Dreams - Moving Rock - Ocean - Moon - Tunnel - Debris - Car - Light


Two spiritually oriented dreams. In one I am in darkness on an increasingly unsafe journey until I get a near deadend, at which point I turn around and had back to safety and the light. In another, I find myself in large storm surf, but I am surrounded by and protected by a large rock that moves effortlessly through the ocean.

Spiritual Dreams - February 11, 2021


For the past week I have been directing energy into my heart, chest, abdomen, and extremities. It's a sensation of energy coming down through my head, or of an internal inflation that concentrates and expands, with an intention of, if not evicting, then at least diminishing, the invasive etheric presence that has sought to dominate me since February 2019. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit has cooperated and weakened the etheric connection between this abusive girl and me. Her coopting of my subtle nervous system is still a problem, but I am not quite so imperiled as I was. While still a drain and an annoyance, it appears that my heart, brain, and circulatory system are no longer on as rapid a course of deterioration as they had been just a few weeks ago. Over the past week I have needed less sleep, and have been more energetic and productive during the day. I praise God for this assistance. I have had many more dreams than usual, many of them positive in nature; and I have been remembering more of them vividly. In the following excerpts from my "succubus journal," I recount two recent dreams.


Many dreams last night. One was of me driving on a slight incline into a darkened tunnel in the side of a mountain. There was construction debris in the tunnel with traffic blocks. The road was torn up in sections. The farther I drove the worse the situation became. It finally got too dangerous to continue, so I turned the car around and proceeded to exit back toward the light and improved road conditions outside.


Had numerous dreams last night. In one of them it was a full moon at night. I was standing on a large rock that was maybe 70 feet long. The rock was out in the waves of the ocean, a good hundred yards from shore. The surf was large, and was breaking another 50 yards farther out. The rolling white water crashed over this elongated rock that rose ten feet above the water's surface. The upside of the rock was shaped like the bow of a boat, and I stood within a recessed area at the middle with a wall of rock around me up to my waist. The entire rock and me with it were moving northward parallel to the crashing surf. I felt safe and grounded, though I was sprayed with foam and salt water eddied about me.


Are these dreams symbolic of my latest tack in my spiritual quest? Now several times each day I concentrate on the Holy Spirit descending into me and filling my chest and body, so as to expel this etheric vermin.

My hope is that as I continue to wrestle with this continued coopting of my nervous system, that these dreams indicate that my path "stands" on more solid ground and that I have taken steps that are bringing me closer to positive resolution, i.e., "the light."

Please continue to help me, God! Amen!


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This page was first uploaded on 2-12-2021, last modified on 2-15-2021.

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