District 9 - Offensive Uses Of Electromagnetic Energy - Depressing Characterization Of Humanity's Moral Nature
Note: This page sucks. I will reactivate the hyperlink at Cultural Criticism when I've edited it.
Cultural Criticism- December 24, 2009
Images from IGN Movies.
Watching District 9 last night left me feeling irritable and depressed. There were a number of things that were responsible for this. First was the choppy, handheld camera work that created a disjointed discomforting feeling. Then there was the lack of musical score, with lots of silent gaps that were filled with a sense of emotional dis-ease and foreboding. There was also a near total absence of character development, with no one in the flick gaining the viewer's empathy.
There was indeed a purposefully raw, exposed, unfinished vibration to the movie. There was no warm-up period where the viewer was introduced slowly to a new world; few characters that elicited compassion or self-identification. Viewing the movie, I felt shoved abruptly against something not just cold and unfamiliar, but mean and dispiriting.
The movie was about two things: these insect-like creatures that lived on cat food; and their electromagnetic weaponry. Indeed, there were no less than 20 blood splattering scenes where various beams of energy were directed at someone or something.
of after being hit by offensive electromagnetic energy
Need to rip mp4 of various EMF attacks
I've always been eager to watch a good science fiction movie. Perhaps it's a guy thing. I mean, do women typically love outer space, "high" technology, and leaving one's home in search of adventure? Maybe there are some that do, but I think there is a genetic predisposition related to differing roles in child rearing, such that men tend more often to have the wanderlust that makes sitting by the hearth each evening intolerable. You could say that mystics bridge the gap between male and female, sublimating or internalizing that external drive to discover newness and to merge with something greater than oneself (the seas, the mountains, the horizon...). But that alone does not do it for me. My favorite movies of this genre are ones where there is contact with a vastly superior species. I love to contemplate humanity's limitations, and the possible directions evolution may take us. God knows we are limited! Usually, what interests me are issues regarding energy and subtle manifestations. For example, beings that exist on an energetic rather than material level. I am less interested in leaps of intelligence, especially if they are not grounded in love or compassion.
Note that I did not say "terror." Some sci-fi is just a horror movie in disguise.
District 9 review by Rogert Ebert (pdf). (external link)
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