Dream - Funnel Clouds - Brachial Plexus - Rapture - Tornadoes

Spiritual Dreams - March 21, 2023

1) Rare double funnel cloud formation near Kansas/Colorado border, 2019. 2) Double funnel clouds Scottish Highlands, 2019. 3) Double funnel clouds Iowa, 2018.


Last night I had a dream, around 3am.

I was lying in a bed that was up on a grassy hill overlooking the ocean. A broad white cloud came down and clung to the hill. There was just a narrow view of the ocean as the wide cloud moved slowly across the hill and surroundings. As it moved, several white funnels came down, creating waterspouts in the ocean and small tornadoes on the land. My eyes were closed as I felt a suction come over me. My brachial plexus energized with a rotating subtle force. Soon, I felt myself being pulled up by my chest in traction to the ethers above. I don't know if my body was actually going to lift or if this was a strictly subtle perception. As the amperage increased within my chest, I felt fear and awakened from the dream.

I never had a dream like this before. I think it is auspicious. I am on the right path. May God continue to bless me. Amen.


"Grace," if likened to the descending Kundalini, typically is felt as a downward force. It grounds the physical body into the material plane, suffusing it with the force necessary to become a literal incarnation of Holy Spirit, God's physical vehicle intended for the spiritual edification and transformation of others.

But in the case of this dream, there was upward movement, and a twinge of fear. I am not sure what to make of this. Heightened energy of any kind I usually take to be a positive sign, but who knows for sure what was indicated by the dream.

I believe I should just carry on and trust that more will be made clear to me over time.

"Rapture" is the closest Christian term to what I experienced in the dream. I believe, for the most part, that rapture is an escapist ideology: The Christian believes that he or she will be lifted bodily to heaven when God comes back to Earth. In contrast, I contend that the only part of the human being that may contact God's heavenly realm is our spirit. For most of us, our bodies and spirits will be separated at death. For the lucky few, their bodies will be liberated as spirit, at the atomic level, through an event called spiritual transfiguration, or auto-combustion. Not one living cell in the body will be separated from God at death, for those so blessed by Holy Spirit. For most people, at death there may be an upward ascent to God of their spirit at the point of physical death. Whether or not the perception is one of "upward" movement I do not know. I have heard of a movement toward light. I am not sure what direction that is.

In any event, my dream was full of symbolism and confusion. My spirit wants to join with God as this body here in this world. But my divided nature was evident in this physical upward aspiration. Where and how I will join with God is still "up in the air," pun intended. I think while I remain plagued with this toxic spiritual bond within me, there will be no resolution to my dilemma. In answer to the question as to whether this was an optimistic dream, I believe that it showed a wrestling with spiritual processes and natural forces and, therefore, was not your boring, run-of-the-mill dream and, therefore, was a portent of positive possibilities.


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This page was first uploaded on 3-22-2023, last modified on 4-1-2023.

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