The Witcher - Netflix - Spiritual Commentary - Review - Power - Siddhis - Submission vs Control - God vs Satanism

Cultural Criticism - July 14, 2024

1-2) Geralt of Rivia with sword. 3-4) Yennefer of Venenberg using forbidden fire magic. 5) Kikimora monster. 6) Bruxa monster. 7) Leshen monster. 8) Myriapod monster.


I'm watching "The Witcher" at Netflix. I am maybe 4 or 5 episodes into season one of what is currently a three season series. It's a visually stunning, well-acted fantasy full of sorcerers, monsters, knights, warriors, spell casting, bloodshed, and battles for dominance.


The strong, brave, ethical, stoic Geralt of Rivia, a "witcher" whose vocation is the killing of monsters.

The bravery in battle displayed by Geralt and many others.

The breaking of curses through acts of love and bravery.

The siddhis or powers displayed by people trained in sorcery.

The really cool clothing, set design, and special effects throughout the series.

Roach, Geralt's horse, that whinnies when monsters are afoot, and to whom Geralt shows much affection.


Calling Kundalini or the etheric substrate of existence "chaos." Chaos implies that the energy is destructive and purposeless, which chi -- or Shakti or Holy Spirit -- most definitely is not. (cf. Divine Intelligence, Intelligent Design, Morphogenetic Field, etc.)

The use of "chaos", i.e., Spirit, for royal, individual, and selfish ends. This is an abomination, and is the essential reason for my negative view of sorcery. While some individual facilitation of the deployment of energy in the world is appropriate, it most definitely must be inspired and guided as much as possible by Holy Spirit (or Mother Shakti). This means that the "individual" must get out of the way, to the maximum extent possible. The Holy Spirit serves an evolutionary, transcendental, public good, ends.

Turning a bunch of witches-in-training into eels, without their knowledge or consent, to feed the life force of some larger structure in which the sorcerers reside. This is wrong. It reflects my broader concern regarding the coercion and deceit that feature so prominently in the sorcerer's training and his or her ongoing exercise of power. It's Machiavellian, ala, "The ends justify the means" (or, "by any means necessary"), which is classic Satanism.

Monsters. I could write a whole book about this. I don't believe in them. At most, they point to negative tendencies exhibited by flesh and blood creatures. Evil, in my opinion, has to do with utilizing power or energy for selfish ends that compromise another's autonomy or capacity to achieve freedom and, ultimately, spiritual enlightenment. These various "monsters" that Geralt of Rivia kills are just metaphors for "evil" displayed by human beings. Almost all of the "power" exercised in the series is for destructive ends: curses, selfish advantage, pain, death. This is consisent with the truth that Satan can only destroy or imitate, while it is God alone, or the Holy Spirit, that can create or actually breathe new life into existence.

Minor siddhis or powers. These are also known as divine distractions. Someone pursing their spiritual path should focus on achieving a heart centered consciousness, which is the result of not only much hard work or austerities on the part of the aspirant, but more importantly, the granting of Grace with the Divine influx of the descending current into the brachial plexus, heart, and the rest of the body. Turning on lights, creating little portals for travel, communicating telepathically, killing attackers with an energy burst, et cetera should not be the focus of one's spiritual practice. If they happen, they happen. But they should not distract you from the transcendence of self-consciousness that must be the primary aim of spiritual practice.

The movie was devoid of any talk of God, or creation's purpose. There were no priests. The only quote I've heard so far is that Nilfgaard, currently on an attack upon the North, has a religious conviction that allows them to carry out atrocities in the furtherance of their religious views. I think this is a purposeful messaging by the series' directors to belittle organized religion when plenty of "chaos" and death is created already by different royal lines and sorcerers vying for power.

The pursuit of power as an ends in itself. Many characters, including the principal sorcerer or "mage," Yennefer of Vengerberg, pursued power above all else. Yenn was willing to sacrifice her ability to conceive a child in order to do so. This is antithetical to the spiritual path, where one sacrifices one's limited "self" in order to achieve direct consciousness of God, and whatever siddhis or fruits that might attend that.

Conjunction of the planets created the monsters. Snippets of background information appear here and there. Maybe it was "spheres" or "realms" that merged to create new life in the world of "T'he Witcher." I don't remember exactly. Still, the question remains as to who made this possible and why.

Incantations, spells, and symbols "cause" this or that to happen. More hogwash. What happens on the created plane has to do with energy and intention. I believe, for the most part, that symbols and language only have meaning or causitve agency derived directly from the intention of the person interpreting it. For example, the swastika symbol is sacred to Native Americans but was recently demonized for its adoption by the Nazis in Germany during WWII. There is nothing wrong with the symbol itself; it's just what people have been taught to associate with it. Similarly, deliberating greatly on whether you will speak in Latin, Sanskrit, or "Elder language" is largely irrelevant. Words are just vehicles to express your intention. But intention itself does not need either symbol or language to express itself; though, I imagine, it can help. Movies and books like to dramatize the importance of secret words and symbols. I call bullshit on that. These are just superficial accoutrements of a group of people seeking to bar others from their privileged association.

Elder blood. Elder days. Yada yada. There is no cosmology presented in which a Creator God made the world. I had to search online about this. Apparently, elven mages created a new "elder bloodline," with lots of power that would be passed down the lineage. It sounds like God-less genetic tinkering, not unlike that engaged by Pfizer and the NIH (*) today with their mRNA injections and GMO foods. Again, I go back to "Who" is responsible for greatness and evolutionary changes in the human body? I would say that God is. Any other "guidance" is base manipulation leading to our collective destruction, as we are seeing today. Also, I would like to view "Elder days" like a "Garden of Eden" concept that points to a time where life was better, for a number of reasons. But more than an actual day or time, I prefer to "demythologize" the idea, to represent a state of greater perfection that is available at any moment, and that points to a better future (or a better "now") if we but take appropriate action (or as the Buddha would say, "non-action"), consistent with God's laws, today. Some of the elders may have had special powers, not unlike the Greek gods of mythology. But how did these "elders" come into existence? Or the world they inhabit? So far, not a hint of rationale, just more "Big Bang," buck-passing, pseudo-science.

Taking potions to enhance spiritual force. The witchers do this with herbs. They down the contents of a glass vial and their face grows pale and sprouts deep stress lines, with their eyes going black. This gives them a temporary advantage with the monsters they must kill. The loss of radiance in the eyes points to a loss of soul. It implies that these guys pay a price when they artificially boost their energy level. That part is good, I suppose. There are no shortcuts, when it comes to spiritual manifestations or the consequences of using and abusing this energy. It's just that, for me, the blackness and loss of normal vitality point to Death, or Satanism. I really don't like that implication. I would rather that the potion increased the life force radiating from their eyes, with even more health pulsing from their faces and bodies; this energy would be drawn from your marrow, and from the Holy Spirit itself, but the grounding and using of this additional and unsustainable energy would come at a delayed cost to the witchers' health. Maybe they would be exhausted for days. Maybe they would have aged physically in the process, rather than looking normal afterwards, as was depicted. Also, I don't like the 1:1 relationship between drinking herbal potions and spiritual elevation. I would rather have seen this force being granted by God, in response to the witchers' prayers for assistance. What was shown seems too materialistic, or mechanistic, while God operates organically and emotionally with some reference to spiritual fitness and moral courage -- measuring rods that God uses daily with spiritual aspirants.

Princess Cirilla appears to be vaxx damaged. "Ciri" is supposed to be an ebullient 12-year old, the only being on the continent possessing "elder blood," and the answer to prophesies that will unite the races on the continent and finally bring peace to a troubled world. But what I see when I look at her is an exhausted, pasty girl; but more than exhausted: modified. I recall the pastiness of complexions of girls I knew in college who drank too much coffee and diet sodas, who didn't sleep enough, and who did not exercise. Their skin would be translucent and comparatively lifeless. But with people who have modified their genetics through the COVID mRNA injections ("m" = modified) (with a multitude of additional mRNA products in the pipeline), and some of these observations may depend on what vaxx lot they have injected, I see a crusty, pale face, where the vital glow appears obstructed by plastic or some other foreign material. As we know, the COVID injections programmed your DNA to produce spike proteins or some other substance toxic to the human body. Ciri has that classic look to me, a grungy obstruction to the shine that should burst forth from a healthy young person. Also, there are the tell tale dark rings under her eyes. But again hers, as with many of the vaxxed, appear to reflect an obstruction of life force, and not the more healthful expression of the loss of sexual or vital energy because of sex with the director or whomever. Sexual depletion presents more organically than the artificial, "plastic" presentation of the vaxx damaged. Netflix and Hollywood were at the forefront of COVID "precautionary" hysteria, and required actors and staff to be "vaccinated" with these harmful products. It is sad to see the impact this has had on what should be a gorgeous and aspirational character.

Final statement:

I can't watch movies these days. It doesn't help being a spiritual failure and having a succubus eating me from the inside out; but really, it's hard to attend to this distracting trash. I don't have time for it; nor the attention. Still, like I did with the Tolkein, Grimm, Baum, Rand, and Castaneda stories of my childhood, there are plenty of inspirational or cautionary lessons to be extracted. But as with the author Arundhati Roy, who declined to sell the movie rights to one of her books, The God of Small Things (*), on account that a movie would silence the "movies" already playing in everyone's heads (as they read her book), so it is that I believe that it is better to earn your knowledge and insights through reading, by which you will have greater ownership and personal applicability of the insights you gain from such a work of fiction. Moving images are inherently propagandistic and sensational. The human mind cannot process the millions of directorial and production judgments that undergird each scene. Relying on someone else's moving images also makes your brain lazy and less discerning. May God help us all see more clearly. Amen.


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