Kundalini Complications - Electrical Shocks And Swelling In Heart - No Pulse - Feelings Of Imminent Death - Ringing In Ears


Pain, swelling and electrical shocks in the heart muscle, as well as the cessation of heartbeats for brief periods of time, can be due to Kundalini complications. It is important to rule out organic causes for which medical / pharmacological treatment may be necessary. If organic causes can be ruled out, it is possible that these heart malfunctions may be due to etheric disturbances, for example manmade via wireless radiation (that is far more common than we are led to believe) or natural via attack by subtle entity.

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More / Website Correspondence - January 3, 2018

2018.1.3. Wednesday.

Over the past few days I have had some exchanges regarding adverse kundalini symptoms with the author of the website, CloserToGod.net (*), who had reached out to me as a fellow traveler on the spiritual path. As I always do, I recommended that he seek professional medical advice while at the same time encouraging him to remain open to his symptoms being an overall positive development. Ultimately, if he doesn't seek to mask or destroy his symptoms, they just might lead him to a deepened conscious connection to our divine source. This is a tricky matter. Many people have physical ailments that are organic in nature. Not that I think Western medicine has anything constructive to offer except in emergency care (like treating a gunshot victim), but it is important to rule out any obvious physical problems. Much of what people are dealing with falls into a gray zone that does not require immediate medical care. Such spiritual aspirants would benefit more from exercise, improved diet, more time spent in nature and inward contemplation, and the removal or reduction of various external stressors such as negative people, EMF pollution, contaminated air, and so forth. And even if they are truly "sick," doing the aforementioned is still of benefit. I wrote the following:

Dear Closer To God ("CTG"):

I pulled a few quotes to comment on from your page, Heart Condition (*):

"My heart seems to stop and I feel like I’m going to die... I check my pulse out of curiosity and initially it feels okay, but soon starts to diminish and I can't feel it any more. With this I feel like I’m going to pass out and begin to panic at the thought of my heart failing. My vision begins to tunnel and I get a ringing in my ears... I have dizzy spells although not as bad, and always about 11am. With them now I am getting chest pains. It is not like a heart attack but rather it is like someone is sticking me in the chest with an electric cattle prod and my heart feels like it is jolting, when it is not receiving painful shocks my heart feels swollen and pushing on my rib cage... While I am sleeping okay, I don’t feel at all well... I stopped drinking caffeine... I will stop taking pain killers, and stop drinking probiotics, green tea, taking antacids, liquorice, etc. to see if it makes a difference... I have a big issue about 10:30 at night, my heart seems to stop and I feel like I’m going to die. I've never before felt like the heartbeat I just had was the last one, and I am at my wits' end. I lie for a while on the sofa with my legs in the air, trying to maintain blood pressure in my chest and to give my heart something to pump. I do not sleep all night concerned that if I do I will simply die during my slumber... another new doctor treats me better and does a full examination checking my blood pressure, pulse, breathing, does some cognitive checks, and asks a bunch of questions... I feel a little better when he tells me that if my symptoms come and go then I have no immediate issues... The last few weeks have been strangely spiritless and emotionless."

My response: CTG, I am so sorry that you are suffering as mightily as you are in what is most likely a very real Kundalini crisis. There is so much in your recounting that I am unfamiliar with. I will share what little I have that may be of help to you. But apart from God's Guidance and Western medical intervention, I don't know where else to direct you. Maybe there is a spiritual practitioner somewhere who will have the answers you seek. I pray that you find such a person. I apologize ahead of time for my lousy "answer" that follows.

I believe that at least having faith that this is all for your spiritual betterment can itself help the process along. But feeling that you are on the edge of death and that your heart is failing to beat would certainly present a challenge to anyone's confidence.

The concern with imminent death sometimes foreshadows a deepened spiritual awareness taking hold in you. There is so much ignorance regarding spiritual matters in Western medicine, most of which is purposefully instilled via compromised "philanthropic" organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation that, in my opinion, are bent on destroying spiritual awareness. A Western-trained medical professional will not know how to respond to your concerns. I am sure there is a pharmaceutical drug that they will be able to point to that will mask your symptoms. If there is a real medical problem -- that you appear to have ruled out with your visit to the cardiologist -- then resorting to a fluoride-based psychotropic or "heart" medication could make it harder for you to work through this crisis. But then again, as you are already in crisis mode, with the quality of your sleep greatly undermined, perhaps trying just about anything at this point is worth the effort.

If you have been assessed for normal heartbeat rhythm -- and the associated electrical signals that the heart transmits -- and found to be healthy, then that is an excellent thing. This lends more credence to your problem's being a spiritual or subtle matter, rather than organic. If the matter is intermittent or passing as you say, then that, too, has me thinking that the problem is of a subtle origin. At least that is my opinion.

I don't know what to say about your sensation of shocks or a cattle prod being pressed against your chest. They are startling, no doubt. But your doctor says your heart is fine! From my own experience, I have had feelings of shocks or "stabbing sensations" in various parts of my body that I have attributed to cellular towers and other powerful antennas. I will be in my car and the sensation will intensify as I near and pass the tower. Prolonged intense exposure can lead to feelings of temporary pain and inflammation in my heart. That, at least, is my experience. While I can attest that Kundalini is a powerful, even unlimited source of energy, I, personally, have not felt it cause anything along the lines of an electrical shock within me. But this isn't to say that something like that cannot happen. I am sure it can. If Kundalini is responsible for your symptoms, perhaps it is attempting to modify or adapt the heart muscle itself. If so, then my hope would be that the process will be complete at some point and your negative or uncomfortable symptoms will disappear.

You have already done this, but I will say it again; listen to your intuition and your body's signals. Reach out to health professionals when you feel it is appropriate, and give God the time and space He/She needs to see your body and spirit through this impasse. I do hope for your sake that these conditions are temporary and that you find greater health and peace of mind on the other side of the challenge.

Of course, I always have one eye on cellular towers. Have you tried spending time in nature, with at least a few miles distance between you and the nearest microwave source? Electromagnetic field exposure -- or some other negative manmade or dietary influences -- could be contributing to your difficulties. Please continue to observe what is present around you and within you. Other factors may be at work causing your heart difficulties.

Lastly for now, I will point to the example of Gopi Krishna. Krishna encountered lifelong physical and psychological challenges associated with his awakening of Kundalini. Despite these problems, he was able to make a life for himself, keep his job and marriage intact, and write several books. What I am saying is that some of what you are experiencing may be permanent in nature. However, through exploring diet, lifestyle changes, medical interventions, and/or various spiritual practices, it is my hope that you may find enough of a balance and a moderation of symptoms that your life will become at least tolerable. I think the fact that you have a website that gives such an excellent voice to your experiences is a hugely positive step forward. Other people, including myself, have benefitted from your profoundly honest and moving account of your spiritual path.

CTG, until we speak again, I wish you the best of luck integrating this infinite Consciousness into our finite bodies. It's a lifelong path, I'm afraid. May the aspirants who come after us have an easier time of it than we have! :)


2018.1.3. Additional Comment

There are plenty of people are suffering these days. In terms of my own need for growth, I am interested in finding people who are fully functional spiritually and don't have these negative symptoms or have overcome them. I want success stories. I am tired of seeing all these casualties. I've met two women who were extraordinary energy channelers, but the energy and power they had was mostly directed at their sexual interactions with the mates they had chosen. They weren't boddhisattva types walking around with an intention to heal the world. They were withdrawn, mysterious, calculating women with amazing energetic qualities. I am miffed that manmade EMF wasn't a problem for them. Most gurus I've looked into don't have the EMF awareness I write about, so I've been in a quandary the past 23 years. But just because you don't have social validation doesn't mean your experience isn't true. It can be true for you and no one else. There are limits to what "scientific" tests can reveal. You may have an organic problem that no "professional" is able to diagnose. But given that you have no obvious physical problem (per your doctor's evaluation), I think there is a good chance that what you are experiencing is a spiritual manifestation. I am familiar with shocks and swelling in the heart, although I attribute my own symptoms mostly to microwave exposures. Also, for me, the sense of emotional or spiritual alienation -- or at least relative insentience -- is something that usually precedes a deepened awareness coming into being.

2018.1.5. Comment

Since Kundalini's awakening (or at least since Kundalini's descending force became active in me) I have been unusually sensitive to the fluctuations of the earth's magnetic field, usually around noon and sundown each day. During these past 23 years I have felt extraordinarily heavy and sleepy at these times. It's like my consciousness weighs one thousand of pounds. All I want to do is plunge inward into myself and disappear. The fact that CTG feels dizzy at 11am each day may have a similar source.

The issue of a disappearing pulse is new to me. If I were to think creatively and "big picture," I would say that it is linked to an awareness that persists after the death of our physical form. I know that at points on my path I would go hours with greatly reduced breathing while hiking or studying. The cessation of breathing, or even the near-stoppage of the heart's beating, could be related to the development of a consciousness that transcends these fleeting manifest lives of ours. This is just an idea. Unless the loss of pulse or the lack of breathing is directly connected to dangerous adverse symptoms like passing out or crashing your car, it just might be helpful to consider them as spiritually oriented manifestations. As usual I must say, "consult your physician" if you feel you need such a "professional's" opinion.

Comments on CTG's page, Integrating a Kundalini Awakening: Difficulties and Complications (*)

An overview of CTG's symptoms presented here include: elevated heartbeat; elevated body temperature; excess heat in the body at night; increased rate of metabolism; irregularity of heart beat; the perception of a loss of pulse; mind racing out of control; difficulty falling asleep; waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to return to sleep; allergic or highly sensitive to certain foods; bouts of anxiety; a sense of mental instability when physically ill; an ability to communicate with inanimate objects and the dead; and doctors prescribing the drug Olanzapine (*) as he had been told that he was suffering from a psychotic break.

CTG reports that he never exhausted himself physically on a daily basis to see whether his symptoms improved. It is his belief that with the passage of time -- in his case three years -- his symptoms improved as a matter of course. CTG took medications such as Nytol and Zopiclone to assist with sleeping for some years.

Even some of humanity's highest achieving aspirants, for example, Ramana Maharshi experienced incapacitation and possible "psychotic" breaks with normative "reality." I've read accounts of Ramana where he was immersed in samadhi for hours at a time, needing others to care for him. He was especially vulnerable for some months following his transcendental awakening.

The purpose of sharing these reflections is to reduce aspirants' sense of panic or anxiety. These symptoms, though they can be viewed in a negative or pathological light, can also be manifestations of a heightened subtle functioning of the body. If you have a nasty Kundalini symptom, the chances are that you are not the first and that if you persist as others have done, that you will be fine in the end -- but you have to survive to that point.

Needing additional comments:

YouTube Integrating a Kundalini Awakening: Difficulties and Complications (mp4)

Also need to summarize earlier emails with CTG

Comment on my own "psychotic break" and heart drama with the "succubus" or harmful etheric entity. Much to say here as it relates to CTG.





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