Dream - Young Girl Leaping To My Arms From Second Floor Balcony - A Sense Of Trust And Safety Are Precursors To Spiritual Realization

Spiritual Dreams - January 12, 2018

Young girl leaps to her father's arms.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid (*)


A couple of dreams.

I took former high school students of mine, M and F (edit), across the border into Mexico for lunch. They were older and had streaks of gray in their hair. We walked around town for a while after our meal and then I took them home.

In another dream I was supervising a preschool recess. We were indoors. The children were having a blast. Shrieks of glee were heard throughout the building as children played on equipment, ran up and down the stairs, rode tricycles, and so forth. I stood beneath an indoor balcony. A four-year-old girl approaches the second floor railing, makes eye contact with me, squeezes through, and then leaps to me as I stood below. I catch her and hold her long enough to absorb the adoration in her eyes. I then hand her off to her father who stands an arm's length away.


My work as a school teacher continues to inform the movement of my subconscious mind. It's generally a good thing, reinforcing in me a sense of belonging, love, and purpose. I had a great time with the high school boys. There were about a half a dozen of them who I took out at various times in groups of three for a hike and food. One of the boys we called the "autism whisperer" as my boys with autism would all of a sudden want to talk and share and wrestle with him whenever he was around. M was a short, heavyset boy with a personality that was simply extraordinary. He might have been a tad lazy and saddled with a learning disability, but he sure had a way with people. After M graduated, I continued to chaperone outings with him and various pairs of boys with autism.

Interpreting the preschool recess is for the most part self-explanatory. For the nine years that I taught special education preschool for the State of Hawaii I had about 90 minutes a day of recess. This was way more than what was permitted, but ignored the regulation, instead trusting my instincts that this unstructured time outside with me and my two wonderful assistants was what the kids needed most. We had two separate 45 minute chunks of time outside during our 6 hour school day. We had a water table, water sprinklers, dirt/mud box, sand box, tricycles, wagons, balls, ropes, and much more. Students from the rest of campus used to come assist their brothers and sisters in my and the next door general education preschool's program (whose admission was by socioeconomic criteria). Sometimes I would pull two or three wagons at the same time, all linked together in a chain held together with jump ropes. We would go quite fast on the grass with occasional wipeouts. Afterwards a line would form in front of me with students begging to be thrown up in the air and caught, which I happily did. As the boys grew older, perhaps by first grade or so, they would become too heavy for me to throw easily. I strained my shoulders more than once. Some of the lighter weight girls I tossed a full five feet above my head, to their great delight.

Over the years there were numerous times where children in my care refused to go home as they were having so much fun. I had a little girl named Mia who sometimes slipped and called me "Dad," even though she had a very good and responsible father in her life. This has happened to me at friends' houses where the young daughter will mistakenly call me "Dad," too. I enjoy establishing this trust and intimacy with children. I treat all the children I work with as if they were my own. Perhaps it is a bit ego-driven, but I consider it a job well done when a child prefers to be in my class and under my supervision to being at home with his or her parents. As far as this dream goes, the young girl looking at me with adoration in her eyes, and then taking a leap of faith into my arms, is exactly what I experienced on almost a daily basis in my preschool classroom. I try to set myself up to be a role model for my parents. My intention is not to disempower them, but to provide a model for how a strong, confident, healthy adult loves (and disciplines!) his or her child. I extended an open invitation to my parents to spend the day with me in the classroom, and some (especially those of particularly challenging children) did. In the dream, as in real life, at the end of the day I always pass the torch of authority back to the parent. While I might have the child six hours, the parent has him or her for the remaining eighteen hours of the day.

What is the spiritual import of the dream? I often point to Maslowe's Hierarchy that depicts how the needs for food, shelter, a sense of belonging, physical safety, and emotional safety precede -- and form the basis for -- enlightenment or "self actualization." The young girl leaping into my arms is doing exactly what a normal, healthy girl would do in a world that provided optimal support for her emotional, physical, and latent spiritual functioning.


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This page was first uploaded on 2-25-2018, last modified on 2-25-2018.

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