Dream - Protection - Freedom - Rescue From Cage - Small Green Bird


Spiritual Dreams - May 11, 2024

Small green-yellow birds, like the one I rescued in my dream. 1) Japanese White-Eye. 2) Yellow Warbler.


I had a dream this morning, just before waking up at 5:15am. I was sitting in a room. There was a group of people. I am not sure if we were waiting for breakfast as the room seemed to be part of a larger space going up and to the left and right. Anyway, behind the chair I was sitting on was a wall, and embedded in the wall was a large cage maybe three or four feet high a couple of feet wide. It was embedded in the wall in that the wire rim or edge of the cage was flat with the wall itself. Inside this cage was a small green bird, like a parakeet. I had seen a pair of similar looking Japanese White-Eyes on my hike the day before. They are very cute and very fast. The caged bird was flying around, trying to escape, occasionally hanging with its claws on the wired edge closest to my chair. But it was stuck. It could not get out.

So I stuck my fingers between the wires till they could wrap around the little guy's shoulders and neck. He flapped his wings a bit and pushed back on me, fearful that I would harm him. But I continued to pull his head and neck through, and his body and feet followed. As soon as he was out, I released my grip and he flew away, hitting the low ceiling once and then exiting the open door.


I don't recall having had a dream where I rescued and released another creature before. Obviously, it's symbolic of some form of freedom being granted to another being -- some form of assistance having been provided. I can't say what exactly it is, but generally a dream of this nature symbolizes a form of compassion or humanitarian action: providing support to another being to pursue the fullest realization of its essence. I'm happy to have had this dream.



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