Cell Tower Nausea - Crucifixion At The Cellular Level - Psychic Potential And Third Eye Function Destroyed By 5G - I Want To Flee But I Can't


A journal entry I made this morning on recent adverse EMF effects I have experienced.

Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections - May 28, 2018

2018.5.28. Monday, 7:45am. Memorial Day holiday.

I left yesterday morning for a hike in the San Gabriel Mountains high up along Highway 2. It had been about eight months since I had a proper sweat and aerobic burn. The past year of increased cellular tower exposures, Wi-Fi exposures, aerial spraying of heavy metals, psychic activity, and occupational stress in this polluted environment has really sabotaged my health. The health of my skin, muscles, nervous system, and brain function has never been worse. Sure, I have been buffeted and fileted before, but there was always an intact bodymind reacting with vehemence to every insult. Now, my being is like a sack of ground meat, near death, hit again and again with little or no response. It is like fatigue and senescence are setting in. The number of gray hairs in my eyebrows has jumped from about 2 just a year ago to now a good 10. I can only guess as to how much more gray hair has sprouted elsewhere on me. It is clearly a massive invasion. The demeanor of my face is strained and gray. Light does not shine from me like it once did. Microwaves are reported to speed the aging process. I am most definitely aging rapidly.

This is something I beat around all the time. I refer to it. I speak about it. But it is nearly impossible to communicate. It's the dampening of my life force when I am in areas of manmade EMF, and triply the case when the exposure levels are particularly high. It's an existential frustration. It's a crucifixion of my being at the cellular level. I cannot put it more simply or accurately than that. It's sitting in bed at 8:00pm, ready to watch something on the television, and feeling my mind ebb such that all that I view or experience turns to ash in my mind. There is no longer a sensuous, interactive intellectual experience to watch moving images on a screen. Watching television is now completely passive and rote. It's feeling listless at all hours. It's feeling pain in my testicles, pineal gland, thymus gland, brain, and peripheral nervous system all at once. It's waking up at 3:00am, unable to sleep because the EMF has disrupted my melatonin production; yet I cannot be productive cognitively because of the severe brain fog and bodily pressure exerted by a nearby cellular tower. It's waking up in the morning weak and unmotivated, shuffling to the computer and being unable to put together two good sentences. It's the simple act of thinking causing pressure throughout my body and a desire to orgasm in order to reduce the pressure and to silence the feelings of frustration arising from every cell in my body. It's the desire to place my hand behind my head and pull out the spinal cord and every sensory capacity of my body so as to still the disorienting fires that constantly scorch my body and mind. It's the desire for absence as opposed to being. It is being a host to a culminating party for the school year (this past Friday) and feeling nothing but dread and pain in response to the happiness and commotion of the children around you. It is the undoing of the bodymind's attempt at coherence and forward movement. There is no movement. There is no coherence. The more my will attempts to take the reins and integrate the multitude of sensory inputs, the more any emerging clarity is shattered like glass in a wind storm. It is sensing all the joy and communion about me, but having every cell in my body nailed to an electrified cross where no communion is possible. It is being held stationary in a state of pain against your will. It is like having a subtle being that extends without limit in every direction amputated to just one centimeter by an electric fence that allows no such extension of feeling or awareness.

So it was that yesterday at 6:30am I sat at my desk and could accomplish NOTHING. I had already planned on making the 240 mile round trip trek to a high mountainous area for hiking. I was hoping I would at least be able to write for twenty minutes at my desk before leaving for the day. But the pressure upon my entire being was just too great. I thought the nearby cellular tower would let up, at least a bit, after the Coachella Music Festival, but that has definitely not been the case. So I sat there at my desk feeling the pointlessness of any effort I made to achieve an intellectual clarity that might lead to a string of words that I might share with others.

Some hours later, during the 11 mile hike with 3200 feet of elevation gain, I was on my second 30-minute break where I lay down under some pine trees at a windy spot near the Mount Williamson summit. I had masturbated in the car shortly before reaching the trailhead, trying to zero out the toxic effects of EMF in my body accrued over months of physical neglect. I had had the best sweat and aerobic burn since my last Mount Williamson hike a full eight months earlier. (The access is closed during winter months due to snow; but I had avoided the area anyway on account of its distance, and my trying to survive with limiting myself to accessing a flat dusty road in Joshua Tree National Park twice per week which was a resounding failure in terms of maintaining my vitality). So there I am lying down, feeling as energized, clear, and calm as is possible for me these days. I felt at peace, but weak. I tried to concentrate my mind to the point that perhaps I would trigger some psychic activity near my third eye point. But with moderate effort I didn't even come close to transmitting anything psychically. I might have been able to force something, but then I still have no safe harbor at my home and whatever spiritual potential I had reignited would be destroyed from within again by the toxic microwave exposures I have to live with day in and day out. I was surprised that my efforts yielded nothing when just two months ago, before the heightened cell tower transmissions, I had a moderate amount of psychic activity at my third eye point whenever I brought my two frontal lobes together, causing the corpus callosum to vibrate like the sonar of a sperm whale (or some such mechanism). But now, the same effort at mental coherence causing a psychic transmission was like my knuckles rapping on something dead or unresponsive. I imagined that some harm had come to me in this area in particular, combined with my actively trying to suppress all higher functions within me so as to cohabitate as peaceably as possible with the nearby cellular trasnsmitter seeking to set my consciousness flame at every opportunity.


I thought glumly as I laid there that a primary purpose of this intense 5G microwave rollout is actually the destruction of humanity's spiritual conductivity and capacity. I have read that children with psychic potential are targeted for MK Ultra and other military/intelligence applications like remote viewing and the like. I am sure there are secret programs where people with psychic abilities have been experimented upon, exposed to frequencies with the intention of destroying those abilities. Why not? Everything can be said to be a matter of national security, and hence no civilian oversight is tolerated as it might jeopardize said "national security." Has my third eye area been harmed on purpose? I would not put this past the technology-worshipping Luciferians who hold sway over mankind in 2018. When I have some safety to retreat to for extended periods -- such as an RF enclosure erected at the house exactly for this purpose -- I will be more willing to push the envelope energetically. And hopefully, at that time, I will be exercising twice a day inside the enclosure, as well as sleeping deeply and writing without subtle interference, so whatever growth I spur will be made with far less effort as the gap between what I have and what I need will be less of a challenge to overcome.

Coming home from the hike, where I spent almost eight hours in relative EMF safety, with the air clear and refreshing on account of a rare three days of no spraying, I felt assaulted more than usual by the transmitters on the way home. In particular, near where Highway 215 intersects Highway 210 in San Bernardino it was like a concentrated sinkhole of every transmitter in the area bearing down and roasting me. An hour later as I entered Coachella Valley, I felt an allergic reaction to the mix of frequencies and field strengths that characterize the valley at this time. It was like an existential nausea came upon me as I felt a foreign energy pierce and invade every cell of my body. Driving up to my mother's place, which is ground zero for me in terms of an allergic reaction to this unavoidable contagion, it was an off the charts response of repulsion. I wanted to flee, to sleep in some rocky cranny as far away from all of this as I can. Yet, unfortunately, this electromagnetic cancer is my home. It's a terrible feeling: A holistic, survival-oriented desire arising from the depths of my being to flee, yet being unable to act on this desire.

As you grow older and your life becomes more complicated, it is challenging to just up and leave your house. You have bills. You have debts. There are many options that you cannot afford. You have personal and professional obligations. In my case, I've been fleeing from EMF for so long that I just don't want to play the role of victim anymore. So I've invested $30K+ in a metal modular room that I hope will provide the relief I seek, at least until the gobs of precious metals investments I've made over the past decade pan out financially. Betting against the Rothschilds and their usurious, criminal syndicate of central banks can be a losing endeavor. Being righteous doesn't always pay the bills. Anyway, I've wanted this enclosure since first sleeping in one back in 1997 over twenty years ago. It has taken me that long to put this all together on my paltry teacher's salary and all the crazy expenses I've incurred over the years due to this electrical sensitivity of mine. This structure should be installed and ready for me to inhabit within the next few weeks. My hope is that I will be able to replicate the twice per day aerobics routine (60 minutes in the morning and 90 minutes in the evening) I had in Hawaii where I weighed 40 lbs less (174) in December 1999. I hope to sleep better and quintuple the content creation for my website. I hope to radiate the optimism and health that once came so easily to me. That, at least, is the plan.







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This page was first uploaded on May 28, 2018, last modified on 5-28-2018.

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