2020; or Operation Warp Speed for mandatory vaccine deployment that is being spearheaded by the C.I.A. and for which all documents produced through Freedom Of Information requests are entirely blacked out; you will conclude that what we are seeing is a plan in action with the end target likely being reduced human population and a less free and more compliant citizenry based on the Chinese model. The "Great Reset" that COVID is being used to bring to fruition is serving this agenda to a "T."

The emphasis on "testing, testing, testing" is a fraud because the RT PCR test is compromised and does not test for what it claims to be testing. This PCR test's inventor Kary Mullis stated that the test cannot be used to diagnose. The CDC itself admits they have no isolate of the virus. The virus has NOT been isolated. All the "tests" do is amplify whatever genetic material they find. The amount of amplification is arbitrary and is not standardized. Any sample if amplified enough will justify whatever the tester wants to conclude. Independent analyses conclude that this "test" provides 90-97% false positives. COVID-19 is a numbers game and we the people are being played.

I have attached an "Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of Ongoing COVID-19 Restrictions" (web) signed on to by hundreds of law enforcement officers in New South Wales, Australia. Please review this document that is full of facts that support a position contrary to the narrative being spun by Anthony Fauci and the corporate media that predict endless lockdowns for America's future. If Americans were fearful of a .3% death rate, we would never have settled the West or defeated fascism in WWII. Brave Americans would have cowered in their homes waiting for distant loudspeakers to tell them it was safe to go outside again. It is not government's job to "keep us safe" but rather to "protect our freedoms" -- freedoms that are inalienable and granted to us by our Creator.

President Trump, please question the information you have been given by compromised sources. Please consider the impacts of these unnecessary lockdowns and restrictions. Please support Americans' going back to work and to a way of life that predates what can best be described at this point as a criminal conspiracy against the people of this world.

I thank you in advance for your support of this critical national security matter.

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This page was first uploaded on 11-17-2020, last modified on 12-12-2020.

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