The Christian Radicals Are Coming And Why This Is A Good Thing

The following is my response to my father, who insisted that I read Stephanie McCrummen's piece in The Atlantic, "The Christian Radicals Are Coming (*). He had insisted for years that Christians were the greatest threat to this nation and that Donald Trump -- who he had accused of being a "puppet" of Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin -- was an "existential threat" to US "democracy." For my part, I viewed my father's histrionics as evidence of his being well-programmed 82 year old NPC short-circuiting his cognitive faculties whenever his social media feed demanded it.

Political Letters - October 13, 2024

1-2. Images of the politicized rainbow, now representing the sexual preferences of anything and everything not heterosexual: LGBTQP+, i.e., lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, queer, pedophile, and "others" that apparently refers to beastiality and any and all not previously mentioned fetishes -- all of which are the diversion of sexual energy away from reproduction of the species. 3. The solo guy or gal is an NPC or non-playing character, which is a video game "extra" that has no meaningful role. They move without agency, cannot talk, and are readily killed in game-play for point accumulation. The NPC symbolizes disposable people who have been subconsciously programmed by social media such that they act out the agendas and financial interests of the corporations that control the news feeds and points of view amplified by sundry talking heads and "influencers." In the above image, the NPC is angry or "triggered," meaning that they are focusing their anger on the narrow slice of the victim pie that the corporate media have instructed them to be upset by. Someone used the wrong pronoun or said that worship of LGBTP+ is oppressive? Then shame them, deplatform them, get them fired, or put them in jail for their victimless thought crime. Blocking the ajna chakra, or master gland functioning, of the NPC is the rainbow symbol, that has been transformed to mean all the sexual orientations that are not heterosexual. At the center of the rainbow is an upward thrusting black fist that symbolizes communism, an explicitly atheistic ideology that requires the destruction of the thousands of years old value system of the given society, replacing it with worship of State power rather than divine power. A primary route to communism's installation is the creation of division within society, either through inter-class warfare or, in the case of a country with a once vibrant middle class like the USA -- and hence lacking the economic division driving strife in most other countries -- sexual and racial division. The swastika embedded in three of the images was used by the Native Americans as well as other indigenous peoples, before being utilized by the National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler in WWII. Whether there is a positive or negative view of the swastika is an entirely subjective matter. The swastika cannot legitimately be said to be an objective image of "hate." Hitler himself had many good ideas, and some of the history of WWII was written to delegitimize him and enshrine globalist projects like the United Nations, European Union, World Health Organization, and so forth, which at this point are responsible for significant death tolls of their own.

The above rant on the rainbow ties closely with the mindset of people moved by the writers of The Atlantic, and who find religious people like Christians, a threat.

Also, regarding the fascism relationship: In the past decade it has been the corporations (like Blackrock and Amazon) and non-governmental organizations such as the World Economic Forum who jumped onto DEI -- diversity, equity, and inclusion -- and ESG -- environmental and social governance -- with such ferocity. It was and remains a direct attack on the healthy, proven, and foundational values of Western civilization. The WEF and governments across the globe have crowed about their "public-private partnerships." PPP is synonomous with the governance structure of Hitler's National Socialist Party. That is, PPP = Fascism. Individual citizens are NOT stakeholders in this system. Only the financial and political elite have a say in the direction of society. Hence the near universal and unprecedented shaming, censorship, shadow banning, and deplatforming of inconvienient speech all over the world today, including the countries where the concepts of individual soveriegnty, and man made in the image of God, were born. The push for LGTQP+ -- and its corresponding failure to acknowledge the critical importance of Western civilization and the heterosexual foundation of a society that requires offspring to continue -- is fascist, and at its root, atheistic in nature. When soulless corporations push "love" and "tolerance" so hard on the population, you would be well to look inside the mouth of this Trojan horse.

2024.10.13. Email to my father, who hounded me to read an anti-Christian article in The Atlantic.

Pops, just skimming the URL that did give me the document [he had to send me a special link to the article behind a paywall]. It took me a while to get around to this because, as I said, my experience is that The Atlantic is a biased publication promoting the interests of wealthy, white liberals [who seek to do harm to the USA].

An interviewee states that "Trump will establish God's kingdom." I am doubtful of this.

An evangelist says “I’m not on the Earth to be blessed; I’m on the Earth to be armed and dangerous.” Is this guy legit, or cointelpro, where agitators fill the ranks to push them to violent acts, as was done to take down the Black Panthers. Apparently several dozen of the J6ers were FBI "informants" some of whom caused the bulk of physical damage, yet remain uncharged. Sun Tzu's "divide and conquer" or "destroy from within" applies.

My take on Stephanie McCrummen, the author. I don't think women should be in leadership or politics. Women fuck invaders, side with victors, and have few principles beyond personal survival. They side with illegals and people who claim disability, claiming government is here to help everyone, and many are reported to orgasm during rape. SSI Disability payments have increased steadily this past decade and since COVID have positively gone through the roof. Women leaders make for a weak populace. Therefore, I take this writer's generalizations regarding Christianity and democracy with more than a grain of salt.

Maybe neither side will accept the election "results." I've been for in-person, paper ballot, human counting of elections for years, but both parties are corrupt and do not want that. That is why both parties took control of the debates from the League of Women voters in the 1990s so that they can exclude 3rd party and other challengers. (No more Ross Perots, who was a fraud himself in many ways.) 2020 was stolen and NOTHING has been done to improve the system. Both parties want the fraud to continue.

Civil war or breakdown is part of the plan. Check out Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," dedicated to Lucifer, who was also Hillary Clinton's college advisor, and who describes how to destroy the state by filling its ranks with dependents who bankrupt it, which is happening now with all the illegals, SSI disabled etc.

“To the degree that we took God out, we brought misery in. If we want the misery to get out, we’ve got to bring God back into our schools, back into our government.” I largely agree with that. I think the Catholic church did a better job of teaching kids than the government with its green haired nose ringed fat entitled lesbians teaching kids today. I have no problem with the ten commandments being posted everywhere. "[D]emonic forces in U.S. and global politics." I agree with this. Why the constant push for war/death? Why the usury of debt based currency created out of nothing by a private elite? Or the US's largest export being weapons? Whether it's Bush, Kerry or other so-called "leaders," many are members of explicitly Satanic organizations. I've read that 40% of army officers above colonel are Satanists. I would not doubt it.

"Pawlowski was known in Canada for protesting Pride Month." Good for him. I protest it, too. How about a month to celibrate white heterosexuals? Why is Russia paying families to have children, while the US is importing illegal immigrants instead to replace us and our falling birthrates? I view the worship of LGBTQ as part of the communist strategy to destroy the fundamental values of the USA. Did you read of the lesbian commander who sunk her New Zealand ship, the first NZ naval loss since WW2? The government should hire based on competence, not skin color or sexual orientation. Same goes for Boeing and the rest of the private sector. Both Routh and Crooks were in Blackrock ads and hated Trump. Who's drawn first blood here?

My main problem with these evangelicals is that our enemies are not the puppet leaders dangled in front of us but the bloated government that encroaches on our freedoms without checks or balances. I think Ron Paul said he'd get rid of 13 Federal agencies. That would be a good start. And cut military spending by 50%. And withhold government assistance to "newcomers" for a decade (stop the magnet of freebies). The IRS was created in 1913 and promised that "income" only applied to corporations. Now US citizens are paying upwards of 50% tax on their labor! As they say, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. If you read the background on Roosevelt's Social Security ponzi scheme and fraud, we are all viewed as corporations now with those all cap names on our birth certificates since that time. Prior to that births were recorded in the family Bible. Reportedly, the US citizens themselves have now been collateralized on US debt obligations. That does not sound like a divinely inspired social contract.

I've pretty much scanned the article. US citizens have a right to be upset. We are being replaced. Government spending is not helping the average American. Jobs and manufacturing were sent abroad in earnest beginning in the 1990s. Our quality of life is falling rapidly. We are approaching the death spiral of the US dollar fiat system. And thanks to mRNA and Pfizer, now even our life spans have been reduced. Also, words are not acts of violence. I believe in freedom of speech and the gov and its proxies in tech have no right to police speech. If there is violence, it will be a haphazard shit show. The people I follow say it is wise to have multiple passports, investments in multiple jurisdictions, and to keep a low profile until the dust settles. A technocratic, fascist police state is what is planned. Hopefully there will remain areas of the world that are relatively more free. xo YOUR SON

2024.10.18. Text rant to a friend who asked me what I thought about a possible Trump victory:

Dear FRIEND, Both parties are corrupt. They are for the bankers and they are for the wars. No alternatives are allowed. The Democrats and Republicans removed control over the presidential debates from the League of Women Voters back in the 90s to make sure there were no more Ross Perots. Also, the Democrats and Republicans make it nearly impossible for a third-party to get on the State ballots. Democrats are largely liars pandering to Blacks, illegal aliens, and the LGBTQP+ crowd. Not a fan. More Blacks and Latinos are moving over to Trump because Trump is more of a Man and Trump largely is better for the economy. Certainly, better for small business. But the Democrats are all about easy money for the well-connected and the super wealthy. They overregulate small businesses and do everything they can to enable the consolidation of Walmart and Amazon as they gut small town America. Both parties are for hundreds of billions of dollars going to Ukraine and Israel. I'm not a fan of either one of those things. We've got too many problems here in the US. I also don't think that dual citizens should be allowed to hold office in the US.

Having said that, at the end of the day, I still think Trump is a fraud. He's going to do what the deep state wants him to do. He's going to do what the bankers want him to do. He's controlled opposition. So I will probably vote for him because he's better than the Democrats by a lot. But our debt is insurmountable. What do we have? 36 trillion in federal debt? We are running a $2 trillion per year budget deficit and we have $260 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Neither party is talking about meaningful reductions in spending.The whole system is going to implode because we have a nation full of entitled slackers -- generations of people on welfare and actually multiple generations of people who have been disenfranchised by the financial system that has offshored the American dream. God help us. I see at the very least a lost decade or two for the US like Japan has had. More of the world's transactions are occurring in non-US dollar denominated assets. I think BRICS are talking about a gold-backed currency that is going to be for their trade among themselves. This means is that all the US dollars exported abroad are going be coming back into the US to buy assets. I see 10% - 20% inflation yearly for the next decade at the very least, and that's even if we don't have war. But both parties want to blame a war for the collapse of the USA or at least the halving or greater in our standard of living. So we're fucked no matter what.

God bless America. And Chicago [where my friend lives] is a shit hole in my estimation. Amen.







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