Subtle Energy - Right Big Toe - Pain Indicates Dampening Of Life Force To Adapt to Excessive EMF Stimulation Of Nervous System

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Subtle Anatomy Nadi Map.

2018.12.9. Sunday, 8:50am

These past several months have been brutal, with my spiritual receptivity being harmed / compromised / vandalized in ever new and dastardly ways. It's mainly due to the Faraday cage I've been housed in since June, which I may as well begin referring to as "The Beast." I have had the most extraordinary pangs and pressures placed upon all of my glands: testicles, prostate, thymus, pancreas, pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and others not named. Also, various nerve plexuses have been affected: brachial, solar, and most strangely, my third eye point which is near my pituitary gland and involves the corpus callosum and the area where my frontal lobes meet. If you've seen movies where the victim is asphyxiated with plastic wrap over the face, the Faraday cage has a similar effect on the heightened functioning of my endocrine glands and other spiritually active areas.

The latest chapter in these radiofrequency blocking indignities occurred this past Wednesday. It was a challenging day, with my staff deciding to take an extended lunch at a sushi restaurant near several cellular towers. I went along to be sociable, but being conductive and animated at this location took a toll on me. Then, just a few hours later I attended a special employer function at another hostile wireless location. I again was tasked with being as intelligent and charming as usual, which added to the burden already placed on my nervous system.

For whatever reason, that evening I found myself online at ZeroHedge (*) commenting on articles. This worked me up further. I went to bed at 9:15pm or so. Upon awakening at midnight to use the bathroom, I had an extraordinary pain in my right toe. I've never had anything like it -- whether it be location, duration, or intensity. I hadn't stubbed my toe. There had been no physical trauma to the toe. Yet now, all of a sudden, it was painful to touch. It hurt to put shoes on. I had to walk with a limp, favoring the toe. The pain centered around the joint area where the length of the big toe connects to the rest of my foot. The pain continued to the next day and on into the night. I went to bed at 8:00pm Thursday night. Upon awakening at 1:00am to my great relief the pain was ninety-five percent reduced. There is still, three days later, some residual pain there, but it remains at only five percent of what it was.

The average westerner who watches too many pharmaceutical ads on the television and who subsequently develops an unquestioning and unwarranted respect for the medical establishment would likely have made a doctor appointment forthwith. "If there is pain then a doctor must treat it," he or she might think. But if you are a spiritual practitioner who knows the language of the body, then you would be much more cautious about involving a system that has no respect for spiritual insight.

In my own case there have been hundreds of instances of this type of pain. Granted, such pain was rarely located in the foot or toe, but the type of pain -- and its lack of obvious causality apart from undue EMF exposures -- was something that I had experienced many times along my vertebrae and within my glands. Every instance of this pain was associated with a dampening or cinching of subtle energy flow. As I have stated before, such subtle energy "clamps" had not occurred prior to the onset of EMF awareness; but once this awareness became problematic, the sharp pains and temporary deadenings throughout my body became commonplace.

This was a twenty-four hour vice-like grip on my right big toe. It may be the case that energy comes up through the left foot and down through the right. I may have had some energy sensations in my left big toe before. But I think subtle sensations in my right big toe are new, and I have certainly not had anything that can compare to this in terms of pain, intensity, and duration. This was a massive energy shut down attempt. I don't know if much of anything positive was accomplished. I was tired and irritable the next day. I felt a greater emptiness in my mind that persists three days later. For example, I masturbated twice yesterday and my body's convulsions did not elicit much of a response from the center of my brain, which normally would experience extraordinary heaves. So, in the back of mind, I wonder if my spiritual mechanism is actually dying. Maybe it is. Time will tell. I have felt empty before. I'd rather be beset by heightened awareness and the complications that attend an awareness of manmade EMF than live in the comparatively stark, empty world that most people inhabit. It's the constant conscious contact with something "more" that gives my life the sense of fulfillment and purpose that it has.

I did a quick search for "subtle nervous system" and "big toe," arriving at Subtle Anatomy (*). The page describes the Payaswini as one of the nadis, or subtle nerves / pathways, that terminates in the right big toe. Apparently there are 72,000 nadis, each of which branches out into another 72,000. It's hard to keep track of them. I assume Kundalini is much better acquainted with all of this than I am. I'll leave it to Her to figure out.

Your Subtle Energy System

"Pranic energy flows throughout your pranic sheath via fixed pathways, called nadis (conduit, channel or artery), derived from the Sanskrit root nada or nala (motion.) So nadi is energy in motion. At various focal points within your pranic body, networks of nadis intersect to form chakras (plexuses of subtle energy centres. As wireless mediums, the subtle energy tubes (nadis) are not physical nerves or arteries, and the vortexes (chakras) are not physical nerve plexuses. If you dissected a corpse, you would not locate one nadi or chakra anywhere, because they are composed of non-physical substance. In fact, even under an electron microscope they are undetectable. Yet these subtle energy tubes and centres give the very breath of life to your body. Without them, your heart would not beat and lungs would not move. Because they are not readily discernable for scientific investigation, their existence is rejected by Western medicine. However, the nadi system is the essence of Chinese acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine. Why are nadis and chakras discounted as myth? Consider a man who never saw a radio or television. If you told him these instruments could pick up signals originating many miles away, he would laugh at you. No wire transmits the signal, yet invisible electromagnetic waves carry it.
Similarly, your body is akin to a radio that receives pranic energy. A healthy body receives these energy waves as a clear, well-tuned radio. An unhealthy body is an old dilapidated radio that distorts the signal."


My own view on the above quote is that all subtle functioning arises from the intersection of our physiologic, gross biological system and the broader energetic world around us. What happens to the body does have an effect on our spiritual functioning and wellbeing. At the same time, our physiology can be strengthened (or weakened) due to subtle, "immaterial" influences. Will an autopsy show changes or adaptations in the physiology of the human aspirant? I don't know. I would think there would be some physical changes, if the examiner knew where and how to look. But all of these adaptations are overlays or enhancements to preexisting structures and pathways. The root or kernel of our mystery lies within us from birth.



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This page was first uploaded on 12-9-2018, last modified on 12-9-2018.

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