Kundalini And Cell Towers

Reflections on spirituality, politics, culture, sex, and electromagnetic radiation.

Emergency Alert: COVID 19 - Truth Resources - Stop The Insanity! Let's Get Back To Work!

1) A potential for spiritual liberation lies within the human body, a potential that threatens communists, statists, technocrats, and Satanists, groups that are bent on subverting humanity. 2) The nation's electrical power grid is vulnerable to attack and grants excessive power to centralizing forces. It also creates disturbing alternating current 60 Hz, as well as "dirty" byproduct frequencies in the KHz, MHz and GHz ranges that rebound off the ionosphere and pollute the planet. Small, local, sustainable, direct current electricity production is more resilient and biocompatible. 3) We are experiencing great tree die-offs, and in their place, in many instances now, are cellular towers disguised as artificial trees that are capable of operating at field strengths 1000s of times greater than what is needed for communication. Dark technologies are embedded in these structures allowing government, corporate, and other interests to track and record all movement and communications within miles of them, creating a vast database called, "The Internet of Things" that poses a threat to human health and civil liberties worldwide. At the proper frequency and field strength, cell towers can kill. Short of that, these towers cause thousands of harmful biological effects on plants and animals, including damage to our DNA (*) that the corporate-controlled science community ignores due to its primary mission of control and profit. We are unwitting test subjects in the rollout of this not only unproven but demonstrably harmful technology. 4) The Illuminati, expressed in the occult vision of the all-seeing eye atop the pyramid, requires the subjugation of the great preponderance of humanity. God's call -- e.g., the fullest expression of our DNA and Evolution's quest for freedom on every level -- requires that we upend this pyramid so that all may awaken. 5) The idolatry associated with the media's treatment of political figures leads to impaired critical thinking skills and reflexive obedience. The framers of the US Constitution stated that only a politically enlightened, well-informed population capable of intelligent, respectful, and vigorous debate, and who are willing when necessary to take up arms against an unchecked ruling class, would be able to keep their freedom. 6) Under the guise of "saving the planet," a pervasive global spraying program is underway. The servants of this program believe they are applying "sunscreen" to protect the planet from the sun, but as is the case with most Western approaches to (alleged) problems, the cure is worse than the disease. The ozone layer is being destroyed by this high altitude pollution, the soil is turning alkaline, moisture is being held in suspension due to an excess of rain forming nuclei, and the heavy metal nanoparticles (principally aluminum, barium, and strontium) and other agents (e.g., microplastic polymers and mold) in the debris fill the air column, harming the respiratory and cognitive functioning of all life, not to mention blotting out the sun's life giving rays. The fallout is sub-micron sized, which is highly problematic, given that anything smaller than 6 microns passes straight into the bloodstream via the lungs and crosses the blood-brain barrier. The bioavailable heavy metals we are inhaling increases our resonance with damaging cellular radiation. Multiple toxic exposures, occuring simultaneously, can be made 10-100 times worse than had they occurred in isolation due to a phenomenon called "synergistic toxicity." The oxygen production and carbon sequestration function of terrestrial plants and sea plankton have dropped precipitously in the last decade. Pathogens and disease thrive in darkened, low O2 environments. Aluminum nanoparticles, proven to be the primary component in the spraying, function as airborne dessicants as well as fire accelerants, causing forest fires to burn hotter and faster. This material also toxifies the soils, killing beneficial microbes and causing plant root systems to stop uptake of nutrients to avoid contamination. The blanket of high altitude nanoparticles bind with rising O2, preventing it from reaching and recharging the ozone layer, thus causing a drastic rise in ultraviolet radiation -- including UVC -- hitting the ground, damaging the plant and animal life that dwell therein. It doesn't help that employees of NOAA and the National Weather Service have signed non-disclosure agreements (*) and thus are not free to reveal the crimes their agencies are engaged in. 7) Democide is the greatest threat to humanity, with governments having killed over 260 million of their own citizens in the twentieth century alone. When someone says, "Give government the power," be fearful. It is unwise to vest too much authority in a central body. This is why the founders of the US were against standing armies, as they would, over time, become threats to the domestic peace. 8) Governments are the greatest threat to our freedoms. It is not some "other" guy, the enemy across the way. No, it is a threat from within our very own walls. This is because special interests, sociopaths, and the enablers of sociopaths aspire to the machinery of government and climb as high as they can to further their own agendas, using government's monopoly of force to compel the citizenry to comply with whatever rules or interests they seek to advance. As I write this in 2017, the past eight years have seen the least transparent administration in US history, with the greatest attacks on whistleblowers ever, despite Obama's campaigning on transparency and Constitutional adherence. It is estimated that the US employs over 7 million private contractors with "top secret" clearance, far more than exist in the government itself. This is to: avoid Congressional oversight; bypass the oath of allegiance to defend the Consitution against all enemies foreign and domestic; be outside the purview of Freedom of Information Requests; and allow for plausible deniability if government agencies wish to engage in illegal activities. 9) A mural scene from the Denver International Airport depicting aerosol spraying, mass death, and the triumph of communism. Powerful occult groups (e.g., Masons, Kabbalists, and the Order of Death) that many of the world's elites have sworn allegiance to telegraph their intentions to the world via such symbolism. It's part of a broader psychological operation by which the people of the world will be mentally conditioned for -- and therefore more willingly submit to -- the future that the elites have designed for them (*). 10) With the rise of the surveillance state, Big Brother is watching all of us. Knowing what everyone is doing and thinking in real time gives elites greater ability to predict and to control the future. They can amass wealth with insider knowledge of economic trends and derail social movements with the vast yet granular knowledge they have access to. It is highly undemocratic and will lead to authoritarianism or, as some call it, a technocratic police state. 11) There is a subtle energy system aligned with the endocrine system that is awakened and crystallized through spiritual practice. Much of humanity is unaware of this, and if the Satanic occultists have their way, this process and potential will be thwarted and kept hidden from the masses. 12-13) We need spiritual teachers. They remind us of our deeper purpose. Wholesomeness and innocence should radiate from someone who is enlightened or deeply committed to a path of universal liberation.


Introduction / Overview

This is an autobiographical website exploring my personal spiritual views and experiences. Inside you will find detailed entries regarding the events of kundalini awakening, heart chakra opening, and a host of other signs and symptoms of kundalini arousal.

I make the case for the onset of the potentially disabling condition of electrical sensitivity (ES) -- an illness where people develop skin rashes, depression, heart rhythm irregularities, sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment, and many other symptoms and adverse reactions when exposed to manmade electromagnetic field (EMF) -- as a kundalini condition. I myself have been medically diagnosed electrically sensitive.

I argue throughout this website that if the conditions for human potential and spiritual growth are going to improve, then a broad social and political transformation of human society will be required. Environmental stressors need to be reduced. People need to be able to live comfortably -- and without fear. And so forth.

I started this website 19 years ago, in 2002. I was naive about many things then. In the years following I have grown more concerned with mounting political and financial attacks on our freedom. I believe very strongly that the emerging US police state -- unrestrained by the Constitution or rule of law, and populated increasingly by a medicated and subservient slave class -- does not promote the development of higher human potential. Freedom begins at the most gross level. The emancipation of human consciousness requires the adequate provision of shelter, physical safety, emotional safety, economic opportunity, and positive social cohesion. Kundalini does not arise in a vacuum. Spirit's manifestation in the human body is hindered by a multitude of poisons besetting humankind today: heavy metals sprayed into the air high above us as a means of weather modification, HAARP amplification, and population control; water fluoridation (*) and spiking the water supply with lithium and pharaceutical drugs to reduce IQ and make us docile; a genetically engineered and monocropped food supply to make us sterile, forcing a billion small farmers off their land, and enabling the corporate control of humanity's most vital resource; increasing radiation leakage from nuclear power generation because the transhumanist elites do not care about the viability and sustainability of the Earth's ecosystems and think it's fine to create a poisoned planet because they intend to merge with machines and escape to the stars; and many others.

In fact, as of June 2021, given my exposure to numerous persuasive documentaries and research articles, I now believe the US lunar landing was faked (for a variety of reasons, not the least of which no life can make it past low Earth orbit due to the Van Allen Belt's radiation) and the USA is a corporation chartered in the City of London and as of its 1933 bankruptcy is no longer sovereign or subject to the US Constitution. Did you know that in 1933 when the first Social Security numbers were issued they were done so to pledge each US citizen as collateral on the national debt -- and that the all caps FIRST NAME LAST NAME is a legal fiction that creates a CORPORATE imposter of the sovereign human being who it is used to control? Did you know that the Federal Reserve prints the US dollar out of thin air or that the dollar is a debt instrument that we pay interest on to the private families and banks that control the Fed, in violation of the US Constitution? Did you know that all of the USA's national parks have been pledged as collateral to the holders of US Treasury bonds, principally the Chinese (with CHINA also being a corporation chartered in the City of London)? The "red pill" has been a tough swallow, and the "rabbit hole" runs deep. Willaim Casey, director of the CIA from 1981-1987, stated during a staff meeting in 1981, "We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" (*). Did you know that the US lawyers' BAR Association is also based out of the City of London under the control of the Crown and that US lawyers, given the royal title "esquire,"ultimately, serve that Crown? Did you know that the US Patent Office is also owned by the Crown? Did you know that Vatican City, the District of Columbia, and the City of London are all extra-judicial zones exempt from national and international law? Did you know that the US Constitution was designed to limit government's encroachment on the God given rights inherent in our birth? I.e, the Constitution does not "give" us anything by virtue of our divine creation? Did you know that the United Nation's Charter on Human Rights declares that all the rights that it enumerates can be withdrawn by the State if the State so chooses -- and that the US is the only place on Earth where these rights are inalienable because they are granted by God? I now believe that Earth is not a ball of rock flying through space, but actually the center of a closed system (1, 2, 3, 4). There is evidence that "giants" (humanoids 2-10 feet taller than humans today) did in fact share the planet with us as recently as 1000 years ago, but has been covered up by the Smithsonian. The focus on transhumanism, the earth rotating around the sun, genetic modification, evolution being a series of accidents, the human being having no spiritual or psychic nature (that might be interfered with by the blanket of manmade EMF engulfing the planet), and so forth, has been a multi-thousand year psychological operation spearheaded by Luciferian Secret Societies whose aim is to do the absolute inverse of whatever is preached by Jesus, God, and the Christian Bible. The Secret Societies (like Yale's "Skull and Bones" that several of the USA's past presidents were members of) believe they are descended from fallen angels, cast out of Heaven by God, and engage in the Babylonian blood sacrifice rituals that predate Christianity. I could go on and on. 9/11, World War, and every other engineered and avoidable death is, at the end of the day, a blood sacrifice for these dark spirits. But know that the people with trillions of dollars have amassed their wealth through fraud and it is their intention to have the masses NOT believe in God because such a belief is a threat to their quest for the complete enslavement of humanity. These elite cultists want for us to believe that humanity is little more than a parasite in need of extermination. Recall that it was Prince Phillip who said he wished to be reincarnated as the virus that wipes out humanity; or the media mogul Ted Turner who said that humanity's numbers need to be reduced by 95%. Television is awash in zombie themes, encouraging humanity to view itself as a curse on the land so that we won't resist as the slow kill operation speeds its pace. It reminds me of a story I heard in a course I took on the Holocaust while in college. Every morning the inmates would be lined up. Those with fire or life in their eyes would be sent to work. But the prisoners with a dull and traumatized demeanor who had been spiritually defeated by their dehumanizing treatment would be sent to be killed. There was an intensity in the eyes that the guards would measure. Yes, the Nazis wanted to kill you, but mere physical death was too easy. It was a much greater achievement -- a sweeter sacrament to Satan -- in their mind, to kill your spirit first. They had a name for such prisoners: the Muselmänner, or "walking dead." Did you know that the Nazi SS were members of the Order of Death and that Skull and Bones is a sub-group within this larger Order? Please stand in opposition to these anti-spiritual tyrants! Do whatever you can to retain your humanity, your spirit, and God's direction of your life!

This is an advanced site. If your background is primarily one of mainstream state/corporate media and a literalist's interpretation of the Bible, the Quran, or any other "received" (as opposed to personally verified) wisdom, you should start with an excellent primer like Spirituality for Dummies. Read it twice then return. Your sharpened discernment will make this site more accessible to you.

A note about anonymity. I have been a special education teacher in the public school systems of Hawaii and California for thirty-three years. When I first posted this information in 2002, I did so under my real name. I don't have any qualms about sharing my beliefs. There is nothing I am unwilling to talk about. In fact, I am drawn to discuss issues that trigger strong responses. I seek to shed light onto areas that are knotted in pent up energy (i.e., ignorance). Discussing kundalini, the drift toward fascism worldwide, the spiritual function of orgasm, the harnessing of sexual energy for spiritual development, and corporate-government conspiracies to destroy our health and intelligence can become a problem if you are reliant on said corrupt government to pay your salary. Hence, my decision now to be anonymous, until such time that I am financially independent and can afford to disregard what a would-be employer thinks about me, or what kind of "face" my writings give to the compulsory, state-run educational system that US citizens are subjected to.

I welcome you to the Kundalini and Cell Towers website. I hope you will take some time to check it out.


Website Keyword Summary


This is the spiritual autobiography -- personal story / experience -- of an unnamed public school teacher residing in California. The main purpose of this site is to describe the various conditions and experiences associated with the awakening and advanced development of the kundalini force, described in yogic literature as a latent energy / evolutionary potential embedded or "coiled" at the base of the spine.

I describe the impact of several spiritual masters and spiritually-inclined intellectuals upon my thinking. Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Gopi Krishna, Ramana Maharshi, Tukaram, Ken Wilber, David Ulansey (*), and Robert N. Bellah, among others, have all played important roles in my spiritual and intellectual development.

I also use this site to sing praise to my mother, who shall also go unnamed, who has from my earliest memories been a source of inspiration to me.

I argue that an enlightenment of the central nervous system -- via the ascending current of kundalini -- is both escapist and vastly inferior compared to the phenomenon of whole body enlightenment, a state that includes an awesome awakening to love, groundedness, social relationship, and electromagnetic sensitivity. I argue that whole body enlightenment involves the radical descension of the shakti or kundalini force along the frontal meridians / chakras / nerve plexuses of the human body. I argue that it is only through the whole body harnessing of this awesome force of God / Spirit that the full spiritual involvement of the peripheral nervous system, brachial plexus, solar plexus, heart muscle, and entire cellular structure of the human body can be accomplished. I argue that this same grounding by kundalini's descending force completes the circuit of subtle energy in the human body.

I argue that the ultimate spiritual role of the heart and the rest of the endocrine system -- the pancreas, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, pineal, prostate, testicles, and ovary glands -- only manifests in the state of whole body enlightenment.

I argue the preeminence of the path of bhakti yoga -- of love and worldly involvement -- over paths of asceticism, denial, and inward focus.

I argue that the fulfillment of spiritual aspiration and idealism is most fully expressed in a world view / spiritual quest that acknowledges / embraces every level and dimension of gross reality -- this world of "maya," suffering, and illusion. I argue that whole body enlightenment involves the fulfillment of everything -- our hearts, our aspirations, our bones, our self-esteem, and our quest to achieve victory over the limitations inherent in our material, incarnate states.

I present commentary and criticism regarding just about everything my mind has thought or reflected upon: movies, art, magazine articles, spiritual authorities, trivial personal issues, work place experiences, social relationships, political problems, sexuality, the environment, dreams, books, and those signs and symptoms of kundalini awakening, spiritual awakening, and whole body enlightenment of which I have direct knowledge.

I also describe at length my condition of electrical sensitivity (ES), which is also known as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or electromagnetic field (EMF) hypersensitivity. I argue that a hormonal secretion of the heart muscle, which is only fully activated in the state of whole body enlightenment, is responsible for the vast and incredible orientation of human consciousness to the entire spectrum of electromagnetic energy. I argue that this hormonal, kundalini-driven transformation of the human body is promulgated through the thymus gland and the peripheral nervous, endocrine, and lymphatic systems.

I argue that the terms "kundalini," "grace," and "spirit" are identical in meaning. However, I prefer to use the terms "kundalini process" and "kundalini awakening" as opposed to "spiritual awakening" to describe my experience because of the more clearly articulated and more explicitly experiential nature of the Hindu and yogic accounts of this developmental phenomenon. I argue that "spiritual awakening" is an inexact and broadly defined term that describes any number of more minor deepenings in one's relationship to Spirit. "Kundalini awakening," on the other hand, is a specific -- and I would argue, medical -- term to describe the triggering of a powerful and inexorable evolutionary mechanism of physiological adaptation to Spirit upon and within the body.

I argue that a path of true spirituality leads to heart centered consciousness and a full awakening and opening of the heart chakra.

I argue that God's purpose -- the final, evolutionary and spiritual intent of Creation -- is the spiritual transfiguration of all matter in the universe. I argue that God's desire is to have all matter dissolve into Spirit. Though it may take billions of years, this endpoint is approached through the agency of individual life forms throughout the universe who seek and find the release of all atomic and karmic bonds through divine transfiguration. This ultimate emancipation of life and matter into a state of pure consciousness is a spiritual milestone and evolutionary state that few humans have accomplished. I cite Tukaram, a Hindu saint from the 1500's, as one of the few people on record to have been liberated via spiritual transfiguration -- this whole body ascension into light.

I argue that the human form, through the perceptual augmentation made possible by the processes set into motion by whole body enlightenment, becomes radically aware of a broad range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum -- from the earth's magnetic field to which the brain is entrained, up through the visible light spectrum, some trillions of times more rapid in vibration.

I argue that through a mysterious and incredible augmentation of the human nervous system and endocrine system, that direct access to Spirit is possible, with that energy flowing directly into the body via the solar plexus and transformed by the pancreas gland into an energy source that can actually physiologically sustain the body in a miraculous state of enlightenment with little or no need for material food. I argue that this subtle EMF consciousness is associated with a state of spiritual and energetic superconductivity.

I argue that the human physiological capacity to draw spiritual sustenance directly from the ethers about us is at the same time unable to discriminate Pure Consciousness from the contagion of manmade electromagnetic pollution that blankets the earth with million-fold greater intensity than just one generation ago. I make the analogy that this spiritual mechanism's adverse reaction of not being able to discriminate healing subtle energy from toxic manmade electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is akin to the response of the human respiratory system where the lungs -- were they compelled to breath solely from the tailpipe of a hydrocarbon combustion engine -- would not be able to discriminate free oxygen from carbon monoxide and other poisons; rather than adapting to and effectively filtering the sickening air, the human being would suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning, lung cancer and, ultimately, death.

I argue that all EMF shielding devices on the market -- pendants, crystals, metals, magnets, electronic devices, and so forth -- fail miserably to protect the human nervous system from its assault by manmade EMF. I argue that the only solution to this unfolding environmental and spiritual catastrophe is to clear the Earth's atmosphere of manmade electromagnetic radiation.

Finally, I make the case, in hundreds of posts, that the only way to support sustainable wide-spread access to the spiritual phenomena of kundalini awakening, heart chakra opening, whole body enlightenment, and spiritual transfiguration is to raise the quality of the social, familial, emotional, sexual, intellectual, economic, occupational, material, environmental and political circumstances that people find themselves in.

In other words, I argue that the path to God involves considerable time and trudging through the brambles and swamps of the human world, for God and Heaven are, ultimately, not other than the very world we human beings occupy.



2024.8.23. (Dream - Airplane - 30,000 Feet - Fuel Running On Empty - Could Not Remember How To Land)

2024.7.21. (MRI - Adverse Reaction - Burning In Chest - Website Correspondence)

2024.7.17. (The Witcher - Netflix - Spiritual Commentary - Review - Power - Siddhis - Submission vs Control - God vs Satanism)

2024.5.11. (Dream - Protection - Freedom - Rescue From Cage - Small Green Bird)

2024.4.23. (Dream - Girls - Kundalini Reopens Groin - Penis - Erection - An Oily Man)

2022.12.4. Succubus Investigations - 2022-2024

2023.10.13. Voice Memo (77:41) (Frontal Line vs Gastrointestinal Tract)

2023.9.24.b Voice Memo (Inverted Kundalini symptoms, etc.)

2023.9.16. Voice Memo (26:43) (What happens to the woman's embedded astral body upon her mate's death? Latest etheric happenings.)

August 8, 2023 (Fallen Angels - Dream - Child Rape - Demonic Possession)

July 1, 2023 (Energy Healer - Vaccine Damaged Child - Parents On Cell Phones - Costco Gigolos)

May 27, 2023: Voice Memo, 32 minutes, lines of pain from heart going down into hip socket, knee joint, big toes, and shoulder sockets, causing heat and inflammation, thank you succubus!

March 21, 2023 (Dream - Funnel Clouds - Brachial Plexus - Rapture)

2022.12.27. Voice Memo, 60 minutes, succubus thoughts.

2022.11.13. Voice Memo, 37 minutes, more succubus considerations.

March 14, 2002: Kundalini's Awakening (Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Yearning - Heartfelt Desire - Manifesting Aspirations - Love Versus Asceticism - Heat - Vow Of Service)

July 18, 2021 (It Is Darkest Before The Dawn? Ongoing Blog Post On Swan Song Turned Water Fast And On Day 3 Of Fast Kundalini Fireworks Emerge - Can I Hold On Long Enough To Earn My Emancipation?)

2022.10.19. David Seaman / Fulcum News: Unprosecuted Pizzagate and Death Jabs Shaving Decades Off Lifespans (*)

August 13, 2003 (The Spiritual Function of the Heart Muscle -- The Amplification and Transmission of Visible, Living, Radiant Feeling)

November 26, 2021 (Succubus Essays)

October 23, 2011 (Pictures Of Human Enlightenment, Subtle Energy Systems, Chakras, Auras, Kundalini, Grace, And States Of Spiritual Bliss)

January 10, 2004 (Good God! Someone Wants To Worship Me! What To Do?)

July 15, 2004 (Paul Brunton on the Intermediate Zone - The Source of Psychic Delusion and the Subtle Ego)

El Collie - Branded By Spirit (*)

El Collie - Supercharged

January 3, 2018 (Kundalini Complications - Electrical Shocks And Swelling In Heart - No Pulse - Feelings Of Imminent Death - Ringing In Ears)

2021.8.28. USA Population Predicted To Drop From 361 Million To 61 Million by 2025

2021.8.22. Are Masks Effective?

2021.8.13. A Note To The Hawaii State Teachers Association

2021.8.8. Vaccine Mandate Theatrics Will Not Cross Metaphysical Line Of Compulsory Injection ~ David Seaman of Fulcum News - August 8, 2021

August 1, 2021 (Apple Music Playlists - File Formats - MP3, AAC, Lossless)

July 31, 2021 Voice Memo (23 minutes) (Succubus-Kundalini Conflict - Generating Etheric Energy Via Fasting - COVID Zombies)

July 26, 2021 Voice Memo (1:11) (The Importance of Emotional Intensity in Whole Body Enlightenment - Amrit Nadi as Shared Pathway in Transcendental Consciousness with Kundalini as Chaperone When the Astral Bodies of a Man and a Woman Merge)

July 25, 2021 Voice Memo (Overview Of 4 Day Fast And God's Placing Layer Of Protection In Chest To Buffer My Heart And Circulatory System From Ongoing Psychic Attack) (47 minutes)

July 14, 2021 Voice Memo (Succubus Gathers Force; Failure And Death Abound; A Prayer For Help) (50min)

July 6, 2021 Voice Memo (Unfinished Spiritual Realizations Leave Aspirants Vulnerable To Psychic Takeover) (29 minutes)

July 9, 2021 Voice Memo (COVID Long Haul Symptoms and Ivermectin) (16 minutes)

June 29, 2021 Voice Memo (Temporary Abatement of Brain Fog and Etheric Attack)

June 26, 2021 Voice Memo (Latest Succubus and COVID Commentary, 33 minutes)

June 19, 2021 (Vaccine Mandate Employee Letter Example)

June 5, 2021: Email Missive - COVID-19 Injection Testimonials - JD Farag - David Icke - Midazolam Nursing Home Death Scandal

March 14, 2021: Email to Family (Some Comments On Geoengineering, Crypto Currency, Gold and Silver, and the Fake Virus)

March 7, 2021: Email to Family (Bill Gates - Gene Drives - Maggot Protein - Desecration Of Heirloom Seed Vaults - Elevated Glyphosphate Levels Of Beyond Beef - Synthetic Protein For The Poor)

February 11, 2021 (Dreams - Moving Rock - Ocean - Moon - Tunnel - Debris - Car - Light)

February 6, 2021 (b): (The Holy Trinity Of Man, Woman, and Holy Spirit all Merged and Indwelling in the Male Body - Voice Memo)

February 6, 2021 (c): (How A Succubus Broke A Man's Solar Plexus Chakra After 50 Orgasms and No Sleep Over a Two-Day Period - Voice Memo)

January 31, 2021 (74 Year Old Mom Brought To Hospital For Urinary Tract Infection - Hospital Intubates And Refuses To Release)

January 23, 2021: On Succubi and Spiritual Contests with the Holy Spirit (Voice Memo 1, Voice Memo 2)

Voice Memo 12/27/2020

My Letter to President Trump Regarding Ending COVID Restrictions and Lockdowns (2020.11.17)

October 9, 2020 (Geoengineering Stratospheric Aerosols - Miscellaneous Photos, PDFs, And Commentary)

June 4, 2020 (Succubus Facts, Behaviors, and Intentions)

May 1, 2020 - Emergency Alert: COVID 19 - Truth Resources - Stop The Insanity! Let's Get Back To Work!

October 22, 2019 (On The Life And Death Of A Succubus - OR - How To Survive Your Demonic Possession)

June 12, 2019 (Astral Body - Succubus - Kundalini - Descent Of Shakti II - Sexual Awakening - Pranic Parasitism - OR - How I Killed The Astral Body Of A 14 Year Old Girl And Came To Be Plagued By A Succubus Implant)




Website Navigation Links


Spiritual Autobiography

A Consideration Of My Involvement With A Fundamentalist Christian


Ammachi, Mata Amritanandamayi, And Divine Mother Criticism

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, Daism, And Adidam Criticism

Criminal Aerosol Spray Operations - AKA "Chemtrails"

Cultural Criticism

Electrical Sensitivity, Human Health, And Environmental Illness

Electrical Sensitivity - Personal Symptoms And Reflections


Healthful Diet And Lifestyle, Environmental Toxins, And Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Heart Chakra Opening - Signs And Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Signs And Symptoms - EMF Complications - More

Kundalini, Orgasm, Masturbation, And The Spiritual Function of Sexual Fluids


Mother Shakti Goddess Transmission Observations

Note #

Paul Brunton - Mystic, Philosopher, Sage

Personal Minutiae


Political Letters


Sexual Deviancy And Its Relation To Fear, Control, Power, Vitality, Innocence, Youth, and Death

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Spiritual Teachers


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This page was first uploaded on 1-2-2010, last modified on 10-15-2024.

All contents and design by Kundalini & Cell Towers © 2010-2024