Dream - Purified Air, Dust, Mosquitoes, Window Screens, Anger, and the Steam Distilled Removal of Arsenic from Water

Spiritual Dreams - November 25, 2018

2018.11.25. Sunday, 6:28am

Last night I dreamt that I stayed a few days at my mother's house. Her house was an old wooden structure with large screen doors and windows in the hills against a mountain with lots of trees, like the seventy-five year old cabin I lived in when I was in Ojai those four years. I had set up Winix HEPA air filters in every room of the house. I also had my near HEPA quality Filter Queen vacuum cleaner available for regular cleaning. I came back to her house after my second or third day there to find that she had opened all the windows, including opening the doors, with some of the screens left ajar. Not only that, but the Winix air filters had been turned off and placed in various closets throughout the house. I felt anger in my dream as I found dust piles everywhere, as well as a few mosquitoes that had made it into the house. My mother was outside talking with a neighbor as I slammed all the windows shut and turned back on the portable room air purifiers. When she came back in I showed her the dust piles that had appeared as well as the flying pests on account of her opening up everything to the outside.


My mother likes everything sheer and pristine. Everything must be put away. Even if you need it ten times per day, the item must be placed in a cabinet or box somewhere. Clothes that are hung dry must be meticulously rather than carelessly hung. She doesn't like window screens or UV coating on windows as they obstruct the view. This is all while she doesn't care for her physical person well enough. But her external world: Well, that must be kept high and tight even as she is quite overweight and emotionally volatile. I don't recall having felt anger in a dream before. In the dream there had been aerosol spraying in the skies above us so the air was not fit to breathe without excellent filtration. So my mother's opening all the windows and even leaving some of the screens unfastened was not just an assault on my physical wellbeing, but was just another example of her putting appearances before substance in her life -- a matter that raises its head multiple times a day in a variety of contexts.

Back in real life, here as I am marooned at my mother's house, awaiting a turnaround in the precious metals market or a crash in the housing market so that I may return to independent living, it is a constant battle to keep the air in the house fit to breathe. At least when I am home -- i.e., not working or hiking -- I am winning the battle. She used to open the windows a lot when the temperature outside was livable -- at least during the four months per year that it is not 100º-plus outside here in the California desert. But after seven years now I have finally convinced her to keep the windows shut. This came after my HVAC investment of $4,000 or so this past summer when I was setting up my Faraday cage. The work I had done included installing an attic fan to push hot air out of the crawl space through the eaves near the roof as well as a fresh air duct that connects to the outside at the eaves as well, pulling air through a MERV 11 air filter and then on to the main whole house Lennox HEPA quality MERV 16 air filter and UV bulb system. This summer, too, at the return I had installed a whole house electronic polarizing air filter system (Air Ranger brand) that applies a 10,000 volt charge to any particle passing through it (en route to the large HEPA filter by the blower in the garage). This charge causes the tiniest particles to attach themselves to other small particles, making them more likely to fall out of the air or be caught by the filter medium on successive passes. This is in addition to the FOUR portable Winix HEPA filters I have positioned around the house. So we have a fully purified fresh air intake that makes opening the windows unnecessary. Since I pay for all utilities, including the electric, my mother has gotten the message that I am quite serious about air quality. You can smell the freshness in the air just walking inside. She doesn't like dust buildup any more than I do, so she doesn't open the windows any more, at least not while I am at home. For your information, I keep the house at 72º F or so in the summer and 70º or lower in the winter. My electricity costs can be high but I think it is worth it.

In addition to the air purification I have a whole house water softening system (Watertech Reionator) that cuts down on the chlorine, heavy metals, and chemicals in the water. This water feeds the kitchen reverse osmosis system that I use for washing vegetables as well as my showers. This reverse osmosis purified water is used as source water for my Waterwise steam distiller that we use for cooking and drinking. I have a dissolved parts per million particulate reader for water assessment. The softened water is 600ppm, while the R/O water is 30ppm (a 95% reduction in particulates). The steam distillation gets it down to less than 1ppm. I distilled my roof top collected rain water (that was stored in a 4,000 gallon redwood tank) when I lived on the Big Island in Hawaii. There I had next to zero residue at the bottom of the boiling chamber after successive uses. However, due to what I've determined to be the fallout from the heavy metal spraying nearly every day of the week the past several years, I am finding a small amount of brownish metallic residue at the bottom of the stainless distiller that grows with each use. This is not calcium carbonate or any other normal mineral that is being filtered out. It is clearly shiny, brownish, and metallic. Without having tested the material, my best guess is that this is the nanoparticulate arsenic that is being sprayed that is so tiny as to pass through the R/O membrane and make it into my otherwise purified water. It is only the steam dilation process that rids this substance from my drinking water.

Spiritual Import

There are always a thousand and one things that we can do that will improve our lives. Whether purified air and water are high on your list is a matter that is up to you to decide. For example, if you live in a dangerous area where your life is at risk, then moving to a safer location is probably of greater immediate importance than purifying your air. Or if you are running out of money and are having difficulty paying essential bills, it may be likely that reducing your costs, even if it means reducing the quality of some of your material comforts (at least temporarily) may be the wisest course of action. What you need to do is take a look at your life as a whole (including the challenges you face) and measure these against the totality of your aspirations. If you listen well your spirit will help prioritize what actions need to be taken. Of course, pure air and water, as well as clean, unadulterated food should be in the top ten for every living being. But there will always be times when compromises need to be made to survive in order to make it to the next stage in your life. In terms of quality foods and your personal budget, there is always a choice to be made between, for example, organically raised grass fed filet mignon and organic pinto beans. One is five times the price of the other. Who is to say what is the healthier, more "spiritual" choice? I remember when I was in college living in an off campus dormitory of sorts with shared kitchen and bathrooms. There was an older man, probably in his sixties, who was on a very limited budget who was in the most extraordinary physical shape. He was lean, suntanned, and intensely healthful. I remember every morning he would prepare his breakfast of grains, eggs, and stir fried chopped vegetables of various types. Everything he ate was made from scratch. His were simple, low cost meals that took some time and effort to prepare. Just looking at the guy, you could tell that eating well didn't mean spending a lot of money. The point is that it is up to you to make the most of "doing without." Whether you perceive the matter as one of blessing as opposed to hardship is largely a matter of perspective. This is why you must think deeply about any given course of action. As much of "you" as possible must be in support of the direction you are taking in life .Never do you want to be taking steps in a direction where half of your being is rebelling against it. Spiritual realization is achieved through coherence and integration. A divided consciousness that is born of psychological fracturing and a helpless resentment does not further your spiritual purpose.




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This page was first uploaded on 11-25-2018, last modified on 11-25-2018.

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