Hot Air Balloons - Coachella Valley, California - Santa Rosa Mountains
Photos/Pictures/Photographs - March 18, 2018
One morning in Coachella Valley I saw a hot air balloon cueing for take-off. It was a beautifal clear day with the Santa Rosa Mountains in the background. I don't recall the exact temperature, but I've been told that cooler weather -- with its denser air -- is better for balloon buoyancy. 3/18/2018
For reservations check out Fly Hot Air Balloons (*) and Fantasy Balloon Flights (*).
Comment 9/29/2018
What is the spiritual import of hot air balloons? These balloons heighten our subtle awareness for a variety of reasons. One is that balloons move slowly and, unlike air craft and to a lesser extent automobiles, give time for the human bodymind to absorb its surroundings. The view from a balloon is high, but not so high that the details of the landscape are lost. One is able better to appreciate the vastness of creation when one is several hundred feet aloft in the air. The human bodymind is rather slow and fragile -- and it requires time, space, and an appropriate vantage point by which to integrate the senses and align them to the deeper spiritual current that runs through us. The hot air balloon allows for this. Also, with no mechanical parts, they are rather quiet, which further deepens the psychic integration they contribute to.
I have never been on a balloon ride. I get sea sick easily. I don't know how I'd feel. I like my feet on the ground as much as possible. Also, I'd be focused on all the cell towers I was in direct line-of-sight to. Then there is the $200 or so per adult fee ($750 for couples) as of September 2018 that I have better uses for. But maybe someday I'll try it out if I am with someone for whom this experience is a compelling want.
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This page was first uploaded on 9-29-2018, last modified on 9-29-2018.
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