MRI - Adverse Reaction - Burning In Chest - Website Correspondence


2024.7.20. I received an email from a woman who stated that following an MRI evaluation, she had experienced symptoms of "weird burning in my chest." She asked for my thoughts on the matter.

Website Correspondence - July 20, 2024

Hello E:

If you follow the logic of my post, you will understand that there exists the potential for heightened EMF sensitivity arising in the heart, brachial plexus and elsewhere in the body. While I link this sensitivity explicitly to "spiritual" unfoldings, it may be the case that others have similar perceptions but make no such associations. I know that many people who seek help at alternative health facilities, for example, The Environmental Health Center - Dallas, make no such associations for their various ailments of: multiple chemical sensitivites, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and electrical sensitivity (ES). The clinic focuses mostly on preventative strategies for boosting your immune system by reducing younr mold, dust, chemical, and EMF exposures in the home. EHC-D also offers a number of dietary, supplement, and intravenous supports, as well.

My sense is that you will be okay. I advise that you avoid getting additional MRI scans unless they are absolutely necessary. :) You may wish to to be screened for any other ailment that may be the cause of your "chest burning." You need to exclude other causes that could be at the root of this, for example heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety disorder, and the like. In addition, I don't think it is advisable to have 24/7 exposure to Wi-Fi and cellular signals
. I did train to become a rep with the EMF shielding company, Geovital, out of Austria. They have a graphite paint product that you can use to achieve a 95%+ reduction in EMF exposures in any given room that you paint a couple of coats of this product on. It's not cheap. Probably $5K-$10K for a medium sized bedroom. For me, it is worth it. (There are other companies that offer similar products. Do your own research on this.) Otherwise, perhaps move to a rural area where you can put some distance between yourself and our modern world's now ubiquitous transmitters.

Sending you love and wishes for healing!



2024.7.22. The next day the person contacted me again. She underscored that she had been "forced" to undergo the MRI and take certain medications against her will.

At this point I will pause to say that discussions of heightened energies and perceptions can bring some poorly adjusted individuals to my attention. I believe that our materialistic world does not understand or accept spiritual experiences, or even psychic experiences. The modern, western world pathologizes them. Also, there are many casualties to the spiritual process. Not everyone is a fit vehicle. Not everyone is in a sufficiently safe and supportive environment to make sense or trust what is happening to them, or within them. While I don't wish to encourage people to become attached to me, as I don't view myself as a counselor or guru, I do try to respond to these troubled individuals emailing me as politely and unreactively as possible. I do have almost insurmountable problems of my own, so I am not seeking additional responsibilities. :) I already ignored this correspondent's wish to have a phone call. Here is my written response:


I hope you find the help you need. And I hope nothing ever again is forced upon you. The loss of your sense of "agency" must be great. I am so sorry. I believe that as long as you are able to sleep at night and perform your duties of Mom and employee (if you work outside the home), that no one should question your "sanity." I hope this never happens again to you.

I remember a time when my father thought that there needed to be a psychiatric "intervention" on me. I don't think it would have helped. My father has rarely supported me in the past. Luckily, my mother disagreed with him and nothing was done to "help" me. And here I am going into my 35th year of teaching. I am not a ward of the state and I am financially independent. So I am happy my mother had faith in me.

All I am saying is that I hope there are people in your life that you trust and who believe in you.

Regarding medication, sometimes it is helpful. I know that there are times when I have great difficulty sleeping, when I use Trazodone to help calm my nervous system, but that is just 5-10x per year. It was worse a few years ago, but my need for the drug is reducing. I do think there are consequences and side effects to taking prescription drugs, and that you should use them as sparingly as possible. I wish you the best of luck in being a good judge of that.

I can only imagine how traumatized you must feel for having been forced to undergo an MRI scan. I hope that this does not happen again and that no problems were revealed in the scan results.

I wish you the best of luck in continuing to be an excellent mother, and in fulfilling whatever other obligations you may have in your life.

Thank you for contacting me,





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This page was first uploaded on 7-21-2024, last modified on 7-22-2024.

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