Extrasensory Perception - Sensing Electromagnetic Field Of Earthquake - John Travolta Predicts Earthquake In Phenomenon

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - Additional Posts - April 28, 2018

2018.4.28. Saturday.

I was midpoint during my three hour juicing duty this past Wednesday when a small 3.9 magnitude earthquake (*) hit at 6:36 pm. It lasted perhaps ten seconds, or maybe it was half that. I can't say for sure. The rumblings were minor. What was of note was my feeling a wave or energetic phenomenon persist for the earthquake's duration. In terms of electromagnetic field, it was not the burning, swelling, and irritation that microwave exposure produces in me. The "temperature" was neutral, so my nerves didn't feel as though they were catching fire. But it did feel like I was swimming in something. It was like the subtle environment or ether that surrounded me had grown more dense. I could feel this density in my solar plexus area especially, although it registered througout my whole body. The feeling was akin to the magnetic field generated by the magnet of the magnetic resonance imaging machine I experienced in 1994. It was like my whole body was swimming in an something ether-like, but that was neither water nor air. For whatever reason a subtle substance in my environment had become more dense, although perhaps just one-tenth as dense (or powerful) as the MRI's magnetic field.

I don't think there is anything particularly special about this experience. There is a movie called Phenomenon (*) about a guy who gets zapped by a supernatural force that transforms him into a genius with psychic abilities who can do many things including predict earthquakes. I only felt the subtle electromagnetic aspect of the earthquake as it happened. No predictive power there. Maybe I could have sensed something prior to the tectonic shift, but I live in such a toxic electromagnetic environment that smaller, more subtle shifts are nearly impossible for me to separate from the constant shrieking background noise. In the wild, animals, birds, and insects are said to behave differently in the day(s) before a tsunami, earthquake, tornado or other powerful natural phenomenon occurs. These creatures, more attuned to the natural harmony girding the planet, react to electromagnetic changes that might spell harm for them.

Spiritual Import

The spiritual importance of this experience is just to acknowledge that there is a subtle, unseen dimension to everything. Even if you don't consciously experience this to be the case, keep looking because it is there. The West is faulted for its materialism and mechanistic view of creation. This is due to the rise of Lucifer-worship (an inversion of life-sustaining spiritual values) and the supposedly "objective" reality revealed by Science. While the study of how Nature, in all of its forms, behaves, has its place, there must be an understanding that a larger force and mystery (i.e., God) is responsible for it all and that it is only through God's blessing and grace that we are allowed to study the majestic and ongoing work that is creation.

Phenomenon (1996) with actor John Travolta.


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This page was first uploaded on 4-29-2018, last modified on 4-29-2018.

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